Please enter a URL This fields needs to be a valid URL Please enter a Name Favorite added Edit تصحيح Add favorite URL URL Paste URL Name اسم Name the website Remove ازاله Done فعله Add إضافة '%1' would like to connect to Allowing authorizes this DApp to retrieve your wallet address and enable Web3 يسمح لـ DApp باسترداد عنوان محفظتك وتمكين Web3 Granting access authorizes this DApp to retrieve your chat key يسمح لـ DApp إمكانية استرداد مفتاح الدردشة الخاص بك Deny رفض Allow السماح Enter URL أدخل عنوان URL Error sending the transaction Error signing message Transaction pending... المعاملة جارية ... Wrong password كلمة مرور خاطئة Start Page New Tab علامة تبويب جديدة Downloads Page Server's certificate not trusted Do you wish to continue? If you wish so, you may continue with an unverified certificate. Accepting an unverified certificate means you may not be connected with the host you tried to connect to. Do you wish to override the security check and continue? Exit Incognito mode Go Incognito Zoom In Zoom Out Find العثور Compatibility mode Developer Tools Settings الإعدادات Mainnet Ropsten Unknown غير معروف Disconnect Assets الأصول History التاريخ Show All Cancelled Paused Open فتح Show in folder Pause Resume Cancel إلغاء Downloaded files will appear here. Open in new Tab فتح في علامة تبويب جديدة Ok حسنا Signature request From من عند Data البيانات Message رسالة Reject Sign تسجيل Sign with password تسجيل الدخول بكلمة مرور Contact request pending Connected متصل Disconnected الدردشة غير متصلة بالأنترنت This user has been blocked. Type a message. Send إرسال Request Address Request طلب Continue استمر Receive on account From account Address request required To إلى Preview Transaction preview Next التالى Invalid transaction parameters Authorize %1 %2 Choose account Network fee رسوم الشبكة Error estimating gas: %1 . The transaction will probably fail. Send %1 %2 Image صورة Sticker You have a new message You have been accepted into the ‘%1’ community Your request to join the ‘%1’ community was declined New membership request %1 asks to join ‘%2’ Failed to send message. Share your chat key or او invite دعوه friends to start messaging in Status before %1Between %1 and %2 ↓ Fetch more messages ↓ جلب المزيد من الرسائل before %1 Welcome to the beginning of the <span style='color: %1'>%2</span> group! Welcome to the beginning of the <span style= Any messages you send here are encrypted and can only be read by you and <span style='color: %1'>%2</span> Any messages you send here are encrypted and can only be read by you and <span style= Join chat Decline invitation رفض الدعوة Add reaction Reply الرد More المزيد Today Yesterday January February March April May June July August September October November December and %1 more reacted with Error loading the image Error loading the imageLoading image... Loading image... This feature is experimental and is meant for testing purposes by core contributors and the community. It's not meant for real use and makes no claims of security or integrity of funds or data. Use at your own risk. Membership requires an ENS username You need to be invited Request Access طلب الدخول Verified community invitation Community invitation You invited %1 to join a community %1 invited you to join a community You shared a community A community has been shared Unsupported state %1 members Joined انضم Join انضم Enable link previews in chat? تمكين معاينات الارتباط في الدردشة؟ Once enabled, links posted in the chat may share your metadata with their owners Enable in Settings Don't ask me again لا تسألني مرة أخرى Resend إعادة إرسال Transaction request طلب معاملة ↑ Outgoing transaction ↓ Incoming transaction Something has gone wrong Accept and share address قبول العنوان ومشاركته Accept and send Decline رفض الدعوة Select account حدد حساب Choose accountSelect account to share and receive assets Confirm and share address Sign and send التوقيع والإرسال Pending المعلقه Confirmed تم تأكيد Unknown token Address requested العنوان المطلوب Waiting to accept Address shared Address received العنوان المستلم Transaction declined تم رفض الصفقة failure Unknown state You أنت Clear history Clear History تاريخ واضح Leave group Leave Group غادر المجموعة Are you sure you want to leave this chat? Remove Contact Are you sure you want to remove this contact? Communities مجتمعات Search for communities or topics 1 member Import a community استيراد مجتمع Create a community أنشئ مجتمعًا Public community Invitation only community On request community Unknown community - ENS Only Chats دردشات Join ‘%1’ Request to join ‘%1’ Error joining the community Members الأعضاء Create category Invite people Invite People دعوة الأشخاص Membership requests طلبات العضوية Edit Category Delete Category Delete %1 category Are you sure you want to delete %1 category? Channels inside the category won’t be deleted. Error deleting the category View Profile عرض الصفحة الشخصية Roles Kick Ban Transfer ownership Invite successfully sent Share community Notifications الاخطارات Edit community تعديل المجتمع Create channel قم بإنشاء قناة Leave community اترك المجتمع Delete حذف Welcome to your community! Add members إضافة أعضاء Manage community You need to enter a name Edit #%1 channel name Channel name channel decription Channel name اسم القناة Describe the channel وصف القناة Pinned messages channel description Channel description category name New category Category title Channels Create انشاء Error editing the category Error creating the category Error creating the community community name community decription New community Name your community اسم مجتمعك A catchy name اسم جذاب Give it a short description أعطها وصفا موجزا What your community is about Community color لون المجتمع Pick a color Please choose a color Membership requirement شروط العضوية Require invite from another member تتطلب دعوة من عضو آخر Require approval تتطلب الموافقة No requirement لا يوجد شرط You can require new members to meet certain criteria before they can join. This can be changed at any time يمكنك أن تطلب من الأعضاء الجدد تلبية معايير معينة قبل أن يتمكنوا من الانضمام. يمكن تغيير هذا في أي وقت Save حفظ Thumbnail image Please choose an image Image files (*.jpg *.jpeg *.png) Upload Members الأعضاء Invite friends دعوه الأصدقاء Invite دعوه Contacts جهات الاتصال Invite دعوه Chat دردشة Community imported Importing community is in progress Start new chat بدء دردشة جديده Start group chat بدء الدردشة الجماعية Join public chat انضم إلى الدردشة العامة No messages لا توجد رسائل No search results Your chats will appear here. To start new chats press the  button at the top Chat and transact privately with your friends Follow your interests in one of the many Public Chats. View Group Share Chat مشاركة الدردشة Unmute chat Mute chat Edit Channel Mark as Read Delete chat حذف الدردشة Leave chat مغادرة الدردشة Choose browser Open in Status فتح في Status Open in my default browser Remember my choice. To override it, go to settings. Admin المشرف ↓ Fetch messages Fetch Messages ↓ جلب الرسائل Last 24 hours Last 2 days Last 3 days Last 7 days (You) You need to enter a channel name The channel name can only contain lowercase letters, numbers and dashes New group chat دردشة جماعيه جديده %1 / 10 members Group name Create Group Chat إنشاء دردشة جماعية %1 members All your contacts are already in the group جميع جهات الاتصال الخاصة بك موجودة بالفعل في المجموعة (You) Make Admin جعل المشرف Remove From Group Add selected Get Status at Download Status link Unpin Pin Copy link Edit message Send message إرسال رسالة Reply to Nickname الاسم المستعار Nicknames help you identify others in Status. Only you can see the nicknames you’ve added Your nickname is too long You don’t have any contacts yet. Invite your friends to start chatting. Enter a valid chat key or ENS usernameEnter a valid chat key or ENS username Enter a valid chat key or ENS username