import QtQuick 2.15
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
import QtQml 2.15

import StatusQ.Components 0.1
import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1
import StatusQ.Core 0.1
import StatusQ.Controls 0.1
import StatusQ.Core.Utils 0.1 as SQUtils

import AppLayouts.Wallet 1.0
import AppLayouts.Wallet.stores 1.0 as WalletStores

import utils 1.0
import shared 1.0
import shared.stores 1.0 as SharedStores

   \qmltype TransactionDelegate
   \inherits StatusListItem
   \inqmlmodule shared.controls
   \since shared.controls 1.0
   \brief Delegate for transaction activity list

   Delegate to display transaction activity data.

    TransactionDelegate {
        id: delegate
        width: ListView.view.width
        modelData: model.activityEntry
        rootStore: RootStore
        walletRootStore: WalletStores.RootStore
        loading: isModelDataValid

   Additional usages should be handled using states.

StatusListItem {
    id: root

    signal retryClicked()

    property var modelData
    property string timeStampText: isModelDataValid ? LocaleUtils.formatRelativeTimestamp(modelData.timestamp * 1000) : ""
    property bool showAllAccounts: false
    property bool displayValues: true

    required property SharedStores.RootStore rootStore
    required property WalletStores.RootStore walletRootStore

    readonly property bool isModelDataValid: modelData !== undefined && !!modelData

    readonly property string txID: isModelDataValid ? : "INVALID"
    readonly property int transactionStatus: isModelDataValid ? modelData.status : Constants.TransactionStatus.Pending
    readonly property bool isMultiTransaction: isModelDataValid && modelData.isMultiTransaction
    readonly property string currentCurrency: rootStore.currentCurrency
    readonly property double cryptoValue: isModelDataValid ? modelData.amount : 0.0
    readonly property double fiatValue: isModelDataValid && !isMultiTransaction ? rootStore.getFiatValue(cryptoValue, modelData.symbol) : 0.0
    readonly property double inCryptoValue: isModelDataValid ? modelData.inAmount : 0.0
    readonly property double inFiatValue: isModelDataValid && isMultiTransaction ? rootStore.getFiatValue(inCryptoValue, modelData.inSymbol): 0.0
    readonly property double outCryptoValue: isModelDataValid ? modelData.outAmount : 0.0
    readonly property double outFiatValue: isModelDataValid && isMultiTransaction ? rootStore.getFiatValue(outCryptoValue, modelData.outSymbol): 0.0
    readonly property string networkColor: isModelDataValid ? SQUtils.ModelUtils.getByKey(rootStore.flatNetworks, "chainId", modelData.chainId, "chainColor") : ""
    readonly property string networkName: isModelDataValid ? SQUtils.ModelUtils.getByKey(rootStore.flatNetworks, "chainId", modelData.chainId, "chainName") : ""
    readonly property string networkNameIn: isMultiTransaction ? SQUtils.ModelUtils.getByKey(rootStore.flatNetworks, "chainId", modelData.chainIdIn, "chainName") : ""
    readonly property string networkNameOut: isMultiTransaction ? SQUtils.ModelUtils.getByKey(rootStore.flatNetworks, "chainId", modelData.chainIdOut, "chainName") : ""
    readonly property string addressNameTo: isModelDataValid ? walletRootStore.getNameForAddress(modelData.recipient) : ""
    readonly property string addressNameFrom: isModelDataValid ? walletRootStore.getNameForAddress(modelData.sender) : ""
    readonly property bool isNFT: isModelDataValid && modelData.isNFT
    readonly property bool isCommunityAssetViaAirdrop: isModelDataValid && !!communityId && d.txType === Constants.TransactionType.Mint
    readonly property string communityId: isModelDataValid && modelData.communityId ? modelData.communityId : ""
    property var community: null
    readonly property bool isCommunityToken: !!community && Object.keys(community).length > 0
    readonly property string communityImage: isCommunityToken ? community.image : ""
    readonly property string communityName: isCommunityToken ? : ""

    readonly property var dAppDetails: {
        if (!isModelDataValid) {
            return null
        if (modelData.txType === Constants.TransactionType.Approve) {
            return walletRootStore.getDappDetails(modelData.chainId, modelData.approvalSpender)
        if (modelData.txType === Constants.TransactionType.Swap) {
            return walletRootStore.getDappDetails(modelData.chainId, modelData.interactedContractAddress)
        return null

    readonly property string dAppIcon: dAppDetails ? dAppDetails.icon : ""
    readonly property string dAppUrl: dAppDetails ? dAppDetails.url : ""
    readonly property string dAppName: dAppDetails ? : ""

    readonly property string transactionValue: {
        if (!isModelDataValid) {
            return qsTr("N/A")
        } else if (root.isNFT) {
            let value = ""
            if (d.txType === Constants.TransactionType.Mint) {
                value += modelData.amount + " "
            value += (modelData.nftName ? modelData.nftName : "#" + modelData.tokenID)
            return value
        } else if (!modelData.symbol && !!modelData.tokenAddress) {
            return "%1 (%2)".arg(root.rootStore.formatCurrencyAmount(cryptoValue, "")).arg(Utils.compactAddress(modelData.tokenAddress, 4))
        return root.rootStore.formatCurrencyAmount(cryptoValue, modelData.symbol)

