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synced 2025-02-07 20:25:36 +00:00
- the goal of this PR is to get some bsais UI building blocks done for the followup PRs - the order of showcase tabs now is: Communities/Accounts/Collectibles/Assets - there will be further changes to accomodate for different types of backend models as those get developed (for other users' profiles) Fixes #9664
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import QtQuick 2.13
import QtQuick.Controls 2.3
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.13
import utils 1.0
import shared 1.0
import shared.panels 1.0
import shared.popups 1.0
import shared.controls.chat 1.0
import "../popups"
import "../stores"
import "../controls"
import "./profile"
import StatusQ.Core 0.1
import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1
import StatusQ.Components 0.1
import StatusQ.Controls 0.1
SettingsContentBase {
id: root
property WalletStore walletStore
property ProfileStore profileStore
property PrivacyStore privacyStore
property ContactsStore contactsStore
property var communitiesModel
titleRowComponentLoader.sourceComponent: StatusButton {
objectName: "profileSettingsChangePasswordButton"
text: qsTr("Change Password")
onClicked: changePasswordModal.open()
enabled: !userProfile.isKeycardUser
dirty: settingsView.dirty
saveChangesButtonEnabled: settingsView.valid
onResetChangesClicked: {
onSaveChangesClicked: {
bottomHeaderComponents: StatusTabBar {
id: editPreviwTabBar
StatusTabButton {
width: implicitWidth
text: qsTr("Edit")
StatusTabButton {
width: implicitWidth
text: qsTr("Preview")
ColumnLayout {
id: layout
spacing: Constants.settingsSection.itemSpacing
width: root.contentWidth
StackLayout {
id: stackLayout
currentIndex: editPreviwTabBar.currentIndex
MyProfileSettingsView {
id: settingsView
objectName: "myProfileSettingsView"
profileStore: root.profileStore
privacyStore: root.privacyStore
walletStore: root.walletStore
communitiesModel: root.communitiesModel
onVisibleChanged: if (visible) stackLayout.Layout.preferredHeight = settingsView.implicitHeight
Component.onCompleted: stackLayout.Layout.preferredHeight = Qt.binding(() => settingsView.implicitHeight)
MyProfilePreview {
id: profilePreview
profileStore: root.profileStore
contactsStore: root.contactsStore
communitiesModel: root.communitiesModel
dirtyValues: settingsView.dirtyValues
dirty: settingsView.dirty
onVisibleChanged: if (visible) stackLayout.Layout.preferredHeight = Qt.binding(() => profilePreview.implicitHeight)
ChangePasswordModal {
id: changePasswordModal
privacyStore: root.privacyStore
anchors.centerIn: parent
onPasswordChanged: successPopup.open()
ChangePasswordSuccessModal {
id: successPopup
anchors.centerIn: parent