Can't chat with yourself New chat دردشة جديدة Enter ENS username or chat key ENS (dynamicik94) أو مفتاح الدردشة (0x04…) Non contacts لا جهات اتصالات No profile found ENS username اسم المستخدم ENS Chat key مفتاح المحادثة Share Profile URL Chat settings إعدادات الدردشة None لا شيء Unblock User Block User Add to contacts أضف إلى جهات الاتصال A public chat is where you get to hang out with others, make friends and talk about subjects of your interest. chat-name اسم الدردشة Start chat بدء الدردشة Pinned by %1 Save حفظ Type json-rpc message... e.g {"method": "eth_accounts"} Profile الملف الشخصي App version نسخة التطبيق Version: %1 Node version Check for updates Privacy Policy سياسة خاصة Network شبكة الاتصال Fleet اسطول Minimize on close Experimental features Wallet المحفظه Dapp Browser Activity Center Online users Waku Bloom Mode Blockchains will drop search costs, causing a kind of decomposition that allows you to have markets of entities that are horizontally segregated and vertically segregated. Size Change font size XS S This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "S" because the title above is "Seed Phrase" M This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "M" because the title above is "Mailserver" L XL XXL Appearance مظهر خارجي Light خلفية بيضاء Dark داكن System نظام Back up seed phrase النسخ الاحتياطي لعبارة "Seed " Step %1 of 3 If you lose your seed phrase you lose your data and funds إذا فقدت العبارة الأولية الخاصة بك ، فستفقد بياناتك وأموالك If you lose access, for example by losing your phone, you can only access your keys with your seed phrase. No one, but you has your seed phrase. Write it down. Keep it safe إذا فقدت إمكانية الوصول ، على سبيل المثال عن طريق فقد هاتفك ، فلا يمكنك الوصول إلى مفاتيحك إلا باستخدام العبارة الأولية. لا أحد ، ولكن لديك العبارة الأولية. اكتبه. ابقها آمنة Check your seed phrase تحقق من العبارة الأولية الخاصة بك Word #%1 Enter word أدخل كلمة In order to check if you have backed up your seed phrase correctly, enter the word #%1 above Are you sure? هل أنت متأكد؟ You will not be able to see the whole seed phrase again لن تكون قادرًا على رؤية جملة البذور الكاملة مرة أخرى With this 12 words you can always get your key back. Write it down. Keep it safe, offline, and separate from this device. Okay, continue حسنا ، تابع Wrong word كلمة خاطئة General Homepage Default افتراضي Show favorites bar Search engine used in the address bar Ethereum explorer used in the address bar Open an ethereum explorer after a transaction hash or an address is entered Privacy الخصوصيه Set DApp access permissions تعيين أذونات الوصول إلى DApp Profile picture Crop your image (optional) Finish إنهاء Chat link previews معاينات ارتباط الدردشة Websites مواقع الويب Enable all تمكين الكل Previewing links from these websites may share your metadata with their owners. Add new contact إضافة جهة اتصال جديدة Blocked contacts Add contact إضافة جهة اتصال You can't add yourself User not found لم يتم العثور على المستخدم You don’t have any contacts yet Devices الأجهزة Please set a name for your device. الرجاء تعيين اسم لجهازك. Specify a name حدد اسم Advertise device الإعلان عن الجهاز Pair your devices to sync contacts and chats between them قم بإقران أجهزتك لمزامنة جهات الاتصال والدردشة بينهما Learn more أعرف أكثر Paired devices الأجهزة المقترنة Syncing... المزامنة ... Sync all devices مزامنة جميع الأجهزة ENS usernames أسماء المستخدمين ENS Username added اسم المستخدم المضاف %1 is now connected with your chat key and can be used in Status. Ok, got it حسنا، تابع %1 will be connected once the transaction is complete. You can follow the progress in the Transaction History section of your wallet. يمكنك متابعة التقدم المحرز في قسم سجل المعاملات في محفظتك. Wallet address عنوان المحفظة Key مفتاح Back الى الخلف Primary username اسم المستخدم الأساسي Your messages are displayed to others with this username: Once you select a username, you won’t be able to disable