Pascal Precht 0daf355f54 uiux(StatusTooltip): change color according to theme
It was requested to change the tooltip to black an white and white on
black in dark and light themes respectively.
This commit changes the colors accordingly.
2021-01-19 16:50:47 -05:00

74 lines
3.2 KiB

import QtQuick 2.13
import "."
Theme {
property color white: "#FFFFFF"
property color white2: "#FCFCFC"
property color black: "#000000"
property color almostBlack: "#141414"
property color grey: "#EEF2F5"
property color lightGrey: "#ccd0d4"
property color lightBlue: "#ECEFFC"
property color cyan: "#00FFFF"
property color blue: "#758EF0"
property color darkAccentBlue: "#2946C4"
property color transparent: "#00000000"
property color darkGrey: "#838C91"
property color evenDarkerGrey: "#252528"
property color lightBlueText: "#8f9fec"
property color darkBlue: "#3c55c9"
property color darkBlueBtn: "#5a70dd"
property color red: "#FC5F5F"
property color lightRed: "#FFEAEE"
property color green: "#4EBC60"
property color turquoise: "#007b7d"
property color tenPercentWhite: Qt.rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1)
property color tenPercentBlue: Qt.rgba(67, 96, 223, 0.1)
property color background: almostBlack
property color border: evenDarkerGrey
property color borderSecondary: tenPercentWhite
property color borderTertiary: blue
property color textColor: white
property color textColorTertiary: blue
property color currentUserTextColor: white
property color secondaryBackground: "#23252F"
property color inputBackground: secondaryBackground
property color inputBorderFocus: blue
property color inputColor: darkGrey
property color modalBackground: background
property color backgroundHover: evenDarkerGrey
property color secondaryText: darkGrey
property color secondaryHover: tenPercentWhite
property color primary: blue
property color danger: red
property color success: green
property color primaryMenuItemHover: blue
property color primaryMenuItemTextHover: almostBlack
property color backgroundTertiary: tenPercentBlue
property color pillButtonTextColor: almostBlack
property color chatReplyCurrentUser: lightGrey
property color topBarChatInfoColor: evenDarkerGrey
property color codeBackground: "#2E386B"
property color primarySelectionColor: "#b4c8ff"
property color buttonForegroundColor: blue
property color buttonBackgroundColor: secondaryBackground
property color buttonSecondaryColor: darkGrey
property color buttonDisabledForegroundColor: buttonSecondaryColor
property color buttonDisabledBackgroundColor: evenDarkerGrey
property color buttonWarnBackgroundColor: "#FFEAEE"
property color roundedButtonForegroundColor: white
property color roundedButtonBackgroundColor: secondaryBackground
property color roundedButtonSecondaryForegroundColor: white
property color roundedButtonSecondaryBackgroundColor: buttonForegroundColor
property color roundedButtonSecondaryHoveredBackgroundColor: darkAccentBlue
property color roundedButtonDisabledForegroundColor: buttonDisabledForegroundColor
property color roundedButtonDisabledBackgroundColor: buttonDisabledBackgroundColor
property color roundedButtonSecondaryDisabledForegroundColor: roundedButtonForegroundColor
property color roundedButtonSecondaryDisabledBackgroundColor: buttonDisabledForegroundColor
property color tooltipBackgroundColor: white
property color tooltipForegroundColor: black