about-app Mengenai about-key-storage-content Status tidak akan mengakses kunci peribadi anda. Pastikan anda membuat cadangan frasa benih anda. Sekiranya anda kehilangan telefon, itu satu-satunya cara untuk mengakses kunci anda. about-key-storage-title Mengenai penyimpanan kunci about-names-content Tidak ada yang boleh berpura-pura menjadi anda! Anda tidak dikenali secara lalai dan tidak perlu mendedahkan nama sebenar anda. Anda boleh mendaftarkan nama khas dengan sedikit bayaran. about-names-title Nama tidak boleh diubah access-key Kunci akses access-existing-keys Akses kunci yang ada accept-and-share-address Terima dan kongsi alamat account-added Akaun ditambahkan account-color Warna akaun anyone Sesiapa messages-from-contacts-only-subtitle Hanya orang yang anda tambahkan sebagai kenalan yang boleh memulakan sembang baru dengan anda atau menjemput anda ke kumpulan accept-new-chats-from Terima sembang baru daripada account-name Nama akaun account-settings Tetapan akaun accounts Akaun active-online Dalam talian active-unknown Tidak diketahui add Tambah add-a-watch-account Tambahkan alamat jam tangan sahaja add-account Tambahkan akaun add-account-description Anda boleh mengimport sebarang jenis akaun Ethereum untuk menambahkannya ke dompet Status anda add-account-incorrect-password Kata laluan nampaknya tidak betul. Masukkan kata laluan yang anda gunakan untuk membuka kunci aplikasi. add-an-account Tambahkan akaun add-bootnode Tambah bootnode add-contact Tambahkan kenalan add-custom-token Tambahkan token tersuai add-mailserver Tambahkan nod sejarah add-members Tambah ahli add-network Tambah rangkaian add-node Tambah nod add-to-contacts Tambahkan ke kenalan add-to-contacts-text Dengan menambahkan pengguna ke senarai kenalan anda, anda berkongsi alamat dompet anda address Alamat address-received Alamat diterima address-requested Alamat diminta address-request-accepted Permintaan alamat diterima advanced Mahir advanced-settings Tetapan lanjutan agree-by-continuing Dengan meneruskan anda bersetuju kepada kita all Semua allow Benarkan allowing-authorizes-this-dapp Membolehkan membenarkan DApp ini untuk mengambil alamat dompet anda dan mengaktifkan Web3 already-have-asset Anda sudah mempunyai aset ini amount Jumlah are-you-sure-description Anda tidak akan dapat melihat frasa benih lagi are-you-sure? Adakah anda pasti? ask-in-status Kemukakan soalan atau laporkan pepijat at di authorize Memberi kebenaran available Ada available-participants Anda boleh memilih {{count}} lagi peserta back Belakang back-up-seed-phrase Cadangan frasa biji back-up-your-seed-phrase Sandarkan frasa benih anda backup-recovery-phrase Sandar frasa pemulihan balance Seimbang begin-set-up Mulakan persediaan biometric-auth-android-sensor-desc Sensor sentuh biometric-auth-android-sensor-error-desc Gagal biometric-auth-android-title Pengesahan diperlukan biometric-auth-confirm-logout Relogin biometric-auth-confirm-message Pengesahan biometrik diperlukan untuk meneruskan, jika tidak mungkin, buka kunci kunci anda dengan kata laluan atau kod laluan anda biometric-auth-confirm-title Anda mesti mengesahkan! biometric-auth-confirm-try-again Cuba lagi biometric-auth-error Tidak dapat melakukan pengesahan biometrik ( {{code}} ) biometric-auth-login-error-title Kesalahan pengesahan biometrik biometric-auth-login-ios-fallback-label Masukkan kata laluan biometric-auth-reason-login Log masuk dalam Status biometric-auth-reason-verify Sahkan pengesahan biometric-secure-with Selamat dengan {{bio-type-label}} biometric-enable-keycard Sekiranya anda tidak mahu menggunakan Kad Kunci anda setiap kali untuk mengakses aplikasi, aktifkan log masuk {{bio-type-label}} biometric-enable Jika anda tidak mahu memasukkan kata laluan anda setiap kali untuk mencapai aplikasi, dayakan {{bio-type-label}} daftar masuk biometric-disable-bioauth nyahdayakan {{bio-type-label}} biometric-disable-password-title Lumpuhkan simpanan kata laluan biometric-disable-password-description Sekiranya anda melumpuhkan ini, anda juga akan biometric-enable-button Dayakan {{bio-type-label}} biometric-fingerprint Cap Jari biometric-faceid ID Muka biometric-touchid ID Sentuh blank-keycard-text Anda boleh meneruskan kad kekunci anda setelah membuat kunci dan nama blank-keycard-title Nampaknya anda sudah mengetuk kad kekunci kosong block Sekat unblock Buka sekatan block-contact Sekat pengguna ini block-contact-details Penyekatan akan menghapuskan mesej terdahulu pengguna ini dan menghentikan yang baru daripada menghubungi anda blocked-users Pengguna yang disekat bootnode-address Alamat bootnode bootnode-details Butiran but but bootnode-format enode: // {enode-id} @ {ip-address} : {port} bootnodes Kod but bootnodes-enabled Bootnode didayakan bootnodes-settings Tetapan kod but browsed-websites Sejarah penyemak imbas akan muncul di sini browser Browser browser-not-secure Sambungan tidak selamat! Jangan menandatangani transaksi atau menghantar data peribadi di laman web ini. browser-secure Sambungan selamat. Pastikan anda benar-benar mempercayai laman web ini sebelum menandatangani transaksi atau memasukkan data peribadi. browsers Browser browsing-cancel Membatalkan browsing-open-in-android-web-browser Buka di Android browsing-open-in-ios-web-browser Buka di iOS browsing-open-in-status Buka dalam Status browsing-site-blocked-description1 Kami mengesan kemungkinan terdapatnya aktiviti berbahaya dari alamat ini. Untuk melindungi anda dan dompet anda, kami menghalang navigasi lebih jauh. Sekiranya anda rasa ini adalah kesalahan, beri tahu kami di browsing-site-blocked-description2 sembang awam. browsing-site-blocked-go-back Pergi balik browsing-site-blocked-title Laman web ini disekat browsing-title Layari bug-report Laporkan pepijat bug-report-description bug-report-description-placeholder bug-report-steps bug-report-steps-placeholder bug-report-submit-email bug-report-submit-gh-issue bug-report-too-short-description camera-access-error Untuk memberikan izin kamera yang diperlukan, pergi ke tetapan sistem anda dan pastikan Status > Kamera dipilih. can-not-add-yourself Itu ialah anda, pilih orang lain untuk memulakan perbualan cancel Membatalkan cancel-keycard-setup Batalkan penyediaan Kad Kekunci cannot-read-card Tidak dapat membaca kad. Tahan di bahagian belakang telefon anda cannot-use-default-pin Kod laluan 000000 tidak dibenarkan. Sila gunakan nombor lain card-is-blank Kad ini kosong card-reseted Kad telah ditetapkan semula card-unpaired Kad telah dinyahpasang daripada peranti semasa change-fleet Tukar armada menjadi {{fleet}} change-log-level Sahkan dan mulakan semula aplikasi untuk menukar tahap log menjadi {{log-level}} change-logging-enabled Adakah anda pasti mahu {{enable}} log? change-passcode Tukar Kod Laluan change-password Tukar Kata Laluan change-pin Tukar kod laluan 6-digit change-puk Tukar PUK 12 digit change-pairing Tukar kod berpasangan change-pairing-title Buat kod pasangan baru change-pairing-description Mengubah kod pasangan tidak menjejaskan pasangan semasa. Walau bagaimanapun, sebarang pasangan baru akan memerlukan kod baru. changed-amount-warning Jumlah diubah dari {{old}} menjadi {{new}} changed-asset-warning Aset ditukar dari {{old}} menjadi {{new}} chaos-mode Mod kekacauan chaos-unicorn-day Hari Kekacauan Unicorn chaos-unicorn-day-details 🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🚀! chat Berbual chat-and-transact Berbual dan bertransaksi secara peribadi dengan rakan chat-key Kekunci sembang chat-name chat-settings Tetapan sembang chats Sembang check-your-recovery-phrase Semak frasa pemulihan anda choose-authentication-method Pilih kaedah pengesahan clear Jelas clear-all Kosongkan semua clear-history Sejarah yang jelas clear-history-action Jelas clear-history-confirmation Hapus sejarah? clear-history-confirmation-content Adakah anda pasti mahu membersihkan sejarah sembang ini? clear-history-title Hapus sejarah? close Tutup close-app-button Sahkan close-app-content Aplikasi akan berhenti dan ditutup. Apabila anda membukanya semula, rangkaian yang dipilih akan digunakan close-app-title Amaran! command-button-send Hantar communities Komuniti community-members members-label Ahli open-membership Buka keahlian member-kick Tendang ahli member-ban Melarang ahli membership-requests Permintaan keahlian community-members-title Ahli community-requests-to-join-title Permintaan keahlian name-your-channel Namakan saluran anda name-your-channel-placeholder Nama saluran give-a-short-description Beri penerangan ringkas describe-channel Terangkan saluran communities-alpha Komuniti (alpha) communities-verified ✓ Komuniti Status Yang Disahkan communities-enabled Komuniti didayakan request-access Minta akses membership-request-pending Permintaan keahlian belum selesai create-community Buat komuniti create-category Cipta kategori rearrange-categories edited Disunting edit-community Edit komuniti editing-message Menyunting mesej community-edit-title Edit komuniti community-invite-title Jemput community-share-title Berkongsi invite create-channel Buat saluran import-community Import komuniti import-community-title Import komuniti name-your-community Namakan komuniti anda name-your-community-placeholder Nama yang menarik give-a-short-description-community Berikan penerangan ringkas new-community-title Komuniti baru new-category Kategori baru category-title Tajuk kategori membership-title Syarat keahlian create-channel-title Saluran baru edit-channel-title Edit saluran community-thumbnail-image Imej lakaran kenit community-emoji-thumbnail-title Thumbnail community-thumbnail-upload Muat naik community-image-take Ambil gambar community-image-pick Pilih gambar community-image-remove Buang community-color Warna komuniti community-link Pautan komuniti community-color-placeholder Pilih warna membership-button Syarat keahlian membership-none Tiada membership-none-placeholder Anda boleh meminta ahli baru untuk memenuhi kriteria tertentu sebelum mereka dapat bergabung. Ini boleh diubah pada bila-bila masa membership-approval Memerlukan kelulusan membership-approval-description Komuniti anda bebas untuk menyertai, tetapi ahli baru perlu diluluskan oleh pencipta komuniti terlebih dahulu membership-invite Memerlukan jemputan daripada ahli lain membership-invite-description Komuniti anda hanya boleh disertai dengan jemputan daripada ahli komuniti sedia ada membership-ens Perlu nama pengguna ENS membership-ens-description