it afterwards. You will only be able choose a different username to display. Nice! You own %1.stateofus.eth once the transaction is complete. Hey مرحبا (pending) Add username أضافه اسم مستخدم Your usernames أسماء المستخدمين الخاصة بك Primary Username None selected You’re displaying your ENS username in chats At least 4 characters. Latin letters, numbers, and lowercase only. ما لا يقل عن ٤ أحرف. الحروف اللاتينية والأرقام والأحرف الصغيرة فقط. Letters and numbers only. الحروف والأرقام فقط. Type the entire username including the custom domain like username.domain.eth اكتب اسم المستخدم بالكامل بما في ذلك المجال المخصص مثل username.domain.eth Your username اسم المستخدم الخاص بك ✓ Username available! ✓ اسم المستخدم متاح! Continuing will connect this username with your chat key. سيؤدي الاستمرار إلى ربط اسم المستخدم هذا بمفتاحك الخاص. Username doesn’t belong to you :( اسم المستخدم لا ينتمي إليك :( Username already taken :( الاسم مستخدم من قبل :( (edited) Username is already connected with your chat key and can be used inside Status. اسم المستخدم مرتبط بالفعل بالمفتاح الخاص بك ويمكن استخدامه في الحالة. This user name is owned by you and connected with your chat key. Continue to set `Show my ENS username in chats`. Continuing will require a transaction to connect the username with your current chat key. ستتطلب المتابعة معاملة لتوصيل اسم المستخدم بالمفتاح الحالي Custom domain مجال مخصص I want a stateofus.eth domain أريد مجال Stateofus.eth I own a name on another domain أنا أملك اسمًا في مجال آخر Connect username with your pubkey Terms of name registration شروط تسجيل الاسم Funds are deposited for 1 year. Your SNT will be locked, but not spent. تودع الأموال لمدة 1 سنة. سيتم قفل SNT الخاص بك ، ولكن لا تنفق. After 1 year, you can release the name and get your deposit back, or take no action to keep the name. بعد عام واحد ، يمكنك تحرير الاسم واسترداد مقدمك ، أو عدم اتخاذ أي إجراء للحفاظ على الاسم. If terms of the contract change — e.g. Status makes contract upgrades — user has the right to release the username regardless of time held. إذا تغيرت شروط العقد-علي سبيل المثال الحالة التي تجعل ترقيات العقد-يحق للمستخدم الإفراج عن اسم المستخدم بغض الزمن عن الوقت المحتفظ به. The contract controller cannot access your deposited funds. They can only be moved back to the address that sent them. لا يمكن لوحده تحكم العقد الوصول إلى أموالك المودعة. يمكن نقلها فقط إلى العنوان الذي أرسلها. Your address(es) will be publicly associated with your ENS name. سيتم ربط عنوانك (عناوينك) علنا باسم ENS الخاص بك. Usernames are created as subdomain nodes of stateofus.eth and are subject to the ENS smart contract terms. يتم إنشاء أسماء المستخدمين على هيئة نطاقات فرعية لـ stateofus.eth وتخضع لشروط العقد الذكية لـ ENS. You authorize the contract to transfer SNT on your behalf. This can only occur when you approve a transaction to authorize the transfer. يمكنك تخويل العقد لنقل SNT نيابة عنك. يمكن ان يحدث هذا فقط عند الموافقة علي معامله لتخويل النقل. These terms are guaranteed by the smart contract logic at addresses: هذه الشروط مضمونة في منطق العقد الذكية في العناوين: %1 (Status UsernameRegistrar). <a href='%1%2'>Look up on Etherscan</a> %1 (ENS Registry). Agree to <a href="#">Terms of name registration.</a> I understand that my wallet address will be publicly connected to my username. 10 SNT 10 SNT Deposit ايداع Not enough SNT غير كافي SNT Register تسجيل Get a universal username الحصول علي اسم مستخدم عالمي ENS names transform those crazy-long addresses into unique usernames. تقوم أسماء ENS بتحويل هذه العناوين المجنونة إلى أسماء مستخدمين فريدة. Customize your chat name تخصيص اسم الدردشة الخاصة بك An ENS name can replace your random 3-word name in chat. Be @yourname instead of %1. Simplify your ETH address تبسيط عنوان ETH الخاص بك You can receive funds to your easy-to-share ENS name rather than your hexadecimal hash (0x...). يمكنك تلقي الأموال إلى اسم ENS سهل المشاركة بدلاً من التجزئة السداسية العشرية (0x ...). Receive transactions in chat استلام المعاملات في الدردشة Others can send you funds via chat in one simple step. يمكن للآخرين إرسال الأموال إليك عبر الدردشة في خطوة واحدة بسيطة. 