AboutContainer About the app Status Desktop Version: 1.0 Node Version: %1 AccountSettingsModal Status account settings Enter an account name... Account name Account color Type Watch-only Off Status tree On Status tree Wallet address Derivation path Storage This device Delete account Are you sure? A deleted account cannot be retrieved later. Only press yes if you backed up your key/seed or don't care about this account anymore Save changes Account name cannot be empty AddAccount Generate an account Add a watch-only address Enter a seed phrase Enter a private key AddAccountWithPrivateKey Add account from private key Enter your password… Password Paste the contents of your private key Private key Enter an account name... Account name Account color Add account > AddAccountWithSeed Add account with a seed phrase Enter your password… Password Enter your seed phrase, separate words with commas or spaces... Seed phrase Enter an account name... Account name Account color AddCustomTokenModal add custom token Enter contract address... Contract address The name of your token... Name ABC Symbol Decimals Add AddWatchOnlyAccount Add a watch-only account Enter address... Account address Enter an account name... Account name Account color AdvancedContainer Advanced settings Browser Tab experimental (web3 not supported yet) Node Management Tab under development ChatInput Type a message... Contact Admin ContactsColumn Chat ContactsContainer Contacts Currencies US Dollars Euros EnsContainer ENS usernames GenerateAccountModal Generate an account Enter your password… Password Enter an account name... Account name Account color GroupChatPopup (You) New group chat %1 / 10 members Group name Create Group Chat GroupInfoPopup %1 members 1 member Members Admin Make Admin Remove From Group HelpContainer Help menus: FAQ, Glossary, etc. LanguageContainer Language settings LeftTab Wallet Menu ENS usernames Contacts Privacy and security Sync settings Language settings Notifications settings Advanced settings Need help? About Sign out Message Join chat Decline invitation NodeLayout Type json-rpc message... e.g {"method": "eth_accounts"} NotificationsContainer Notifications settings PrivacyContainer Privacy and security settings PrivateChatPopup New chat Enter ENS username or chat key ProfilePopup ENS username Chat key Share Profile URL Send Message Block User Add to contacts PublicChatPopup Join public chat A public chat is where you get to hang out with others, make friends and talk about subjects of your interest. chat-name RenameGroupPopup Group name Group Name Save SearchBox Search SendModalContent Enter ETH Send from (account) Send to SignoutContainer Sign out controls Exit SyncContainer Sync settings TokenSettingsModal Add/Remove Tokens Add custom token TopBar Public chat TODO: Contact/Not a contact %1 members 1 member Clear history Leave Chat Group Information Leave Group TransactionModal Transaction Details 9999 Confirmations When the transaction has 12 confirmations you can consider it settled. Block Hash From To Gas limit Gas price Gas used Nonce WalletHeader Account Settings Add/Remove Tokens Set Currency main appTitle Nim Status Client Quit