import NimQml, chronicles, os, strformat import app/chat/core as chat import app/wallet/core as wallet import app/node/core as node import app/utilsView/core as utilsView import app/browser/core as browserView import app/profile/core as profile import app/onboarding/core as onboarding import app/login/core as login import app/provider/core as provider import status/signals/core as signals import status/libstatus/types import status/libstatus/accounts/constants import nim_status import status/status as statuslib import ./eventemitter var signalsQObjPointer: pointer logScope: topics = "main" proc mainProc() = let fleets = if defined(windows) and getEnv("NIM_STATUS_CLIENT_DEV").string == "": "/../resources/fleets.json" else: "/../fleets.json" let status = statuslib.newStatusInstance(readFile(joinPath(getAppDir(), fleets))) status.initNode() enableHDPI() initializeOpenGL() let app = newQApplication("Status Desktop") let resources = if defined(windows) and getEnv("NIM_STATUS_CLIENT_DEV").string == "": "/../resources/resources.rcc" else: "/../resources.rcc" QResource.registerResource(app.applicationDirPath & resources) let statusAppIcon = if defined(macosx): "" # not used in macOS elif defined(windows) and getEnv("NIM_STATUS_CLIENT_DEV").string == "": "/../resources/status.svg" elif getEnv("NIM_STATUS_CLIENT_DEV").string != "": "/../status-dev.svg" else: "/../status.svg" if not defined(macosx): app.icon(app.applicationDirPath & statusAppIcon) var i18nPath = "" if (getEnv("NIM_STATUS_CLIENT_DEV").string != ""): i18nPath = joinPath(getAppDir(), "../ui/i18n") elif (defined(windows)): i18nPath = joinPath(getAppDir(), "../resources/i18n") elif (defined(macosx)): i18nPath = joinPath(getAppDir(), "../i18n") elif (defined(linux)): i18nPath = joinPath(getAppDir(), "../i18n") let networkAccessFactory = newQNetworkAccessManagerFactory(TMPDIR & "netcache") let engine = newQQmlApplicationEngine() engine.setNetworkAccessManagerFactory(networkAccessFactory) let netAccMgr = newQNetworkAccessManager(engine.getNetworkAccessManager())"network:connected") do(e: Args): # This is a workaround for Qt bug # that was apparently reintroduced in 5.14.1 Unfortunately, the only workaround # that could be found uses obsolete properties and methods # (, so this will # need to be something we keep in mind when upgrading to Qt 6. # The workaround is to manually set the NetworkAccessible property of the # QNetworkAccessManager once peers have dropped (network connection is lost). netAccMgr.clearConnectionCache() netAccMgr.setNetworkAccessible(NetworkAccessibility.Accessible) let signalController = signals.newController(status) # We need this global variable in order to be able to access the application # from the non-closure callback passed to `libstatus.setSignalEventCallback` signalsQObjPointer = cast[pointer](signalController.vptr) var wallet = wallet.newController(status) engine.setRootContextProperty("walletModel", wallet.variant) var chat = chat.newController(status) engine.setRootContextProperty("chatsModel", chat.variant) var node = node.newController(status, netAccMgr) engine.setRootContextProperty("nodeModel", node.variant) var utilsController = utilsView.newController(status) engine.setRootContextProperty("utilsModel", utilsController.variant) var browserController = browserView.newController(status) engine.setRootContextProperty("browserModel", browserController.variant) proc changeLanguage(locale: string) = engine.setTranslationPackage(joinPath(i18nPath, fmt"qml_{locale}.qm")) var profile = profile.newController(status, changeLanguage) engine.setRootContextProperty("profileModel", profile.variant) var provider = provider.newController(status) engine.setRootContextProperty("web3Provider", provider.variant) var login = login.newController(status) var onboarding = onboarding.newController(status)"login") do(a: Args): var args = AccountArgs(a) # Delete login and onboarding from memory to remove any mnemonic that would have been saved in the accounts list login.delete() onboarding.delete() status.startMessenger() profile.init(args.account) wallet.init() provider.init() chat.init() utilsController.init() browserController.init() wallet.checkPendingTransactions() wallet.start() engine.setRootContextProperty("loginModel", login.variant) engine.setRootContextProperty("onboardingModel", onboarding.variant) let isExperimental = if getEnv("EXPERIMENTAL") == "1": "1" else: "0" # value explicity passed to avoid trusting input let experimentalFlag = newQVariant(isExperimental) engine.setRootContextProperty("isExperimental", experimentalFlag) defer: error "TODO: if user is logged in, logout" provider.delete() engine.delete() app.delete() signalController.delete() login.delete() onboarding.delete() wallet.delete() chat.delete() profile.delete() utilsController.delete() browserController.delete() # Initialize only controllers whose init functions # do not need a running node proc initControllers() = node.init() login.init() onboarding.init() initControllers() # Handle node.stopped signal when user has logged out"nodeStopped") do(a: Args): # TODO: remove this once accounts are not tracked in the AccountsModel status.reset() # 1. Reset controller data login.reset() onboarding.reset() # TODO: implement all controller resets # chat.reset() # node.reset() # wallet.reset() # profile.reset() # 2. Re-init controllers that don't require a running node initControllers() engine.setRootContextProperty("signals", signalController.variant) engine.load(newQUrl("qrc:///main.qml")) # Please note that this must use the `cdecl` calling convention because # it will be passed as a regular C function to libstatus. This means that # we cannot capture any local variables here (we must rely on globals) var callback: SignalCallback = proc(p0: cstring) {.cdecl.} = setupForeignThreadGc() signal_handler(signalsQObjPointer, p0, "receiveSignal") tearDownForeignThreadGc() nim_status.setSignalEventCallback(callback) # Qt main event loop is entered here # The termination of the loop will be performed when exit() or quit() is called info "Starting application..." app.exec() when isMainModule: mainProc() GC_fullcollect()