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synced 2025-02-03 18:25:33 +00:00
Requires the specific status-go changes that brings WCChangePairingState Process delete session and update internal pairing history state Updated testing while fighting for the issue of not deleting the session Found out that the client requests a different topic in the delete session request. Also: - update debugging UX to support session events - update storybook to support mocking session events - fix go test utility to account for refactoring Updates #12858
301 lines
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301 lines
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import QtQuick 2.15
import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
import StatusQ.Controls 0.1
import StatusQ.Core 0.1
import StatusQ.Popups 0.1
Popup {
id: root
implicitWidth: 500
implicitHeight: Math.min(mainLayout.implicitHeight * 2, 700)
required property WalletConnectSDK sdk
parent: Overlay.overlay
anchors.centerIn: parent
clip: true
property bool sdkReady: d.state === d.sdkReadyState
// wallet_connect.Controller \see wallet_section/wallet_connect/controller.nim
required property var controller
function openWithSessionRequestEvent(sessionRequest) {
d.setStatusText("Approve session request")
d.setDetailsText(JSON.stringify(sessionRequest, null, 2))
d.sessionRequest = sessionRequest
d.state = d.waitingUserResponseToSessionRequest
Flickable {
id: flickable
anchors.fill: parent
contentWidth: mainLayout.implicitWidth
contentHeight: mainLayout.implicitHeight
interactive: contentHeight > height || contentWidth > width
ColumnLayout {
id: mainLayout
StatusBaseText {
text: qsTr("Debugging UX until design is ready")
StatusInput {
id: pairLinkInput
Layout.fillWidth: true
placeholderText: "Insert pair link"
RowLayout {
Layout.fillWidth: true
StatusButton {
text: "Pair"
onClicked: {
statusText.text = "Pairing..."
enabled: pairLinkInput.text.length > 0 && sdk.sdkReady
StatusButton {
text: "Auth"
onClicked: {
statusText.text = "Authenticating..."
enabled: false && pairLinkInput.text.length > 0 && sdk.sdkReady
StatusButton {
text: "Accept"
onClicked: {
sdk.approvePairSession(d.sessionProposal, d.supportedNamespaces)
// Will trigger an onPairAcceptedResult if successful
visible: d.state === d.waitingPairState
StatusButton {
text: "Reject"
onClicked: {
visible: d.state === d.waitingPairState
ColumnLayout {
StatusBaseText {
id: statusText
text: "-"
StatusBaseText {
text: "Pairings"
visible: sdk.pairingsModel.count > 0
Pairings {
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.minimumWidth: count > 0 ? 400 : 0
Layout.preferredHeight: contentHeight
Layout.maximumHeight: 300
model: sdk.pairingsModel
onDisconnect: function (topic) {
StatusBaseText {
id: detailsText
text: ""
visible: text.length > 0
color: "#FF00FF"
RowLayout {
StatusButton {
text: "Accept"
onClicked: {
root.controller.sessionRequest(JSON.stringify(d.sessionRequest), passwordInput.text)
visible: d.state === d.waitingUserResponseToSessionRequest
StatusButton {
text: "Reject"
onClicked: {
sdk.rejectSessionRequest(d.sessionRequest.topic, d.sessionRequest.id, false)
visible: d.state === d.waitingUserResponseToSessionRequest
StatusInput {
id: passwordInput
text: "1234567890"
placeholderText: "Insert account password"
visible: d.state === d.waitingUserResponseToSessionRequest
ColumnLayout { /* spacer */ }
// Separator
ColumnLayout {}
ScrollBar.vertical: ScrollBar {}
clip: true
Connections {
target: root.sdk
function onSdkInit(success, info) {
if (success) {
d.setStatusText("Ready to pair or auth")
d.state = d.sdkReadyState
} else {
d.setStatusText("SDK Error", "red")
d.state = ""
function onPairSessionProposal(success, sessionProposal) {
if (success) {
d.setStatusText("Pair ID: " + sessionProposal.id + "; Topic: " + sessionProposal.params.pairingTopic)
// Expecting signal onProposeUserPair(..., true, ...) from controller
} else {
d.setStatusText("Pairing error", "red")
function onPairAcceptedResult(sessionProposal, success, result) {
if (success) {
d.setStatusText("Pairing OK")
d.state = d.pairedState
} else {
d.setStatusText("Pairing error", "red")
d.state = d.sdkReadyState
function onPairRejectedResult(success, result) {
d.state = d.sdkReadyState
if (success) {
d.setStatusText("Pairing rejected")
} else {
d.setStatusText("Rejecting pairing error", "red")
function onSessionRequestUserAnswerResult(accept, error) {
if (error) {
d.setStatusText(`Session Request ${accept ? "Accept" : "Reject"} error`, "red")
d.state = d.pairedState
if (accept) {
d.setStatusText(`Session Request accepted`)
} else {
d.setStatusText(`Session Request rejected`)
function onPairSessionProposalExpired() {
d.setStatusText(`Timeout waiting for response. Reusing URI?`, "red")
function onStatusChanged(message) {
statusText.text = message
QtObject {
id: d
property var sessionProposal: null
property var supportedNamespaces: null
property var sessionRequest: null
property var signedData: null
property string state: ""
readonly property string sdkReadyState: "sdk_ready"
readonly property string waitingPairState: "waiting_pairing"
readonly property string waitingUserResponseToSessionRequest: "waiting_user_response_to_session_request"
readonly property string pairedState: "paired"
function setStatusText(message, textColor) {
statusText.text = message
if (textColor === undefined) {
textColor = "green"
statusText.color = textColor
function setDetailsText(message) {
if (message === undefined) {
message = "undefined"
} else if (typeof message !== "string") {
message = JSON.stringify(message, null, 2)
detailsText.text = message
Connections {
target: root.controller
function onProposeUserPair(sessionProposalJson, supportedNamespacesJson) {
d.setStatusText("Waiting user accept")
d.sessionProposal = JSON.parse(sessionProposalJson)
d.supportedNamespaces = JSON.parse(supportedNamespacesJson)
d.setDetailsText(JSON.stringify(d.supportedNamespaces, null, 2))
d.state = d.waitingPairState
function onRespondSessionRequest(sessionRequestJson, signedData, error) {
console.log("WC respondSessionRequest", sessionRequestJson, " signedData", signedData, " error: ", error)
if (error) {
d.setStatusText("Session Request error", "red")
sdk.rejectSessionRequest(d.sessionRequest.topic, d.sessionRequest.id, true)
d.sessionRequest = JSON.parse(sessionRequestJson)
d.signedData = signedData
sdk.acceptSessionRequest(d.sessionRequest.topic, d.sessionRequest.id, d.signedData)
d.state = d.pairedState
d.setStatusText("Session Request accepted")