Khushboo Mehta 0426d7de55 fix(@desktop/wallet): Remove auto retries for connections errors. In case of an error there are two things that can happen
1. The user can manually click on "Retry now"
2. We have a 10 in timer on wallet, after whichb all the data shown is refreshed

fixes #10124
2023-04-04 15:24:37 +02:00

71 lines
2.2 KiB

import QtQuick 2.14
import StatusQ.Core 0.1
import StatusQ.Controls 0.1
import utils 1.0
Loader {
id: root
active: false
property var networkConnectionStore
readonly property string jointChainIdString: networkConnectionStore.getChainIdsJointString(chainIdsDown)
property string websiteDown
property int connectionState: -1
property var chainIdsDown: []
property bool completelyDown: false
property string lastCheckedAt
property bool withCache: false
property string tooltipMessage
property string toastText
function updateBanner() { = true
if (connectionState === Constants.ConnectionStatus.Failure)
sourceComponent: ModuleWarning {
QtObject {
id: d
readonly property bool isOnline: networkConnectionStore.isOnline
onIsOnlineChanged: if(!isOnline) hide()
onHideFinished: = false
text: root.toastText
type: connectionState === Constants.ConnectionStatus.Success ? ModuleWarning.Success : ModuleWarning.Danger
buttonText: connectionState === Constants.ConnectionStatus.Failure ? qsTr("Retry now") : ""
onClicked: networkConnectionStore.retryConnection(websiteDown)
onCloseClicked: hide()
onLinkActivated: {, 3000)
StatusToolTip {
id: toolTip
orientation: StatusToolTip.Orientation.Bottom
maxWidth: 300
Connections {
target: networkConnectionStore.networkConnectionModuleInst
function onNetworkConnectionStatusUpdate(website: string, completelyDown: bool, connectionState: int, chainIds: string, lastCheckedAt: int) {
if (website === websiteDown) {
root.connectionState = connectionState
root.chainIdsDown = chainIds.split(";")
root.completelyDown = completelyDown
root.lastCheckedAt = LocaleUtils.formatDateTime(new Date(lastCheckedAt*1000))