Komuniti anda memerlukan nama pengguna ENS untuk dapat menyertai membership-free Tiada syarat membership-free-description Komuniti anda bebas untuk disertai oleh sesiapa sahaja community-roles Peranan community-key Kunci peribadi komuniti community-key-placeholder Taipkan kunci peribadi komuniti anda leave-community Tinggalkan komuniti enter-user-pk Masukkan kekunci awam pengguna import Import complete-hardwallet-setup Kad ini kini dipaut. Anda memerlukannya untuk menandatangani transaksi dan membuka kunci anda chat-notification-preferences Tetapan pemberitahuan completed Selesai confirm Sahkan confirmation-request Permintaan pengesahan confirmations Pengesahan confirmations-helper-text Apabila transaksi mempunyai 12 pengesahan, anda boleh mempertimbangkannya untuk menyelesaikannya. connect Sambung connect-mailserver-content Sambung ke {{name}} ? connected Bersambung connected-to Bersambung dengan connecting Menyambung ... connecting-requires-login Untuk menyambung ke rangkaian lain memerlukan log masuk connection-with-the-card-lost Sambungan dengan kad telah hilang connection-with-the-card-lost-setup-text Untuk menyambung semula, simpan kad ke bahagian belakang telefon anda dan jaga kad ke kenalan telefon connection-with-the-card-lost-text Untuk meneruskan, pegang kad ke bahagian belakang telefon anda contact-code Kod pengenalan contact-s kenalan contacts Kenalan continue Teruskan contract-address Alamat kontrak contract-interaction Interaksi kontrak copy-info Salin maklumat copy-qr Salin kod copy-to-clipboard Salinan copy-transaction-hash Salin ID transaksi cost-fee Kos / Bayaran counter-9-plus 9+ counter-99-plus 99+ create Buat create-a-pin Cipta kod laluan 6-digit create-a-puk Buat PUK 12-digit create-group-chat Cipta perbualan kumpulan create-multiaccount Menjana kunci create-new-key Dapatkan kunci baru create-pin Buat kod laluan 6 digit create-pin-description Anda memerlukan kad anda + kod laluan 6 digit ini untuk membuka Status dan mengesahkan transaksi created-group-chat-description Anda telah mencipta kumpulan {{group-name}} members-count {{count}} ahli cryptokitty-name CryptoKitty # {{id}} currency Mata Wang currency-display-name-aed Dirham Emirat currency-display-name-afn Afghanistan Afghanistan currency-display-name-ars Peso Argentina currency-display-name-aud Dolar Australia currency-display-name-bbd Dolar Barbados currency-display-name-bdt Taka Bangladesh currency-display-name-bgn Lev Bulgaria currency-display-name-bhd Dinar Bahrain currency-display-name-bnd Dolar Brunei Darussalam currency-display-name-bob Bolíviano Bolivia currency-display-name-brl Brazil Sebenar currency-display-name-btn Ngultrum Bhutan currency-display-name-cad Dolar Kanada currency-display-name-chf Franc Switzerland currency-display-name-clp Peso Cili currency-display-name-cny China Yuan Renminbi currency-display-name-cop Peso Colombia currency-display-name-crc Kolon Costa Rica currency-display-name-czk Koruna Czech currency-display-name-dkk Krone Denmark currency-display-name-dop Peso Republik Dominika currency-display-name-egp Pound Mesir currency-display-name-etb Birr Ethiopia currency-display-name-eur Euro currency-display-name-gbp Pound Britain currency-display-name-gel Lari Georgia currency-display-name-ghs Ghana Cedi currency-display-name-hkd Dolar Hong Kong currency-display-name-hrk Kuna Croatia currency-display-name-huf Forint Hungary currency-display-name-idr Rupiah Indonesia currency-display-name-ils Israel Shekel currency-display-name-inr Rupee India currency-display-name-isk Iceland Krona currency-display-name-jmd Dolar Jamaica currency-display-name-jpy Yen Jepun currency-display-name-kes Shilling Kenya currency-display-name-krw Korea (Selatan) Menang currency-display-name-kwd Dinar Kuwait currency-display-name-kzt Kazakhstan Tenge currency-display-name-lkr Rupee Sri Lanka currency-display-name-mad Dirham Maghribi currency-display-name-mdl Moldovan Leu currency-display-name-mur Rupee Mauritius currency-display-name-mwk Malawian Kwacha currency-display-name-mxn Peso Mexico currency-display-name-myr Ringgit Malaysia currency-display-name-mzn Metzikal Mozambik currency-display-name-nad Dolar Namibia currency-display-name-ngn Nigeria Naira currency-display-name-nok Krone Norway currency-display-name-npr Rupee Nepal currency-display-name-nzd Dolar New Zealand currency-display-name-omr Oman Rial currency-display-name-pen Peru Sol currency-display-name-pgk Papua New Guinean Kina currency-display-name-php Peso Filipina currency-display-name-pkr Rupee Pakistan currency-display-name-pln Poland Zloty currency-display-name-pyg Paraguay Guarani currency-display-name-qar Qatar Riyal currency-display-name-ron Romania Leu currency-display-name-rsd Dinar Serbia currency-display-name-rub Rubel Rusia currency-display-name-sar Riyal Arab Saudi currency-display-name-sek Krona Sweden currency-display-name-sgd Dolar Singapura currency-display-name-thb Baht Thailand currency-display-name-try Lira Turki currency-display-name-ttd Dolar Trinidad dan Tobago currency-display-name-twd Dolar Baru Taiwan currency-display-name-tzs Shilling Tanzania currency-display-name-uah Ukraine Hryvnia currency-display-name-ugx Shilling Uganda currency-display-name-usd Dolar Amerika Syarikat currency-display-name-uyu Peso Uruguay currency-display-name-vef Venezuela Bolívar currency-display-name-vnd Dong Vietnam currency-display-name-zar Rand Afrika Selatan current-network Rangkaian semasa current-pin Masukkan kod laluan 6-digit current-pin-description Masukkan kod laluan 6-digit anda untuk teruskan custom Adat custom-networks Rangkaian khas dapp ÐApp dapp-would-like-to-connect-wallet ingin sambungkan ke dapps ÐApps dapps-permissions Kebenaran DApp data Data datetime-ago yang lalu datetime-ago-format {{number}} {{time-intervals}} {{ago}} datetime-ago-format-short {{number}} {{time-intervals}} datetime-day hari datetime-hour jam datetime-minute minit datetime-second saat datetime-day-short D datetime-hour-short H datetime-minute-short M datetime-second-short S datetime-today Hari ini datetime-yesterday semalam decimals Perpuluhan decline Tolak decryption-failed-content Ralat berlaku semasa menyahsulitkan data anda. Anda mungkin perlu menghapus data lama anda dan menghasilkan akaun baru. Ketuk "Terapkan" untuk menghapus atau "Batal" untuk mencuba lagi default Lalai delete Padam delete-and-leave-group Padam dan tinggalkan kumpulan delete-bootnode Padamkan bootnode delete-bootnode-are-you-sure Adakah anda pasti mahu memadam bootnode ini? delete-bootnode-title Padamkan bootnode delete-chat Padamkan sembang delete-chat-confirmation Adakah anda pasti mahu memadamkan sembang ini? delete-category-confirmation delete-confirmation Padamkan? delete-mailserver Padamkan nod sejarah delete-mailserver-are-you-sure Adakah anda pasti mahu memadamkan nod sejarah ini? delete-mailserver-title Padamkan nod sejarah delete-message Padamkan mesej delete-my-account Padamkan akaun saya delete-network-confirmation Adakah anda pasti mahu memadamkan rangkaian ini? delete-network-error Sila sambungkan ke rangkaian lain sebelum memadamkannya delete-network-title Padamkan rangkaian? delete-node Padamkan nod delete-node-are-you-sure Adakah anda pasti mahu memadamkan nod ini? delete-node-title Padamkan nod delete-profile Padamkan profil delete-my-profile Padamkan profil saya delete-profile-warning Amaran: Sekiranya anda tidak menuliskan frasa benih anda, anda akan kehilangan akses ke dana anda setelah anda menghapus profil anda profile-deleted-title Profil dipadamkan profile-deleted-content Profil anda berjaya dipadamkan profile-deleted-keycard Anda kini boleh memulihkan pad kekunci lain pada Kad Kunci anda deny Tolak description Penerangan dev-mode Mod pembangunan dev-mode-settings Tetapan mod pembangunan device-syncing Penyegerakan peranti devices Peranti disable nyahdayakan disabled Dinyahaktifkan disconnected Berbual di luar talian discover Cari dismiss Ketepikan done Dilakukan edit Edit edit-group Edit kumpulan edit-profile Sunting profil empty-chat-description Tidak ada mesej dalam sembang ini empty-chat-description-one-to-one Sebarang mesej yang anda hantar di sini disulitkan dan hanya dapat dibaca oleh anda dan empty-chat-description-public Tenang di sini sejak {{quiet-hours}} . Mulakan perbualan atau cleared-chat-description-public empty-chat-description-community Tenang di sini selama {{quiet-hours}} . empty-chat-description-public-share-this kongsi sembang ini. enable Aktifkan encrypt-with-password Enkripsi dengan kata laluan ens-10-SNT 10 SNT ens-add-username Tambahkan nama pengguna ens-agree-to Bersetuju untuk ens-chat-settings Tetapan sembang ens-custom-domain Domain tersuai ens-custom-username-hints Taip keseluruhan nama pengguna termasuk domain tersuai seperti nama pengguna.domain.eth ens-custom-username-taken Nama pengguna bukan milik anda :( ens-deposit Deposit ens-displayed-with Mesej anda ditunjukkan kepada orang lain dengan ens-get-name Dapatkan nama pengguna sejagat ens-got-it Ok, faham ens-locked Nama pengguna dikunci. Anda tidak akan dapat melepaskannya sehingga {{date}} ens-network-restriction Hanya terdapat di Mainnet ens-no-usernames Anda tidak mempunyai nama pengguna yang disambungkan ens-powered-by Dikuasakan oleh Ethereum Name Services ens-primary-username Nama pengguna utama ens-register Daftar ens-registration-in-progress Pendaftaran sedang dijalankan ... ens-registration-failure Pendaftaran gagal ens-dismiss-message Klik di sini untuk menolak ens-registration-failed Untuk mendaftarkan nama pengguna, sila cuba lagi. ens-registration-failed-title transaksi gagal ens-release-username Lepaskan nama pengguna ens-remove-hints Mengeluarkan akan melepaskan nama pengguna dari kunci anda. ens-remove-username Alih keluar nama pengguna ens-saved kini dihubungkan dengan kekunci sembang anda dan boleh digunakan dalam Status. ens-saved-title Nama pengguna ditambah ens-show-username Tunjukkan nama pengguna ENS saya dalam sembang ens-terms-header Syarat pendaftaran nama ens-terms-point-1 Dana disimpan selama 1 tahun. SNT anda akan dikunci, tetapi tidak dibelanjakan. ens-terms-point-10 0x00000000000C2E074eC69A0dFb2997BA6C7d2e1e (Pendaftaran ENS). ens-terms-point-2 Selepas 1 tahun, anda boleh melepaskan nama dan mendapatkan deposit anda kembali, atau tidak mengambil tindakan untuk menyimpan nama tersebut. ens-terms-point-3 Sekiranya syarat-syarat kontrak berubah - misalnya Status membuat peningkatan kontrak - pengguna berhak melepaskan nama pengguna tanpa mengira waktu yang ditahan. ens-terms-point-4 Pengawal kontrak tidak dapat mengakses dana simpanan anda. Mereka hanya boleh dipindahkan ke alamat yang menghantarnya. ens-terms-point-5 Alamat anda akan dikaitkan secara terbuka dengan nama ENS anda. ens-terms-point-6 Nama pengguna dibuat sebagai node subdomain stateofus.eth dan tertakluk kepada terma kontrak pintar ENS. ens-terms-point-7 Anda membenarkan kontrak untuk memindahkan SNT bagi pihak anda. Ini hanya boleh berlaku apabila anda menyetujui transaksi untuk membenarkan pemindahan. ens-terms-point-8 Syarat-syarat ini dijamin oleh logik kontrak pintar di alamat: ens-terms-point-9 {{address}} (Nama Pengguna StatusPendaftar) ens-terms-registration Syarat pendaftaran nama. ens-test-message Hey ens-transaction-pending Transaksi belum selesai ... ens-understand Saya faham bahawa alamat dompet saya akan dihubungkan secara terbuka ke nama pengguna saya. ens-username Nama pengguna ENS ens-username-available ✓ Nama pengguna ada! ens-username-connected Nama pengguna ini dimiliki oleh anda dan dihubungkan dengan kunci sembang anda. ens-username-connection-confirmation {{username}} akan disambungkan setelah transaksi selesai. ens-username-hints Sekurang-kurangnya 4 watak. Huruf Latin, angka, dan huruf kecil sahaja. ens-username-invalid Huruf dan nombor sahaja. ens-username-owned ✓ Nama pengguna dimiliki oleh anda. ens-username-registration-confirmation Bagus! Anda memiliki {{username}} setelah transaksi selesai. ens-username-you-can-follow-progress Anda boleh mengikuti perkembangan di bahagian Sejarah Transaksi dompet anda. ens-usernames Nama pengguna ENS ens-usernames-details Daftarkan nama pengguna sejagat agar mudah dikenali oleh pengguna lain wallet-address Alamat dompet ens-want-custom-domain Saya mempunyai nama di domain lain ens-want-domain Saya mahukan domain stateofus.eth ens-welcome-hints Nama ENS mengubah alamat lama menjadi nama pengguna yang unik. ens-welcome-point-customize Nama ENS boleh menggantikan nama 3 perkataan rawak anda dalam sembang. Jadilah @ namaanda dan bukannya {{name}} . ens-welcome-point-customize-title Sesuaikan nama sembang anda ens-welcome-point-simplify Anda boleh menerima dana untuk nama ENS yang senang anda kongsi dan bukannya hash heksadesimal (0x ...). ens-welcome-point-simplify-title Permudahkan alamat ETH anda ens-welcome-point-receive Orang lain boleh menghantar dana melalui chat dalam satu langkah mudah. ens-welcome-point-receive-title Terima urus niaga dalam sembang ens-welcome-point-register Daftar sekali untuk mengekalkan nama itu selama-lamanya. Selepas 1 tahun, anda boleh mengeluarkan nama dan mendapatkan kembali SNT anda. ens-welcome-point-register-title 10 SNT untuk mendaftar ens-welcome-point-verify Anda boleh mengesahkan dan menambahkan nama pengguna yang anda miliki dalam langkah seterusnya. ens-welcome-point-verify-title Sudah memiliki nama pengguna? ens-your-username Nama pengguna anda ens-your-usernames Nama pengguna anda ens-your-your-name Nama ENS anda ens-username-already-added Nama pengguna sudah dihubungkan dengan kunci sembang anda dan boleh digunakan di dalam Status. ens-username-connected-continue Terus menetapkan `Tunjukkan nama pengguna ENS saya dalam sembang '. ens-username-connected-with-different-key Melanjutkan akan memerlukan transaksi untuk menghubungkan nama pengguna dengan kunci sembang semasa anda. ens-username-owned-continue Meneruskan akan menghubungkan nama pengguna ini dengan kekunci sembang anda. ens-username-taken Nama pengguna sudah diambil :( ens-name-not-found Tidak dapat menyelesaikan nama ENS ens-username-registration-invalid ens-username-invalid-name-warning enter-12-words Masukkan 12 perkataan frasa pemulihan anda, dipisahkan oleh ruang tunggal enter-a-private-key Masukkan kunci peribadi enter-a-seed-phrase Masukkan frasa biji enter-address Masukkan alamat enter-contact-code ENS (vitalik94) atau kekunci sembang (0x04…) enter-pair-code Masukkan kod pasangan anda pair-code-placeholder Pasangkan kod ... enter-pair-code-description Kod berpasangan boleh ditetapkan dari klien Status yang sudah dipasangkan enter-password Masukkan kata laluan enter-password-migration-prompt Masukkan kata laluan anda untuk memindahkan kenalan, pembualan dan tetapan bersama kunci anda migration-successful Pemindahan berjaya migration-successful-text Akaun berjaya dipindahkan ke Kad Kunci skip Langkau password-placeholder Kata Laluan ... confirm-password-placeholder Mengesahkan kata laluan anda... enter-pin Masukkan kod laluan 6-digit enter-puk-code Masukkan kod PUK enter-puk-code-description Kod laluan 6-digit telah disekat. Sila masukkan kod PUK untuk menyahsekat kod laluan. enter-recipient-address-or-username Masukkan alamat atau nama pengguna penerima enter-seed-phrase Masukkan frasa biji enter-url Masukkan URL enter-watch-account-address Imbas kod QR atau masukkan alamat untuk ditonton enter-word Masukkan perkataan enter-your-code Masukkan kod laluan 6 digit anda enter-your-password Masukkan kata laluan anda error Ralat error-unable-to-get-balance Tidak dapat memperoleh baki error-unable-to-get-prices Kesalahan penukaran mata wang. Muat semula skrin anda untuk mencuba lagi. error-unable-to-get-token-balance Tidak dapat memperoleh baki token errors Kesalahan eth ETH ethereum-node-started-incorrectly-description Ethereum node dimulakan dengan konfigurasi yang salah, aplikasi akan dihentikan untuk pulih dari keadaan itu. Id rangkaian yang dikonfigurasi = {{network-id}} , sebenar = {{fetched-network-id}} ethereum-node-started-incorrectly-title Node Ethereum bermula dengan tidak betul etherscan-lookup Cari Etherscan export-account Eksport akaun export-key Eksport kunci peribadi community-private-key Kunci peribadi komuniti failed Gagal faq Soalan lazim fetch-messages ↓ Ambil mesej fetch-timeline ↓ Ambil find Mencari finish Selesai finishing-card-setup Menyelesaikan penyediaan kad fleet Fleet fleet-settings Tetapan armada follow-your-interests Lompat ke sembang awam dan temui orang baru follow Ikut free ↓ Percuma from Dari gas-limit Had gas gas-price Harga gas gas-used Gas digunakan generate-a-key Menjana kunci generate-a-new-account Jana akaun generate-a-new-key Jana kunci baru generate-account Menjana kunci generate-new-key Menjana kunci your-keys Kunci anda generating-codes-for-pairing > Memuat turun perisian produk ke kad > Menjana kod buka kunci & berpasangan generating-keys Menjana kunci ... you-will-need-this-code Anda memerlukan kod ini untuk membuka Status dan menandatangani transaksi generating-mnemonic Menjanakan frasa pemulihan get-started Mulakan get-status-at Dapatkan Status di http://status.im get-stickers Dapatkan Pelekat go-to-settings Pergi ke Tetapan ... got-it Faham group-chat Sembang berkumpulan group-chat-admin Pentadbir group-chat-admin-added **{{member}}** telah dijadikan pentadbir group-chat-created **{{member}}** mencipta kumpulan **{{name}}** group-chat-decline-invitation Tolak jemputan group-chat-member-added **{{member}}** telah dijemput group-chat-member-joined **{{member}}** telah menyertai kumpulan group-chat-member-removed **{{member}}** telah meninggalkan kumpulan group-chat-members-count {{selected}}/{{max}} ahli group-chat-name-changed **{{member}}** mengubah nama kumpalan ke **{{name}}** group-chat-no-contacts Anda belum mempunyai kenalan. Jemput rakan anda untuk mula berbual leave-chat Tinggalkan sembang leave-confirmation Tinggalkan {{chat-name}} leave-chat-confirmation Sejarah sembang akan dialih keluar daripada peranti anda. Selepas menyertai semula, anda tidak akan dapat memperoleh semula mana-mana sejarah anda. group-chat-all-contacts-invited Semua kenalan anda sudah ada dalam kumpulan group-info Maklumat kumpulan gwei Gwei hash Hash help menolong help-capitalized Tolonglah help-center Pusat Bantuan hide-content-when-switching-apps Sekat tangkapan skrin hide-content-when-switching-apps-ios Sembunyikan pratonton history Sejarah history-nodes Nod sejarah hold-card Pegang kad ke belakang telefon anda home Rumah hooks Cangkuk identifier Pengenal image-remove-current Keluarkan foto semasa image-source-gallery Pilih dari galeri image-source-make-photo Menangkap image-source-title Edit gambar profile-pic-take Ambil gambar profile-pic-pick Pilih dari galeri profile-pic-remove Buang foto in-contacts Dalam kenalan incoming Masuk incoming-transaction Urus niaga masuk incorrect-code::0 str incorrect-code::1 Maaf kodnya tidak betul, masukkan sekali lagi initialization Permulaan install Pasang intro-message1 Selamat Datang ke Status! Ketik mesej ini untuk menetapkan kata laluan dan memulakannya. intro-privacy-policy-note1 Status tidak mengumpulkan atau mendapat keuntungan dari data peribadi anda. Dengan meneruskan, anda bersetuju dengan intro-privacy-policy-note2 dasar privasi intro-text Status adalah pintu masuk anda ke web yang terdesentralisasi intro-text1 Berbual melalui rangkaian peer-to-peer, disulitkan di mana mesej tidak dapat disensor atau diretas intro-text2 Hantar dan terima aset digital di mana sahaja di dunia — tidak memerlukan akaun bank intro-text3 Terokai permainan, pertukaran dan rangkaian sosial di mana anda sendiri memiliki data anda intro-title1 Komunikasi yang benar-benar peribadi intro-title2 Dompet crypto selamat intro-title3 Aplikasi terpusat intro-wizard-text1 Satu set kunci mengawal akaun anda. Kekunci anda tinggal di telefon anda, jadi hanya anda yang dapat menggunakannya intro-wizard-text2 Satu kunci adalah untuk berbual. Ia dilengkapi dengan nama yang dapat dibaca yang tidak dapat diubah. intro-wizard-text3 Sekiranya anda memiliki Kad Kunci, simpan kunci anda di sana untuk keselamatan yang lebih baik. intro-wizard-text4 Selamat dan menyulitkan kunci anda intro-wizard-text6 Status akan memberitahu anda mengenai mesej baru. Anda boleh mengedit pilihan pemberitahuan anda kemudian dalam tetapan intro-wizard-title-alt4 Buat kata laluan intro-wizard-title-alt5 Mengesahkan kata laluan anda intro-wizard-title1 Dapatkan kunci anda intro-wizard-title2 Pilih nama sembang intro-wizard-title3 Pilih simpanan kunci intro-wizard-title4 Buat kod laluan 6 digit intro-wizard-title5 Sahkan kod laluan intro-wizard-title6 Dayakan pemberitahuan are-you-sure-to-cancel Adakah anda pasti mahu membatalkan? you-will-start-from-scratch Anda akan bermula dari awal dengan satu set kunci