    readonly property string inTransactionValue: {
        if (!isModelDataValid || !isMultiTransaction) {
            return qsTr("N/A")
        } else if (!modelData.inSymbol && !!modelData.tokenInAddress) {
            return "%1 (%2)".arg(root.rootStore.formatCurrencyAmount(inCryptoValue, "")).arg(Utils.compactAddress(modelData.tokenInAddress, 4))
        return rootStore.formatCurrencyAmount(inCryptoValue, modelData.inSymbol)
    readonly property string outTransactionValue: {
        if (!isModelDataValid || !isMultiTransaction) {
            return qsTr("N/A")
        } else if (!modelData.outSymbol && !!modelData.tokenOutAddress) {
            return "%1 (%2)".arg(root.rootStore.formatCurrencyAmount(outCryptoValue, "")).arg(Utils.compactAddress(modelData.tokenOutAddress, 4))
        return rootStore.formatCurrencyAmount(outCryptoValue, modelData.outSymbol)

    readonly property string tokenImage: {
        if (!isModelDataValid || d.txType === Constants.TransactionType.ContractDeployment)
            return ""
        if (root.isNFT) {
            return modelData.nftImageUrl ? modelData.nftImageUrl : ""
        } else {
            return Constants.tokenIcon(isMultiTransaction ? modelData.outSymbol : modelData.symbol)

    readonly property string inTokenImage: isModelDataValid ? Constants.tokenIcon(modelData.inSymbol) : ""

    readonly property string toAddress: !!addressNameTo ?
                                            addressNameTo :
                                            isModelDataValid ?
                                                Utils.compactAddress(modelData.recipient, 4) :

    readonly property string fromAddress: !!addressNameFrom ?
                                            addressNameFrom :
                                            isModelDataValid ?
                                                Utils.compactAddress(modelData.sender, 4) :

    property StatusAssetSettings statusIconAsset: StatusAssetSettings {
        width: 12
        height: 12
        bgWidth: width + 2
        bgHeight: bgWidth
        bgRadius: bgWidth / 2
        bgColor: root.color
        color: "transparent"
        name: {
            switch(root.transactionStatus) {
            case Constants.TransactionStatus.Pending:
                return Style.svg("transaction/pending")
            case Constants.TransactionStatus.Complete:
                return Style.svg("transaction/confirmed")
            case Constants.TransactionStatus.Finalised:
                return Style.svg("transaction/finished")
            case Constants.TransactionStatus.Failed:
                return Style.svg("transaction/failed")
                return ""

    property StatusAssetSettings tokenIconAsset: StatusAssetSettings {
        width: 20
        height: 20
        bgWidth: width + 2
        bgHeight: height + 2
        bgRadius: bgWidth / 2
        bgColor: d.lightTheme && Constants.isDefaultTokenIcon(root.tokenImage) ?
                     Theme.palette.white : "transparent"
        color: "transparent"
        isImage: !loading
        name: root.tokenImage
        isLetterIdenticon: loading

    QtObject {
        id: d

        property int loadingPixelSize: 13
        property int datePixelSize: 12
        property int titlePixelSize: 15
        property int subtitlePixelSize: 13
        property bool showRetryButton: false

        readonly property bool isLightTheme: === Constants.lightThemeName
        property color animatedBgColor
        property int txType: walletRootStore.transactionType(root.modelData)

        function addressesEqual(address1, address2) {
            return address1.toUpperCase() == address2.toUpperCase()

        readonly property var secondIconAsset: StatusAssetSettings {
            width: root.tokenIconAsset.width
            height: root.tokenIconAsset.height
            bgWidth: width + 2
            bgHeight: height + 2
            bgRadius: bgWidth / 2
            bgColor: Theme.palette.white
            isImage: root.tokenIconAsset.isImage
            color: root.tokenIconAsset.color
            name: d.secondIconSource
            isLetterIdenticon: root.tokenIconAsset.isLetterIdenticon

        readonly property string secondIconSource: {
            if (!root.isModelDataValid || root.isNFT) {
                return ""

            if (modelData.txType === Constants.TransactionType.Swap) {
                return root.inTokenImage
            } else if (modelData.txType === Constants.TransactionType.Approve) {
                return root.dAppIcon
            return ""
        readonly property bool isSecondIconVisible: secondIconSource !== ""

    function getDetailsString(detailsObj) {
        let details = ""
        const endl = "\n"
        const endl2 = endl + endl
        const type = d.txType
        const feeEthValue = rootStore.getGasEthValue(detailsObj.totalFees.amount, 1)