10 SNT to register 10 SNT للتسجيل Register once to keep the name forever. After 1 year you can release the name and get your SNT back. سجل مرة واحدة للحفاظ على الاسم للأبد. بعد عام واحد ، يمكنك إطلاق الاسم واستعادة SNT. Already own a username? هل تملك اسم مستخدم بالفعل ؟ You can verify and add any usernames you own in the next steps. يمكنك التحقق من وإضافة أي أسماء مستخدمين تمتلكها في الخطوات التالية. Powered by Ethereum Name Services مدعوم من Ethereum اسم الخدمات Start Only available on Mainnet متوفر فقط على Mainnet ENS Registration failed لتسجيل اسم المستخدم ، يرجى المحاولة مرة أخرى. ENS Registration completed Updating ENS pubkey failed Updating ENS pubkey completed Warning! تحذير! Change fleet to %1 Glossary المعجم Account الحساب A This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "A" because the title above is "Account" Your Status account, accessed by the seed phrase that you create or import during onboarding. A Status account can hold more than one Ethereum address, in addition to the one created during onboarding. We refer to these as additional accounts within the wallet Chat Key مفتاح المحادثة C This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "C" because the title above is "Chat Key" Messages on the Status chat protocol are sent and received using encryption keys. The public chat key is a string of characters you share with others so they can send you messages in Status. يتم إرسال واستقبال الرسائل على بروتوكول دردشة الحالة باستخدام مفاتيح التشفير. مفتاح الدردشة العامة هو سلسلة من الأحرف التي تشاركها مع الآخرين حتى يتمكنوا من إرسال رسائل إليك في الحالة. Chat Name اسم الدردشة Three random words, derived algorithmically from your chat key and used as your default alias in chat. Chat names are completely unique; no other user can have the same three words. ثلاث كلمات عشوائية، مشتقة من مفتاح الدردشة الخاص بك واستخدامها كاسم مستعار افتراضي في الدردشة. أسماء الدردشة هي فريدة من نوعها تماما. لا يمكن أن يكون أي مستخدم آخر له نفس الكلمات الثلاث. ENS Name اسم ENS E This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "E" because the title above is "ENS Name" Custom alias for your chat key that you can register using the Ethereum Name Service. ENS names are decentralized usernames. اسم مستعار مخصص لمفتاح الدردشة الذي يمكنك تسجيله باستخدام خدمة Ethereum Name Service. أسماء ENS هي أسماء مستخدمين لا مركزية. Mailserver عقدة Status A node in the Status network that routes and stores messages, for up to 30 days. عقدة في شبكة Status تقوم بتوجيه الرسائل وتخزينها لمدة تصل إلى 30 يومًا. Peer الند P This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "P" because the title above is "Peer" A device connected to the Status chat network. Each user can represent one or more peers, depending on their number of devices Seed Phrase العبارة الأولية A 64 character hex address based on the Ethereum standard and beginning with 0x. Public-facing, your wallet key is shared with others when you want to receive funds. Also referred to as an “Ethereum address” or “wallet address. Frequently asked questions الاسئله المتداولة Submit a bug إرسال خطأ Request a feature طلب ميزة Language لغة Muted chats Unmute إلغاء كتم الصوت The account will be logged out. When you unlock it again, the selected network will be used سيتم تسجيل الحساب عند إلغاء قفلها مرة أخرى ، سيتم استخدام الشبكة المحددة Add network اضافة شبكة You need to enter the RPC endpoint URL Invalid URL You need to enter the network id Should be a number Invalid network id RPC URL RPC URL Specify a RPC URL حدد عنوان URL لـ RPC Network chain سلسلة الشبكة Main network الشبكة الرئيسية Ropsten test network اختبار شبكة Ropsten Rinkeby test network Rinkeby اختبار الشبكة Custom مجال مخصص Network Id عنوان الشبكة Specify the network id Main