baru invalid-address-qr-code Kod QR yang diimbas tidak mengandungi alamat yang sah invalid-format Format tidak sah Mesti {{format}} invalid-key-confirm Memohon invalid-key-content Pangkalan data tidak dapat dienkripsi kerana fail rosak. Dana dan kod pengenalan anda selamat. Data lain, seperti perbualan dan kenalan anda, tidak dapat dipulihkan. Butang "{{erase-multiaccounts-data-button-text}}" akan membuang semua data lain dan membenarkan anda untuk mengakses dana anda dan menghantar mesej invalid-number Nombor tidak sah invalid-pairing-password Kata laluan berpasangan tidak sah invalid-range Format tidak sah, mestilah antara {{min}} dan {{max}} invalid-username-or-key Nama pengguna atau kekunci sembang tidak sah join-me Hai, sertai saya di Status: {{url}} join-a-community atau sertai komuniti http-gateway-error Alamak, permintaan gagal! sign-request-failed Tidak dapat menandatangani mesej invite-friends Menjemput kawan-kawan invite-people Jemput orang invite-reward Dapatkan crypto untuk setiap rakan yang anda jemput! invite-select-account Pilih akaun untuk menerima bonus rujukan anda invited dijemput invite-button Jemput invite-receive-account Akaun untuk menerima bonus rujukan anda how-it-works Bagaimana ia berfungsi invite-warning Promosi ini hanya sah untuk pengguna peranti Android yang bukan residen Amerika Syarikat. Rakan perlu mengesahkan rujukan dalam tempoh 7 hari invite-instruction-first Anda menghantar pautan jemputan unik kepada rakan anda untuk memuat turun dan menyertai Status invite-instruction-second Rakan anda memuat turun Status dan membuat akaun (di Android) invite-instruction-third Sembang dengan rakan anda dimulakan, di mana mereka mengesahkan rujukan anda invite-instruction-fourth Anda menerima bonus rujukan dan rakan anda Starter Pack invite-instruction-fifth Anda boleh memilih untuk menebus rujukan bonus anda pada bila-bila masa. invite-reward-you Anda: invite-reward-you-name Bonus rujukan invite-reward-you-description Jemput rakan dan terima {{reward}} sebagai bonus rujukan. Gunakan untuk mendapatkan pelekat, nama ENS dan cuba dapps invite-reward-friend Kawan: invite-reward-friend-name Pek permulaan invite-reward-friend-description Rakan anda akan menerima Starter Pack yang terdiri daripada beberapa {{reward}} untuk memulakan invite-privacy-policy1 Dengan menerima anda bersetuju dengan program rujukan invite-privacy-policy2 Terma dan syarat. invite-privacy-policy-public Anda memasang Status melalui pautan rujukan. Dengan menyertai sembang ini, anda mengaitkan perujuk anda dan bersetuju dengan invite-chat-name Rujukan rakan invite-chat-starter-pack Pek permulaan invite-chat-intro Anda dirujuk oleh rakan untuk menyertai Status. Inilah beberapa crypto untuk memulakan anda! Gunakan untuk mendaftarkan nama ENS atau membeli pek pelekat invite-public-chat-home Jemputan rujukan invite-public-chat-intro Berikut adalah beberapa kripto untuk memulakan anda! Gunakannya untuk mendaftarkan nama ENS atau membeli pek pelekat invite-chat-accept Terima invite-chat-pending Belum selesai invite-chat-accept-join Terima dan Sertai invite-chat-rule Penerimaan juga akan menawarkan ganjaran rujukan bonus kripto kepada rakan anda redeem-now Tebus sekarang redeem-amount {{quantity}} bonus yang dipunyai redeem-success Penebusan bonus berjaya! attribution-received {{attrib}} daripada {{max}} bonus telah diterima advertiser-starter-pack-title Pek Permulaan advertiser-starter-pack-description Berikut adalah beberapa kripto sebagai permulaan! Gunakannya untuk mendapatkan pelekat, nama ENS dan mencuba dapps advertiser-title Dasar privasi advertiser-description Anda telah menemui Status menerusi rakan kongsi. Adakah anda keberatan jika Status memeriksa alamat IP anda apabila rakan kongsi anda menerima ganjaran? Maklumat ini tidak akan digunakan untuk perkara lain dan akan dibuang sepenuhnya selepas 7 hari. advertiser-starter-pack-accept Terima advertiser-starter-pack-decline Tolak dapp-starter-pack-title Pek Permulaan dapp-starter-pack-description Berikut adalah beberapa kripto sebagai permulaan! Gunakannya untuk mendapatkan pelekat, nama ENS dan mencuba dapps dapp-starter-pack-accept Terima dan Buka starter-pack-coming Starter Pack akan datang starter-pack-coming-description Boleh mengambil masa beberapa minit hingga berjam-jam starter-pack-received Pek Permulaan starter-pack-received-description Berikut adalah beberapa kripto sebagai permulaan! Gunakannya untuk mendapatkan pelekat, nama ENS dan mencuba dapps join-group-chat Sertai kumpulan join-group-chat-description {{username}} menjemput anda untuk menyertai kumpulan {{group-name}} joined-group-chat-description Anda telah menyertai {{group-name}} daripada jemputan oleh {{username}} key Kunci keycard Kad kunci keycard-access-reset Akses kad kekunci ditetapkan semula keycard-can-use-with-new-passcode Anda boleh menggunakan kad ini dengan kod laluan baru anda keycard-applet-install-instructions Untuk memasang applet sila ikuti arahan di https://github.com/status-im/keycard-cli#keycard-applet-installation keycard-blocked Kad kunci telah disekat. Anda perlu menetapkan semula kad untuk terus menggunakannya. keycard-cancel-setup-text Ini akan membatalkan penyediaan kad kunci. Sangat disarankan untuk menyelesaikan persediaan untuk menggunakan kad kunci. Adakah anda benar-benar mahu membatalkan? keycard-cancel-setup-title Operasi berbahaya keycard-desc Memiliki Kad Kunci? Simpan kunci anda di atasnya; anda memerlukannya untuk transaksi keycard-dont-ask-card Jangan meminta kad untuk log masuk keycard-reset-passcode Tetapkan semula kod laluan keycard-factory-reset Kembalikan kad ke tetapan kilang keycard-factory-reset-title Adakah anda pasti mahu melakukan tetapan semula kilang? keycard-factory-reset-text Melakukan ini akan menghapus sebarang frasa mnemonik yang tersimpan di kad. Pastikan anda mempunyai sandaran frasa mnemonik yang telah anda gunakan dengan Kad Kunci ini. keycard-enter-new-passcode Masukkan kod laluan baru {{step}} / 2 keycard-has-multiaccount-on-it Kad ini penuh. Setiap kad boleh menyimpan satu pad kekunci utama keycard-onboarding-finishing-header Selesai keycard-onboarding-intro-header Simpan kunci anda di Keycard keycard-onboarding-intro-text Bersedia, ini mungkin mengambil masa beberapa minit, tetapi penting untuk melindungi akaun anda keycard-onboarding-pairing-header Memasangkan kad ... keycard-onboarding-preparing-header Menyiapkan kad ... keycard-onboarding-puk-code-header Tuliskan kod dan simpan dengan selamat keycard-onboarding-recovery-phrase-description Anda memerlukan frasa biji ini untuk mendapatkan kembali kunci anda. Tuliskan. Simpan dengan selamat, di luar talian, dan terpisah dari peranti ini. keycard-onboarding-recovery-phrase-header Cadangan frasa biji keycard-onboarding-recovery-phrase-text Untuk mata anda sahaja. Ini adalah biji ajaib yang digunakan untuk menghasilkan kunci anda. keycard-onboarding-start-header Pegang kad ke belakang telefon anda untuk bermula keycard-onboarding-pin-text Anda perlu membuat kod laluan 6 digit yang akan digunakan untuk melindungi akses ke Kad Kunci anda. keycard-onboarding-mnemonic-text Anda juga memerlukan sekeping kertas dan pensil untuk menulis frasa benih anda. keycard-onboarding-start-step1 Buat kod laluan keycard-onboarding-start-step1-text Lebih kurang 1 minit. Buat kod laluan 6 digit untuk menyulitkan kunci anda keycard-onboarding-start-step2 Tuliskan PUK dan kod pasangan keycard-onboarding-start-step2-text Lebih kurang 1 minit. Anda akan memerlukan sehelai kertas dan pensil untuk itu keycard-onboarding-start-step3 Sandarkan frasa biji keycard-onboarding-start-step3-text Lebih kurang 1 minit. Sekeping kertas dan pensil juga diperlukan keycard-onboarding-start-text Dan simpan kad ke kenalan telefon semasa persediaan. Penyediaan akan memakan masa sekitar 4 minit keycard-recovery-intro-button-text Mulakan pemulihan keycard-recovery-intro-header Pulihkan kunci yang disimpan pada kad kekunci keycard-recovery-intro-text Sekiranya anda menghasilkan kunci menggunakan kad kekunci sebelum dan sekarang mahu menggunakan kunci ini pada peranti ini keycard-recovery-no-key-header Tidak ada apa-apa pulih di sini keycard-recovery-no-key-text Kad Kunci anda tidak mempunyai kunci yang tersimpan di dalamnya. Untuk menggunakannya, buat kunci baru dan pilih Kad Kunci anda untuk menyimpan kunci keycard-recovery-phrase-confirm-header Sahkan frasa biji keycard-recovery-phrase-confirmation-text Anda tidak akan mempunyai peluang kedua! Sekiranya anda kehilangan akses, misalnya dengan kehilangan kad kunci, anda hanya dapat mengakses kunci anda dengan frasa pilihan anda. Tiada siapa, tetapi anda mempunyai ungkapan benih anda. Tuliskan. Pastikan ia selamat. keycard-recovery-phrase-confirmation-title Menulis frasa benih ke bawah? keycard-recovery-success-header Kunci anda telah berjaya pulih keycard-redeem-title Tebus ke keycard-redeem-tx Tebus aset keycard-redeem-tx-desc Ketik kad untuk menandatangani dan menerima aset keycard-unauthorized-operation Anda tidak dibenarkan melakukan operasi ini. Sila ketik kad yang sah dan cuba lagi. keycard-is-frozen-title Kad Kunci dibekukan keycard-is-frozen-details Untuk melindungi aset anda, kad anda dibekukan. Tetapkan semula kad anda untuk membekukan kad tersebut dan dapat menghantar transaksi. Anda boleh melakukan ini dengan PUK atau mnemonic anda. keycard-is-frozen-reset Set semula dengan PUK keycard-is-frozen-factory-reset Set semula dengan mnemonic your-card-is-frozen Kad Kunci anda dibekukan. Tetapkan semula akses kad keycard-is-blocked-title Kad Kekunci disekat keycard-is-blocked-details Anda tidak lagi dapat menggunakan kad ini untuk mengakses atau menandatangani akaun ini. Terlalu banyak percubaan kod laluan dan PUK yang gagal. keycard-is-blocked-instructions Untuk mengakses akaun anda, anda perlu menetapkan semula kad anda. Ketik butang di bawah untuk memulakan prosedur, anda memerlukan mnemonic anda. language Bahasa learn-more Ketahui lebih lanjut learn-more-about-keycard Ketahui lebih lanjut mengenai Kad Kunci leave Tinggalkan joined Menyertai leave-group Tinggalkan kumpulan left dibiarkan lets-go Mari pergi les-ulc LES / ULC linked-on Dipaut pada {{date}} load-messages-before sebelum {{date}} load-more-messages ↓ Ambil lebih banyak mesej load-more-timeline ↓ Ambil lebih banyak lagi loading Memuat ... log-level Tahap log log-level-settings Tetapan tahap log logging Pembalakan