        // TITLE
        switch (type) {
        case Constants.TransactionType.Send:
            details += qsTr("Send transaction details" + endl2)
        case Constants.TransactionType.Receive:
            details += qsTr("Receive transaction details") + endl2
        case Constants.TransactionType.Buy:
            details += qsTr("Buy transaction details") + endl2
        case Constants.TransactionType.Sell:
            details += qsTr("Sell transaction details") + endl2
        case Constants.TransactionType.Destroy:
            details += qsTr("Destroy transaction details") + endl2
        case Constants.TransactionType.Swap:
            details += qsTr("Swap transaction details") + endl2
        case Constants.TransactionType.Bridge:
            details += qsTr("Bridge transaction details") + endl2
        case Constants.TransactionType.ContractDeployment:
            details += qsTr("Contract deployment details") + endl2
        case Constants.TransactionType.Mint:
            if (isNFT)
                details += qsTr("Mint collectible details") + endl2
                details += qsTr("Mint token details") + endl2
        case Constants.TransactionType.Approve:
            details += qsTr("Set spending cap transaction details") + endl2

        details += qsTr("Summary") + endl
        switch(type) {
        case Constants.TransactionType.Buy:
        case Constants.TransactionType.Sell:
        case Constants.TransactionType.Destroy:
        case Constants.TransactionType.Swap:
        case Constants.TransactionType.Bridge:
        case Constants.TransactionType.ContractDeployment:
        case Constants.TransactionType.Mint:
        case Constants.TransactionType.Approve:
            details += getSubtitle(true, true) + endl2
            if (networkNameIn != networkNameOut) { // cross chain Send/Receive that involves bridging
                details += getSubtitle(true, true) + endl2
                details += qsTr("%1 from %2 to %3 via %4").arg(transactionValue).arg(fromAddress).arg(toAddress).arg(networkName) + endl2

        if (root.isNFT) {
            details += qsTr("Token ID") + endl + modelData.tokenID + endl2
            if (!!modelData.nftName) {
                details += qsTr("Token name") + endl + modelData.nftName + endl2

        // PROGRESS
        const networkLayer = SQUtils.ModelUtils.getByKey(rootStore.flatNetworks, "chainId", modelData.chainId, "layer")

        const isBridge = type === Constants.TransactionType.Bridge
        switch(transactionStatus) {
        case Constants.TransactionStatus.Pending:
            details += qsTr("Status") + endl
            details += qsTr("Pending on %1").arg(root.networkName) + endl2
            if (isBridge) {
                details += qsTr("Pending on %1").arg(root.networkNameIn) + endl2
        case Constants.TransactionStatus.Failed:
            details += qsTr("Status") + endl
            details += qsTr("Failed on %1").arg(root.networkName) + endl2
            if (isBridge) {
                details += qsTr("Failed on %1").arg(root.networkNameIn) + endl2
        case Constants.TransactionStatus.Complete: {
            const confirmationTimeStamp = WalletUtils.calculateConfirmationTimestamp(networkLayer, modelData.timestamp)
            const timestampString = LocaleUtils.formatDateTime(modelData.timestamp * 1000, Locale.LongFormat)
            details += qsTr("Status") + endl
            details += qsTr("Signed on %1").arg(root.networkName) + endl + timestampString + endl2
            details += qsTr("Confirmed on %1").arg(root.networkName) + endl
            details += LocaleUtils.formatDateTime(confirmationTimeStamp * 1000, Locale.LongFormat) + endl2
            if (isBridge) {
                const networkInLayer = SQUtils.ModelUtils.getByKey(rootStore.flatNetworks, "chainId", modelData.chainIdIn, "layer")
                const confirmationTimeStampIn = WalletUtils.calculateConfirmationTimestamp(networkInLayer, modelData.timestamp)
                details += qsTr("Signed on %1").arg(root.networkNameIn) + endl + timestampString + endl2
                details += qsTr("Confirmed on %1").arg(root.networkNameIn) + endl
                details += LocaleUtils.formatDateTime(confirmationTimeStampIn * 1000, Locale.LongFormat) + endl2
        case Constants.TransactionStatus.Finalised: {
            const timestampString = LocaleUtils.formatDateTime(modelData.timestamp * 1000, Locale.LongFormat)
            const confirmationTimeStamp = WalletUtils.calculateConfirmationTimestamp(networkLayer, modelData.timestamp)
            const finalisationTimeStamp = WalletUtils.calculateFinalisationTimestamp(networkLayer, modelData.timestamp)
            details += qsTr("Status") + endl
            const epoch = Math.abs(walletRootStore.getEstimatedLatestBlockNumber(modelData.chainId) - detailsObj.blockNumberOut)
            details += qsTr("Finalised in epoch %1 on %2").arg(epoch.toFixed(0)).arg(root.networkName) + endl2
            details += qsTr("Signed on %1").arg(root.networkName) + endl + timestampString + endl2
            details += qsTr("Confirmed on %1").arg(root.networkName) + endl
            details += LocaleUtils.formatDateTime(confirmationTimeStamp * 1000, Locale.LongFormat) + endl2
            details += qsTr("Finalised on %1").arg(root.networkName) + endl
            details += LocaleUtils.formatDateTime(finalisationTimeStamp * 1000, Locale.LongFormat) + endl2
            if (isBridge) {
                const networkInLayer = SQUtils.ModelUtils.getByKey(rootStore.flatNetworks, "chainId", modelData.chainIdIn, "layer")
                const confirmationTimeStampIn = WalletUtils.calculateConfirmationTimestamp(networkInLayer, modelData.timestamp)
                const finalisationTimeStampIn = WalletUtils.calculateFinalisationTimestamp(networkInLayer, modelData.timestamp)
                const epochIn = Math.abs(walletRootStore.getEstimatedLatestBlockNumber(modelData.chainIdIn) - detailsObj.blockNumberIn)
                details += qsTr("Finalised in epoch %1 on %2").arg(epochIn.toFixed(0)).arg(root.networkNameIn) + endl2
                details += qsTr("Signed on %1").arg(root.networkNameIn) + endl + timestampString + endl2
                details += qsTr("Confirmed on %1").arg(root.networkNameIn) + endl
                details += LocaleUtils.formatDateTime(confirmationTimeStampIn * 1000, Locale.LongFormat) + endl2
                details += qsTr("Finalised on %1").arg(root.networkNameIn) + endl
                details += LocaleUtils.formatDateTime(finalisationTimeStampIn * 1000, Locale.LongFormat) + endl2


