Stefan a710558c6b chore(CPP): foundation for user onboarding
Contains minimal account creation and login


- migrated status-go wrapper and login code from the fix/cpp-structure (241eec)
- Minimal refactoring and changes at the moment. Expect further refactoring
follow up to reach the desired state.
- Fix missing keychain initialization
- Fix accounts DB initialization call done by startup -> Controller.openedAccounts -> status-go.OpenAccounts calls
- Small refactoring and todos for other steps
- fix SignalsManager
- fix async access to dereferenced status-go memory from SignalsManager
- fix SignalsManager not starting when registering
- finish dev end to end test for create account and login
- small improvements and added TODOs for future work
- add onboarding test helpers and start messaging test
- Refactoring towards Login UI integration

Closes: #5909
Closes: #6028
2022-07-07 23:23:09 +02:00

69 lines
1.5 KiB

import QtQuick
import QtQuick.Controls
import Status.Onboarding
import "base"
SetupNewProfilePageBase {
id: root
TempTextInput {
id: passwordInput
text: newAccountController.password
Binding {
target: newAccountController
property: "password"
value: passwordInput.text
width: 416
height: 44
anchors {
horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
bottomMargin: 112
font.pointSize: 23
verticalAlignment: TextInput.AlignVCenter
TempTextInput {
id: confirmPasswordInput
text: newAccountController.confirmationPassword
Binding {
target: newAccountController
property: "confirmationPassword"
value: confirmPasswordInput.text
width: 416
height: 44
anchors {
horizontalCenter: alignmentItem.horizontalCenter
verticalCenter: alignmentItem.verticalCenter
verticalCenterOffset: -baselineOffset
font.pointSize: 23
verticalAlignment: TextInput.AlignVCenter
Button {
text: qsTr("Create Password")
anchors.horizontalCenter: alignmentItem.horizontalCenter alignmentItem.bottom
anchors.topMargin: 125
enabled: newAccountController.passwordIsValid && newAccountController.confirmationPasswordIsValid
onClicked: root.pageDone()