logging-enabled Pembalakan diaktifkan? login-pin-description Masukkan kod laluan 6-digit anda untuk membuka kunci anda logout Log keluar logout-app-content Akaun akan dilog keluar. Apabila anda membukanya lagi, rangkaian yang dipilih akan digunakan logout-are-you-sure Adakah anda pasti mahu untuk log keluar? logout-title Log keluar? logout-key-management Anda perlu log keluar untuk mencapai pengurusan kekunci. looking-for-cards Mencari kad ... lost-connection Putus hubungan mailserver-address Alamat nod sejarah mailserver-automatic Pilihan automatik mailserver-automatic-switch-explanation Pilih nod sejarah terpantas yang ada mailserver-connection-error Tidak dapat menyambung ke nod sejarah mailserver-details Perincian nod sejarah mailserver-error-content Nod Status yang anda pilih tidak dapat dicapai. mailserver-error-title Ralat semasa menyambung ke nod Status mailserver-format enode: // {enode-id} : {password} @ {ip-address} : {port} mailserver-pick-another Pilih nod sejarah yang lain mailserver-reconnect Tidak dapat menyambung ke nod sejarah. Ketik untuk menyambung semula mailserver-request-error-content Ralat berikut telah dikembalikan oleh nod Status: {{error}} mailserver-request-error-status Berlaku ralat semasa mengambil sejarah, periksa log untuk mendapatkan perincian mailserver-request-error-title Ralat permintaan nod status mailserver-request-retry Cuba semula permintaan mailserver-retry Cuba lagi main-currency Mata wang utama main-networks Rangkaian utama main-wallet Dompet Utama mainnet-network Rangkaian utama make-admin Buat pentadbir manage-keys-and-storage Urus kekunci dan storan mark-all-read Tandakan semua telah dibaca members {{count}} ahli members-active {{count}} ahli members-active-none tiada ahli members-title Ahli message Mesej message-not-sent Mesej tidak dihantar message-options-cancel Batal message-reply Balas replying-to Membalas kepada {{author}} data-syncing Penyelarasan data messages Mesej chat-is-a-contact Hubungi chat-is-not-a-contact Bukan kenalan might-break Mungkin memecahkan beberapa ÐApps migrations-failed-content {{message}} versi skema: asal {{initial-version}}, semasa {{current-version}}, terakhir {{last-version}} Ralat pangkalan data berlaku. Dana dan kod pengenalan anda selamat. Data lain, seperti perbualan dan kenalan anda, tidak dapat dipulihkan. Butang "{{erase-multiaccounts-data-button-text}}", akan membuang semua data lain dan membenarkan anda untuk mengakses dana dan menghantar mesej. mobile-network-ask-me Tanya saya semasa berada di rangkaian mudah alih mobile-network-continue-syncing Teruskan penyegerakan mobile-network-continue-syncing-details Anda boleh mengubahnya kemudian dalam tetapan mobile-network-go-to-settings Pergi ke tetapan mobile-network-settings Data mudah alih mobile-network-sheet-configure Anda boleh mengkonfigurasi penyegerakan dengan lebih banyak lagi terperinci dalam mobile-network-sheet-offline Tanpa Wi-fi, penyegerakan mesej dilumpuhkan. mobile-network-sheet-offline-details Penyegerakan menggunakan rangkaian mudah alih dimatikan mobile-network-sheet-remember-choice Ingat pilihan saya mobile-network-sheet-settings Seting mobile-network-start-syncing Mula menyegerakkan mobile-network-stop-syncing Berhenti menyegerakkan mobile-network-stop-syncing-details Sehingga disambungkan ke Wi-Fi? mobile-network-use-mobile Gunakan data mudah alih mobile-network-use-mobile-data Status menggunakan banyak data semasa menyegerakkan sembang dan dompet. mobile-network-use-wifi Wi-Fi sahaja mobile-syncing-sheet-details Status menggunakan banyak data semasa menyegerakkan sembang dan dompet. mobile-syncing-sheet-title Segerakkan menggunakan data mudah alih? more lebih banyak lagi multiaccount-exists-title Kunci untuk akaun ini sudah ada multiaccount-exists-content Kunci untuk akaun ini sudah ada dan tidak dapat ditambahkan lagi. Sekiranya anda kehilangan kata laluan, kod laluan atau Kad Kunci, nyahpasang aplikasi, pasang semula dan akses kunci anda dengan memasukkan frasa pilihan multiaccounts-recover-enter-phrase-text Masukkan 12, 15, 18, 21 atau 24 perkataan. Pisahkan perkataan dengan satu ruang. multiaccounts-recover-enter-phrase-title Masukkan frasa benih anda name Nama name-of-token Nama token anda need-help Perlukan bantuan? glossary Glosari account-title Akaun account-content Anda boleh membandingkan akaun dalam Status dengan akaun bank. Seperti akaun bank, akaun biasanya mempunyai alamat dan baki; Anda menggunakan akaun ini untuk bertransaksi di Ethereum. Anda boleh mempunyai banyak akaun di dompet anda. Semua diakses dengan membuka kunci Status. chat-key-title Kunci Sembang chat-key-content Mesej pada protokol sembang Status dihantar dan diterima menggunakan kunci penyulitan. Kunci sembang awam adalah rentetan watak yang anda kongsi dengan orang lain supaya mereka dapat menghantar mesej kepada anda dalam Status chat-name-title nama Chat chat-name-content Tiga perkataan rawak, diambil secara algoritma dari kekunci sembang anda dan digunakan sebagai alias lalai anda dalam sembang. Nama sembang benar-benar unik; tidak ada pengguna lain yang boleh mempunyai tiga perkataan yang sama. ens-name-title Nama ENS ens-name-content Alias khusus untuk kunci sembang anda yang boleh anda daftarkan menggunakan Ethereum Name Service Nama ENS adalah nama pengguna yang terdesentralisasi. mailserver-title Nod sejarah mailserver-content Node dalam rangkaian Status yang merutekan dan menyimpan mesej, sehingga 30 hari. peer-title Rakan sebaya peer-content Peranti yang disambungkan ke rangkaian sembang Status. Setiap pengguna dapat mewakili satu atau lebih rakan sebaya, bergantung pada jumlah peranti mereka. seed-phrase-title Frasa Benih seed-phrase-content Satu set perkataan yang mudah dibaca, dipilih secara rawak dari senarai standard BIP39 dan digunakan untuk memulihkan atau mengakses akaun Ethereum anda di dompet dan peranti lain. Juga disebut sebagai "frasa mnemonik", "frasa pemulihan" atau "sandaran dompet" di seluruh ekosistem crypto. Sebilangan besar aplikasi crypto menggunakan standard yang sama untuk menjana akaun. wallet-key-title Alamat akaun wallet-key-content Alamat hex 64 aksara berdasarkan standard Ethereum dan bermula dengan 0x. Secara terbuka, alamat akaun anda akan dikongsi dengan orang lain semasa anda ingin menerima dana. Juga disebut sebagai "alamat Ethereum" atau "alamat dompet." buy-crypto-title Nampaknya dompet anda kosong buy-crypto-description Cari dapp untuk membeli kripto sekarang buy-crypto Beli kripto buy-crypto-choose-a-service Pilih perkhidmatan yang anda ingin gunakan untuk membeli kripto buy-crypto-leaving Anda akan meninggalkan Status dan memasuki laman web pihak ketiga untuk menyelesaikan pembelian anda opening-buy-crypto Membuka {{site}}... network Rangkaian network-chain Rangkaian rangkaian network-details Perincian rangkaian network-info Maklumat rangkaian network-fee Bayaran rangkaian network-id ID Rangkaian network-invalid-network-id ID rangkaian yang ditentukan tidak sepadan dengan ID rangkaian oleh URL RPC network-invalid-status-code Kod status tidak sah: {{code}} network-invalid-url URL rangkaian tidak sah network-settings Tetapan rangkaian new Baru new-chat Sembang baru new-contact Kenalan baru new-contract Kontrak Baru new-group Kumpulan baru new-group-chat Sembang kumpulan baru new-network Rangkaian baru new-pin-description Masukkan kod laluan 6-digit baru new-puk-description Masukkan 12-digit PUK baru new-public-group-chat Sertai sembang awam next Seterusnya no Tidak no-collectibles Tidak ada koleksi yang tersedia no-contacts Belum ada kenalan no-keycard-applet-on-card Tiada Keycard applet pada kad no-messages Tiada mesej no-pairing-slots-available Kad ini sudah dipasangkan dengan 5 peranti dan tidak dapat dipasangkan dengan kad ini. Sila gunakan salah satu peranti berpasangan, log masuk dengan kad ini dan lepaskan slot pasangan pada kad no-result Tiada keputusan no-tokens-found Token tidak dijumpai node-info Maklumat nod node-address Alamat nod node-details Butiran nod node-version Versi nod nonce Bukan none Tiada not-applicable Tidak terpakai untuk transaksi yang tidak ditandatangani not-keycard-text Kad yang anda gunakan bukan Kad Kunci. Anda perlu membeli Kad Kunci untuk menggunakannya not-keycard-title Bukan Kad Kunci notifications Pemberitahuan local-notifications Pemberitahuan tempatan local-notifications-subtitle remote-notifications remote-notifications-subtitle show-notifications Tunjukkan pemberitahuan notification-settings Pemberitahuan notifications-servers Pelayan pemberitahuan notifications-preferences Pilihan pemberitahuan notifications-switch Tunjukkan pemberitahuan notifications-non-contacts Pemberitahuan daripada bukan kenalan notifications-transactions Urus niaga dompet send-push-notifications send-push-notifications-description Apabila dilumpuhkan, orang yang menerima mesej anda tidak akan diberitahu mengenai kedatangan mereka push-notifications-server-enabled Pelayan didayakan push-notifications-servers Tolak pelayan pemberitahuan push-inbound-transaction Anda menerima {{value}} {{currency}} push-outbound-transaction Anda telah menghantar {{value}} {{currency}} push-failed-transaction Urus niaga anda gagal push-inbound-transaction-body Dari {{from}} hingga {{to}} push-outbound-transaction-body Dari {{from}} hingga {{to}} push-failed-transaction-body {{value}} {{currency}} hingga {{to}} allow-mention-notifications Tunjukkan @ sebutan server Pelayan specify-server-public-key Masukkan kunci awam pelayan notify Maklumkan off Mati offline Luar talian offline-messaging-use-history-nodes Gunakan nod Status offline-messaging-use-history-explanation Benarkan nod Status untuk mengambil mesej yang telah dihantar semasa aplikasi ditutup. Apabila diaktifkan, nod Status mendapat alamat IP anda. Apabila dinyahdayakan, anda tidak akan menerima mesej apabila aplikasi ditutup dan tidak akan melihatnya apabila anda membuka aplikasi kemudian. ok okey ok-continue Ok, teruskan ok-got-it Ok, teruskan okay baik on Dihidupkan open Buka open-home Buka... open-dapp Buka Ð Aplikasi open-dapp-store Cari ÐApps open-nfc-settings Buka tetapan NFC open-on-block-explorer optional pilihan or Atau outgoing Keluar outgoing-transaction Urus niaga keluar pair Pasangkan peranti pair-card Pasangkan ke peranti ini pair-code Kod berpasangan pair-code-explanation Pasangkan kad ke peranti lain (hingga 5) untuk membuka kunci dan menandatangani