        switch (type) {
        case Constants.TransactionType.Swap:
            details += qsTr("From") + endl + modelData.outSymbol + endl2
            details += qsTr("To") + endl + modelData.inSymbol + endl2
            details += qsTr("In") + endl + modelData.sender + endl2
        case Constants.TransactionType.Bridge:
            details += qsTr("From") + endl + networkNameOut + endl2
            details += qsTr("To") + endl + networkNameIn + endl2
            details += qsTr("In") + endl + modelData.sender + endl2
        case Constants.TransactionType.ContractDeployment:
            details += qsTr("From") + endl + modelData.sender + endl2
            const failed = root.transactionStatus === Constants.TransactionStatus.Failed
            const isPending = root.transactionStatus === Constants.TransactionStatus.Pending || !modelData.contract
            if (failed) {
                details += qsTr("To\nContract address not created")
            } else if (isPending) {
                details += qsTr("To\nAwaiting contract address...")
            } else {
                details += qsTr("To\nContract created") + endl + modelData.contract + endl2
            details += qsTr("From") + endl + modelData.sender + endl2
            details += qsTr("To") + endl + modelData.recipient + endl2
        if (!!detailsObj.protocol) {
            details += qsTr("Using") + endl + detailsObj.protocol + endl2
        if (root.isMultiTransaction) {
            if (!!detailsObj.txHashOut) {
                details += qsTr("%1 Tx hash").arg(root.networkNameOut) + endl + detailsObj.txHashOut + endl2
            if (!!detailsObj.txHashIn) {
                details += qsTr("%1 Tx hash").arg(root.networkNameIn) + endl + detailsObj.txHashIn + endl2
        } else if (!!detailsObj.txHash) {
            details += qsTr("%1 Tx hash").arg(root.networkName) + endl + detailsObj.txHash + endl2

        const protocolFromContractAddress = "" // TODO fill protocol contract address for 'from' network for Bridge and Swap
        if (!!detailsObj.protocol && !!protocolFromContractAddress) {
            details += qsTr("%1 %2 contract address").arg(root.networkName).arg(detailsObj.protocol) + endl
            details += protocolFromContractAddress + endl2
        if (!!detailsObj.contract && type !== Constants.TransactionType.ContractDeployment && !/0x0+$/.test(detailsObj.contract)) {
            let symbol = !!modelData.symbol || !modelData.tokenAddress ? modelData.symbol : "(%1)".arg(Utils.compactAddress(modelData.tokenAddress, 4))
            details += qsTr("%1 %2 contract address").arg(root.networkName).arg(symbol) + endl
            details += detailsObj.contract + endl2
        const protocolToContractAddress = "" // TODO fill protocol contract address for 'to' network for Bridge
        if (!!protocolToContractAddress && !!detailsObj.protocol) {
            details += qsTr("%1 %2 contract address").arg(networkNameOut).arg(detailsObj.protocol) + endl
            details += protocolToContractAddress + endl2
        switch (type) {
        case Constants.TransactionType.Swap:
            if (!!detailsObj.contractOut) {
                details += qsTr("%1 %2 contract address").arg(root.networkName).arg(modelData.toSymbol) + endl
                details += detailsObj.contractOut + endl2
        case Constants.TransactionType.Bridge:
            if (!!detailsObj.contractOut) {
                details += qsTr("%1 %2 contract address").arg(networkNameOut).arg(modelData.symbol) + endl
                details += detailsObj.contractOut + endl2

        // SUMMARY DATA
        if (type !== Constants.TransactionType.Bridge) {
            details += qsTr("Network") + endl + networkName + endl2
        if (!!detailsObj.tokenType) {
            details += qsTr("Token format") + endl + detailsObj.tokenType.toUpperCase() + endl2
        details += qsTr("Nonce") + endl + detailsObj.nonce + endl2
        if (type === Constants.TransactionType.Bridge) {
            details += qsTr("Included in Block on %1").arg(networkNameOut) + endl
            details += detailsObj.blockNumberOut  + endl2
            if (detailsObj.blockNumberIn > 0) {
                details += qsTr("Included in Block on %1").arg(networkNameIn) + endl
                details += detailsObj.blockNumberIn + endl2
        } else {
            details += qsTr("Included in Block") + endl + detailsObj.blockNumberOut  + endl2

