import QtQuick 2.13 import QtQuick.Controls 2.13 import QtQuick.Controls 1.0 as QQC1 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.13 import QtWebEngine 1.10 import QtWebChannel 1.13 import Qt.labs.settings 1.0 import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.0 import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.2 import "../../../shared" import "../../../imports" // Code based on // Licensed under BSD Item { id: browserWindow property Item currentWebView: tabs.currentIndex < tabs.count ? tabs.getTab(tabs.currentIndex).item : null property Component browserDialogComponent: BrowserDialog { onClosing: destroy() } Layout.fillHeight: true Layout.fillWidth: true property var urlENSDictionary: ({}) function determineRealURL(text){ var url = utilsModel.urlFromUserInput(text); var host = web3Provider.getHost(url); if(host.endsWith(".eth")){ var ensResource = web3Provider.ensResourceURL(host, url); urlENSDictionary[web3Provider.getHost(ensResource)] = host; url = ensResource; } return url; } property Component accessDialogComponent: ModalPopup { id: accessDialog property var request: ({"hostname": "", "title": "", "permission": ""}) function postMessage(isAllowed){ request.isAllowed = isAllowed; provider.web3Response(web3Provider.postMessage(JSON.stringify(request))); } onClosed: { accessDialog.destroy(); } // TODO: design required StyledText { id: siteName text: request.title anchors.topMargin: Style.current.padding width: parent.width wrapMode: Text.WordWrap } StyledText { id: hostName text: request.hostname siteName.bottom anchors.topMargin: Style.current.padding width: parent.width wrapMode: Text.WordWrap } StyledText { id: permission text: qsTr("Permission requested: %1").arg(request.permission) hostName.bottom anchors.topMargin: Style.current.padding width: parent.width wrapMode: Text.WordWrap } StyledText { id: description permission.bottom anchors.topMargin: Style.current.padding width: parent.width wrapMode: Text.WordWrap text: { switch(request.permission){ case Constants.permission_web3: return qsTr("Allowing authorizes this DApp to retrieve your wallet address and enable Web3"); case Constants.permission_contactCode: return qsTr("Granting access authorizes this DApp to retrieve your chat key"); default: return qsTr("Unknown permission: " + request.permission); } } } StyledButton { anchors.bottom: parent.bottom anchors.bottomMargin: Style.current.padding anchors.left: parent.left anchors.leftMargin: Style.current.padding label: qsTr("Allow") onClicked: { postMessage(true); accessDialog.close(); } } StyledButton { anchors.bottom: parent.bottom anchors.bottomMargin: Style.current.padding anchors.right: parent.right anchors.rightMargin: Style.current.padding label: qsTr("Deny") onClicked: { postMessage(false); accessDialog.close(); } } } QtObject { id: provider "backend" signal web3Response(string data); function postMessage(data){ var request = JSON.parse(data) var ensAddr = urlENSDictionary[request.hostname]; if(ensAddr){ request.hostname = ensAddr; } if(request.type === Constants.api_request){ if(!web3Provider.hasPermission(request.hostname, request.permission)){ var dialog = accessDialogComponent.createObject(browserWindow); dialog.request = request;; } else { request.isAllowed = true; web3Response(web3Provider.postMessage(JSON.stringify(request))); } } else { web3Response(web3Provider.postMessage(data)); } } property int networkId: web3Provider.networkId } WebChannel { id: channel registeredObjects: [provider] } property QtObject defaultProfile: WebEngineProfile { storageName: "Profile" offTheRecord: false useForGlobalCertificateVerification: true userScripts: [ WebEngineScript { injectionPoint: WebEngineScript.DocumentCreation sourceUrl: Qt.resolvedUrl("provider.js") worldId: WebEngineScript.MainWorld // TODO: check } ] } property QtObject otrProfile: WebEngineProfile { offTheRecord: true persistentCookiesPolicy: WebEngineProfile.NoPersistentCookies userScripts: [ WebEngineScript { injectionPoint: WebEngineScript.DocumentCreation sourceUrl: Qt.resolvedUrl("provider.js") worldId: WebEngineScript.MainWorld // TODO: check } ] } onCurrentWebViewChanged: { findBar.reset(); } Settings { id : browserSettings property alias autoLoadImages: loadImages.checked property alias javaScriptEnabled: javaScriptEnabled.checked property alias errorPageEnabled: errorPageEnabled.checked property alias pluginsEnabled: pluginsEnabled.checked property alias autoLoadIconsForPage: autoLoadIconsForPage.checked property alias touchIconsEnabled: touchIconsEnabled.checked property alias webRTCPublicInterfacesOnly : webRTCPublicInterfacesOnly.checked property alias devToolsEnabled: devToolsEnabled.checked property alias pdfViewerEnabled: pdfViewerEnabled.checked } Action { shortcut: "Ctrl+D" onTriggered: { downloadView.visible = !downloadView.visible; } } Action { id: focus shortcut: "Ctrl+L" onTriggered: { addressBar.forceActiveFocus(); addressBar.selectAll(); } } Action { shortcut: StandardKey.Refresh onTriggered: { if (currentWebView) currentWebView.reload(); } } Action { shortcut: StandardKey.AddTab onTriggered: { tabs.createEmptyTab(tabs.count != 0 ? currentWebView.profile : defaultProfile); tabs.currentIndex = tabs.count - 1; addressBar.forceActiveFocus(); addressBar.selectAll(); } } Action { shortcut: StandardKey.Close onTriggered: { currentWebView.triggerWebAction(WebEngineView.RequestClose); } } Action { shortcut: "Escape" onTriggered: { if (findBar.visible) findBar.visible = false; } } Action { shortcut: "Ctrl+0" onTriggered: currentWebView.zoomFactor = 1.0 } Action { shortcut: StandardKey.ZoomOut onTriggered: currentWebView.zoomFactor -= 0.1 } Action { shortcut: StandardKey.ZoomIn onTriggered: currentWebView.zoomFactor += 0.1 } Action { shortcut: StandardKey.Copy onTriggered: currentWebView.triggerWebAction(WebEngineView.Copy) } Action { shortcut: StandardKey.Cut onTriggered: currentWebView.triggerWebAction(WebEngineView.Cut) } Action { shortcut: StandardKey.Paste onTriggered: currentWebView.triggerWebAction(WebEngineView.Paste) } Action { shortcut: "Shift+"+StandardKey.Paste onTriggered: currentWebView.triggerWebAction(WebEngineView.PasteAndMatchStyle) } Action { shortcut: StandardKey.SelectAll onTriggered: currentWebView.triggerWebAction(WebEngineView.SelectAll) } Action { shortcut: StandardKey.Undo onTriggered: currentWebView.triggerWebAction(WebEngineView.Undo) } Action { shortcut: StandardKey.Redo onTriggered: currentWebView.triggerWebAction(WebEngineView.Redo) } Action { shortcut: StandardKey.Back onTriggered: currentWebView.triggerWebAction(WebEngineView.Back) } Action { shortcut: StandardKey.Forward onTriggered: currentWebView.triggerWebAction(WebEngineView.Forward) } Action { shortcut: StandardKey.Find onTriggered: { if (!findBar.visible) findBar.visible = true; } } Action { shortcut: StandardKey.FindNext onTriggered: findBar.findNext() } Action { shortcut: StandardKey.FindPrevious onTriggered: findBar.findPrevious() } Action { shortcut: "F12" onTriggered: { browserSettings.devToolsEnabled = !browserSettings.devToolsEnabled } } Item { id: navigationBar anchors.left: parent.left anchors.right: parent.right height: 45 RowLayout { anchors.fill: parent Menu { id: historyMenu Instantiator { model: currentWebView && currentWebView.navigationHistory.items MenuItem { text: model.title onTriggered: currentWebView.goBackOrForward(model.offset) checkable: !enabled checked: !enabled enabled: model.offset } onObjectAdded: function(index, object) { historyMenu.insertItem(index, object) } onObjectRemoved: function(index, object) { historyMenu.removeItem(object) } } } ToolButton { id: