#!/usr/bin/env bash set -eof pipefail if [[ $# -ne 1 ]]; then echo "No path to search for EXE and DLL files provided!" >&2 exit 1 fi function must_get_env() { declare -n VAR_VALUE="$1" if [[ -z "${VAR_VALUE}" ]]; then echo -e "Missing env variable: ${!VAR_VALUE}" 1>&2 exit 1 fi } # The signing certificate, password, and timestamp server is required. must_get_env WINDOWS_CODESIGN_PFX_PATH must_get_env WINDOWS_CODESIGN_PASSWORD must_get_env WINDOWS_CODESIGN_TIMESTAMP_URL # Signing Tool usually comes with the Windows Kits. WINDOWS_KITS='/c/Program Files (x86)/Windows Kits' SIGNTOOL=$(find "${WINDOWS_KITS}" -iname 'signtool.exe' | grep x64 | sort | head -n1) if [[ -z "${SIGNTOOL}" ]]; then echo "No signtool.exe was found in '${WINDOWS_KITS}'!" >&2 exit 1 fi # Find the files to sign. FOUND_FILES=$(find "${1}" -type f -iname '*.dll' -or -iname '*.exe') declare -a FILES_TO_SIGN for FILE in ${FOUND_FILES}; do # Some files like Qt libraries are already signed. if "${SIGNTOOL}" verify -pa ${FILE} &>/dev/null; then continue fi FILES_TO_SIGN+=("${FILE}") done # Sign all the non-signed binaries. Add -debug if need be. "${SIGNTOOL}" sign -v -fd SHA256 \ -p "${WINDOWS_CODESIGN_PASSWORD}" \ -f "${WINDOWS_CODESIGN_PFX_PATH}" \ -tr "${WINDOWS_CODESIGN_TIMESTAMP_URL}" \ "${FILES_TO_SIGN[@]}" | dos2unix echo "Signed successfully!"