        // VALUES
        const fiatTransactionValue = rootStore.formatCurrencyAmount(isMultiTransaction ? root.outFiatValue : root.fiatValue, root.currentCurrency)
        const feeFiatValue = rootStore.getFiatValue(feeEthValue, Constants.ethToken)
        let valuesString = ""
        if (!root.isNFT) {
            switch(type) {
            case Constants.TransactionType.Send:
                valuesString += qsTr("Amount sent %1 (%2)").arg(root.transactionValue).arg(fiatTransactionValue) + endl2
            case Constants.TransactionType.Swap:
            case Constants.TransactionType.Bridge:
                valuesString += qsTr("Amount sent %1 (%2)").arg(root.outTransactionValue).arg(fiatTransactionValue) + endl2
            if (type === Constants.TransactionType.Swap) {
                const crypto = rootStore.formatCurrencyAmount(root.inCryptoValue, modelData.inSymbol)
                const fiat = rootStore.formatCurrencyAmount(root.inCryptoValue, modelData.inSymbol)
                valuesString += qsTr("Amount received %1 (%2)").arg(crypto).arg(fiat) + endl2
            } else if (type === Constants.TransactionType.Bridge) {
                // Reduce crypto value by fee value
                const valueInCrypto = rootStore.getCryptoValue(root.fiatValue - feeFiatValue, modelData.inSymbol)
                const crypto = rootStore.formatCurrencyAmount(valueInCrypto, modelData.inSymbol)
                const fiat = rootStore.formatCurrencyAmount(root.fiatValue - feeFiatValue, root.currentCurrency)
                valuesString += qsTr("Amount received %1 (%2)").arg(crypto).arg(fiat) + endl2
            switch(type) {
            case Constants.TransactionType.Send:
            case Constants.TransactionType.Swap:
            case Constants.TransactionType.Bridge:
                const feeValue = LocaleUtils.currencyAmountToLocaleString(detailsObj.totalFees)
                const feeFiat = rootStore.formatCurrencyAmount(feeFiatValue, root.currentCurrency)
                valuesString += qsTr("Fees %1 (%2)").arg(feeValue).arg(feeFiat) + endl2

        if (!root.isNFT || type !== Constants.TransactionType.Receive) {
            if (type === Constants.TransactionType.Destroy || root.isNFT) {
                const feeCrypto = rootStore.formatCurrencyAmount(feeEthValue, "ETH")
                const feeFiat = rootStore.formatCurrencyAmount(feeFiatValue, root.currentCurrency)
                valuesString += qsTr("Fees %1 (%2)").arg(feeCrypto).arg(feeFiat) + endl2
            } else if (type === Constants.TransactionType.Receive || (type === Constants.TransactionType.Buy && networkLayer === 1)) {
                valuesString += qsTr("Total %1 (%2)").arg(root.transactionValue).arg(fiatTransactionValue) + endl2
            } else if (type === Constants.TransactionType.ContractDeployment) {
                const isPending = root.transactionStatus === Constants.TransactionStatus.Pending
                if (isPending) {
                    const maxFeeEthValue = rootStore.getFeeEthValue(detailsObj.maxTotalFees.amount)
                    const maxFeeCrypto = rootStore.formatCurrencyAmount(maxFeeEthValue, "ETH")
                    const maxFeeFiat = rootStore.formatCurrencyAmount(maxFeeCrypto, root.currentCurrency)
                    valuesString += qsTr("Estimated max fee %1 (%2)").arg(maxFeeCrypto).arg(maxFeeFiat) + endl2
                } else {
                    const feeCrypto = rootStore.formatCurrencyAmount(feeEthValue, "ETH")
                    const feeFiat = rootStore.formatCurrencyAmount(feeFiatValue, root.currentCurrency)
                    valuesString += qsTr("Fees %1 (%2)").arg(feeCrypto).arg(feeFiat) + endl2
            } else {
                const feeEth = rootStore.formatCurrencyAmount(feeEthValue, "ETH")
                const txValue = isMultiTransaction ? root.inTransactionValue : root.transactionValue
                valuesString += qsTr("Total %1 + %2 (%3)").arg(txValue).arg(feeEth).arg(fiatTransactionValue) + endl2

        if (valuesString !== "") {
            const timestampString = LocaleUtils.formatDateTime(modelData.timestamp * 1000, Locale.LongFormat)
            details += qsTr("Values at %1").arg(timestampString) + endl2
            details += valuesString + endl2

