Noelia b92974ffff feat(ProfileShowcase): Display counter in In showcase section header and elements limit
- Added counter in showcase header.
- Added placeholder when limit reached and section expanded.
- Added placeholder when limit reached and section collapsed.
- Added green animation when section collapsed and element added.
- Disabled showcase delegate context menu when limit reached.
- Dynamic tooltip offset center added.
- Added model changes tracker to track the in showcase count.

Closes #13507
2024-03-07 16:10:46 +01:00

257 lines
8.3 KiB

import QtQuick 2.15
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
import StatusQ.Core 0.1
import StatusQ.Core.Utils 0.1 as CoreUtils
import mainui 1.0
import AppLayouts.Profile.panels 1.0
import shared.stores 1.0
import utils 1.0
import Storybook 1.0
import Models 1.0
import StatusQ 0.1
SplitView {
id: root
Logs { id: logs }
orientation: Qt.Vertical
ListModel {
id: hiddenModelItem
readonly property var data: [
showcaseKey: "1234",
name: "SNTT",
collectionName: "Super Nitro Toluen (with pink bg)",
backgroundColor: "pink",
imageUrl: ModelsData.collectibles.custom,
isLoading: false,
communityId: "ddls",
showcaseVisibility: Constants.ShowcaseVisibility.NoOne
showcaseKey: "3454565676",
name: "Kitty 3",
collectionName: "Kitties",
backgroundColor: "",
imageUrl: ModelsData.collectibles.kitty1Big,
isLoading: false,
showcaseVisibility: Constants.ShowcaseVisibility.NoOne
showcaseKey: "12345",
name: "Kitty 4",
collectionName: "",
backgroundColor: "",
imageUrl: ModelsData.collectibles.kitty2Big,
isLoading: false,
communityId: "sox",
showcaseVisibility: Constants.ShowcaseVisibility.NoOne
showcaseKey: "123456454595374",
name: "",
collectionName: "Super Kitties",
backgroundColor: "oink",
imageUrl: ModelsData.collectibles.kitty3Big,
isLoading: false,
communityId: "ast",
showcaseVisibility: Constants.ShowcaseVisibility.NoOne
showcaseKey: "6912",
name: "KILLABEAR",
collectionName: "KILLABEARS",
backgroundColor: "#807c56",
imageUrl: "",
isLoading: true,
showcaseVisibility: Constants.ShowcaseVisibility.NoOne
showcaseKey: "8876",
name: "AIORBIT",
description: "",
collectionName: "AIORBIT (Animated SVG)",
backgroundColor: "",
imageUrl: "",
isLoading: false,
showcaseVisibility: Constants.ShowcaseVisibility.NoOne
Component.onCompleted: append(data)
ListModel {
id: inShowcaseModelItem
readonly property var data: [
uid: "123",
showcaseKey: "1234",
name: "SNT",
collectionName: "Super Nitro Toluen (with pink bg)",
backgroundColor: "pink",
imageUrl: ModelsData.collectibles.custom,
isLoading: false,
communityId: "ddls",
showcaseVisibility: Constants.ShowcaseVisibility.Everyone
uid: "34545656768",
showcaseKey: "3454565676",
name: "Kitty 1",
collectionName: "Kitties",
backgroundColor: "",
imageUrl: ModelsData.collectibles.kitty1Big,
isLoading: false,
showcaseVisibility: Constants.ShowcaseVisibility.Everyone
uid: "123456",
showcaseKey: "12345",
name: "Kitty 2",
collectionName: "",
backgroundColor: "",
imageUrl: ModelsData.collectibles.kitty2Big,
isLoading: false,
communityId: "sox",
showcaseVisibility: Constants.ShowcaseVisibility.Everyone
uid: "12345645459537432",
showcaseKey: "123456454595374",
name: "",
collectionName: "Super Kitties",
backgroundColor: "oink",
imageUrl: ModelsData.collectibles.kitty3Big,
isLoading: false,
communityId: "ast",
showcaseVisibility: Constants.ShowcaseVisibility.Everyone
uid: "691",
showcaseKey: "6912",
name: "KILLABEAR",
collectionName: "KILLABEARS",
backgroundColor: "#807c56",
imageUrl: "",
isLoading: true,
showcaseVisibility: Constants.ShowcaseVisibility.Everyone
uid: "8876",
showcaseKey: "8876",
name: "AIORBIT",
description: "",
collectionName: "AIORBIT (Animated SVG)",
backgroundColor: "",
imageUrl: "",
isLoading: false,
showcaseVisibility: Constants.ShowcaseVisibility.Everyone
Component.onCompleted: append(data)
ListModel {
id: communityModel
readonly property var data: [
communityId: "ddls",
communityName: "Doodles",
communityImage: ModelsData.collectibles.doodles
communityId: "sox",
communityName: "Socks",
communityImage: ModelsData.icons.socks
communityId: "ast",
communityName: "Astafarians",
communityImage: ModelsData.icons.dribble
Component.onCompleted: append(data)
LeftJoinModel {
id: joinedInShowcase
leftModel: inShowcaseModelItem
rightModel: communityModel
joinRole: "communityId"
ListModel {
id: emptyModelItem
LeftJoinModel {
id: joinedHiddenModel
leftModel: hiddenModelItem
rightModel: communityModel
joinRole: "communityId"
ProfileShowcaseCollectiblesPanel {
id: showcasePanel
SplitView.fillWidth: true
SplitView.preferredHeight: 500
inShowcaseModel: emptyModelChecker.checked ? emptyModelItem : joinedInShowcase
hiddenModel: emptyModelChecker.checked ? emptyModelItem : joinedHiddenModel
showcaseLimit: 8
addAccountsButtonVisible: !hasAllAccountsChecker.checked
onNavigateToAccountsTab: logs.logEvent("ProfileShowcaseCollectiblesPanel::onNavigateToAccountsTab")
LogsAndControlsPanel {
id: logsAndControlsPanel
SplitView.minimumHeight: 100
SplitView.preferredHeight: 200
logsView.logText: logs.logText
ColumnLayout {
Label {
text: "ⓘ Showcase interaction implemented in ProfileShowcasePanelPage"
CheckBox {
id: hasAllAccountsChecker
text: "Has the user already shared all of their accounts"
checked: true
CheckBox {
id: emptyModelChecker
text: "Empty model"
checked: false
// category: Panels