719 lines
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719 lines
34 KiB
pragma Singleton
import QtQuick 2.13
import StatusQ.Controls.Validators 0.1
QtObject {
readonly property QtObject appState: QtObject {
readonly property int startup: 0
readonly property int appLoading: 1
readonly property int main: 2
readonly property QtObject startupFlow: QtObject {
readonly property string general: "General"
readonly property string firstRunNewUserNewKeys: "FirstRunNewUserNewKeys"
readonly property string firstRunNewUserNewKeycardKeys: "FirstRunNewUserNewKeycardKeys"
readonly property string firstRunNewUserImportSeedPhrase: "FirstRunNewUserImportSeedPhrase"
readonly property string firstRunNewUserImportSeedPhraseIntoKeycard: "FirstRunNewUserImportSeedPhraseIntoKeycard"
readonly property string firstRunOldUserSyncCode: "FirstRunOldUserSyncCode"
readonly property string firstRunOldUserKeycardImport: "FirstRunOldUserKeycardImport"
readonly property string firstRunOldUserImportSeedPhrase: "FirstRunOldUserImportSeedPhrase"
readonly property string appLogin: "AppLogin"
readonly property QtObject startupState: QtObject {
readonly property string noState: "NoState"
readonly property string allowNotifications: "AllowNotifications"
readonly property string welcome: "Welcome"
readonly property string welcomeNewStatusUser: "WelcomeNewStatusUser"
readonly property string welcomeOldStatusUser: "WelcomeOldStatusUser"
readonly property string userProfileCreate: "UserProfileCreate"
readonly property string userProfileChatKey: "UserProfileChatKey"
readonly property string userProfileCreatePassword: "UserProfileCreatePassword"
readonly property string userProfileConfirmPassword: "UserProfileConfirmPassword"
readonly property string userProfileImportSeedPhrase: "UserProfileImportSeedPhrase"
readonly property string userProfileEnterSeedPhrase: "UserProfileEnterSeedPhrase"
readonly property string biometrics: "Biometrics"
readonly property string keycardPluginReader: "KeycardPluginReader"
readonly property string keycardInsertKeycard: "KeycardInsertKeycard"
readonly property string keycardInsertedKeycard: "KeycardInsertedKeycard"
readonly property string keycardReadingKeycard: "KeycardReadingKeycard"
readonly property string keycardRecognizedKeycard: "KeycardRecognizedKeycard"
readonly property string keycardWrongKeycard: "KeycardWrongKeycard"
readonly property string keycardCreatePin: "KeycardCreatePin"
readonly property string keycardRepeatPin: "KeycardRepeatPin"
readonly property string keycardPinSet: "KeycardPinSet"
readonly property string keycardEnterPin: "KeycardEnterPin"
readonly property string keycardWrongPin: "KeycardWrongPin"
readonly property string keycardEnterPuk: "KeycardEnterPuk"
readonly property string keycardWrongPuk: "KeycardWrongPuk"
readonly property string keycardDisplaySeedPhrase: "KeycardDisplaySeedPhrase"
readonly property string keycardEnterSeedPhraseWords: "KeycardEnterSeedPhraseWords"
readonly property string keycardNotEmpty: "KeycardNotEmpty"
readonly property string keycardNotKeycard: "KeycardNotKeycard"
readonly property string keycardEmpty: "KeycardEmpty"
readonly property string keycardLocked: "KeycardLocked"
readonly property string keycardRecover: "KeycardRecover"
readonly property string keycardMaxPairingSlotsReached: "KeycardMaxPairingSlotsReached"
readonly property string keycardMaxPinRetriesReached: "KeycardMaxPinRetriesReached"
readonly property string keycardMaxPukRetriesReached: "KeycardMaxPukRetriesReached"
readonly property string login: "Login"
readonly property string loginPlugin: "LoginPlugin"
readonly property string loginKeycardInsertKeycard: "LoginKeycardInsertKeycard"
readonly property string loginKeycardInsertedKeycard: "LoginKeycardInsertedKeycard"
readonly property string loginKeycardReadingKeycard: "LoginKeycardReadingKeycard"
readonly property string loginKeycardRecognizedKeycard: "LoginKeycardRecognizedKeycard"
readonly property string loginKeycardEnterPin: "LoginKeycardEnterPin"