        // Remove no-break space
        details = details.replace(/[\xA0]/g, " ");
        // Remove empty new lines at the end
        return details.replace(/[\r\n\s]*$/, '')

    function getSubtitle(allAccounts, description) {
        if (root.isCommunityAssetViaAirdrop) {
            let communityInfo = ""
            if (!description) {
                // Showing image only in delegate. In description url shouldn't be showed
                communityInfo += "<img src='" + root.communityImage + "' width='18' height='18' </img> "
            communityInfo += root.communityName
            return qsTr("%1 (community asset) from %2 via %3").arg(root.transactionValue).arg(communityInfo).arg(root.networkName)

        switch(d.txType) {
        case Constants.TransactionType.Receive:
            // Cross chain receive. Use bridge pattern
            if (root.networkNameIn != root.networkNameOut && root.networkNameIn && root.networkNameOut) {
                if (allAccounts)
                    return qsTr("%1 from %2 to %3 via %4 and %5").arg(inTransactionValue).arg(fromAddress).arg(toAddress).arg(networkNameOut).arg(networkNameIn)
                return qsTr("%1 from %2 via %3 and %4").arg(inTransactionValue).arg(toAddress).arg(networkNameOut).arg(networkNameIn)

            if (allAccounts)
                return qsTr("%1 from %2 to %3 via %4").arg(transactionValue).arg(fromAddress).arg(toAddress).arg(networkName)
            return qsTr("%1 from %2 via %3").arg(transactionValue).arg(fromAddress).arg(networkName)
        case Constants.TransactionType.Buy:
            let protocol = "" // TODO fill data for buy
            if (allAccounts)
                return qsTr("%1 on %2 via %3 in %4").arg(transactionValue).arg(protocol).arg(networkName).arg(toAddress)
            return qsTr("%1 on %2 via %3").arg(transactionValue).arg(protocol).arg(networkName)
        case Constants.TransactionType.Destroy:
            if (allAccounts)
                return qsTr("%1 at %2 via %3 in %4").arg(inTransactionValue).arg(toAddress).arg(networkName).arg(toAddress)
            return qsTr("%1 at %2 via %3").arg(inTransactionValue).arg(toAddress).arg(networkName)
        case Constants.TransactionType.Swap:
            if (root.dAppName !== "") {
                if (allAccounts)
                    return qsTr("%1 to %2 using %3 on %4 in %5").arg(outTransactionValue).arg(inTransactionValue).arg(root.dAppName).arg(networkName).arg(fromAddress)
                return qsTr("%1 to %2 using %3 on %4").arg(outTransactionValue).arg(inTransactionValue).arg(root.dAppName).arg(networkName)
            if (allAccounts)
                return qsTr("%1 to %2 on %3 in %4").arg(outTransactionValue).arg(inTransactionValue).arg(networkName).arg(fromAddress)
            return qsTr("%1 to %2 on %3").arg(outTransactionValue).arg(inTransactionValue).arg(networkName)
        case Constants.TransactionType.Bridge:
            if (allAccounts)
                return qsTr("%1 from %2 to %3 in %4").arg(outTransactionValue).arg(networkNameOut).arg(networkNameIn).arg(fromAddress)
            return qsTr("%1 from %2 to %3").arg(outTransactionValue).arg(networkNameOut).arg(networkNameIn)
        case Constants.TransactionType.ContractDeployment:
            const name = addressNameTo || addressNameFrom
            return qsTr("Via %1 on %2").arg(name).arg(networkName)
        case Constants.TransactionType.Mint:
            if (allAccounts)
                return qsTr("%1 via %2 in %3").arg(transactionValue).arg(networkName).arg(toAddress)
            return qsTr("%1 via %2").arg(transactionValue).arg(networkName)
        case Constants.TransactionType.Approve:
            if (root.dAppUrl !== "") {
                if (allAccounts)
                    return qsTr("%1 in %2 for %3 on %4").arg(transactionValue).arg(toAddress).arg(dAppUrl).arg(networkName)
                return qsTr("%1 for %2 on %3").arg(transactionValue).arg(dAppUrl).arg(networkName)
            if (allAccounts)
                return qsTr("%1 in %2 on %3").arg(transactionValue).arg(toAddress).arg(networkName)
            return qsTr("%1 on %2").arg(transactionValue).arg(networkName)
            // Cross chain send. Use bridge pattern
            if (root.networkNameIn != root.networkNameOut && root.networkNameIn && root.networkNameOut) {
                if (allAccounts)
                    return qsTr("%1 from %2 to %3 via %4 and %5").arg(inTransactionValue).arg(fromAddress).arg(toAddress).arg(networkNameOut).arg(networkNameIn)
                return qsTr("%1 to %2 via %3 and %4").arg(inTransactionValue).arg(toAddress).arg(networkNameOut).arg(networkNameIn)

            if (allAccounts)
                return qsTr("%1 from %2 to %3 via %4").arg(transactionValue).arg(fromAddress).arg(toAddress).arg(networkName)
            return qsTr("%1 to %2 via %3").arg(transactionValue).arg(toAddress).arg(networkName)

    rightPadding: 16
    enabled: !loading
    loading: !isModelDataValid
    color: {
        if (bgColorAnimation.running) {
            return d.animatedBgColor
        return sensor.containsMouse ? Theme.palette.baseColor5 : Style.current.transparent
    } (loading ||
    asset {
        width: 24
        height: 24
        isImage: false
        imgIsIdenticon: true
        isLetterIdenticon: loading
        name: {
            if (!root.isModelDataValid)
                return ""

            switch(d.txType) {
            case Constants.TransactionType.Send:
                return "send"
            case Constants.TransactionType.Receive:
                return "receive"
            case Constants.TransactionType.Buy:
            case Constants.TransactionType.Sell:
            case Constants.TransactionType.Mint:
                return "token"
            case Constants.TransactionType.Destroy:
                return "destroy"
            case Constants.TransactionType.Swap:
                return "swap"
            case Constants.TransactionType.Bridge:
                return "bridge"
            case Constants.TransactionType.ContractDeployment:
                return "contract_deploy"
            case Constants.TransactionType.Approve:
                return "approve"
                return ""
        bgColor: "transparent"
        color: Theme.palette.directColor1
        bgBorderWidth: 1
        bgBorderColor: Theme.palette.primaryColor3

    sensor.children: [
        StatusRoundIcon {
            id: leftIconStatusIcon
            visible: !root.loading
            anchors {
                right: root.statusListItemIcon.right
                bottom: root.statusListItemIcon.bottom
            asset: root.statusIconAsset

