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synced 2025-02-13 23:28:49 +00:00
365 lines
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365 lines
14 KiB
import QtQuick 2.15
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.13
import QtQuick.Controls 2.14
import QtQuick.Window 2.12
import StatusQ.Components 0.1
import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1
import StatusQ.Core 0.1
import StatusQ.Controls 0.1
import StatusQ.Popups 0.1
import shared.controls 1.0
import utils 1.0
import shared.stores 1.0
import "../stores" as WalletStores
// NOTE:
// The address should be marked as shown (calling `mainModule.addressWasShown(address)`) if the user interacts with
// actions in the menu that reveals the address.
// That call is not added now, just because the only place where this menu is used is in the transaction details view
// and the address will be already marked as shown when the user opens the transaction details view.
// This note here is just to remember that if this menu is used in other places, the address should be marked as shown.
StatusMenu {
id: root
property var contactsStore
property var networkConnectionStore
property bool areTestNetworksEnabled: false
property bool isGoerliEnabled: false
signal openSendModal(address: string)
enum AddressType {
QtObject {
id: d
property string selectedAddress: ""
property string addressName: ""
property string addressEns: ""
property string colorId: ""
property string addressChains: ""
property string contractName: ""
property int addressType: TransactionAddressMenu.AddressType.Address
function getViewText(target) {
switch(d.addressType) {
case TransactionAddressMenu.AddressType.Contract:
if (d.contractName.length > 0)
return qsTr("View %1 contract address on %2").arg(d.contractName).arg(target)
return qsTr("View contract address on %1").arg(target)
case TransactionAddressMenu.AddressType.InputData:
return qsTr("View input data on %1").arg(target)
case TransactionAddressMenu.AddressType.Tx:
return qsTr("View transaction on %1").arg(target)
case TransactionAddressMenu.AddressType.Sender:
return qsTr("View sender address on %1").arg(target)
case TransactionAddressMenu.AddressType.Receiver:
return qsTr("View receiver address on %1").arg(target)
return qsTr("View address on %1").arg(target)
function refreshShowOnActionsVisiblity(shortChainNameList) {
for (let i = 0 ; i < shortChainNameList.length ; i++) {
switch(shortChainNameList[i].toLowerCase()) {
case Constants.networkShortChainNames.arbiscan.toLowerCase():
showOnArbiscanAction.enabled = true
case Constants.networkShortChainNames.optimism.toLowerCase():
showOnOptimismAction.enabled = true
showOnEtherscanAction.enabled = true
function openMenu(delegate) {
const x = delegate.width - 40
const y = delegate.height / 2 + 20
root.popup(delegate, x, y)
readonly property TextMetrics contentMetrics: TextMetrics {
id: contentMetrics
font.pixelSize: root.fontSettings.pixelSize
font.family: Theme.palette.baseFont.name
text: {
// Getting longest possible text
if (showOnEtherscanAction.enabled) {
return showOnEtherscanAction.text
} else if (showOnArbiscanAction.enabled) {
return showOnArbiscanAction.text
return showOnOptimismAction.text
function openSenderMenu(delegate, address, chainShortNameList = []) {
d.addressType = TransactionAddressMenu.AddressType.Sender
openEthAddressMenu(delegate, address, chainShortNameList)
function openReceiverMenu(delegate, address, chainShortNameList = []) {
d.addressType = TransactionAddressMenu.AddressType.Receiver
openEthAddressMenu(delegate, address, chainShortNameList)
function openEthAddressMenu(delegate, address, chainShortNameList = []) {
d.selectedAddress = address
address = address.toLowerCase()
const contactPubKey = "" // TODO retrive contact public key or contact data directly from address
let contactData = Utils.getContactDetailsAsJson(contactPubKey)
let isWalletAccount = false
const isContact = contactData.isContact
if (isContact) {
d.addressName = contactData.name
} else {
// Revisit here after this issue (resolving source for preferred chains...):
// https://github.com/status-im/status-desktop/issues/13109
d.addressName = WalletStores.RootStore.getNameForWalletAddress(address)
isWalletAccount = d.addressName.length > 0
if (!isWalletAccount) {
let savedAddress = WalletStores.RootStore.getSavedAddress(address)
d.addressName = savedAddress.name
d.addressEns = savedAddress.ens
d.colorId = savedAddress.colorId
d.addressChains = savedAddress.chainShortNames
showOnEtherscanAction.enabled = true
showOnArbiscanAction.enabled = address.includes(Constants.networkShortChainNames.arbiscan + ":")
showOnOptimismAction.enabled = address.includes(Constants.networkShortChainNames.optimism + ":")
saveAddressAction.enabled = d.addressName.length === 0
editAddressAction.enabled = !isWalletAccount && !isContact && d.addressName.length > 0
if (root.networkConnectionStore.sendBuyBridgeEnabled)
sendToAddressAction.enabled = true
