Lukáš Tinkl 158154bcca fix(RenameGroupPopup): fix name validation and scrolling
- increase the length limit to 30 and allow `&`, as per the spec
- wrap the popup in a scroll view
- pls some minor cleanups

Fixes #16523
2024-10-23 16:18:26 +02:00

188 lines
6.6 KiB

import QtQuick 2.15
import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
import QtQml.Models 2.15
import StatusQ.Controls 0.1
import StatusQ.Components 0.1
import StatusQ.Core 0.1
import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1
import shared.controls.delegates 1.0
import shared.status 1.0
import shared.stores 1.0 as SharedStores
import utils 1.0
import AppLayouts.Chat.stores 1.0 as ChatStores
Page {
id: root
property SharedStores.RootStore sharedRootStore
property ChatStores.RootStore rootStore
property ChatStores.CreateChatPropertiesStore createChatPropertiesStore
property var emojiPopup: null
property var stickersPopup: null
QtObject {
id: d
function createChat() {
root.createChatPropertiesStore.createChatInitMessage = chatInput.textInput.text
root.createChatPropertiesStore.createChatFileUrls = chatInput.fileUrlsAndSources
padding: 0
Behavior on opacity { NumberAnimation {}}
Behavior on anchors.bottomMargin { NumberAnimation { duration: 30 }}
background: Rectangle {
color: Theme.palette.statusAppLayout.rightPanelBackgroundColor
header: Item {
implicitHeight: headerLayout.implicitHeight + headerLayout.anchors.topMargin + headerLayout.anchors.bottomMargin
RowLayout {
id: headerLayout
anchors.fill: parent
MembersSelectorView {
id: membersSelector
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.fillHeight: true
Layout.leftMargin: Theme.halfPadding
Layout.rightMargin: Theme.halfPadding
rootStore: root.rootStore
function createChat() {
if (model.count === 0) {
console.warn("Can't create chat with no members")
if (model.count === 1) {
const member = model.get(0)
const ensName = member.displayName.includes(".eth") ? member.displayName : ""
root.rootStore.chatCommunitySectionModule.createOneToOneChat("", member.pubKey, ensName)
} else {
var groupName = []
var pubKeys = []
for (var i = 0; i < model.count; i++) {
const member = model.get(i)
root.rootStore.chatCommunitySectionModule.createGroupChat("", groupName.join("&"), JSON.stringify(pubKeys))
onConfirmed: { d.createChat() }
onRejected: {
onVisibleChanged: {
if (visible)
onEnterKeyPressed: {
onUpKeyPressed: {
onDownKeyPressed: {
StatusActivityCenterButton {
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
unreadNotificationsCount: activityCenterStore.unreadNotificationsCount
hasUnseenNotifications: activityCenterStore.hasUnseenNotifications
onClicked: Global.openActivityCenterPopup()
contentItem: Item {
ColumnLayout {
anchors {
fill: parent
topMargin: Theme.bigPadding
bottomMargin: Theme.padding
leftMargin: Theme.halfPadding
StatusBaseText {
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignTop
Layout.leftMargin: Theme.halfPadding
visible: contactsList.visible
text: qsTr("Contacts")
color: Theme.palette.baseColor1
StatusListView {
id: contactsList
objectName: "createChatContactsList"
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.fillHeight: true
visible: membersSelector.suggestionsModel.count &&
!(membersSelector.edit.text !== "")
implicitWidth: contentItem.childrenRect.width
model: membersSelector.suggestionsModel
delegate: ContactListItemDelegate {
width: ListView.view.width
highlighted: ListView.isCurrentItem
onClicked: membersSelector.entryAccepted(this)
StatusChatInput {
id: chatInput
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignBottom
Layout.fillWidth: true
visible: membersSelector.model.count > 0
chatType: membersSelector.model.count === 1? Constants.chatType.oneToOne : Constants.chatType.privateGroupChat
emojiPopup: root.emojiPopup
stickersPopup: root.stickersPopup
closeGifPopupAfterSelection: true
usersModel: membersSelector.model
sharedStore: root.sharedRootStore
onStickerSelected: {
root.createChatPropertiesStore.createChatStickerHashId = hashId;
root.createChatPropertiesStore.createChatStickerPackId = packId;
root.createChatPropertiesStore.createChatStickerUrl = url;
onSendMessage: { d.createChat() }
StatusBaseText {
anchors.centerIn: parent
width: Math.min(553, parent.width - 2 * Theme.padding)
visible: root.rootStore.contactsModel.count === 0
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
color: Theme.palette.baseColor1
text: qsTr("You can only send direct messages to your Contacts.\n
Send a contact request to the person you would like to chat with, you will be able to chat with them once they have accepted your contact request.")