readonly property string loginKeycardEnterPassword: "LoginKeycardEnterPassword"
readonly property string loginKeycardPinVerified: "LoginKeycardPinVerified"
readonly property string loginKeycardWrongKeycard: "LoginKeycardWrongKeycard"
readonly property string loginKeycardWrongPin: "LoginKeycardWrongPin"
readonly property string loginKeycardMaxPinRetriesReached: "LoginKeycardMaxPinRetriesReached"
readonly property string loginKeycardMaxPukRetriesReached: "LoginKeycardMaxPukRetriesReached"
readonly property string loginKeycardMaxPairingSlotsReached: "LoginKeycardMaxPairingSlotsReached"
readonly property string loginKeycardEmpty: "LoginKeycardEmpty"
readonly property string loginNotKeycard: "LoginNotKeycard"
readonly property string profileFetching: "ProfileFetching"
readonly property string profileFetchingCompleted: "ProfileFetchingCompleted"
readonly property string profileFetchingError: "ProfileFetchingError"
readonly property QtObject predefinedKeycardData: QtObject {
readonly property int wronglyInsertedCard: 1
readonly property int hideKeyPair: 2
readonly property int wrongSeedPhrase: 4
readonly property int wrongPassword: 8
readonly property int offerPukForUnlock: 16
readonly property int useUnlockLabelForLockedState: 32
readonly property int useGeneralMessageForLockedState: 64
readonly property int maxPUKReached: 128
readonly property int copyFromAKeycardPartDone: 256
readonly property QtObject keycardSharedFlow: QtObject {
readonly property string general: "General"
readonly property string factoryReset: "FactoryReset"
readonly property string setupNewKeycard: "SetupNewKeycard"
readonly property string authentication: "Authentication"
readonly property string unlockKeycard: "UnlockKeycard"
readonly property string displayKeycardContent: "DisplayKeycardContent"
readonly property string renameKeycard: "RenameKeycard"
readonly property string changeKeycardPin: "ChangeKeycardPin"
readonly property string changeKeycardPuk: "ChangeKeycardPuk"
readonly property string changePairingCode: "ChangePairingCode"
readonly property string createCopyOfAKeycard: "CreateCopyOfAKeycard"
readonly property QtObject keycardSharedState: QtObject {
readonly property string noState: "NoState"
readonly property string pluginReader: "PluginReader"
readonly property string readingKeycard: "ReadingKeycard"
readonly property string insertKeycard: "InsertKeycard"
readonly property string keycardInserted: "KeycardInserted"
readonly property string createPin: "CreatePin"
readonly property string repeatPin: "RepeatPin"
readonly property string pinSet: "PinSet"
readonly property string pinVerified: "PinVerified"
readonly property string enterPin: "EnterPin"
readonly property string wrongPin: "WrongPin"
readonly property string enterPuk: "EnterPuk"
readonly property string wrongPuk: "WrongPuk"
readonly property string wrongKeychainPin: "WrongKeychainPin"
readonly property string maxPinRetriesReached: "MaxPinRetriesReached"
readonly property string maxPukRetriesReached: "MaxPukRetriesReached"
readonly property string maxPairingSlotsReached: "MaxPairingSlotsReached"
readonly property string factoryResetConfirmation: "FactoryResetConfirmation"
readonly property string factoryResetConfirmationDisplayMetadata: "FactoryResetConfirmationDisplayMetadata"
readonly property string factoryResetSuccess: "FactoryResetSuccess"
readonly property string keycardEmptyMetadata: "KeycardEmptyMetadata"
readonly property string keycardMetadataDisplay: "KeycardMetadataDisplay"
readonly property string keycardEmpty: "KeycardEmpty"
readonly property string keycardNotEmpty: "KeycardNotEmpty"
readonly property string keycardAlreadyUnlocked: "KeycardAlreadyUnlocked"
readonly property string notKeycard: "NotKeycard"
readonly property string unlockKeycardOptions: "UnlockKeycardOptions"
readonly property string unlockKeycardSuccess: "UnlockKeycardSuccess"
readonly property string wrongKeycard: "WrongKeycard"
