Michal Iskierko 147288b47b feat(@desktop/community): Saving community tokens in database
Model with community tokens was moved to section_item - every section has its own model.
Every deployed smart contract is saved to database with "In Progress" state.
The app listenes to deployed transaction and updates contract state in database to "Failed" or "Deployed".
Corresponding model is updated.

Issue #9233
2023-02-27 11:01:35 +01:00

188 lines
8.0 KiB

import QtQuick 2.15
import 1.0
import StatusQ.Core.Utils 0.1
QtObject {
id: root
readonly property bool isOwner: false
property var mintingModuleInst: mintingModule ?? null
property var permissionsModel: ListModel {} // Backend permissions list object model assignment. Please check the current expected data in qml defined in `createPermissions` method
property var permissionConflict: QtObject { // Backend conflicts object model assignment. Now mocked data.
property bool exists: false
property string holdings: qsTr("1 ETH")
property string permissions: qsTr("View and Post")
property string channels: qsTr("#general")
// TODO: Replace to real data, now dummy model
property var assetsModel: ListModel {
Component.onCompleted: {
key: "socks",
iconSource: "qrc:imports/assets/png/tokens/SOCKS.png",
name: "Unisocks",
shortName: "SOCKS",
category: TokenCategories.Category.Community
key: "zrx",
iconSource: "qrc:imports/assets/png/tokens/ZRX.png",
name: "Ox",
shortName: "ZRX",
category: TokenCategories.Category.Own
key: "1inch",
iconSource: "qrc:imports/assets/png/tokens/CUSTOM-TOKEN.png",
name: "1inch",
shortName: "ZRX",
category: TokenCategories.Category.Own
key: "Aave",
iconSource: "qrc:imports/assets/png/tokens/CUSTOM-TOKEN.png",
name: "Aave",
shortName: "AAVE",
category: TokenCategories.Category.Own
key: "Amp",
iconSource: "qrc:imports/assets/png/tokens/CUSTOM-TOKEN.png",
name: "Amp",
shortName: "AMP",
category: TokenCategories.Category.Own
// TODO: Replace to real data, now dummy model
property var collectiblesModel: ListModel {
Component.onCompleted: {
key: "Anniversary",
iconSource: "qrc:imports/assets/png/collectibles/Anniversary.png",
name: "Anniversary",
category: TokenCategories.Category.Community
key: "CryptoKitties",
iconSource: "qrc:imports/assets/png/collectibles/CryptoKitties.png",
name: "CryptoKitties",
category: TokenCategories.Category.Own,
subItems: [
key: "Kitty1",
iconSource: "qrc:imports/assets/png/collectibles/Furbeard.png",
imageSource: "qrc:imports/assets/png/collectibles/FurbeardBig.png",
name: "Furbeard"
key: "Kitty2",
iconSource: "qrc:imports/assets/png/collectibles/Magicat.png",
imageSource: "qrc:imports/assets/png/collectibles/MagicatBig.png",
name: "Magicat"
key: "Kitty3",
iconSource: "qrc:imports/assets/png/collectibles/HappyMeow.png",
imageSource: "qrc:imports/assets/png/collectibles/HappyMeowBig.png",
name: "Happy Meow"
key: "Kitty4",
iconSource: "qrc:imports/assets/png/collectibles/Furbeard.png",
imageSource: "qrc:imports/assets/png/collectibles/FurbeardBig.png",
name: "Furbeard-2"
key: "Kitty5",
iconSource: "qrc:imports/assets/png/collectibles/Magicat.png",
imageSource: "qrc:imports/assets/png/collectibles/MagicatBig.png",
name: "Magicat-3"
key: "SuperRare",
iconSource: "qrc:imports/assets/png/collectibles/SuperRare.png",
name: "SuperRare",
category: TokenCategories.Category.Own
key: "Custom",
iconSource: "qrc:imports/assets/png/collectibles/SNT.png",
name: "Custom Collectible",
category: TokenCategories.Category.General
// TODO: Replace to real data, now dummy model
property var channelsModel: ListModel {
ListElement { key: "welcome"; iconSource: "qrc:imports/assets/png/tokens/CUSTOM-TOKEN.png"; name: "#welcome"}
ListElement { key: "general"; iconSource: "qrc:imports/assets/png/tokens/CUSTOM-TOKEN.png"; name: "#general"}
readonly property QtObject _d: QtObject {
id: d
property int keyCounter: 0
function createPermissionEntry(holdings, permissionType, isPrivate, channels) {
const permission = {
holdingsListModel: holdings,
channelsListModel: channels,
return permission
function createPermission(holdings, permissionType, isPrivate, channels, index = null) {
// TO BE REPLACED: It shold just be a call to the backend sharing
// `holdings`, `permissions`, `channels` and `isPrivate` properties.
const permissionEntry = d.createPermissionEntry(
holdings, permissionType, isPrivate, channels)
permissionEntry.key = "" + d.keyCounter++
function editPermission(key, holdings, permissionType, channels, isPrivate) {
// TO BE REPLACED: Call to backend
const permissionEntry = d.createPermissionEntry(
holdings, permissionType, isPrivate, channels)
const index = ModelUtils.indexOf(root.permissionsModel, "key", key)
root.permissionsModel.set(index, permissionEntry)
function removePermission(key) {
const index = ModelUtils.indexOf(root.permissionsModel, "key", key)
// Minting tokens:
function mintCollectible(communityId, address, name, symbol, description, supply,
infiniteSupply, transferable, selfDestruct, network)
mintingModuleInst.mintCollectible(communityId, address, name, symbol, description, supply,
infiniteSupply, transferable, selfDestruct, network)