urus niaga dengan Kad Kunci yang sama pair-this-card Pasangkan kad ini pair-this-device Iklankan peranti pair-this-device-description Pasangkan peranti anda untuk menyegerakkan kenalan dan sembang di antara mereka paired-devices Peranti berpasangan pairing Berpasangan pairing-card Kad berpasangan pairing-code-placeholder Meyambungkan kod ... pairing-code_error1 Kod berpasangan tidak sepadan. confirm-pairing-code-placeholder Sahkan kod pasangan anda ... pairing-go-to-installation Pergi ke tetapan memasang pairing-maximum-number-reached-content Sila nyahdayakan salah satu peranti anda sebelum mengaktifkan yang baru. pairing-maximum-number-reached-title Bilangan maksimum peranti dicapai pairing-new-installation-detected-content Peranti baru telah dikesan. Untuk menggunakan peranti anda dengan betul, ia adalah penting untuk memasang dan mengaktifkannya sebelum menggunakannya. Sila pergi ke bahagian peranti di bawah tetapan untuk memasangkan peranti anda. pairing-new-installation-detected-title Peranti baru dikesan pairing-no-info Tiada maklumat pairing-please-set-a-name Sila tetapkan nama untuk peranti anda. passphrase Frasa Laluan password Kata Laluan password-description Sekurang-kurangnya 6 karakter. Kata laluan anda memelihara kod anda. Anda akan memerlukan kata laluan ini untuk membuka Status dan bertransaksi. password-placeholder2 Mengesahkan kata laluan anda password_error1 Kata laluan tidak sepadan. paste Tampal paste-json Tampal JSON pay-to-chat Bayar untuk berbual peers Rakan sebaya pending Yang belum selesai pending-confirmation Menunggu pengesahan ... permissions Kebenaran phone-e164 Antarabangsa 1 photos-access-error Untuk memberikan izin foto yang diperlukan, pergi ke tetapan sistem anda dan pastikan Status > Foto dipilih. pin-changed Kod laluan 6-digit telah ditukar puk-changed PUK 12 digit telah diubah pairing-changed Kod pasangan telah diubah pin-code Kod laluan 6-digit pin-mismatch Kod laluan yang salah pin-retries-left {{number}} percubaan tinggal pin-one-attempt-blocked-before Hati-hati, anda hanya ada pin-one-attempt-frozen-before Hati-hati, anda hanya ada pin-one-attempt satu percubaan pin-one-attempt-blocked-after sebelum Kad Kunci anda disekat pin-one-attempt-frozen-after sebelum Kad Kunci anda dibekukan preview-privacy Pratonton mod privasi privacy Privasi privacy-photos Privasi Foto Profil privacy-and-security Privasi dan keselamatan privacy-policy Dasar Privasi privacy-show-to-warning processing Sekejap product-information Maklumat Produk profile Profil profile-details Maklumat profil public-chat Sembang awam public-chats Sembang awam public-group-status Awam public-group-topic Topik join-new-public-chat Sertai sembang awam join-new-private-chat Mulakan sembang peribadi baru search-no-chat-found Tiada hasil carian. Adakah awak bermaksud public-key Kunci awam puk-and-pairing-codes-displayed Kod PUK dan kod pasangan dipaparkan puk-code Kod PUK puk-code-explanation Sekiranya anda terlupa kod laluan 6 digit anda atau memasukkannya dengan salah 3 kali, anda memerlukan kod ini untuk membuka kunci kad anda. puk-mismatch Kod PUK salah quiet-days {{quiet-days}} hari quiet-hours {{quiet-hours}} jam re-encrypt-key Masukkan semula kunci anda receive Menerima receive-transaction Terima urus niaga recent Terkini recent-recipients Kenalan recently-used-stickers Pelekat yang baru digunakan akan terpapar di sini recipient Penerima recipient-code Masukkan alamat penerima recipient-code-placeholder 0x ... atau nama pengguna.domain.eth recover Pulihkan recover-key Akses kunci yang ada recover-keycard-multiaccount-not-supported Kunci untuk akaun ini sudah ada dan tidak dapat ditambahkan lagi. Sekiranya anda kehilangan kata laluan, kod laluan atau Kad Kunci, nyahpasang aplikasi, pasang semula dan akses kunci anda dengan memasukkan frasa pilihan anda recover-with-keycard Pulihkan dengan Kad Kunci recovering-key Mengakses kunci ... recovery-confirm-phrase Sahkan frasa recovery-phrase Frasa pemulihan recovery-success-text Anda perlu membuat kod atau kata laluan baru untuk menyulitkan semula kunci anda recovery-typo-dialog-description Harap maklum, ungkapan benih anda mesti menggunakan perkataan dan pesanan yang sama persis seperti yang anda terima recovery-typo-dialog-title Adakah frasa tersebut tepat? remember-me Ingat saya remind-me-later Tunjukkan ini lagi remove Keluarkan remove-from-chat Alih keluar dari sembang remove-from-contacts Alih keluar dari kenalan remove-from-contacts-text Dengan mengeluarkan pengguna dari senarai kenalan anda, anda tidak menyembunyikan alamat dompet anda dari mereka remove-network Keluarkan rangkaian remove-token Keluarkan token removed dikeluarkan repeat-pin Ulangi kod laluan 6 digit baru repeat-puk Ulangi PUK 12 digit baru report-bug-email-template 1. Penerangan Isu (Jelaskan ciri yang anda mahukan, atau ringkaskan pepijat dan apa yang anda buat, apa yang anda harapkan berlaku, dan apa yang sebenarnya berlaku. Bahagian di bawah) 2. Langkah untuk membiak (Terangkan bagaimana kita dapat meniru bug langkah demi langkah.) -Buka Status -... -Langkah 3, dll. 3. Tingkah laku yang diharapkan (Jelaskan apa yang anda jangkakan akan berlaku.) 4. Tingkah laku sebenar (Huraikan apa yang sebenarnya berlaku.) 5. Lampirkan tangkapan skrin yang dapat menunjukkan masalah request-transaction Minta transaksi required-field Medan wajib resend-message Hantar semula reset-card Tetapkan semula kad reset-card-description Operasi ini akan menetapkan semula kad ke keadaan asal. Ia akan memadamkan semua data kad termasuk kunci peribadi. Operasi ini tidak dapat dipulihkan kembali. retry Cuba lagi revoke-access Batalkan akses rinkeby-network Rangkaian ujian Rinkeby ropsten-network Rangkaian ujian Ropsten rpc-url URL RPC save Jimat save-password Simpan katalaluan save-password-unavailable Tetapkan kod laluan peranti untuk menyimpan kata laluan save-password-unavailable-android Simpan kata laluan tidak tersedia: peranti anda mungkin di-root atau tidak mempunyai ciri keselamatan yang diperlukan. scan-qr Imbas kod QR scan-qr-code Imbas kod QR dengan alamat dompet search Cari secret-keys-confirmation-text Anda memerlukan mereka untuk terus menggunakan Kad Kunci anda sekiranya anda kehilangan telefon. secret-keys-confirmation-title Menulis kod? security Keselamatan see-details Lihat perincian see-it-again LIHAT LAGI select-account-first Pilih akaun terlebih dahulu select-chat Pilih sembang untuk memulakan pesanan selected Terpilih select Pilih select-account Pilih akaun send-logs Laporkan pepijat send-logs-to Laporkan pepijat ke {{email}} send-message Menghantar mesej send-request Hantar permintaan send-request-amount Jumlah send-request-amount-max-decimals Bilangan perpuluhan maksimum ialah {{asset-decimals}} send-request-unknown-token Token tidak diketahui - {{asset}} send-sending-to kepada {{recipient-name}} send-transaction Hantar transaksi sending Menghantar sent-at Dihantar pada set-a-topic Buat topik set-currency Tetapkan mata wang set-dapp-access-permissions Tetapkan kebenaran akses DApp settings Tetapan share Berkongsi shared Dikongsi share-address Kongsi alamat share-chat Kongsi sembang share-contact-code Kongsi kod pengenalan saya share-dapp-text Lihat DApp ini yang saya gunakan di Status: {{link}} share-link Kongsi pautan share-my-profile Kongsi profil saya share-profile Kongsi profil share-profile-link Kongsi pautan profil share-public-chat-text Lihat sembang umum ini di aplikasi Status: {{link}} sharing-copied-to-clipboard Disalin sharing-copy-to-clipboard Salinan share-logs sharing-share Berkongsi show-less Tunjukkan kurang show-more Tunjukkan lagi show-qr Tunjukkan kod QR show-transaction-data Tunjukkan data transaksi sign-and-send Tandatangan dan hantar sign-in Daftar masuk sign-message Mesej Tanda sign-out Keluar sign-with Masuk dengan sign-with-password Masuk dengan kata laluan sign-you-in Log masuk anda… signing Menandatangani signing-a-message Menandatangani mesej signing-phrase Menulis frasa something-went-wrong Ada yang tidak kena soon Tidak lama lagi specify-address Nyatakan alamat specify-name Nyatakan nama specify-symbol specify-network-id Tentukan id rangkaian specify-rpc-url Tentukan URL RPC start-chat Mulakan sembang start-conversation Mulakan perbualan start-group-chat Mulakan sembang kumpulan start-new-chat Mulakan sembang baru status Status status-confirmed Disahkan status-hardwallet Hardwallet status status-keycard Kad Kekunci Status status-pending Yang belum selesai status-tx-not-found TX tidak dijumpai status-sent Dihantar status-not-sent-tap Tidak disahkan. Ketik untuk pilihan status-not-sent-click Tidak disahkan. Klik untuk pilihan step-i-of-n Langkah {{step}} daripada {{number}} sticker-market Pasaran pelekat sticker Pelekat submit Hantar submit-bug Hantar pepijat success Kejayaan symbol Simbol sync-all-devices Segerakkan semua peranti sync-in-progress Menyegerakkan ... sync-settings Tetapan penyegerakan sync-synced Dalam penyegerakan syncing-devices Sedang disegerakkan... tag-was-lost Tag telah hilang tap-card-again Ketik kad ke bahagian belakang telefon anda sekali lagi test-networks Rangkaian ujian text-input-disabled Sila tunggu sebentar... this-device Peranti ini this-device-desc Kunci anda akan dienkripsi dan disimpan dengan selamat di peranti anda this-is-you-signing Ini adalah frasa menandatangani anda this-will-take-few-seconds Ini akan mengambil masa beberapa saat three-words-description Anda harus melihat 3 perkataan ini sebelum menandatangani setiap transaksi three-words-description-2 Sekiranya anda melihat kombinasi yang berbeza, batalkan transaksi dan log keluar to Untuk to-block Sekat to-encrypt-enter-password Untuk menyulitkan akaun sila masukkan kata laluan anda to-see-this-message Untuk melihat mesej ini, token-auto-validate-decimals-error Perpuluhan token yang salah {{symbol}} pada alamat {{address}} - ditetapkan ke {{expected}} tetapi dikesan sebagai {{actual}} token-auto-validate-name-error Nama token yang salah {{symbol}} di alamat {{address}} - ditetapkan ke {{expected}} tetapi dikesan sebagai {{actual}} token-auto-validate-symbol-error Simbol salah untuk token {{symbol}} di alamat {{address}} - ditetapkan ke {{expected}} tetapi dikesan sebagai {{actual}} token-details Butiran token topic-name-error Gunakan hanya huruf kecil (a hingga z), nombor & sengkang (-). Jangan gunakan kod pengenalan transaction Transaksi transaction-data Data transaksi