readonly property string recognizedKeycard: "RecognizedKeycard"
readonly property string selectExistingKeyPair: "SelectExistingKeyPair"
readonly property string enterSeedPhrase: "EnterSeedPhrase"
readonly property string wrongSeedPhrase: "WrongSeedPhrase"
readonly property string seedPhraseDisplay: "SeedPhraseDisplay"
readonly property string seedPhraseEnterWords: "SeedPhraseEnterWords"
readonly property string keyPairMigrateSuccess: "KeyPairMigrateSuccess"
readonly property string keyPairMigrateFailure: "KeyPairMigrateFailure"
readonly property string migratingKeyPair: "MigratingKeyPair"
readonly property string enterPassword: "EnterPassword"
readonly property string wrongPassword: "WrongPassword"
readonly property string biometricsPasswordFailed: "BiometricsPasswordFailed"
readonly property string biometricsPinFailed: "BiometricsPinFailed"
readonly property string biometricsPinInvalid: "BiometricsPinInvalid"
readonly property string biometricsReadyToSign: "BiometricsReadyToSign"
readonly property string enterBiometricsPassword: "EnterBiometricsPassword"
readonly property string wrongBiometricsPassword: "WrongBiometricsPassword"
readonly property string enterKeycardName: "EnterKeycardName"
readonly property string renamingKeycard: "RenamingKeycard"
readonly property string keycardRenameSuccess: "KeycardRenameSuccess"
readonly property string keycardRenameFailure: "KeycardRenameFailure"
readonly property string changingKeycardPin: "ChangingKeycardPin"
readonly property string changingKeycardPinSuccess: "ChangingKeycardPinSuccess"
readonly property string changingKeycardPinFailure: "ChangingKeycardPinFailure"
readonly property string createPuk: "CreatePuk"
readonly property string repeatPuk: "RepeatPuk"
readonly property string changingKeycardPuk: "ChangingKeycardPuk"
readonly property string changingKeycardPukSuccess: "ChangingKeycardPukSuccess"
readonly property string changingKeycardPukFailure: "ChangingKeycardPukFailure"
readonly property string createPairingCode: "CreatePairingCode"
readonly property string changingKeycardPairingCode: "ChangingKeycardPairingCode"
readonly property string changingKeycardPairingCodeSuccess: "ChangingKeycardPairingCodeSuccess"
readonly property string changingKeycardPairingCodeFailure: "ChangingKeycardPairingCodeFailure"
readonly property string removeKeycard: "RemoveKeycard"
readonly property string sameKeycard: "SameKeycard"
readonly property string copyToKeycard: "CopyToKeycard"
readonly property string copyingKeycard: "CopyingKeycard"
readonly property string copyingKeycardFailure: "CopyingKeycardFailure"
readonly property string copyingKeycardSuccess: "CopyingKeycardSuccess"
readonly property QtObject keycardAnimations: QtObject {
readonly property QtObject cardInsert: QtObject {
readonly property string pattern: "keycard/card_insert/img-%1"
readonly property int startImgIndexForTheFirstLoop: 0
readonly property int startImgIndexForOtherLoops: 0
readonly property int endImgIndex: 16
readonly property int duration: 1000
readonly property int loops: 1
readonly property QtObject cardInserted: QtObject {
readonly property string pattern: "keycard/card_inserted/img-%1"
readonly property int startImgIndexForTheFirstLoop: 0
readonly property int startImgIndexForOtherLoops: 0
readonly property int endImgIndex: 29
readonly property int duration: 1000
readonly property int loops: 1
readonly property QtObject cardRemoved: QtObject {
readonly property string pattern: "keycard/card_removed/img-%1"
readonly property int startImgIndexForTheFirstLoop: 0
readonly property int startImgIndexForOtherLoops: 0
readonly property int endImgIndex: 29
readonly property int duration: 1000
readonly property int loops: 1
readonly property QtObject warning: QtObject {
readonly property string pattern: "keycard/warning/img-%1"
readonly property int startImgIndexForTheFirstLoop: 0
readonly property int startImgIndexForOtherLoops: 0
readonly property int endImgIndex: 55
readonly property int duration: 3000