showQrAction.enabled = true
function openTxMenu(delegate, address, chainShortNameList=[]) {
d.addressType = TransactionAddressMenu.AddressType.Tx
d.selectedAddress = address
function openContractMenu(delegate, address, chainShortNameList=[], name="") {
d.addressType = TransactionAddressMenu.AddressType.Contract
d.contractName = name
d.selectedAddress = address
function openInputDataMenu(delegate, address) {
d.addressType = TransactionAddressMenu.AddressType.InputData
d.selectedAddress = address
onClosed: {
d.addressType = TransactionAddressMenu.AddressType.Address
d.contractName = ""
showOnEtherscanAction.enabled = false
showOnArbiscanAction.enabled = false
showOnOptimismAction.enabled = false
showQrAction.enabled = false
saveAddressAction.enabled = false
editAddressAction.enabled = false
sendToAddressAction.enabled = false
// Additional offset for menu icon
contentWidth: contentMetrics.width + 50
hideDisabledItems: true
StatusAction {
id: showOnEtherscanAction
enabled: false
text: d.getViewText(qsTr("Etherscan"))
icon.name: "link"
onTriggered: {
const type = d.addressType === TransactionAddressMenu.Tx ? Constants.networkExplorerLinks.txPath : Constants.networkExplorerLinks.addressPath
let link = Constants.networkExplorerLinks.etherscan
if (areTestNetworksEnabled) {
if (root.isGoerliEnabled) {
link = Constants.networkExplorerLinks.sepoliaEtherscan
} else {
link = Constants.networkExplorerLinks.goerliEtherscan
StatusAction {
id: showOnArbiscanAction
enabled: false
text: d.getViewText(qsTr("Arbiscan"))
icon.name: "link"
onTriggered: {
const type = d.addressType === TransactionAddressMenu.Tx ? Constants.networkExplorerLinks.txPath : Constants.networkExplorerLinks.addressPath
const link = areTestNetworksEnabled ? Constants.networkExplorerLinks.goerliArbiscan : Constants.networkExplorerLinks.arbiscan
StatusAction {
id: showOnOptimismAction
enabled: false
text: d.getViewText(qsTr("Optimism Explorer"))
icon.name: "link"
onTriggered: {
const type = d.addressType === TransactionAddressMenu.Tx ? Constants.networkExplorerLinks.txPath : Constants.networkExplorerLinks.addressPath
const link = areTestNetworksEnabled ? Constants.networkExplorerLinks.goerliOptimism : Constants.networkExplorerLinks.optimism
StatusSuccessAction {
id: copyAddressAction
successText: {
switch(d.addressType) {
case TransactionAddressMenu.AddressType.Contract:
return qsTr("Contract address copied")
case TransactionAddressMenu.AddressType.InputData:
return qsTr("Input data copied")
case TransactionAddressMenu.AddressType.Tx:
return qsTr("Tx hash copied")
case TransactionAddressMenu.AddressType.Sender:
return qsTr("Sender address copied")
case TransactionAddressMenu.AddressType.Receiver:
return qsTr("Receiver address copied")
return qsTr("Address copied")
text: {
switch(d.addressType) {
case TransactionAddressMenu.AddressType.Contract:
return qsTr("Copy contract address")
case TransactionAddressMenu.AddressType.InputData:
return qsTr("Copy input data")
case TransactionAddressMenu.AddressType.Tx:
return qsTr("Copy Tx hash")
case TransactionAddressMenu.AddressType.Sender:
return qsTr("Copy sender address")
case TransactionAddressMenu.AddressType.Receiver:
return qsTr("Copy receiver address")
return qsTr("Copy address")
icon.name: "copy"
onTriggered: RootStore.copyToClipboard(d.selectedAddress)
StatusAction {
id: showQrAction
enabled: false
text: {
switch(d.addressType) {
case TransactionAddressMenu.AddressType.Sender:
return qsTr("Show sender address QR")
case TransactionAddressMenu.AddressType.Receiver:
return qsTr("Show receiver address QR")
return qsTr("Show address QR")
icon.name: "qr"
onTriggered: {
onTriggered: Global.openShowQRPopup({
showSingleAccount: true,
switchingAccounsEnabled: false,
changingPreferredChainsEnabled: false,
hasFloatingButtons: false,
name: d.addressName,
address: d.selectedAddress,
colorId: d.colorId,
StatusAction {
id: saveAddressAction
enabled: false
text: {
switch(d.addressType) {
case TransactionAddressMenu.AddressType.Sender:
return qsTr("Save sender address")
case TransactionAddressMenu.AddressType.Receiver:
return qsTr("Save receiver address")
return qsTr("Save address")
icon.name: "star-icon-outline"
onTriggered: {
addAddress: true,
address: d.selectedAddress,
ens: d.addressEns,
chainShortNames: d.addressChains
StatusAction {
id: editAddressAction
enabled: false
text: qsTr("Edit saved address")
icon.name: "pencil-outline"
onTriggered: Global.openAddEditSavedAddressesPopup({
edit: true,
name: d.addressName,
address: d.selectedAddress,
ens: d.addressEns,
colorId: d.colorId,
chainShortNames: d.addressChains
StatusAction {
id: sendToAddressAction
enabled: false
visibleOnDisabled: true
text: {
switch(d.addressType) {
case TransactionAddressMenu.AddressType.Sender:
return qsTr("Send to sender address")
case TransactionAddressMenu.AddressType.Receiver:
return qsTr("Send to receiver address")
return qsTr("Send to address")
icon.name: "send"
onTriggered: root.openSendModal(d.selectedAddress)