import QtQuick 2.0 import QtTest 1.0 import StatusQ.Controls 0.1 import StatusQ.TestHelpers 0.1 Item { width: 400 height: 300 Component { id: noSourceComponent StatusImageCrop { anchors.fill: parent windowStyle: StatusImageCrop.WindowStyle.Rounded } } Component { id: withSourceComponent StatusImageCrop { anchors.fill: parent // TODO: generate test image and break the sandbox dependency source: `${Qt.resolvedUrl(".")}../../sandbox/demoapp/data/logo-test-image.png` windowStyle: StatusImageCrop.WindowStyle.Rectangular Component.onCompleted: setCropRect(Qt.rect(10, 0, sourceSize.width - 20, sourceSize.height)) } } Loader { id: testLoader anchors.fill: parent active: false } TestCase { id: qmlWarningsTest name: "StatusImageCrop-CheckQmlWarnings" when: windowShown // // Test guards function init() { qtOuput.restartCapturing() } function cleanup() { = false } // // Tests function test_no_source_initialization() { testLoader.sourceComponent = noSourceComponent = true verify(waitForRendering(testLoader.item)) = false verify(qtOuput.qtOuput().length === 0, `No output expected. Found:\n"${qtOuput.qtOuput()}"\n`) } function test_with_source_initialization() { testLoader.sourceComponent = withSourceComponent = true verify(waitForRendering(testLoader.item)) = false verify(qtOuput.qtOuput().length === 0, `No output expected. Found:\n"${qtOuput.qtOuput()}"\n`) } } StatusImageCrop { id: testControl // TODO: generate test image and break the sandbox dependency source: `${Qt.resolvedUrl(".")}../../sandbox/demoapp/data/logo-test-image.png` windowStyle: StatusImageCrop.WindowStyle.Rectangular Component.onCompleted: setCropRect(Qt.rect(10, 0, sourceSize.width - 20, sourceSize.height)) } TestCase { name: "StatusImageCrop-Functionality" // // Test guards function init() { qtOuput.restartCapturing() } function cleanup() { } // // Tests function test_inflateRect_by2() { const refRect = Qt.rect(2,2,5,6) const infateResult = testControl.inflateRectBy(refRect, 2) const inflatedBy2Rect = Qt.rect(-0.5, -1, 10, 12) compare(infateResult, inflatedBy2Rect, "Inflating rectangle failed") verify(qtOuput.qtOuput().length === 0, `No output expected. Found:\n"${qtOuput.qtOuput()}"\n`) } function test_inflateRectBy_deflateByHalf() { const refRect = Qt.rect(3,4,2,3) const inflateResult = testControl.inflateRectBy(refRect, 0.5) const defaltedByHalfRect = Qt.rect(3.5, 4.75, 1, 1.5) compare(inflateResult, defaltedByHalfRect, "Inflating rectangle failed") verify(qtOuput.qtOuput().length === 0, `No output expected. Found:\n"${qtOuput.qtOuput()}"\n`) } function test_rectCenter() { compare(testControl.rectCenter(Qt.rect(2, 3, 2, 4)), Qt.point(3, 5), "Fail to retrieve center"); compare(testControl.rectCenter(Qt.rect(-1, 3, 1, 3)), Qt.point(-0.5, 4.5), "Fail to retrieve center"); } function test_recenterRect() { compare(testControl.recenterRect(Qt.rect(1.5, 2, 3, 4), Qt.point(0, 0)), Qt.rect(-1.5, -2, 3, 4)) compare(testControl.recenterRect(Qt.rect(0, 0, 1.5, 3), Qt.point(0.75, 1.5)), Qt.rect(0, 0, 1.5, 3)) } } MonitorQtOutput { id: qtOuput } }