networks الشبكات الرئيسية Test networks اختبار الشبكات Custom Networks شبكات مخصصة Under development NOTE: You will be logged out and all installed sticker packs will be removed and will need to be reinstalled. Purchased sticker packs will not need to be re-purchased. Notification preferences تفضيلات الإشعار All messages Just @mentions Nothing Play a sound when receiving a notification Use your operating system's notifications Setting this to false will instead use Status' notification style as seen below Message preview Anonymous Name only Name & Message Hi there! Yes, no problem, let me know if I can help. No preview or Advanced? Go to Notification Center Contacts & Users Notify on new requests Muted users Muted contacts You can limit what gets shown in notifications Reset notification settings Restore default notification settings and unmute all chats and users Open links with... My default browser Security الأمان Backup Seed Phrase Display all profile pictures (not only contacts) Display images in chat automatically All images (links that contain an image extension) will be downloaded and displayed, regardless of the whitelist settings below Allow new contact requests Sign out controls LogoutExit Sound volume Sync settings إعدادات المزامنة Add mailserver إضافة عقدة Status You need to enter the enode address History node address enode://{enode-id}:{password}@{ip-address}:{port-number} Automatic mailserver selection ... Share what's on your mind and stay updated with your contacts Status account settings You need to enter an account name Enter an account name... Account name اسم الحساب Type نوع Watch-only المشاهدة فقط Off Status tree خارج شجرة الحالة On Status tree على شجرة Status Derivation path مسار الاشتقاق Storage التخزين This device هذا الجهاز Delete account حذف حسابي A deleted account cannot be retrieved later. Only press yes if you backed up your key/seed or don't care about this account anymore Save changes Add custom token إضافة عملة رمزية مخصص This needs to be a valid address Invalid ERC20 address Enter contract address... Contract address عنوان العقد The name of your token... ABC Symbol رمز Decimals الكسور العشرية Collectibles will appear here To From At Status Desktop is connected to a non-archival node. Transaction history may be incomplete. No transactions found Load More Total value القيمة الإجمالية Receive تلقي Back up your seed phrase النسخ الاحتياطي للعبارة الأولية الخاصة بك Recipient المستلم Transaction completed Transaction failed فشلت المعاملة Set Currency ضبط العملة الافتراضية Signing phrase عبارة التوقيع This is your signing phrase هذه هي عبارة توقيعك You should see these 3 words before signing each transaction يجب أن تشاهد هذه الكلمات 3 قبل توقيع المعاملة If you see a different combination, cancel the transaction and sign out إذا رأيت مجموعة تحرير وإدراج مختلفة، فقم بإلغاء المعاملة وتسجيل الخروج. Remind me later أرني هذا مرة أخرى Manage Assets Account Settings إعدادات الحساب Collectibles قابلة للجمع Generate an account إنشاء حساب Add a watch-only address أضافه عنوان للمشاهدة فقط Enter a seed phrase أدخل العبارة الأولية Enter a private key إدخال مفتاح خاص Add account from private key إضافة حساب من مفتاح خاص You need to enter a password Password needs to be 6 characters or more You need to enter a private key Enter a valid private key (64 characters hexadecimal string) Enter your password… Password كلمه المرور Paste the contents of your private key Private key مفتاح سري Loading... جار التحميل... Add account إضافة حساب You need to enter a seed phrase Enter a valid mnemonic Add account with a seed phrase أضف حسابًا بعبارة أولية Seed phrase العبارة الأولية Add a watch-only account أضف حسابًا للمراقبة فقط You need to enter an address This needs to be a valid address (starting with 0x) Enter address... Account address عنوان الحساب Token details تفاصيل token Remove token إزالة عملة رمزية Transaction Details تفاصيل المعاملات 9999 Confirmations