import logging from datetime import datetime import allure import squish from PIL import ImageGrab import configs import driver from driver import context from driver.server import SquishServer from scripts.utils import system_path, local_system from scripts.utils.system_path import SystemPath _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class AUT: def __init__( self, app_path: system_path.SystemPath = configs.APP_DIR, user_data: SystemPath = None ): super(AUT, self).__init__() self.path = app_path self.ctx = None = None self.port = None self.aut_id = f'AUT_{}' self.app_data = configs.testpath.STATUS_DATA / f'app_{}' if user_data is not None: user_data.copy_to(self.app_data / 'data') driver.testSettings.setWrappersForApplication(self.aut_id, ['Qt']) def __str__(self): return type(self).__qualname__ def __enter__(self): return self.launch() def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): if exc_type: screenshot = configs.testpath.RUN / 'screenshot.png' if screenshot.exists(): screenshot = configs.testpath.RUN / f'screenshot_{}.png' ImageGrab.grab().save(screenshot) allure.attach( name='Screenshot on fail', body=screenshot.read_bytes(), attachment_type=allure.attachment_type.PNG) self.detach().stop() @allure.step('Attach Squish to Test Application') def attach(self, timeout_sec: int = configs.timeouts.PROCESS_TIMEOUT_SEC, attempt: int = 2): if self.ctx is None: self.ctx = context.attach(self.aut_id, timeout_sec) try: squish.setApplicationContext(self.ctx) except TypeError as err: if attempt: return self.attach(timeout_sec, attempt - 1) else: raise err @allure.step('Detach Squish and Application') def detach(self): if self.ctx is not None: squish.currentApplicationContext().detach() self.ctx = None return self @allure.step('Close application') def stop(self): if is not None: local_system.kill_process(, verify=True) = None if self.port is not None: assert driver.waitFor(lambda: local_system.find_process_by_port(self.port) is None, configs.timeouts.PROCESS_TIMEOUT_SEC), \ f'Port {self.port} still in use by process: {local_system.find_process_by_port(self.port)}' self.port = None @allure.step("Start application") def launch(self, attempt: int = 2) -> 'AUT': try: self.port = local_system.find_free_port(configs.squish.AUT_PORT, 1000) SquishServer().set_aut_timeout() if configs.ATTACH_MODE: SquishServer().add_attachable_aut(self.aut_id, self.port) command = [ configs.testpath.SQUISH_DIR / 'bin' / 'startaut', f'--port={self.port}', f'"{self.path}"', f'-d={self.app_data}' ] local_system.execute(command) else: SquishServer().add_executable_aut(self.aut_id, self.path.parent) command = [self.aut_id, f'-d={self.app_data}'] self.ctx = squish.startApplication(' '.join(command), configs.timeouts.PROCESS_TIMEOUT_SEC) self.attach() = assert squish.waitFor(lambda: self.ctx.isRunning, configs.timeouts.PROCESS_TIMEOUT_SEC) return self except AssertionError as err: _logger.debug(err) if attempt: self.detach().stop() return self.launch(attempt-1) else: raise err @allure.step('Restart application') def restart(self): self.detach().stop() self.launch()