transaction-declined Transaksi ditolak transactions-management-enabled Pengurusan urus niaga (alpha) transaction-description Transaksi dengan 12 pengesahan boleh dianggap tidak dapat diubah lagi transaction-details Butiran transaksi transaction-failed transaksi gagal transaction-history Sejarah transaksi transaction-request Permintaan Transaksi transaction-sent Transaksi dihantar transaction-signed Urus niaga berjaya ditandatangani transactions Urus Niaga transactions-filter-select-all Pilih semua transactions-filter-title Tapis sejarah type Jenis transactions-history Sejarah transaksi transactions-history-empty Belum ada transaksi dalam sejarah anda transactions-history-loading Memuatkan sejarah transaksi. Ini mungkin mengambil masa. transactions-sign Tanda tribute-required-by-multiaccount {{multiaccount-name}} memerlukan SNT untuk memulakan sembang. tribute-state-paid Penghormatan dibayar tribute-state-pending Penghormatan belum selesai tribute-state-required Memerlukan penghormatan SNT {{snt-amount}} tribute-to-talk Penghormatan untuk bercakap tribute-to-talk-add-friends Tambahkan rakan sebagai kenalan untuk membenarkan sembang tanpa pembayaran penghormatan. tribute-to-talk-are-you-friends Adakah anda kawan? tribute-to-talk-ask-to-be-added Minta ditambahkan sebagai kenalan tribute-to-talk-contact-received-your-tribute menerima penghormatan anda. Anda kini boleh berbual dengan selamat antara satu sama lain. tribute-to-talk-desc Wangkan perhatian anda dengan meminta SNT untuk orang baru memulakan sembang tribute-to-talk-disabled Tribute to Talk dilumpuhkan tribute-to-talk-disabled-note Mulai sekarang, orang baru dapat memulakan sembang dengan anda tanpa menghantar SNT. tribute-to-talk-enabled Anda telah mengaktifkan Tribute to Talk. tribute-to-talk-finish-desc Mulai sekarang, anda hanya akan menerima sembang dari kenalan dan orang yang membayar tribute-to-talk-learn-more-1 Masa dan perhatian anda adalah aset paling berharga anda. Tribute to Talk membolehkan anda menetapkan jumlah SNT yang diperlukan bagi orang baru untuk memulakan sembang dengan anda. tribute-to-talk-learn-more-2 Sesiapa yang tidak ada dalam senarai kenalan anda akan diminta untuk membayar, dan anda boleh membalasnya setelah mereka memilikinya. tribute-to-talk-learn-more-3 Anda selalu dapat mengembalikan wang, tetapi untuk memastikan rakan dapat menghubungi anda dengan bebas, tambahkan mereka sebagai kenalan terlebih dahulu. tribute-to-talk-paywall-learn-more-1 Masa dan perhatian kita adalah aset paling berharga kita. Tribute to Talk membolehkan anda menghubungi orang baru sebagai pertukaran untuk pembayaran SNT. tribute-to-talk-paywall-learn-more-2 Untuk memulakan sembang dengan seseorang yang mempunyai set penghargaan, cukup bayar SNT yang diperlukan dan anda akan ditambahkan sebagai kenalan. tribute-to-talk-paywall-learn-more-3 Sekiranya anda mengenali mereka, anda boleh berkongsi profil anda di luar Status untuk ditambahkan secara percuma. tribute-to-talk-pending Penghormatan menunggu pengesahan tribute-to-talk-pending-note Transaksi penghormatan menunggu pengesahan di rangkaian. Anda boleh menyemak statusnya dalam sejarah transaksi tribute-to-talk-removing-note Mengeluarkan Tribute to Talk akan membolehkan orang baru memulakan sembang tanpa menghantar SNT. Memerlukan transaksi yang akan dibuat. tribute-to-talk-set-snt-amount Tetapkan jumlah SNT yang diperlukan bagi orang baru untuk memulakan sembang tribute-to-talk-signing Menunggu untuk menandatangani transaksi tribute-to-talk-transaction-failed-note Transaksi telah gagal dan tetapan Tribute to Talk anda belum diubah tribute-to-talk-tribute-received1 Penghormatan diterima. Anda dan tribute-to-talk-tribute-received2 kini menjadi kenalan dan boleh berbual dengan selamat antara satu sama lain tribute-to-talk-you-require-snt Anda memerlukan SNT untuk orang baru untuk memulakan sembang. try-again Cuba lagi try-keeping-the-card-still Cuba simpan kad itu turn-nfc-on Hidupkan NFC untuk meneruskan turn-nfc-description NFC dilumpuhkan pada peranti anda. Anda boleh mengaktifkannya dalam tetapan keycard-init-title Mencari kad ... keycard-init-description Letakkan kad di bahagian belakang telefon anda untuk meneruskan keycard-awaiting-title Masih mencari... keycard-awaiting-description Cuba gerakkan kad untuk mencari pembaca NFC pada peranti anda keycard-processing-title Memproses ... keycard-processing-description Cuba simpan kad itu keycard-connected-title Disambungkan keycard-connected-description Cuba simpan kad itu keycard-error-title Sambungan terputus keycard-error-description Sambungkan kad sekali lagi untuk meneruskan keycard-success-title Kejayaan keycard-success-description Anda boleh mengeluarkan kad sekarang keycard-recover kad hilang atau beku? keycard-recover-title Buat kad baru untuk akaun ini? keycard-recover-text Sekiranya anda mempunyai frasa mnemonik anda, anda boleh membuat Kad Kunci baru yang berkaitan dengan akaun ini. Anda boleh menggunakan Kad Kunci baru atau melakukan tetapan semula kilang pada kad yang dibekukan. keycard-backup Buat Kad Kekunci sandaran keycard-backup-success-title Sandaran berjaya keycard-backup-success-body Kad sandaran berjaya dibuat. Anda kini boleh menggunakannya dengan akaun anda seperti kad utama. type-a-message Mesej ulc-enabled ULC didayakan backup-enabled backup-disabled Dinyahaktifkan backup-settings backup-through-waku perform-backup backing-up last-backup-performed unable-to-read-this-code Tidak dapat membaca kod ini unblock-contact Nyahsekat pengguna ini unknown-status-go-error Ralat status-go yang tidak diketahui unlock Buka kunci unpair-card Nyahpasang kad unpair-card-confirmation Operasi ini akan memutuskan kad dari peranti semasa. Memerlukan kebenaran kod laluan 6 digit. Adakah anda mahu meneruskan? unpaired-keycard-text Kad Kunci yang anda ketik tidak dikaitkan dengan telefon ini unpaired-keycard-title Nampaknya kad anda tidak berpasangan unpair-keycard Nyahpasang Kad Kunci dari telefon ini unpair-keycard-warning Kod pasangan / PUK & PIN anda tidak berubah update Kemas kini url URL usd-currency USD use-valid-contact-code Sila masukkan atau imbas kod pengenalan atau nama pengguna yang sah validation-amount-invalid-number Jumlah bukan nombor yang sah validation-amount-is-too-precise Jumlahnya terlalu tepat. Bilangan perpuluhan maksimum ialah {{decimals}} . version Versi apl app-commit view Lihat view-cryptokitties Lihat di CryptoKitties view-cryptostrikers Lihat di CryptoStrikers view-etheremon Lihat di Etheremon view-gitcoin Lihat di Gitcoin view-profile Lihat profil view-details Lihat butiran view-signing Lihat frasa menandatangani view-superrare Lihat di SuperRare waiting-for-wifi Tanpa Wi-fi, penyegerakan mesej dilumpuhkan. waiting-for-wifi-change Tetapan waiting-to-sign Menunggu untuk menandatangani transaksi ... wallet Dompet wallet-asset Aset wallet-assets Aset wallet-backup-recovery-title Sandarkan frasa pemulihan anda wallet-choose-recipient Pilih Penerima wallet-collectibles Barang koleksi wallet-insufficient-funds Kekurangan dana wallet-insufficient-gas Tidak cukup ETH untuk gas wallet-invalid-address Alamat tidak sah: {{data}} wallet-invalid-address-checksum Ralat dalam alamat: {{data}} wallet-invalid-chain-id Rangkaian tidak sepadan: {{data}} tetapi rantaian semasa adalah {{chain}} wallet-manage-assets Urus Aset wallet-manage-accounts Urus akaun wallet-request Permintaan wallet-send Hantar wallet-send-min-units Min 21000 unit wallet-send-min-wei Min 1 wei wallet-settings Tetapan dompet wallet-total-value Jumlah nilai wallet-transaction-total-fee Jumlah Bayaran wants-to-access-profile mahu mengakses ke profil anda warning Amaran warning-message Maaf, kami mengehadkan menghantar beberapa mesej berturut-turut untuk mengelakkan spam. Sila cuba sebentar lagi web-view-error Tidak dapat memuatkan halaman welcome-screen-text Sediakan dompet anda, jemput rakan untuk berbual dan layari dapp yang popular! welcome-to-status Selamat datang ke Status welcome-to-status-description Sediakan dompet crypto anda, jemput rakan untuk berbual dan melayari aplikasi terdesentralisasi welcome-blank-message Sembang anda akan muncul di sini. Untuk memulakan sembang baru tekan butang ⊕ welcome-community-blank-message Sembang anda akan muncul di sini. Untuk memulakan sembang baru, klik pada 3 titik di atas dan pilih "Buat saluran" welcome-community-blank-message-edit-chats welcome-blank-community-message Komuniti anda akan muncul di sini. fetch-community fetching-community seed-phrase-placeholder Frasa benih ... word-count Kiraan perkataan word-n Perkataan # {{number}} word-n-description Untuk memeriksa sama ada anda telah menyandarkan frasa pemulihan anda dengan tepat, masukkan perkataan #{{number}} di atas. words-n 1 kata write-down-and-store-securely Tuliskan kod & simpan dengan selamat wrong-address Salah alamat wrong-card Kad yang salah wrong-card-text Kad yang diketuk tidak sesuai dengan kunci yang anda pilih wrong-contract Kontrak yang salah contract-isnt-supported wrong-keycard-text Kad Kunci yang anda ketik tidak dikaitkan dengan telefon ini wrong-keycard-title Nampaknya anda sudah mengetuk kad kekunci yang salah wrong-password Salah kata laluan wrong-word Perkataan yang salah yes Ya You Anda you anda you-already-have-an-asset Anda sudah mempunyai aset {{value}} you-are-all-set Anda telah siap sedia! you-are-all-set-description Jika anda kehilangan telefon anda, anda boleh mengakses dana dan kod pengenalan anda menggunakan frasa pemulihan you-can-change-account Anda boleh menukar nama dan warna akaun mengikut kehendak anda you-dont-have-stickers Anda tidak mempunyai sebarang pelekat lagi you-dont-have-contacts-invite-friends Anda belum mempunyai kenalan. Jemput rakan anda untuk mula berbual. your-contact-code Memberi akses membenaran DApp ini untuk mengambil kod pengenalan anda your-data-belongs-to-you Jika anda kehilangan frasa pemulihan anda, anda kehilangan data dan dana anda your-data-belongs-to-you-description Sekiranya anda kehilangan akses, misalnya dengan kehilangan telefon anda, anda hanya dapat mengakses kunci anda dengan frasa pilihan anda. Tiada siapa, tetapi anda mempunyai ungkapan benih anda. Tuliskan. Pastikan ia selamat your-recovery-phrase Frasa pemulihan anda your-recovery-phrase-description Ini adalah frasa pemulihan anda. Anda menggunakannya untuk membuktikan bahawa ini adalah dompet anda. Anda hanya dapat melihatnya sekali