readonly property int loops: 1
readonly property QtObject processing: QtObject {
readonly property string pattern: "keycard/warning/img-%1"
readonly property int startImgIndexForTheFirstLoop: 0
readonly property int startImgIndexForOtherLoops: 18
readonly property int endImgIndex: 47
readonly property int duration: 1500
readonly property int loops: -1
readonly property QtObject strongError: QtObject {
readonly property string pattern: "keycard/strong_error/img-%1"
readonly property int startImgIndexForTheFirstLoop: 0
readonly property int startImgIndexForOtherLoops: 18
readonly property int endImgIndex: 29
readonly property int duration: 1300
readonly property int loops: -1
readonly property QtObject success: QtObject {
readonly property string pattern: "keycard/success/img-%1"
readonly property int startImgIndexForTheFirstLoop: 0
readonly property int startImgIndexForOtherLoops: 0
readonly property int endImgIndex: 29
readonly property int duration: 1300
readonly property int loops: 1
readonly property QtObject strongSuccess: QtObject {
readonly property string pattern: "keycard/strong_success/img-%1"
readonly property int startImgIndexForTheFirstLoop: 0
readonly property int startImgIndexForOtherLoops: 0
readonly property int endImgIndex: 20
readonly property int duration: 1300
readonly property int loops: 1
readonly property QtObject keychain: QtObject {
readonly property QtObject errorType: QtObject {
readonly property string authentication: "authentication"
readonly property string keychain: "keychain"
readonly property QtObject storedValue: QtObject {
readonly property string store: "store"
readonly property string notNow: "notNow"
readonly property string never: "never"
readonly property QtObject appSection: QtObject {
readonly property int chat: 0
readonly property int community: 1
readonly property int wallet: 2
readonly property int browser: 3
readonly property int profile: 4
readonly property int node: 5
readonly property int communitiesPortal: 6
readonly property QtObject appViewStackIndex: QtObject {
readonly property int chat: 0
readonly property int community: 7 // any stack layout children with the index 7 or higher is community
readonly property int communitiesPortal: 1
readonly property int wallet: 2
readonly property int browser: 3
readonly property int profile: 4
readonly property int node: 5
readonly property QtObject settingsSubsection: QtObject {
property int profile: 0
property int contacts: 1
property int ensUsernames: 2
property int messaging: 3
property int wallet: 4
property int appearance: 5
property int language: 6
property int notifications: 7
property int devicesSettings: 8
property int browserSettings: 9
property int advanced: 10
property int about: 11
property int communitiesSettings: 12
property int keycard: 13
property int signout: 14
property int backUpSeed: 15
readonly property QtObject currentUserStatus: QtObject{
readonly property int unknown: 0
readonly property int automatic: 1
readonly property int doNotDisturb: 2
readonly property int alwaysOnline: 3
readonly property int inactive: 4
readonly property QtObject onboarding: QtObject {
readonly property int userImageWidth: 40
readonly property int userImageHeight: 40
readonly property int titleFontSize: 17
readonly property QtObject profileFetching: QtObject {
readonly property int titleFontSize: 22
readonly property string titleForSuccess: qsTr("Profile successfully fetched")
readonly property string titleForError: qsTr("Unable to fetch your profile")
readonly property int descriptionFontSize: 15
readonly property string descriptionForError: qsTr("Sorry, we were unable to fetch your Status profile. If you are using Status on \nanother device, make sure Status is running and it is online and try again. ")
readonly property string descriptionForFetchingStarted: qsTr("Securely transferring data...")
readonly property string descriptionForFetchingInProgress: qsTr("This might take a while...")
