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synced 2025-02-26 21:41:11 +00:00
This PR is refactoring the dapps service to avoid code duplication between SDKs and also to avoid overlapping requests/responses. It brings Browser Connect inline with Wallet Connect in terms of session management and sign transactions. New architecture: WalletConnectService becomes DAppsService. Its responsibility is to provide dapp access to the app. This is the component currently used by the UI What does it do: 1. Provide dapp APIs line connect, disconnect, session requests etc 2. Spawn app notifications on dapp events 3. Timeout requests if the dapp does not respons DAppsRequestHandler becomes DAppsModule. This component is consumed by the DAppService. Its responsibility is to aggregate all the building blocks for the dapps, but does not control any of the dapp features or consume the SDKs requests. What does it do: 1. Aggregate all the building blocks for dapps (currently known as plugins) DAppConnectionsPlugin - This component provides the session management features line connect, disconnect and provide a model with the connected dapps. SignRequestPlugin - This component provides the sign request management. It receives the sign request from the dapp, translates it to what Status understands and manages the lifecycle of the request.
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155 lines
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pragma Singleton
import QtQml 2.15
QtObject {
id: root
property bool activityPopupOpened: false
property bool appIsReady: false
// use the generic var as type to break the cyclic dependency
property var dAppsService: null
signal openPinnedMessagesPopupRequested(var store, var messageStore, var pinnedMessagesModel, string messageToPin, string chatId)
signal openCommunityProfilePopupRequested(var store, var community, var chatCommunitySectionModule)
signal openCreateChatView()
signal closeCreateChatView()
signal blockContactRequested(string publicKey)
signal unblockContactRequested(string publicKey)
signal displayToastMessage(string title, string subTitle, string icon, bool loading, int ephNotifType, string url)
signal displayToastWithActionMessage(string title, string subTitle, string icon, string iconColor, bool loading, int ephNotifType, int actionType, string data)
signal displayImageToastWithActionMessage(string title, string subTitle, string image, int ephNotifType, int actionType, string data)
signal openPopupRequested(var popupComponent, var params)
signal closePopupRequested()
signal openNicknamePopupRequested(string publicKey, var cb)
signal openDownloadModalRequested(bool available, string version, string url)
signal openChangeProfilePicPopup(var cb)
signal openBackUpSeedPopup()
signal openImagePopup(var image, string url, bool plain)
signal openVideoPopup(string url)
signal openProfilePopupRequested(string publicKey, var parentPopup, var cb)
signal openActivityCenterPopupRequested()
signal openMarkAsIDVerifiedPopup(string publicKey, var cb)
signal openRemoveIDVerificationDialog(string publicKey, var cb)
signal openContactRequestPopup(string publicKey, var cb)
signal openReviewContactRequestPopup(string publicKey, var cb)
signal markAsUntrustedRequested(string publicKey)
signal removeContactRequested(string publicKey)
signal openInviteFriendsToCommunityPopup(var community, var communitySectionModule, var cb)
signal openInviteFriendsToCommunityByIdPopup(string communityId, var cb)
signal openDeleteMessagePopup(string messageId, var messageStore)
signal openDownloadImageDialog(string imageSource)
signal openExportControlNodePopup(var community)
signal openImportControlNodePopup(var community)
signal openTransferOwnershipPopup(string communityId,
string communityName,
string communityLogo,
var token,
var sendModalPopup)
signal openFinaliseOwnershipPopup(string communityId)
signal openDeclineOwnershipPopup(string communityId, string communityName)
signal openFirstTokenReceivedPopup(string communityId,
string communityName,
string communityLogo,
string tokenSymbol,
string tokenName,
string tokenAmount,
int tokenType,
string tokenImage)
signal openConfirmHideAssetPopup(string assetSymbol, string assetName, string assetImage, bool isCommunityToken)
signal openConfirmHideCollectiblePopup(string collectibleSymbol, string collectibleName, string collectibleImage, bool isCommunityToken)
signal openLink(string link)
signal openLinkWithConfirmation(string link, string domain)
signal activateDeepLink(string link)
signal setNthEnabledSectionActive(int nthSection)
signal appSectionBySectionTypeChanged(int sectionType, int subsection, int subSubsection, var data)
signal openSendModal(string address)
signal switchToCommunity(string communityId)
signal switchToCommunitySettings(string communityId)
signal switchToCommunityChannelsView(string communityId)
signal createCommunityPopupRequested(bool isDiscordImport)
signal importCommunityPopupRequested()
signal communityIntroPopupRequested(string communityId, string name, string introMessage,
string imageSrc, bool isInvitationPending)
signal communityShareAddressesPopupRequested(string communityId, string name, string imageSrc)
signal leaveCommunityRequested(string community, string communityId, string outroMessage)
signal openEditSharedAddressesFlow(string communityId)
signal playSendMessageSound()
signal playNotificationSound()
signal playErrorSound()
signal openTestnetPopup()
signal privacyPolicyRequested()
// Swap
signal openSwapModalRequested(var formDataParams)
// BuyCrypto
signal openBuyCryptoModalRequested(var formDataParams)
// Metrics
signal openMetricsEnablePopupRequested(string placement, var cb)
signal addCentralizedMetricIfEnabled(string eventName, var eventValue)
signal openAddEditSavedAddressesPopup(var params)
signal openDeleteSavedAddressesPopup(var params)
signal openShowQRPopup(var params)
signal openSavedAddressActivityPopup(var params)
signal openCommunityMemberMessagesPopupRequested(var store, var chatCommunitySectionModule, var memberPubKey, var displayName)
function openProfilePopup(publicKey, parentPopup, cb) {
root.openProfilePopupRequested(publicKey, parentPopup, cb)
function openActivityCenterPopup() {
function openPopup(popupComponent, params = {}) {
root.openPopupRequested(popupComponent, params);
function closePopup() {
function openDownloadModal(available, version, url){
root.openDownloadModalRequested(available, version, url);
function changeAppSectionBySectionType(sectionType, subsection = 0, subSubsection = -1, data = {}) {
root.appSectionBySectionTypeChanged(sectionType, subsection, subSubsection, data)
function openMenu(menuComponent, menuParent, params = {}, point = undefined) {
const menu = menuComponent.createObject(menuParent, params)
if (point)
return menu
function displaySuccessToastMessage(title: string, subTitle = "") {