When the transaction has 12 confirmations you can consider it settled. عندما تحتوي المعاملة على 12 تأكيدًا ، يمكنك اعتبارها قد تمت تسويتها. Block حظر Hash رموز التجزئة Gas limit حد الغاز Gas price سعر الغاز Gas used الغاز المستخدم Nonce اعتباطي Something went wrong هناك خطأ ما Reload Maximum number of collectibles to display reached View عرض Unnamed ID Description وصف US Dollars Euros United Arab Emirates dirham Afghan afghani Argentine peso Australian dollar Barbadian dollar Bangladeshi taka Bulgarian lev Bahraini dinar Brunei dollar Bolivian boliviano Brazillian real Bhutanese ngultrum Canadian dollar Swiss franc Chilean peso Chinese yuan Colombian peso Costa Rican colón Czech koruna Danish krone Dominican peso Egyptian pound Ethiopian birr British Pound Georgian lari Ghanaian cedi Hong Kong dollar Croatian kuna Hungarian forint Indonesian rupiah Israeli new shekel Indian rupee Icelandic króna Jamaican dollar Japanese yen Kenyan shilling South Korean won Kuwaiti dinar Kazakhstani tenge Sri Lankan rupee Moroccan dirham Moldovan leu Mauritian rupee Malawian kwacha Mexican peso Malaysian ringgit Mozambican metical Namibian dollar Nigerian naira Norwegian krone Nepalese rupee New Zealand dollar Omani rial Peruvian sol Papua New Guinean kina Philippine peso Pakistani rupee Polish złoty Paraguayan guaraní Qatari riyal Romanian leu Serbian dinar Russian ruble Saudi riyal Swedish krona Singapore dollar Thai baht Trinidad and Tobago dollar New Taiwan dollar Tanzanian shilling Turkish lira Ukrainian hryvnia Ugandan shilling Uruguayan peso Venezuelan bolívar Vietnamese đồng South African rand View Community Browser المتصفح Timeline الجدول الزمني Contact request accepted New contact request You can now chat with %1 %1 requests to become contacts Where do you want to go? Status Desktop Open Status Quit Create a password إنشاء كلمه مرور New password... Confirm password… At least 6 characters. You will use this password to unlock status on this device & sign transactions. Create password Error importing account An error occurred while importing your account: Login failed Login failed. Please re-enter your password and try again. Enter seed phrase أدخل العبارة الأولية This seed phrase doesn't match our supported dictionary. Check for misspelled words. هذه العبارة الأولية لا تتوافق مع قاموسنا المدعوم. تحقق من وجود أخطاء إملائية. Start with the first word Enter 12, 15, 18, 21 or 24 words. Seperate words by a single space. Invalid seed phrase العبارة غير صالحة Choose a chat name اختيار اسم دردشة Truly private communication الاتصالات الخاصة حقا Secure crypto wallet محفظة آمنة Decentralized apps التطبيقات اللامركزية I understand Get your keys احصل علي مفتاح A set of keys controls your account. Your keys live on your device, so only you can use them. I'm new, generate keys Access existing key Enter password أدخل كلمة المرور Generate new keys Login failed. Please re-enter your password and try again. Your keys مفاتيحك Add another existing key Your keys have been successfully recovered You will have to create a new code or password to re-encrypt your keys سيكون عليك إنشاء رمز أو كلمة مرور جديدة لإعادة تشفير المفتاح الخاص بك Re-encrypt your keys إعادة تشفير المفتاح الخاص Cannot find asset '%1'. Ensure this asset has been added to the token list. ENS Username not found Paste لصق You need to request the recipient’s address first. Assets won’t be sent yet. Invalid source Insufficient balance Must be greater than 0 Priority Use suggestionsUse custom Low High Gas amount limit Per-gas overall limit Maximum priority fee: %1 ETH Maximum overall price for the transaction. If the block base fee exceeds this, it will be included in a following block with a lower base fee. Must be greater than or equal to 0 This needs to be a number Please enter an amount The amount is 0. Proceed only if this is desired. Balance: Asset & Amount Blocking will remove any messages you received from %1 and stop