readonly property string imgInProgress: "onboarding/profile_fetching_in_progress"
readonly property string imgError: "onboarding/profile_fetching_error"
readonly property string imgCompleted: "onboarding/profile_fetching_completed"
readonly property string tryAgainText: qsTr("Try again")
readonly property string createNewProfileText: qsTr("Create new Status profile")
readonly property QtObject onlineStatus: QtObject{
readonly property int inactive: 0
readonly property int online: 1
readonly property QtObject chatType: QtObject{
readonly property int unknown: 0
readonly property int oneToOne: 1
readonly property int publicChat: 2
readonly property int privateGroupChat: 3
readonly property int profile: 4
readonly property int communityChat: 6
readonly property QtObject messageContentType: QtObject {
readonly property int fetchMoreMessagesButton: -2
readonly property int chatIdentifier: -1
readonly property int unknownContentType: 0
readonly property int messageType: 1
readonly property int stickerType: 2
readonly property int statusType: 3
readonly property int emojiType: 4
readonly property int transactionType: 5
readonly property int systemMessagePrivateGroupType: 6
readonly property int imageType: 7
readonly property int audioType: 8
readonly property int communityInviteType: 9
readonly property int gapType: 10
readonly property int editType: 11
readonly property int discordMessageType: 12
readonly property QtObject messageModelRoles: QtObject {
readonly property int responseToMessageWithId: 262 // ModelRole.ResponseToMessageWithId
readonly property QtObject trustStatus: QtObject {
readonly property int unknown: 0
readonly property int trusted: 1
readonly property int untrustworthy: 2
readonly property QtObject verificationStatus: QtObject {
readonly property int unverified: 0
readonly property int verifying: 1
readonly property int verified: 2
readonly property int declined: 3
readonly property int canceled: 4
readonly property int trusted: 5
readonly property QtObject contactsPanelUsage: QtObject {
readonly property int unknownPosition: -1
readonly property int mutualContacts: 0
readonly property int verifiedMutualContacts: 1
readonly property int sentContactRequest: 2
readonly property int receivedContactRequest: 3
readonly property int rejectedSentContactRequest: 4
readonly property int rejectedReceivedContactRequest: 5
readonly property int blockedContacts: 6
readonly property QtObject validators: QtObject {
readonly property list<StatusValidator> displayName: [
StatusMinLengthValidator {
minLength: 5
errorMessage: qsTr("Username must be at least 5 characters")
StatusRegularExpressionValidator {
regularExpression: /^[a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+$/
errorMessage: qsTr("Only letters, numbers, underscores and hyphens allowed")
// TODO: Create `StatusMaxLengthValidator` in StatusQ
StatusValidator {
name: "maxLengthValidator"
validate: function (t) { return t.length <= 24 }
errorMessage: qsTr("24 character username limit")
StatusValidator {
name: "endsWith-ethValidator"
validate: function (t) { return !t.endsWith("-eth") }
errorMessage: qsTr("Usernames ending with '-eth' are not allowed")
StatusValidator {
name: "endsWith_ethValidator"
validate: function (t) { return !t.endsWith("_eth") }
errorMessage: qsTr("Usernames ending with '_eth' are not allowed")
StatusValidator {
name: "endsWith.ethValidator"
validate: function (t) { return !t.endsWith(".eth") }
errorMessage: qsTr("Usernames ending with '.eth' are not allowed")
StatusValidator {
name: "isAliasValidator"
validate: function (t) { return !globalUtils.isAlias(t) }
errorMessage: qsTr("Sorry, the name you have chosen is not allowed, try picking another username")
readonly property QtObject settingsSection: QtObject {
readonly property int itemSpacing: 10
readonly property int radius: 8
readonly property int mainHeaderFontSize: 28
readonly property int subHeaderFontSize: 15
readonly property int importantInfoFontSize: 18
readonly property int infoFontSize: 15
readonly property int infoLineHeight: 22
readonly property int infoSpacing: 5
readonly property int itemHeight: 64
readonly property int leftMargin: 64
readonly property int rightMargin: 64
readonly property int topMargin: 64
readonly property int bottomMargin: 64
readonly property QtObject notificationsBubble: QtObject {
readonly property int previewAnonymous: 0
readonly property int previewNameOnly: 1
readonly property int previewNameAndMessage: 2
readonly property QtObject notifications: QtObject {
readonly property string sendAlertsValue: "SendAlerts"
readonly property string deliverQuietlyValue: "DeliverQuietly"
readonly property string turnOffValue: "TurnOff"
readonly property QtObject exemptions: QtObject {
readonly property int community: 0
