import QtQuick 2.15 import QtQuick.Controls 2.15 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15 import QtQml.Models 2.15 import StatusQ 0.1 import StatusQ.Controls 0.1 import StatusQ.Core 0.1 import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1 import StatusQ.Core.Utils 0.1 import StatusQ.Popups.Dialog 0.1 import AppLayouts.Wallet.views 1.0 import utils 1.0 import SortFilterProxyModel 0.2 /** Panel holding search field and two-levels list of collectibles. */ Control { id: root /** Expected model structure: groupName [string] - group name icon [url] - icon image of a group type [string] - group type, can be "community" or "other" subitems [model] - submodel of collectibles/collections of the group key [string] - balance name [string] - name of the subitem balance [int] - balance of the subitem icon [url] - icon of the subitem **/ property alias model: sfpm.sourceModel signal collectionSelected(string key) signal collectibleSelected(string key) property string highlightedKey: "" readonly property alias currentItem: collectiblesStackView.currentItem function clearSearch() { collectiblesSearchBox.text = "" } SortFilterProxyModel { id: sfpm filters: SearchFilter { roleName: "groupName" searchPhrase: collectiblesSearchBox.text } } contentItem: StackView { id: collectiblesStackView implicitHeight: currentItem.implicitHeight initialItem: ColumnLayout { spacing: 0 StatusBaseText { Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter Layout.bottomMargin: 4 text: qsTr("Your collectibles will appear here") color: Theme.palette.baseColor1 visible: !collectiblesListView.count && !collectiblesSearchBox.text } TokenSearchBox { id: collectiblesSearchBox objectName: "collectiblesSearchBox" Layout.fillWidth: true placeholderText: qsTr("Search collectibles") visible: collectiblesListView.count || !!collectiblesSearchBox.text Keys.forwardTo: [collectiblesListView] } StatusDialogDivider { Layout.fillWidth: true visible: collectiblesListView.count } StatusListView { id: collectiblesListView readonly property bool validSearchResultExists: !!collectiblesSearchBox.text && sfpm.count > 0 Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.fillHeight: true Layout.preferredHeight: contentHeight Layout.leftMargin: 4 Layout.rightMargin: 4 spacing: 4 clip: true model: sfpm delegate: TokenSelectorCollectibleDelegate { required property var model readonly property int subitemsCount: model.subitems.ModelCount.count readonly property bool isCommunity: model.type === "community" readonly property bool showCount: subitemsCount > 1 || isCommunity name: model.groupName balance: showCount ? subitemsCount : "" image: model.icon goDeeperIconVisible: subitemsCount > 1 || isCommunity networkIcon: model.iconUrl highlighted: subitemsCount === 1 && !isCommunity ? ModelUtils.get(model.subitems, 0, "key") === root.highlightedKey : false isAutoHovered: collectiblesListView.validSearchResultExists && model.index === 0 && !collectiblesListViewHoverHandler.hovered onClicked: { if (subitemsCount === 1 && !isCommunity) { const key = ModelUtils.get(model.subitems, 0, "key") root.collectibleSelected(key) return } const parameters = { index: sfpm.index(model.index, 0), model: model.subitems, isCommunity: isCommunity } collectiblesStackView.push( collectiblesSublistComponent, parameters, StackView.Immediate) } } "type" section.delegate: TokenSelectorSectionDelegate { width: ListView.view.width text: section === "community" ? qsTr("Community minted") : qsTr("Other") } Keys.onReturnPressed: { if(validSearchResultExists) collectiblesListView.itemAtIndex(0).clicked() } Keys.onEnterPressed: { if(validSearchResultExists) collectiblesListView.itemAtIndex(0).clicked() } HoverHandler { id: collectiblesListViewHoverHandler } } } } Component { id: collectiblesSublistComponent ColumnLayout { property var index property alias model: sublistSfpm.sourceModel property bool isCommunity spacing: 0 SortFilterProxyModel { id: sublistSfpm filters: SearchFilter { roleName: "name" searchPhrase: collectiblesSublistSearchBox.text } } StatusIconTextButton { id: backButton statusIcon: "previous" icon.width: 12 icon.height: 12 text: qsTr("Back") horizontalPadding: 21 bottomPadding: Theme.halfPadding onClicked: collectiblesStackView.pop(StackView.Immediate) } StatusDialogDivider { Layout.fillWidth: true visible: collectiblesListView.count } TokenSearchBox { id: collectiblesSublistSearchBox Layout.fillWidth: true placeholderText: qsTr("Search collectibles") Keys.forwardTo: [sublist] } StatusDialogDivider { Layout.fillWidth: true visible: collectiblesListView.count } StatusListView { id: sublist readonly property bool validSearchResultExists: !!collectiblesSublistSearchBox.text && sublistSfpm.count > 0 Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.fillHeight: true Layout.preferredHeight: contentHeight Layout.leftMargin: 4 Layout.rightMargin: 4 model: sublistSfpm clip: true delegate: TokenSelectorCollectibleDelegate { required property var model name: balance: model.balance > 1 ? model.balance : "" image: model.icon goDeeperIconVisible: false networkIcon: model.iconUrl highlighted: model.key === root.highlightedKey isAutoHovered: sublist.validSearchResultExists && model.index === 0 && !sublistHoverHandler.hovered onClicked: { if (isCommunity) root.collectionSelected(model.key) else root.collectibleSelected(model.key) } } Keys.onReturnPressed: { if(validSearchResultExists) sublist.itemAtIndex(0).clicked() } Keys.onEnterPressed: { if(validSearchResultExists) sublist.itemAtIndex(0).clicked() } HoverHandler { id: sublistHoverHandler } } // Detection if the related model entry has been removed. // Using model.Component.destruction.connect is not reliable because // is not called for submodels maintained in c++ by the parent model. ItemSelectionModel { id: selection model: sfpm onHasSelectionChanged: { if (!hasSelection) collectiblesStackView.pop(StackView.Immediate) } Component.onCompleted: select(index, ItemSelectionModel.Select) } } } }