import QtQuick 2.15 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15 import StatusQ.Core 0.1 import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1 import StatusQ.Core.Utils 0.1 as SQUtils import StatusQ.Controls.Validators 0.1 import "../controls" import utils 1.0 ColumnLayout { id: root readonly property alias input: topAmountToSendInput readonly property bool inputNumberValid: !!input.text && !isNaN(d.parsedInput) readonly property int minSendCryptoDecimals: !inputIsFiat ? LocaleUtils.fractionalPartLength(d.inputNumber) : 0 readonly property int minReceiveCryptoDecimals: !inputIsFiat ? minSendCryptoDecimals + 1 : 0 readonly property int minSendFiatDecimals: inputIsFiat ? LocaleUtils.fractionalPartLength(d.inputNumber) : 0 readonly property int minReceiveFiatDecimals: inputIsFiat ? minSendFiatDecimals + 1 : 0 property var selectedHolding // Crypto asset symbol like ETH property string currentCurrency // Fiat currency symbol like USD property int multiplierIndex // How divisible the token is, 18 for ETH property double maxInputBalance property bool isBridgeTx: false property bool interactive: false property bool inputIsFiat: false // Crypto value to send expressed in base units (like wei for ETH), // as a string representing integer decimal readonly property alias cryptoValueToSend: d.cryptoValueRawToSend readonly property alias cryptoValueToSendFloat: d.cryptoValueToSend property var formatCurrencyAmount: (amount, symbol, options = null, locale = null) => {} signal reCalculateSuggestedRoute() QtObject { id: d property double cryptoValueToSend property double fiatValueToSend Binding on cryptoValueToSend { value: { root.selectedHolding if(!root.selectedHolding || !root.selectedHolding.marketDetails || !root.selectedHolding.marketDetails.currencyPrice) { return 0 } return root.inputIsFiat ? d.fiatValueToSend/root.selectedHolding.marketDetails.currencyPrice.amount : d.inputNumber } delayed: true } Binding on fiatValueToSend { value: { root.selectedHolding if(!root.selectedHolding || !root.selectedHolding.marketDetails || !root.selectedHolding.marketDetails.currencyPrice) { return 0 } return root.inputIsFiat ? d.inputNumber : d.cryptoValueToSend * root.selectedHolding.marketDetails.currencyPrice.amount } delayed: true } readonly property string selectedSymbol: !!root.selectedHolding && !!root.selectedHolding.symbol ? root.selectedHolding.symbol: "" readonly property string cryptoValueRawToSend: { if (!root.inputNumberValid) return "0" return SQUtils.AmountsArithmetic.fromNumber( d.cryptoValueToSend, root.multiplierIndex).toString() } readonly property string zeroString: LocaleUtils.numberToLocaleString(0, 2, LocaleUtils.userInputLocale) readonly property double parsedInput: LocaleUtils.numberFromLocaleString(topAmountToSendInput.text, LocaleUtils.userInputLocale) readonly property double inputNumber: root.inputNumberValid ? d.parsedInput : 0 readonly property Timer waitTimer: Timer { interval: 1000 onTriggered: reCalculateSuggestedRoute() } } onMaxInputBalanceChanged: { input.validate() } StatusBaseText { Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignTop text: root.isBridgeTx ? qsTr("Amount to bridge") : qsTr("Amount to send") font.pixelSize: 13 lineHeight: 18 lineHeightMode: Text.FixedHeight color: Theme.palette.directColor1 } RowLayout { id: topItem property double topAmountToSend: !inputIsFiat ? d.cryptoValueToSend : d.fiatValueToSend property string topAmountSymbol: !inputIsFiat ? d.selectedSymbol : root.currentCurrency Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft AmountInputWithCursor { id: topAmountToSendInput Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignLeft Layout.maximumWidth: 250 Layout.preferredWidth: !!text ? input.edit.paintedWidth + 2 : textMetrics.advanceWidth placeholderText: d.zeroString input.edit.color: input.valid ? Theme.palette.directColor1 : Theme.palette.dangerColor1 input.edit.readOnly: !root.interactive validators: [ StatusFloatValidator { id: floatValidator bottom: 0 errorMessage: "" locale: topAmountToSendInput.locale }, StatusValidator { errorMessage: "" validate: (text) => { const num = parseFloat(text) if (isNaN(num)) return true return num <= root.maxInputBalance } } ] TextMetrics { id: textMetrics text: topAmountToSendInput.placeholderText font: topAmountToSendInput.input.placeholder.font } Keys.onReleased: { const amount = LocaleUtils.numberFromLocaleString( topAmountToSendInput.text, locale) if (!isNaN(amount)) d.waitTimer.restart() } } } Item { id: bottomItem property double bottomAmountToSend: inputIsFiat ? d.cryptoValueToSend : d.fiatValueToSend property string bottomAmountSymbol: inputIsFiat ? d.selectedSymbol : currentCurrency Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignBottom Layout.preferredWidth: txtBottom.width Layout.preferredHeight: txtBottom.height StatusBaseText { id: txtBottom anchors.left: parent.left text: root.formatCurrencyAmount(bottomItem.bottomAmountToSend, bottomItem.bottomAmountSymbol) font.pixelSize: 13 color: Theme.palette.directColor5 } MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent cursorShape: Qt.PointingHandCursor onClicked: { topAmountToSendInput.validate() if(!!topAmountToSendInput.text) { topAmountToSendInput.text = root.formatCurrencyAmount( bottomItem.bottomAmountToSend, bottomItem.bottomAmountSymbol, { noSymbol: true, rawAmount: true }, LocaleUtils.userInputLocale) } inputIsFiat = !inputIsFiat d.waitTimer.restart() } } } }