    // Title
    title: {
        if (root.loading) {
            return "dummmy"
        } else if (!root.isModelDataValid) {
            return ""

        const isPending = root.transactionStatus === Constants.TransactionStatus.Pending
        const failed = root.transactionStatus === Constants.TransactionStatus.Failed
        switch(d.txType) {
        case Constants.TransactionType.Send:
            return failed ? qsTr("Send failed") : (isPending ? qsTr("Sending") : qsTr("Sent"))
        case Constants.TransactionType.Receive:
            return failed ? qsTr("Receive failed") : (isPending ? qsTr("Receiving") : qsTr("Received"))
        case Constants.TransactionType.Buy:
            return failed ? qsTr("Buy failed") : (isPending ? qsTr("Buying") : qsTr("Bought"))
        case Constants.TransactionType.Sell:
            return failed ? qsTr("Sell failed") : (isPending ? qsTr("Selling") : qsTr("Sold"))
        case Constants.TransactionType.Destroy:
            return failed ? qsTr("Destroy failed") : (isPending ? qsTr("Destroying") : qsTr("Destroyed"))
        case Constants.TransactionType.Swap:
            return failed ? qsTr("Swap failed") : (isPending ? qsTr("Swapping") : qsTr("Swapped"))
        case Constants.TransactionType.Bridge:
            return failed ? qsTr("Bridge failed") : (isPending ? qsTr("Bridging") : qsTr("Bridged"))
        case Constants.TransactionType.ContractDeployment:
            return failed ? qsTr("Contract deployment failed") : (isPending ? qsTr("Deploying contract") : qsTr("Contract deployed"))
        case Constants.TransactionType.Mint:
            if (isNFT)
                return failed ? qsTr("Collectible minting failed") : (isPending ? qsTr("Minting collectible") : qsTr("Collectible minted"))
            return failed ? qsTr("Token minting failed") : (isPending ? qsTr("Minting token") : qsTr("Token minted"))
        case Constants.TransactionType.Approve:
            return failed ? qsTr("Failed to set spending cap") : (isPending ? qsTr("Setting spending cap") : qsTr("Spending cap set"))
            return ""
    statusListItemTitleArea.anchors.rightMargin: root.rightPadding
    statusListItemTitle.font.weight: Font.DemiBold
    statusListItemTitle.font.pixelSize: root.loading ? d.loadingPixelSize : d.titlePixelSize

    // title icons and date
    statusListItemTitleIcons.sourceComponent: Row {
        spacing: 8
        Row {
            id: tokenImagesRow
            visible: !root.loading && !!
            spacing: secondTokenImage.visible ? -tokenImage.width * 0.2 : 0
            StatusRoundIcon {
                id: tokenImage
                anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
                asset: root.tokenIconAsset
            StatusRoundIcon {
                id: secondTokenImage
                visible: d.isSecondIconVisible
                anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
                asset: d.secondIconAsset
        StatusTextWithLoadingState {
            anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
            text: root.loading ? root.title : root.timeStampText
            verticalAlignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
            font.pixelSize: root.loading ? d.loadingPixelSize : d.datePixelSize
            visible: !!text
            loading: root.loading
            customColor: Theme.palette.baseColor1
            leftPadding: tokenImagesRow.visible ? 0 : parent.spacing

    // subtitle
    subTitle: {
        if (root.loading) {
            return "dummy text dummy text dummy text dummy text dummy text dummy text"

        if (!root.isModelDataValid) {
            return ""

        return getSubtitle(root.showAllAccounts, false)
    statusListItemSubTitle.textFormat: root.isCommunityAssetViaAirdrop ? Text.RichText : Text.AutoText
    statusListItemSubTitle.maximumLoadingStateWidth: 400
    statusListItemSubTitle.customColor: Theme.palette.directColor1
    statusListItemSubTitle.font.pixelSize: root.loading ? d.loadingPixelSize : d.subtitlePixelSize
    statusListItemTagsRowLayout.anchors.topMargin: 4 // Spacing between title row nad subtitle row

    // Right side components
    components: [
        Loader {
            active: root.displayValues && !
            visible: active
            sourceComponent: ColumnLayout {
                StatusTextWithLoadingState {
                    id: cryptoValueText
                    text: {
                        if (root.loading) {
                            return "dummy text"
                        } else if (!root.isModelDataValid || root.isNFT) {
                            return ""