readonly property int oneToOneChat: 1
readonly property int groupChat: 2
readonly property QtObject ephemeralNotificationType: QtObject {
readonly property int normal: 0
readonly property int success: 1
readonly property QtObject translationsState: QtObject {
readonly property int alpha: 0
readonly property int beta: 1
readonly property int stable: 2
readonly property QtObject keycard: QtObject {
readonly property QtObject general: QtObject {
readonly property string purchasePage: "https://get.keycard.tech"
readonly property int onboardingHeight: 460
readonly property int loginHeight: 460
readonly property int imageWidth: 240
readonly property int imageHeight: 240
readonly property int seedPhraseWidth: 816
readonly property int seedPhraseHeight: 228
readonly property int enterSeedPhraseWordsWidth: 868
readonly property int enterSeedPhraseWordsHeight: 60
readonly property int keycardPinLength: 6
readonly property int keycardPukLength: 12
readonly property int keycardNameLength: 20
readonly property int keycardNameInputWidth: 448
readonly property int keycardPairingCodeInputWidth: 512
readonly property int keycardPukAdditionalSpacingOnEvery4Items: 4
readonly property int keycardPukAdditionalSpacing: 32
readonly property int fontSize1: 22
readonly property int fontSize2: 15
readonly property int fontSize3: 12
readonly property int seedPhraseCellWidth: 193
readonly property int seedPhraseCellHeight: 60
readonly property int seedPhraseCellNumberWidth: 24
readonly property int seedPhraseCellFontSize: 12
readonly property int buttonFontSize: 15
readonly property int pukCellWidth: 50
readonly property int pukCellHeight: 60
readonly property int popupWidth: 640
readonly property int popupHeight: 500
readonly property int popupBiggerHeight: 626
readonly property int titleHeight: 44
readonly property int messageHeight: 48
readonly property int footerButtonsHeight: 44
readonly property int loginInfoHeight1: 24
readonly property int loginInfoHeight2: 44
readonly property int loginStatusLogoWidth: 128
readonly property int loginStatusLogoHeight: 128
readonly property QtObject keyPairType: QtObject {
readonly property int unknown: -1
readonly property int profile: 0
readonly property int seedImport: 1
readonly property int privateKeyImport: 2
readonly property QtObject shared: QtObject {
readonly property int imageWidth: 240
readonly property int imageHeight: 240
readonly property QtObject socialLinkType: QtObject {
readonly property int custom: 0
readonly property int twitter: 1
readonly property int personalSite: 2
readonly property int github: 3
readonly property int youtube: 4
readonly property int discord: 5
readonly property int telegram: 6
enum DiscordImportErrorCode {
Unknown = 1,
Warning = 2,
Error = 3
readonly property int communityImported: 0
readonly property int communityImportingInProgress: 1
readonly property int communityImportingError: 2
readonly property int communityChatPublicAccess: 1
readonly property int communityChatInvitationOnlyAccess: 2
readonly property int communityChatOnRequestAccess: 3
readonly property int activityCenterNotificationTypeOneToOne: 1
readonly property int activityCenterNotificationTypeGroupRequest: 2
readonly property int activityCenterNotificationTypeMention: 3
readonly property int activityCenterNotificationTypeReply: 4
readonly property int activityCenterNotificationTypeContactRequest: 5
readonly property int activityCenterNotificationTypeCommunityInvitation: 6
readonly property int activityCenterNotificationTypeCommunityRequest: 7
readonly property int activityCenterNotificationTypeCommunityMembershipRequest: 8
readonly property int activityCenterNotificationTypeCommunityKicked: 9
readonly property int activityCenterMembershipStatusPending: 1
readonly property int activityCenterMembershipStatusAccepted: 2
readonly property int activityCenterMembershipStatusDeclined: 3
readonly property int contactRequestStateNone: 0
readonly property int contactRequestStatePending: 1
readonly property int contactRequestStateAccepted: 2
readonly property int contactRequestStateDismissed: 3
readonly property int maxNbDaysToFetch: 30
readonly property int fetchRangeLast24Hours: 86400
readonly property int fetchRangeLast2Days: 172800
readonly property int fetchRangeLast3Days: 259200
readonly property int fetchRangeLast7Days: 604800
readonly property int limitLongChatText: 500
readonly property int limitLongChatTextCompactMode: 1000
readonly property int notificationPopupTTL: 5000
readonly property string lightThemeName: "light"
readonly property string darkThemeName: "dark"
readonly property int notifyAllMessages: 0
readonly property int notifyJustMentions: 1
readonly property int notifyNone: 2
readonly property string watchWalletType: "watch"
readonly property string keyWalletType: "key"