backButton icon.source: "../../img/browser/back.png" onClicked: currentWebView.goBack() onPressAndHold: { if (currentWebView && (currentWebView.canGoBack || currentWebView.canGoForward)){ historyMenu.popup(backButton.x, backButton.y + backButton.height) } } enabled: currentWebView && currentWebView.canGoBack } ToolButton { id: forwardButton icon.source: "../../img/browser/forward.png" onClicked: currentWebView.goForward() enabled: currentWebView && currentWebView.canGoForward onPressAndHold: { if (currentWebView && (currentWebView.canGoBack || currentWebView.canGoForward)){ historyMenu.popup(forwardButton.x, forwardButton.y + forwardButton.height) } } } ToolButton { id: reloadButton icon.source: currentWebView && currentWebView.loading ? "../../img/browser/stop.png" : "../../img/browser/refresh.png" onClicked: currentWebView && currentWebView.loading ? currentWebView.stop() : currentWebView.reload() } Connections { target: currentWebView onUrlChanged: { var ensAddr = urlENSDictionary[web3Provider.getHost(currentWebView.url)]; if(ensAddr){ // replace host by ensAddr addressBar.text = web3Provider.replaceHostByENS(currentWebView.url, ensAddr); } } } StyledTextField { id: addressBar Layout.fillWidth: true background: Rectangle { border.color: Style.current.secondaryText border.width: 1 radius: 2 } leftPadding: 25 Image { anchors.verticalCenter: addressBar.verticalCenter; x: 5 z: 2 id: faviconImage width: 16; height: 16 sourceSize: Qt.size(width, height) source: currentWebView && currentWebView.icon ? currentWebView.icon : "" } focus: true text: "" Keys.onPressed: { // TODO: disable browsing local files? file:// if (event.key === Qt.Key_Enter || event.key === Qt.Key_Return){ currentWebView.url = determineRealURL(text); } } } Menu { id: settingsMenu y: settingsMenuButton.height x: settingsMenuButton.x MenuItem { id: loadImages text: "Autoload images" checkable: true checked: WebEngine.settings.autoLoadImages } MenuItem { id: javaScriptEnabled text: "JavaScript On" checkable: true checked: WebEngine.settings.javascriptEnabled } MenuItem { id: errorPageEnabled text: "ErrorPage On" checkable: true checked: WebEngine.settings.errorPageEnabled } MenuItem { id: pluginsEnabled text: "Plugins On" checkable: true checked: true } MenuItem { id: offTheRecordEnabled text: "Off The Record" checkable: true checked: currentWebView && currentWebView.profile === otrProfile onToggled: function(checked) { if (currentWebView) { currentWebView.profile = checked ? otrProfile : defaultProfile; } } } MenuItem { id: httpDiskCacheEnabled text: "HTTP Disk Cache" checkable: currentWebView && !currentWebView.profile.offTheRecord checked: currentWebView && (currentWebView.profile.httpCacheType === WebEngineProfile.DiskHttpCache) onToggled: function(checked) { if (currentWebView) { currentWebView.profile.httpCacheType = checked ? WebEngineProfile.DiskHttpCache : WebEngineProfile.MemoryHttpCache; } } } MenuItem { id: autoLoadIconsForPage text: "Icons On" checkable: true checked: WebEngine.settings.autoLoadIconsForPage } MenuItem { id: touchIconsEnabled text: "Touch Icons On" checkable: true checked: WebEngine.settings.touchIconsEnabled enabled: autoLoadIconsForPage.checked } MenuItem { id: webRTCPublicInterfacesOnly text: "WebRTC Public Interfaces Only" checkable: true checked: WebEngine.settings.webRTCPublicInterfacesOnly } MenuItem { id: devToolsEnabled text: "Open DevTools" checkable: true checked: false } MenuItem { id: pdfViewerEnabled text: "PDF viewer enabled" checkable: true checked: WebEngine.settings.pdfViewerEnabled } } ToolButton { id: settingsMenuButton text: qsTr("⋮") onClicked: } } } QQC1.TabView { id: tabs function createEmptyTab(profile) { var tab = addTab("", tabComponent); // We must do this first to make sure that gets set so that tab.item gets instantiated