                        switch(d.txType) {
                        case Constants.TransactionType.Send:
                        case Constants.TransactionType.Sell:
                            return "−" + root.transactionValue
                        case Constants.TransactionType.Buy:
                        case Constants.TransactionType.Receive:
                            return "+" + root.transactionValue
                        case Constants.TransactionType.Swap:
                            let outValue = root.outTransactionValue
                            outValue = outValue.replace('<', '&lt;')
                            let inValue = root.inTransactionValue
                            inValue = inValue.replace('<', '&lt;')
                            return "<font color=\"%1\">-%2</font> <font color=\"%3\">/</font> <font color=\"%4\">+%5</font>"
                        case Constants.TransactionType.Bridge:
                        case Constants.TransactionType.Approve:
                            return ""
                    horizontalAlignment: Qt.AlignRight
                    Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight
                    font.pixelSize: root.loading ? d.loadingPixelSize : 13
                    customColor: {
                        if (!root.isModelDataValid)
                            return ""

                        switch(d.txType) {
                        case Constants.TransactionType.Receive:
                        case Constants.TransactionType.Buy:
                        case Constants.TransactionType.Swap:
                            return Theme.palette.successColor1
                            return Theme.palette.directColor1
                    loading: root.loading
                StatusTextWithLoadingState {
                    id: fiatValueText
                    Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight
                    horizontalAlignment: Qt.AlignRight
                    text: {
                        if (root.loading) {
                            return "dummy text"
                        } else if (!root.isModelDataValid || root.isNFT || !modelData.symbol) {
                            return ""

                        switch(d.txType) {
                        case Constants.TransactionType.Send:
                        case Constants.TransactionType.Sell:
                        case Constants.TransactionType.Buy:
                            return "−" + root.rootStore.formatCurrencyAmount(root.fiatValue, root.currentCurrency)
                        case Constants.TransactionType.Receive:
                            return "+" + root.rootStore.formatCurrencyAmount(root.fiatValue, root.currentCurrency)
                        case Constants.TransactionType.Swap:
                            return "-%1 / +%2".arg(root.rootStore.formatCurrencyAmount(root.outFiatValue, root.currentCurrency))
                                              .arg(root.rootStore.formatCurrencyAmount(root.inFiatValue, root.currentCurrency))
                        case Constants.TransactionType.Bridge:
                        case Constants.TransactionType.Approve:
                            return ""
                    font.pixelSize: root.loading ? d.loadingPixelSize : 12
                    customColor: Theme.palette.baseColor1
                    loading: root.loading
        Loader {
            id: headerStatusLoader
            active: false
            visible: active
            sourceComponent: Rectangle {
                id: statusRect
                width: transactionTypeIcon.width + (retryButton.visible ? retryButton.width + 5 : 0)
                height: transactionTypeIcon.height
                anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
                color: "transparent"
                radius: 100
                border {
                    width: retryButton.visible ? 1 : 0
                    color: root.asset.bgBorderColor

                StatusButton {
                    id: retryButton
                    anchors.left: parent.left
                    anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
                    anchors.leftMargin: 10
                    radius: height / 2
                    height: parent.height * 0.7
                    verticalPadding: 0
                    horizontalPadding: radius
                    text: qsTr("Retry")
                    size: StatusButton.Small
                    type: StatusButton.Primary
                    visible: d.showRetryButton
                    onClicked: root.retryClicked()

                StatusSmartIdenticon {
                    id: transactionTypeIcon
                    anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
                    anchors.right: parent.right
                    enabled: false
                    asset: root.asset
                    active: !!
                    loading: root.loading
                    name: root.title

                StatusRoundIcon {
                    visible: !root.loading
                    anchors {
                        right: transactionTypeIcon.right
                        bottom: transactionTypeIcon.bottom
                    asset: root.statusIconAsset

    states: [
        State {
            name: "header"
            PropertyChanges {
                target: headerStatusLoader
                active: true
            PropertyChanges {
                target: leftIconStatusIcon
                visible: false
            PropertyChanges {
                target: root.statusListItemIcon
                active: false
            PropertyChanges {
                target: root.asset
                bgBorderWidth: d.showRetryButton ? 0 : 1
                width: 34
                height: 34
                bgWidth: 56
                bgHeight: 56
            PropertyChanges {
                target: root.statusIconAsset
                width: 17
                height: 17
            // PropertyChanges { // TODO uncomment when retry failed tx is implemented
            //     target: d
            //     titlePixelSize: 17
            //     datePixelSize: 13
            //     subtitlePixelSize: 15
            //     loadingPixelSize: 14
            //     showRetryButton: (!root.loading && root.transactionStatus === Constants.TransactionStatus.Failed && walletRootStore.isOwnedAccount(modelData.sender))
            // }

    ColorAnimation {
        id: bgColorAnimation

        target: d
        property: "animatedBgColor"
        from: d.isLightTheme ? "#33869eff" : "#1a4360df"
        to: "transparent"
        duration: 1000
        alwaysRunToEnd: true

        onStopped: {
    // Add a delay before the animation to make it easier to notice when scrolling
    Timer {
        id: delayAnimation
        interval: 250
        running: root.visible && isModelDataValid && modelData.highlight
        repeat: false
        onTriggered: {