readonly property string seedWalletType: "seed"
readonly property string generatedWalletType: "generated"
readonly property string windows: "windows"
readonly property string linux: "linux"
readonly property string mac: "mac"
// Transaction states
readonly property int addressRequested: 1
readonly property int declined: 2
readonly property int addressReceived: 3
readonly property int transactionRequested: 4
readonly property int transactionDeclined: 5
readonly property int pending: 6
readonly property int confirmed: 7
readonly property int maxTokens: 200
readonly property string zeroAddress: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
readonly property string networkMainnet: "Mainnet"
readonly property string networkRopsten: "Ropsten"
readonly property string api_request: "api-request"
readonly property string web3SendAsyncReadOnly: "web3-send-async-read-only"
readonly property string web3DisconnectAccount: "web3-disconnect-account"
readonly property string permission_web3: "web3"
readonly property string permission_contactCode: "contact-code"
readonly property string personal_sign: "personal_sign"
readonly property string eth_sign: "eth_sign"
readonly property string eth_signTypedData: "eth_signTypedData"
readonly property string eth_signTypedData_v3: "eth_signTypedData_v3"
readonly property string eth_prod: "eth.prod"
readonly property string eth_staging: "eth.staging"
readonly property string eth_test: "eth.test"
readonly property string waku_prod: "wakuv2.prod"
readonly property string waku_test: "wakuv2.test"
readonly property string status_test: "status.test"
readonly property string status_prod: "status.prod"
readonly property int browserSearchEngineNone: 0
readonly property int browserSearchEngineGoogle: 1
readonly property int browserSearchEngineYahoo: 2
readonly property int browserSearchEngineDuckDuckGo: 3
readonly property int browserEthereumExplorerNone: 0
readonly property int browserEthereumExplorerEtherscan: 1
readonly property int browserEthereumExplorerEthplorer: 2
readonly property int browserEthereumExplorerBlockchair: 3
readonly property int repeatHeaderInterval: 2
readonly property string deepLinkPrefix: 'status-im://'
readonly property string joinStatusLink: 'join.status.im'
readonly property string communityLinkPrefix: 'https://join.status.im/c/'
readonly property string userLinkPrefix: 'https://join.status.im/u/'
readonly property string statusLinkPrefix: 'https://status.im/'
readonly property int maxUploadFiles: 5
readonly property double maxUploadFilesizeMB: 10
readonly property int maxNumberOfPins: 3
readonly property var acceptedImageExtensions: [".png", ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".svg", ".gif"]
readonly property var acceptedDragNDropImageExtensions: [".png", ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".heif", ".tif", ".tiff"]
readonly property string mentionSpanTag: `<span style="background-color: ${Style.current.mentionBgColor};"><a style="color:${Style.current.mentionColor};text-decoration:none" href='http://'>`
readonly property string ens_taken: "taken"
readonly property string ens_taken_custom: "taken-custom"
readonly property string ens_owned: "owned"
readonly property string ens_available: "available"
readonly property string ens_already_connected: "already-connected"
readonly property string ens_connected: "connected"
readonly property string ens_connected_dkey: "connected-different-key"
readonly property string storeToKeychainValueStore: "store"
readonly property string storeToKeychainValueNotNow: "notNow"
readonly property string storeToKeychainValueNever: "never"
// WARNING: Remove later. Moved to StatusQ.
readonly property string editLabel: ` <span class="isEdited">` + qsTr("(edited)") + `</span>`
readonly property string newBookmark: " "
readonly property var ensState: {
"taken": qsTr("Username already taken :("),
"taken-custom": qsTr("Username doesn’t belong to you :("),
"owned": qsTr("Continuing will connect this username with your chat key."),
"available": qsTr("✓ Username available!"),
"already-connected": qsTr("Username is already connected with your chat key and can be used inside Status."),
"connected": qsTr("This user name is owned by you and connected with your chat key. Continue to set `Show my ENS username in chats`."),
"connected-different-key": qsTr("Continuing will require a transaction to connect the username with your current chat key."),
readonly property bool isCppApp: typeof cppApp !== "undefined" ? cppApp : false
readonly property string existingAccountError: "account already exists"
readonly property string wrongDerivationPathError: "error parsing derivation path"
readonly property int minPasswordLength: 10
enum TransactionStatus {
Failure = 0,
Success = 1
enum SendType {