Lukáš Tinkl 1998a6556a feat(Profile): New Social Links workflow
- all links visible in settings/popup
- persistent order of items
- drag'n'drop to reorder
- editing/deleting in a new popup
- several links of the same type

Needs changes in nimqml (to expose QAIM::begin/endMoveRows), in
DOtherSide (to expose those to NIM), in status-go (to preserve the links
order and fully save them to DB)

Fixes #9777
2023-03-16 16:08:23 +01:00

24 lines
424 B

import QtQuick 2.14
import utils 1.0
import StatusQ.Controls 0.1
StatusInput {
id: root
property int linkType
property string icon
leftPadding: Style.current.padding
input.clearable: true
placeholderText: ProfileUtils.linkTypeToDescription(linkType)
input.asset {
name: root.icon
color: ProfileUtils.linkTypeColor(root.linkType)
width: 20
height: 20