new messages from reaching you. Account color لون الحساب Confirm your action Confirm تاكيد Are you sure you want to this? Please select a contact Select a contact Contact does not have an ENS address. Please send a transaction in chat. No contact selected Copied! Optimal Advanced المتقدمة Gwei غواي Apply تطبيق Not enough ETH for gas لا يكفي ETH للغاز Copied نسخ Pasted Copy to clipboard Copy نسخ Invalid ethereum address Address عنوان My account Contact صديق Search البحث In: Messages رسائل Tokens will be sent directly to a contract address, which may result in a loss of funds. To transfer ERC-20 tokens, ensure the recipient address is the address of the destination wallet. View on Etherscan Asset الأصول Amount المبلغ Data field Signing phrase is a 3 word combination that displayed when you entered the wallet on this device for the first time. Enter the password you use to unlock this device Unblocking will allow new messages you received from %1 to reach you. Send transaction إرسال المعاملة Request transaction طلب المعاملة Public chat دردشة عامة Not a contact غير صديق Image files (%1) Your message is too long. Please make your message shorter. We have set the limit to 2000 characters to be courteous of others. Type a message رسالة Bold Italic Strikethrough Code No recent emojis Buy for %1 SNT Uninstall Install ↓ تثبيت Free ↓ مجاني Pending... Update تحديث Could not buy Stickerpack Stickerpack bought successfully You don't have any stickers yet Recently used stickers will appear here ستظهر الملصقات المستخدمة مؤخرًا هنا Get Stickers الحصول على ملصقات Ethereum explorer Custom... Search engine Dapp permissions Revoke access إلغاء الوصول Revoke all access Show more عرض المزيد %1 invited you to join the group All الكل Mentions Replies Contact requests Mark all as Read Show read notifications Show read notificationsHide read notifications Hide read notifications Notification settings إعدادات الإشعار You need to be mutual contacts with this person for them to receive your messages Waiting for %1 to accept your request Just click this button to add them as contact. They will receive a notification. Once they accept the request, you'll be able to chat You need to enter a key Access existing community Community private key المفتاح الخاص بالمجتمع Entering a community key will grant you the ownership of that community. Please be responsible with it and don’t share the key with people you don’t trust. Import استيراد Error importing the community Back up community key Back up دعم Member name Community members will appear here No contacts found Your community is free to join, but new members are required to be approved by the community creator first مجتمعك مجاني للانضمام ، ولكن يجب أن تتم الموافقة على الأعضاء الجدد من قبل منشئ المجتمع أولاً Your community can only be joined by an invitation from existing community members لا يمكن الانضمام إلى مجتمعك إلا من خلال دعوة من أعضاء المجتمع الحاليين Your community is free for anyone to join مجتمعك مجاني لأي شخص للانضمام You should keep it safe and only share it with people you trust to take ownership of your community You can also use this key to import your community on another device Decline and block Decline all contacts Are you sure you want to decline all these contact requests Accept all contacts Are you sure you want to accept all these contact requests Decline all Accept all %1 messages %1 message Pinned messages will appear here. Language لغة Before you get started... I acknowledge that Status Desktop is in Beta and by using it, I take the full responsibility for all risks concerning my data and funds. I accept Terms of Use شروط الاستخدام Get Started البدء Format not supported. Upload %1 only You can only upload %1 images at a time Max image size is %1 MB CommunitiesPopup Communities مجتمعات Create a community أنشئ مجتمعًا CommunityDetailPopup Pending المعلقه CommunityProfilePopup Members الأعضاء ImageCropperModal Finish إنهاء