immediately. = true; tab.title = Qt.binding(function() { return tab.item.title ? tab.item.title : qsTr("New Tab") }); tab.item.profile = profile; return tab; } function indexOfView(view) { for (let i = 0; i < tabs.count; ++i) if (tabs.getTab(i).item == view) return i return -1 } function removeView(index) { if (tabs.count > 1) tabs.removeTab(index) } navigationBar.bottom anchors.bottom: anchors.left: parent.left anchors.right: parent.right Component.onCompleted: { var tab = createEmptyTab(defaultProfile); tab.item.url = determineRealURL("https://simpledapp.eth"); } // Add custom tab view style so we can customize the tabs to include a close button style: TabViewStyle { property color frameColor: "#999" property color fillColor: "#eee" property color nonSelectedColor: "#ddd" frameOverlap: 1 frame: Rectangle { color: "#eee" border.color: frameColor } tab: Rectangle { id: tabRectangle color: styleData.selected ? fillColor : nonSelectedColor border.width: 1 border.color: frameColor implicitWidth: Math.max(text.width + 30, 80) implicitHeight: Math.max(text.height + 10, 20) Rectangle { height: 1 ; width: parent.width ; color: frameColor} Rectangle { height: parent.height ; width: 1; color: frameColor} Rectangle { x: parent.width - 2; height: parent.height ; width: 1; color: frameColor} Text { id: text anchors.left: parent.left anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter anchors.leftMargin: 6 text: styleData.title elide: Text.ElideRight color: styleData.selected ? "black" : frameColor } Image { visible: tabs.count > 1 source: "../../img/browser/close.png" width: 12 height: 16 anchors.right: parent.right anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter anchors.rightMargin: 4 MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent enabled: tabs.count > 1 onClicked: tabs.removeView(styleData.index) } } } } Component { id: tabComponent WebEngineView { id: webEngineView focus: true webChannel: channel onLinkHovered: function(hoveredUrl) { if (hoveredUrl == "") hideStatusText.start(); else { statusText.text = hoveredUrl; statusBubble.visible = true; hideStatusText.stop(); } } settings.autoLoadImages: browserSettings.autoLoadImages settings.javascriptEnabled: browserSettings.javaScriptEnabled settings.errorPageEnabled: browserSettings.errorPageEnabled settings.pluginsEnabled: browserSettings.pluginsEnabled settings.autoLoadIconsForPage: browserSettings.autoLoadIconsForPage settings.touchIconsEnabled: browserSettings.touchIconsEnabled settings.webRTCPublicInterfacesOnly: browserSettings.webRTCPublicInterfacesOnly settings.pdfViewerEnabled: browserSettings.pdfViewerEnabled onCertificateError: function(error) { error.defer(); sslDialog.enqueue(error); } onNewViewRequested: function(request) { if (!request.userInitiated) print("Warning: Blocked a popup window."); else if (request.destination === WebEngineView.NewViewInTab) { var tab = tabs.createEmptyTab(currentWebView.profile); tabs.currentIndex = tabs.count - 1; request.openIn(tab.item); } else if (request.destination === WebEngineView.NewViewInBackgroundTab) { var backgroundTab = tabs.createEmptyTab(currentWebView.profile); request.openIn(backgroundTab.item); } else if (request.destination === WebEngineView.NewViewInDialog) { var dialog = browserDialogComponent.createObject(); dialog.currentWebView.profile = currentWebView.profile; request.openIn(dialog.currentWebView); } else { // Instead of opening a new window, we open a new tab // TODO: remove "open in new window" from context menu var tab = tabs.createEmptyTab(currentWebView.profile); tabs.currentIndex = tabs.count - 1; request.openIn(tab.item); } } onQuotaRequested: function(request) { if (request.requestedSize <= 5 * 1024 * 1024) request.accept(); else request.reject(); } onRegisterProtocolHandlerRequested: function(request) { console.log("accepting