import QtQuick 2.13 import QtQuick.Controls 2.13 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.3 import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0 import StatusQ.Core 0.1 import StatusQ.Controls 0.1 import StatusQ.Components 0.1 import StatusQ.Core.Utils 0.1 as StatusQUtils import utils 1.0 import shared.panels 1.0 import shared.controls 1.0 Popup { id: popup property var categories: [] property alias searchString: searchBox.text property var skinColors: ["1f3fb", "1f3fc", "1f3fd", "1f3fe", "1f3ff"] property string emojiSize: "" signal emojiSelected(string emoji, bool atCu) modal: false width: 360 background: Rectangle { radius: Style.current.radius color: Style.current.background border.color: Style.current.border layer.enabled: true layer.effect: DropShadow{ verticalOffset: 3 radius: 8 samples: 15 cached: true color: "#22000000" } } function containsSkinColor(code) { return skinColors.some(function (color) { return code.includes(color) }); } function addEmoji(emoji) { const MAX_EMOJI_NUMBER = 36 const extenstionIndex = emoji.filename.lastIndexOf('.'); let iconCodePoint = emoji.filename if (extenstionIndex > -1) { iconCodePoint = iconCodePoint.substring(0, extenstionIndex) } // Split the filename to get all the parts and then encode them from hex to utf8 const splitCodePoint = iconCodePoint.split('-') let codePointParts = [] splitCodePoint.forEach(function (codePoint) { codePointParts.push(`0x${codePoint}`) }) const encodedIcon = String.fromCodePoint(...codePointParts); // Add at the start of the list let recentEmojis = localAccountSensitiveSettings.recentEmojis if (recentEmojis === undefined) { recentEmojis = [] } recentEmojis.unshift(emoji) // Remove duplicates recentEmojis = recentEmojis.filter(function (e, index) { return !recentEmojis.some(function (e2, index2) { return index2 < index && e2.filename === e.filename }) }) if (recentEmojis.length > MAX_EMOJI_NUMBER) { // remove last one recentEmojis.splice(MAX_EMOJI_NUMBER - 1) } emojiSectionsRepeater.itemAt(0).allEmojis = recentEmojis localAccountSensitiveSettings.recentEmojis = recentEmojis // Adding a space because otherwise, some emojis would fuse since emoji is just a string popup.emojiSelected(StatusQUtils.Emoji.parse(encodedIcon, popup.emojiSize || undefined) + ' ', true) popup.close() } function populateCategories() { var categoryNames = {"recent": 0} var newCategories = [[]] StatusQUtils.Emoji.emojiJSON.emoji_json.forEach(function (emoji) { if (!categoryNames[emoji.category] && categoryNames[emoji.category] !== 0) { categoryNames[emoji.category] = newCategories.length newCategories.push([]) } var emojisWithColors = [ "1f64c", "1f44f", "1f44b", "1f44d", "1f44e", "1f44a", "270a", "270c", "1f44c", "270b", "1f450", "1f4aa", "1f64f", "261d", "1f446", "1f447", "1f448", "1f449", "1f595", "1f590", "1f918", "1f596", "270d", "1f485", "1f442", "1f443", "1f476", "1f466", "1f467", "1f468", "1f469", "1f471", "1f474", "1f475", "1f472", "1f473", "1f46e", "1f477", "1f482", "1f385", "1f47c", "1f478", "1f470", "1f6b6", "1f3c3", "1f483", "1f647", "1f481", "1f645", "1f646", "1f64b", "1f64e", "1f64d", "1f487", "1f486", "1f6a3", "1f3ca", "1f3c4", "1f6c0", "26f9", "1f3cb", "1f6b4", "1f6b5", "1f3c7", "1f575" ] if (localAccountSensitiveSettings.skinColor !== "") { if (emoji.unicode.includes(localAccountSensitiveSettings.skinColor)) { newCategories[categoryNames[emoji.category]].push(Object.assign({}, emoji, {filename: emoji.unicode})); } else { if (!emojisWithColors.includes(emoji.unicode) && !containsSkinColor(emoji.unicode)) { newCategories[categoryNames[emoji.category]].push(Object.assign({}, emoji, {filename: emoji.unicode})); } } } else { if (!containsSkinColor(emoji.unicode)) { newCategories[categoryNames[emoji.category]].push(Object.assign({}, emoji, {filename: emoji.unicode})); } } }) if (newCategories[categoryNames.recent].length === 0) { newCategories[categoryNames.recent].push({category: "recent", empty: true }) } categories = newCategories; } Connections { id: connectionSettings target: Global onSettingsLoaded: { connectionSettings.enabled = false // Add recent if (!localAccountSensitiveSettings.recentEmojis || !localAccountSensitiveSettings.recentEmojis.length) { return } categories[0] = localAccountSensitiveSettings.recentEmojis emojiSectionsRepeater.itemAt(0).allEmojis = localAccountSensitiveSettings.recentEmojis } } onOpened: { searchBox.text = "" searchBox.input.edit.forceActiveFocus() Qt.callLater(populateCategories); } onClosed: { popup.emojiSize = "" } contentItem: ColumnLayout { anchors.fill: parent spacing: 0 Item { property int headerMargin: 8 id: emojiHeader Layout.fillWidth: true height: searchBox.height + emojiHeader.headerMargin SearchBox { id: searchBox anchors.right: skinToneEmoji.left anchors.rightMargin: emojiHeader.headerMargin anchors.topMargin: emojiHeader.headerMargin anchors.left: parent.left anchors.leftMargin: emojiHeader.headerMargin } Row { id: skinToneEmoji property bool expandSkinColorOptions: false width: expandSkinColorOptions ? (22 * skinColorEmojiRepeater.count) : 22 height: 22 opacity: expandSkinColorOptions ? 1.0 : 0.0 Behavior on width { NumberAnimation { duration: 400 } } Behavior on opacity { NumberAnimation { duration: 200 } } visible: (opacity > 0.1) anchors.verticalCenter: searchBox.verticalCenter anchors.right: parent.right anchors.rightMargin: emojiHeader.headerMargin Repeater { id: skinColorEmojiRepeater model: ["1f590-1f3fb", "1f590-1f3fc", "1f590-1f3fd", "1f590-1f3fe", "1f590-1f3ff", "1f590"] delegate: StatusEmoji { width: 22 height: 22 emojiId: modelData MouseArea { cursorShape: Qt.PointingHandCursor anchors.fill: parent onClicked: { localAccountSensitiveSettings.skinColor = (index === 5) ? "" : modelData.split("-")[1]; popup.populateCategories(); skinToneEmoji.expandSkinColorOptions = false; } } } } } StatusEmoji { width: 22 height: 22 anchors.verticalCenter: searchBox.verticalCenter anchors.right: parent.right anchors.rightMargin: emojiHeader.headerMargin visible: !skinToneEmoji.expandSkinColorOptions emojiId: "1f590" + ((localAccountSensitiveSettings.skinColor !== "" && visible) ? ("-" + localAccountSensitiveSettings.skinColor) : "") MouseArea { cursorShape: Qt.PointingHandCursor anchors.fill: parent onClicked: { skinToneEmoji.expandSkinColorOptions = true; } } } } StatusScrollView { readonly property ScrollBar vScrollBar: ScrollBar.vertical property var categrorySectionHeightRatios: [] property int activeCategory: 0 id: scrollView leftPadding: Style.current.smallPadding rightPadding: Style.current.smallPadding / 2 Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.rightMargin: Style.current.smallPadding / 2 Layout.topMargin: Style.current.smallPadding Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignTop | Qt.AlignLeft Layout.preferredHeight: 400 - Style.current.smallPadding - emojiHeader.height ScrollBar.vertical.policy: ScrollBar.AlwaysOn ScrollBar.horizontal.policy: ScrollBar.AlwaysOff ScrollBar.vertical.onPositionChanged: function () { if (vScrollBar.position < categrorySectionHeightRatios[scrollView.activeCategory - 1]) { scrollView.activeCategory-- } else if (vScrollBar.position > categrorySectionHeightRatios[scrollView.activeCategory]) { scrollView.activeCategory++ } } function scrollToCategory(category) { if (category === 0) { return vScrollBar.setPosition(0) } vScrollBar.setPosition(categrorySectionHeightRatios[category - 1]) } contentHeight: { var totalHeight = 0 var categoryHeights = [] for (let i = 0; i < emojiSectionsRepeater.count; i++) { totalHeight += emojiSectionsRepeater.itemAt(i).height categoryHeights.push(totalHeight) } var ratios = [] categoryHeights.forEach(function (catHeight) { ratios.push(catHeight / totalHeight) }) categrorySectionHeightRatios = ratios return totalHeight } Repeater { id: emojiSectionsRepeater model: popup.categories StatusEmojiSection { width: scrollView.availableWidth searchString: popup.searchString addEmoji: popup.addEmoji } } } Row { Layout.fillWidth: true height: 40 leftPadding: Style.current.smallPadding / 2 rightPadding: Style.current.smallPadding / 2 spacing: 0 Repeater { model: EmojiJSON.emojiCategories StatusTabBarIconButton { modelData highlighted: index === scrollView.activeCategory onClicked: { scrollView.activeCategory = index scrollView.scrollToCategory(index) } } } } } } /*##^## Designer { D{i:0;formeditorColor:"#ffffff";height:440;width:360} } ##^##*/