import QtQuick 2.14 import QtQuick.Controls 2.14 import QtQml 2.14 import QtTest 1.0 import StatusQ 0.1 // import shared.popups.addaccount.panels 1.0 import shared.popups.addaccount.panels.DerivationPathInput 1.0 Item { id: root width: 600 height: 400 TestCase { name: "DerivationPathInputControllerTests" Component { id: controllerComponent Controller { enabledColor: "white" frozenColor: "black" errorColor: "red" warningColor: "orange" } } property Controller controller: null function init() { controller = createTemporaryObject(controllerComponent, root) } function test_parseRegularBases_data() { return [ {tag: "Ethereum Standard", base: "m/44'/60'/0'/0", expected: ["m/44'/", "60", "'/", "0", "'/", "0"]}, {tag: "Custom", base: "m/44'", expected: ["m/44'"]}, {tag: "Custom with separator", base: "m/44'/", expected: ["m/44'/"]}, {tag: "Ethereum Ledger", base: "m/44'/60'/0'", expected: ["m/44'/", "60", "'/", "0", "'"]}, {tag: "Ethereum Ledger Live", base: "m/44'/60'", expected: ["m/44'/", "60", "'"]}, ] } function test_parseRegularBases(data) { let res = controller.parseDerivationPath(data.base) compare(res.length, data.expected.length, `expect same length: ${JSON.stringify(res)} vs ${JSON.stringify(data.expected)}`) for (const i in res) { compare(data.expected[i], res[i].content) } } function test_parseRegularDerivationPath_data() { return [ {tag: "Ethereum one address index", derivationPath: "m/44'/60'/0'/0/1", expected: ["m/44'/", "60", "'/", "0", "'/", "0", "/", "1"]}, {tag: "Ethereum two address index", derivationPath: "m/44'/60'/0'/0/1/2", expected: ["m/44'/", "60", "'/", "0", "'/", "0", "/", "1", "/", "2"]}, {tag: "Ethereum Ledger", derivationPath: "m/44'/60'/0'/1/2", expected: ["m/44'/", "60", "'/", "0", "'/", "1", "/", "2"]}, {tag: "Ethereum Ledger Live", derivationPath: "m/44'/60'/1'/2/3", expected: ["m/44'/", "60", "'/", "1", "'/", "2", "/", "3"]}, {tag: "Empty entries", derivationPath: "m/44'/'/'//", expected: ["m/44'/", "", "'/", "", "'/", "", "/", ""]}, {tag: "Wrong entries", derivationPath: "m/44'/T<'/.?'/;/wrong", expected: ["m/44'/", "T<", "'/", ".?", "'/", ";", "/", "wrong"]}, {tag: "Custom corner-case coin only", derivationPath: "m/44'/77", expected: ["m/44'/", "77"]}, {tag: "Custom corner-case hardened coin only", derivationPath: "m/44'/12'", expected: ["m/44'/", "12", "'"]}, {tag: "Custom corner-case coin and separator", derivationPath: "m/44'/12'/", expected: ["m/44'/", "12", "'/", ""]}, {tag: "Custom corner-case coin and address", derivationPath: "m/44'/12'/03", expected: ["m/44'/", "12", "'/", "03"]}, {tag: "Custom corner-case coin and hardened address", derivationPath: "m/44'/12'/03'", expected: ["m/44'/", "12", "'/", "03", "'"]}, {tag: "Custom corner-case coin, address and separator", derivationPath: "m/44'/12'/03'/", expected: ["m/44'/", "12", "'/", "03", "'/", ""]}, {tag: "Custom corner-case coin, address and change", derivationPath: "m/44'/12'/03'/83", expected: ["m/44'/", "12", "'/", "03", "'/", "83"]}, {tag: "Custom corner-case coin, address, change and separator", derivationPath: "m/44'/12'/03'/83/", expected: ["m/44'/", "12", "'/", "03", "'/", "83", "/", ""]}, ] } function test_parseRegularDerivationPath(data) { let res = controller.parseDerivationPath(data.derivationPath) compare(res.length, data.expected.length, `expect same element count for: ${JSON.stringify(res)} vs ${JSON.stringify(data.expected)}`) for (const i in res) { compare(data.expected[i], res[i].content, `expect same element for [${i}]: ${JSON.stringify(res)} vs ${JSON.stringify(data.expected)}`) } } function test_completeDerivationPath_data() { return [ {tag: "Ethereum", base: "m/44'/60'/0'/0", derivationPath: "m/44'/60'/0'/0/1", expected: ["m/44'/", "60", "'/", "0", "'/", "0", "/", "1"]}, {tag: "Ending in separator", base: "m/44'/60'/0'/0", derivationPath: "m/44'/60'/0'/0/", expected: ["m/44'/", "60", "'/", "0", "'/", "0", "/", ""]}, {tag: "Custom", base: "m/44'", derivationPath: "m/44'", expected: ["m/44'/", ""]}, {tag: "Ethereum Ledger", base: "m/44'", derivationPath: "m/44'/60'/0/1/2", expected: ["m/44'/", "60", "'/", "0", "'/", "1", "/", "2"]}, {tag: "Broken Ethereum", base: "m/44'", derivationPath: "m/44'/60/0'/0/1/2", expected: ["m/44'/", "60/0", "'/", "0", "/", "1", "/", "2"]}, ] } function test_completeDerivationPath(data) { let res = controller.completeDerivationPath(data.base, data.derivationPath) verify(res.errorMessage.length === 0, `expect no error message, got "${res.errorMessage}"`) compare(res.elements.length, data.expected.length, `expect same length for test data entry ${}, ${JSON.stringify(res.elements)} vs ${JSON.stringify(data.expected)}`) for (const i in res) { compare(data.expected[i], res[i].content) } } function test_parseRegularWrongDerivationPath_data() { return [ {tag: "Other standard", derivationPath: "m/46'/60'/0'/0/1"}, {tag: "Incomplete", derivationPath: "m/44"}, {tag: "Ethereum", derivationPath: "'/46'/60'/0'/0/1"}, ] } function test_parseRegularWrongDerivationPath(data) { let res = controller.parseDerivationPath(data.derivationPath) compare(res, null) } function test_validateAllElements_data() { return [ {tag: "No error", derivationPath: "m/44'/60'/0'/0/1", error: "", warning: ""}, {tag: "No error regression", derivationPath: "m/44'/", error: "", warning: ""}, {tag: "Non-ethereum", derivationPath: "m/44'/83'/0'/0/1", error: "", warning: "Non-Ethereum cointype"}, {tag: "Numbers only", derivationPath: "m/44'/8d3'/0'/0/1", error: "Please enter numbers only", warning: ""}, {tag: "First address index too big", derivationPath: "m/44'/83'/0'/0/101", error: "Account number must be <100", warning: ""}, {tag: "Last address index too big", derivationPath: "m/44'/83'/0'/0/1/2/123", error: "Account number must be <100", warning: ""}, ] } function test_validateAllElements(data) { const res = controller.completeDerivationPath("m/44'", data.derivationPath) var validationResult = controller.validateAllElements(res.elements) var expectAllOk = true if(data.error) { verify(validationResult.error, `expect error message, got "${validationResult.error}"`) expectAllOk = false } if(data.warning) { verify(validationResult.warning, `expect warning message, got "${validationResult.warning}"`) expectAllOk = false } if(expectAllOk) { verify(!validationResult.error, `expect no error message, got "${validationResult.error}"`) verify(!validationResult.warning, `expect no warning message, got "${validationResult.warning}"`) } } Component { id: testDataElementsComponent Item { Element { id: base; content: "m/44'/"; startIndex: 0; endIndex: 7; contentType: Element.ContentType.Base } Element { id: coin; content: "60"; startIndex: base.endIndex; endIndex: startIndex + content.length; contentType: Element.ContentType.Number } Element { id: coinAccSep; content: "'/"; startIndex: coin.endIndex; endIndex: startIndex + content.length; contentType: Element.ContentType.Separator } Element { id: acc; content: "777"; startIndex: coinAccSep.endIndex; endIndex: startIndex + content.length; contentType: Element.ContentType.Number } Element { id: accChgSep; content: "'/"; startIndex: acc.endIndex; endIndex: startIndex + content.length; contentType: Element.ContentType.Separator } Element { id: chg; content: "0"; startIndex: accChgSep.endIndex; endIndex: startIndex + content.length; contentType: Element.ContentType.Number } Element { id: chgAccIdxSep; content: "/"; startIndex: chg.endIndex; endIndex: startIndex + content.length; contentType: Element.ContentType.Separator } Element { id: accIdx1; content: "1"; startIndex: chgAccIdxSep.endIndex; endIndex: startIndex + content.length; contentType: Element.ContentType.Number } Element { id: accIdxSep1; content: "/"; startIndex: accIdx1.endIndex; endIndex: startIndex + content.length; contentType: Element.ContentType.Separator } Element { id: accIdx2; content: "2"; startIndex: accIdxSep1.endIndex; endIndex: startIndex + content.length; contentType: Element.ContentType.Number } Element { id: accIdxSep2; content: "/"; startIndex: accIdx2.endIndex; endIndex: startIndex + content.length; contentType: Element.ContentType.Separator } Element { id: accIdx3; content: "2"; startIndex: accIdxSep2.endIndex; endIndex: startIndex + content.length; contentType: Element.ContentType.Number } } } function test_generateHtml() { let res = controller.generateHtmlFromElements(testDataElementsComponent.createObject(root).resources) verify(/^