#pragma once // To Do: Currently this gets added to eahc file that its imported into need to create as enums in calss when some works on this potentially #include const QString CHAT_SECTION_NAME = "Chat"; const QString CHAT_SECTION_ICON = "chat"; const QString WALLET_SECTION_ID = "wallet"; const QString WALLET_SECTION_NAME = "Wallet"; const QString WALLET_SECTION_ICON = "wallet"; const QString BROWSER_SECTION_ID = "browser"; const QString BROWSER_SECTION_NAME = "Browser"; const QString BROWSER_SECTION_ICON = "browser"; const QString NODEMANAGEMENT_SECTION_ID = "nodeManagement"; const QString NODEMANAGEMENT_SECTION_NAME = "Node Management"; const QString NODEMANAGEMENT_SECTION_ICON = "node"; const QString SETTINGS_SECTION_ID = "profileSettings"; const QString SETTINGS_SECTION_NAME = "Settings"; const QString SETTINGS_SECTION_ICON = "settings";