registerProtocolHandler request for " + request.scheme + " from " + request.origin); request.accept(); } onRenderProcessTerminated: function(terminationStatus, exitCode) { var status = ""; switch (terminationStatus) { case WebEngineView.NormalTerminationStatus: status = "(normal exit)"; break; case WebEngineView.AbnormalTerminationStatus: status = "(abnormal exit)"; break; case WebEngineView.CrashedTerminationStatus: status = "(crashed)"; break; case WebEngineView.KilledTerminationStatus: status = "(killed)"; break; } print("Render process exited with code " + exitCode + " " + status); reloadTimer.running = true; } onWindowCloseRequested: tabs.removeView(tabs.indexOfView(webEngineView)) onSelectClientCertificate: function(selection) { selection.certificates[0].select(); } onFindTextFinished: function(result) { if (!findBar.visible) findBar.visible = true; findBar.numberOfMatches = result.numberOfMatches; findBar.activeMatch = result.activeMatch; } onLoadingChanged: function(loadRequest) { if (loadRequest.status == WebEngineView.LoadStartedStatus) findBar.reset(); } Timer { id: reloadTimer interval: 0 running: false repeat: false onTriggered: currentWebView.reload() } } } } ProgressBar { id: progressBar height: 3 from: 0 to: 100 visible: value != 0 && value != 100 value: (currentWebView && currentWebView.loadProgress < 100) ? currentWebView.loadProgress : 0 anchors.bottom: parent.bottom anchors.bottomMargin: Style.current.padding anchors.right: parent.right anchors.rightMargin: Style.current.padding } WebEngineView { id: devToolsView visible: devToolsEnabled.checked height: visible ? 400 : 0 inspectedView: visible && tabs.currentIndex < tabs.count ? tabs.getTab(tabs.currentIndex).item : null anchors.left: parent.left anchors.right: parent.right anchors.bottom: parent.bottom onNewViewRequested: function(request) { var tab = tabs.createEmptyTab(currentWebView.profile); tabs.currentIndex = tabs.count - 1; request.openIn(tab.item); } } MessageDialog { id: sslDialog property var certErrors: [] icon: StandardIcon.Warning standardButtons: StandardButton.No | StandardButton.Yes title: qsTr("Server's certificate not trusted") text: qsTr("Do you wish to continue?") detailedText: qsTr("If you wish so, you may continue with an unverified certificate. Accepting an unverified certificate means you may not be connected with the host you tried to connect to.\nDo you wish to override the security check and continue?") onYes: { certErrors.shift().ignoreCertificateError(); presentError(); } onNo: reject() onRejected: reject() function reject(){ certErrors.shift().rejectCertificate(); presentError(); } function enqueue(error){ certErrors.push(error); presentError(); } function presentError(){ visible = certErrors.length > 0 } } DownloadView { id: downloadView visible: false anchors.fill: parent } function onDownloadRequested(download) { console.log("DOWNLOAD REQUESTED") downloadView.visible = true; downloadView.append(download); download.accept(); } FindBar { id: findBar visible: false anchors.right: parent.right anchors.rightMargin: 10 onFindNext: { if (text) currentWebView && currentWebView.findText(text); else if (!visible) visible = true; } onFindPrevious: { if (text) currentWebView && currentWebView.findText(text, WebEngineView.FindBackward); else if (!visible) visible = true; } } Rectangle { id: statusBubble color: "oldlace" property int padding: 8 visible: false anchors.left: parent.left anchors.bottom: parent.bottom width: statusText.paintedWidth + padding height: statusText.paintedHeight + padding Text { id: statusText anchors.centerIn: statusBubble elide: Qt.ElideMiddle Timer { id: hideStatusText interval: 750 onTriggered: { statusText.text = ""; statusBubble.visible = false; } } } } } /*##^## Designer { D{i:0;autoSize:true;height:480;width:640} } ##^##*/