import QtQuick 2.14 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.14 import QtQuick.Controls 2.14 as QC import StatusQ.Core 0.1 import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1 import StatusQ.Controls 0.1 import StatusQ.Core.Utils 0.1 import utils 1.0 /*! \qmltype StatusNetworkSelector \inherits Rectangle \inqmlmodule StatusQ.Components \since StatusQ.Components 0.1 \brief It allows to add items and display them as a tag item with an image and text. It also allows to store and display logical `and` / `or` operators into the list. Inherits \l{}{Item}. The \c StatusNetworkSelector is populated with a data model. The data model is commonly a JavaScript array or a ListModel object with specific expected roles. Example of how the component looks like: \image status_item_selector.png Example of how to use it: \qml StatusNetworkSelector { id: networkSelector title: "Network preference" enabled: addressInput.valid defaultItemText: "Add networks" defaultItemImageSource: "add" itemsModel: ListModel {} addButton.onClicked: { } onItemClicked: { } onItemRightButtonClicked: { } } \endqml For a list of components available see StatusQ. */ Rectangle { id: root /*! \qmlproperty string StatusNetworkSelector::title This property holds the title shown on top of the component. */ property string title /*! \qmlproperty string StatusNetworkSelector::defaultItemText This property holds the default item text shown when the list of items is empty. */ property string defaultItemText /*! \qmlproperty url StatusNetworkSelector::defaultItemImageSource This property holds the default item icon shown when the list of items is empty. */ property string defaultItemImageSource: "" /*! \qmlproperty StatusRoundButton StatusNetworkSelector::addButton This property holds an alias to the `add` button. */ readonly property alias addButton: addItemButton /*! \qmlproperty ListModel StatusNetworkSelector::itemsModel This property holds the data that will be populated in the items selector. Here an example of the model roles expected: \qml itemsModel: ListModel { ListElement { text: "Ethereum" iconUrl: "Network=Ethereum" } ListElement { text: "Optimism" iconUrl: "Network=Optimism" } } \endqml */ property var itemsModel: ListModel { } /*! \qmlproperty bool StatusNetworkSelector::useIcons This property determines if the imageSource role from the model will be handled as an image or an icon. */ property bool useIcons: false property StatusAssetSettings asset: StatusAssetSettings { height: 20 width: 20 bgColor: "transparent" isImage: !root.useIcons isLetterIdenticon: root.useLetterIdenticons } /*! \qmlproperty bool StatusNetworkSelector::useLetterIdenticons This property determines if letter identicons should be used. If set to true, the model is expected to contain roles "color" and "emoji". */ property bool useLetterIdenticons: false /*! \qmlsignal StatusNetworkSelector::itemClicked This signal is emitted when the item is clicked. */ signal itemClicked(var item, int index, var mouse) /*! \qmlsignal StatusNetworkSelector::itemRightButtonClicked This signal is emitted when the item's right button is clicked. */ signal itemRightButtonClicked(var item, int index, var mouse) color: "transparent" implicitHeight: columnLayout.implicitHeight implicitWidth: 560 property bool rightButtonVisible: false /*! \qmlproperty StatusNetworkListItemTag StatusNetworkSelector::defaultItem This property holds an alias to the `defaultItem` tag */ property alias defaultItem: defaultListItemTag ColumnLayout { id: columnLayout spacing: 8 StatusBaseText { text: root.title color: Theme.palette.directColor1 font.pixelSize: 15 } Flow { id: flow Layout.preferredWidth: root.width Layout.fillWidth: true spacing: 6 StatusRoundButton { id: addItemButton implicitHeight: 32 implicitWidth: implicitHeight height: width type: StatusRoundButton.Type.Tertiary border.color: Theme.palette.baseColor2 root.defaultItemImageSource visible: itemsModel.count > 0 icon.color: Theme.palette.primaryColor1 } StatusNetworkListItemTag { id: defaultListItemTag visible: !itemsModel || itemsModel.count === 0 title: root.defaultItemText button.visible: true root.defaultItemImageSource button.enabled: false button.icon.disabledColor: titleText.color button.icon.color: titleText.color onClicked: { root.itemClicked(this, 0, mouse) } } Repeater { model: itemsModel StatusNetworkListItemTag { id: networkTag title: model.chainName asset.height: root.asset.height asset.width: root.asset.width root.useLetterIdenticons ? model.text : Style.svg(model.iconUrl) asset.isImage: root.asset.isImage asset.bgColor: root.asset.bgColor asset.isLetterIdenticon: root.useLetterIdenticons button.visible: root.rightButtonVisible titleText.color: Theme.palette.primaryColor1 button.icon.disabledColor: titleText.color button.icon.color: titleText.color hoverEnabled: false property var modelRef: model // model is not reachable outside via item.model.someData, so expose it onClicked: { root.itemClicked(this, index, mouse) } button.onClicked: { root.itemRightButtonClicked(networkTag, index, mouse) } } } } } }