sahaja! Tuliskannya pada kertas dan simpan di tempat yang selamat. Anda akan memerlukannya jika anda kehilangan atau memasang semula dompet anda. custom-seed-phrase Frasa biji tidak sah custom-seed-phrase-text-1 Frasa benih ini tidak sepadan dengan kamus kami yang disokong. Semak perkataan yang disalah eja. to-enable-biometric Untuk mengaktifkan {{bio-type-label}} , anda mesti menyimpan kata laluan anda di skrin buka kunci ok-save-pass OK, simpan kata laluan lock-app-with Kunci aplikasi dengan grant-face-id-permissions Untuk memberikan kebenaran ID Wajah yang diperlukan, buka tetapan sistem anda dan pastikan Status > ID Wajah dipilih request-feature Mohon ciri select-account-dapp Pilih akaun yang ingin anda gunakan dengan Dapps apply Memohon on-status-tree Pada pokok Status off-status-tree Pokok Status Mati derivation-path Jalan terbitan storage Penyimpanan keycard-free-pairing-slots Kad kekunci mempunyai slot berpasangan percuma {{n}} public-chat-description Sertai sembang awam untuk minat anda! Sesiapa sahaja boleh memulakan yang baru. delete-account Padamkan akaun delete-keys-keycard Padamkan kunci dari Kad Kunci watch-only Hanya menonton cant-report-bug Tidak dapat melaporkan pepijat mail-should-be-configured Pelanggan mel harus dikonfigurasi check-on-block-explorer check-on-opensea Semak opensea transactions-load-more Tambah lagi private-key Kunci peribadi generate-an-account Jana akaun add-watch-account Tambahkan akaun jam tangan sahaja add-seed-account Tambahkan akaun dengan frasa biji account-exists-title akaun telah wujud add-private-key-account Tambahkan akaun dari kunci peribadi profile-not-found Profil tidak dijumpai waku-bloom-filter-mode Mod penapis mekar Waku wakuv2-settings Tetapan Waku v2 wakuv2-node-format / ip4 / {node-ip} / tcp / {port} / p2p / {id} wakuv2-change-nodes Adakah anda pasti mahu menukar nod Wakuv2? appearance Penampilan preference Pilihan light Cahaya dark Gelap system Sistem give-permissions-camera Memberi keizinan untuk mengakses kamera photos Gambar image Imej sign-anyway Masuk pula tx-fail-description1 Urus niaga ini kemungkinan akan gagal. Masuk dengan risiko anda sendiri menggunakan bayaran rangkaian khusus. tx-fail-description2 Urus niaga ini kemungkinan akan gagal. Tetapkan bayaran rangkaian khusus untuk menandatangani dengan risiko anda sendiri. set-custom-fee Tetapkan bayaran tersuai not-enough-snt Tidak cukup SNT add-new-contact Tambah kenalan baru you-dont-have-contacts Anda belum mempunyai kenalan. set-max Tetapkan maks continue-anyway Teruskan pula private-notifications Pemberitahuan peribadi private-notifications-descr Status akan memberitahu anda mengenai mesej baru. Anda boleh mengedit pilihan pemberitahuan anda kemudian dalam tetapan. maybe-later Mungkin kemudian join Sertailah registered berdaftar not-registered tidak berdaftar audio-recorder-error Kesalahan perakam audio-recorder Perakam audio-recorder-max-ms-reached Masa rakaman maksimum dicapai audio-recorder-permissions-error Anda harus memberi kebenaran untuk menghantar mesej audio audio Audio update-to-see-image Kemas kini ke versi terkini untuk melihat gambar yang bagus di sini! update-to-listen-audio Kemas kini ke versi terkini untuk mendengar mesej audio di sini! update-to-see-sticker Kemas kini ke versi terkini untuk melihat pelekat yang bagus di sini! webview-camera-permission-requests Permintaan kebenaran kamera webview webview-camera-permission-requests-subtitle Apabila diaktifkan, laman web dan dapp dapat meminta untuk menggunakan kamera anda page-would-like-to-use-camera ingin menggunakan kamera anda page-camera-request-blocked permintaan kamera disekat. Untuk mengaktifkan permintaan kamera, pergi ke Tetapan nickname Nama Panggilan add-nickname Tambahkan nama panggilan (pilihan) nickname-description Nama panggilan membantu anda mengenal pasti orang lain dalam Status. Hanya anda yang dapat melihat nama panggilan yang telah anda tambahkan accept Terima group-invite Jemputan kumpulan group-invite-link Pautan jemputan kumpulan pending-invitations Permintaan keahlian yang belum selesai empty-pending-invitations-descr Orang yang ingin menyertai kumpulan ini melalui pautan jemputan akan muncul di sini introduce-yourself Perkenalkan diri anda dengan pesanan ringkas request-pending Permintaan tertangguh… membership-declined Permintaan keahlian ditolak remove-group Keluarkan kumpulan request-membership Minta keahlian membership-description Keahlian kumpulan menghendaki anda diterima oleh pentadbir kumpulan group-membership-request Permintaan keahlian kumpulan members-limit-reached Had ahli tercapai favourite Kegemaran favourites Kegemaran new-favourite Kegemaran baru edit-favourite Edit kegemaran remove-favourite Buang kegemaran add-favourite Tambah kegemaran add-to-favourites Tambah ke kegemaran favourites-empty Alamat yang ditambah kepada kegemaran akan muncul di sini contacts-empty Kenalan dengan nama ENS akan muncul di sini my-accounts Akaun saya my-accounts-empty Akaun anda yang ada akan muncul di sini recent-empty Alamat yang baru digunakan akan muncul di sini address-or-ens-name Alamat atau nama ENS name-optional Nama (pilihan) mute Bisu unmute Tidak bersuara scan-tokens Imbasan my-status Status saya contacts-descr Kenalan anda akan muncul di sini. Anda akan menerima kemas kini status dari sesiapa sahaja yang anda tambahkan sebagai kenalan status-updates-descr Kemas kini status akan muncul di sini. Tambahkan profil sebagai kenalan untuk menerima kemas kini mengenai garis masa anda. whats-on-your-mind Apa yang kamu fikirkan… cant-open-public-chat Tidak dapat membuka sembang awam invalid-public-chat-topic Topik sembang awam tidak sah now Sekarang statuses-my-status-descr Kongsikan apa yang ada di fikiran anda. Sesiapa yang mengunjungi profil anda akan dapat melihat status anda. Orang yang menambahkan anda sebagai kenalan mereka akan menerima kemas kini anda pada garis masa mereka statuses-descr Kongsi perkara yang ada di fikiran anda dan kekal dikemaskini dengan kenalan anda new-status Status baru chat-link-previews Pratonton pautan sembang you-can-choose-preview-websites Anda boleh memilih mana dari laman web berikut yang dapat melihat pratonton pautan keterangan dan gambar dalam sembang previewing-may-share-metadata Pratonton pautan dari laman web ini dapat berkongsi metadata anda dengan pemiliknya websites Laman web enable-all Aktifkan semua disable-all Nyahdaya semua warning-sending-to-contract-descr Alamat yang anda masukkan adalah kontrak pintar, menghantar dana ke alamat ini dapat mengakibatkan kehilangan dana. Untuk berinteraksi dengan DApp, buka DApp di Status DApp Browser. dont-ask Jangan tanya saya lagi enable-link-previews Dayakan pratonton pautan dalam sembang? once-enabled-share-metadata Setelah didayakan, pautan yang disiarkan dalam sembang mungkin berkongsi metadata anda dengan tapak external-storage-denied Akses ke storan luaran ditolak timeline Garis Masa main-account ethereum-address Alamat Ethereum default-assets Lalai ERC20 dan ERC721 increase-gas Menambah Gas cancelling Membatalkan refresh Segarkan close-all Tutup semua tabs Tab-tab new-tab Tab baru empty-tab Tab kosong open-in-new-tab Buka di tab baru has-permissions mempunyai kebenaran untuk mengakses connect-wallet Sambungkan dompet open-chat Buka sembang favourite-description Laman web kegemaran anda akan muncul di sini transfers-fetching-failure Sejarah pemindahan tidak dapat dikemaskini. Semak sambungan anda dan tarik ke bawah untuk mencuba lagi move-and-reset Alih dan Set Semula move-keystore-file-to-keycard Pindahkan fail kunci ke kad kekunci? database-reset-title Set semula pangkalan data database-reset-content Sembang, kenalan dan tetapan telah dihapuskan. Anda boleh menggunakan akaun anda dengan Kad Kunci anda database-reset-warning Pangkalan data akan ditetapkan semula. Sembang, kenalan dan tetapan akan dihapuskan empty-keycard-required Perlu Kad Kunci kosong current Semasa choose-storage Pilih simpanan choose-new-location-for-keystore Pilih lokasi baru untuk menyimpan fail kunci anda get-a-keycard Dapatkan Kad Kunci keycard-upsell-subtitle Keselamatan dan kemudahan yang dipertingkatkan actions Tindakan move-keystore-file Pindahkan fail keystore select-new-location-for-keys Pilih lokasi baru untuk menyimpan kunci peribadi anda reset-database Tetapkan semula pangkalan data reset-database-warning Padamkan sembang, kenalan dan seting. Diperlukan apabila anda kehilangan kata laluan anda reset-database-warning-keycard Padamkan sembang, kenalan dan tetapan. key-managment Pengurusan kekunci choose-actions Pilih tindakan master-account Akaun induk back-up Sandarkan key-on-device Kunci peribadi disimpan pada peranti ini seed-key-uid-mismatch Benih tidak sepadan seed-key-uid-mismatch-desc-1 Frasa benih yang anda masukkan tidak sepadan dengan {{multiaccount-name}} seed-key-uid-mismatch-desc-2 Untuk menguruskan kekunci untuk akaun ini menentusahkan frasa benih anda dan cuba lagi. recover-with-seed-phrase Pulih dengan frasa benih transfer-ma-unknown-error-desc-1 Nampaknya banyak akaun anda tidak dipadamkan. Pangkalan data mungkin telah ditetapkan semula transfer-ma-unknown-error-desc-2 Sila periksa senarai akaun anda dan cuba lagi. Sekiranya akaun tidak disenaraikan pergi ke Akses kunci yang ada untuk pulih dengan frasa biji everyone Semua orang show-profile-pictures Lihat gambar profil daripada show-profile-pictures-to Tunjukkan gambar profil anda kepada non-archival-node Titik akhir RPC tidak menyokong permintaan arkib. Sejarah pemindahan tempatan anda mungkin tidak lengkap. custom-node Anda menggunakan titik akhir RPC tersuai. Sejarah pemindahan tempatan anda mungkin tidak lengkap. connection-status Status sambungan peer-to-peer Peer to peer not-connected-to-peers Tidak berhubung dengan peer unable-to-send-messages Tidak dapat menghantar dan menerima mesej-mesej can-send-messages Anda boleh menghantar dan menerima mesej-mesej baru not-connected-nodes Tidak disambungkan ke nod status unable-to-fetch Tidak dapat mengambil sejarah sembang nodes-disabled Nod status dinyahaktifkan waiting-wi-fi Menunggu Wi-Fi... you-can-fetch Anda boleh ambil sejarah sembang youre-on-mobile-network Anda menggunakan rangkaian mudah alih status-mobile-descr Status cenderung menggunakan banyak data semasa menyegerakkan sembang. Anda boleh memilih untuk tidak menyegerakkan ketika berada di rangkaian mudah alih restore-defaults Kembali kepada asal rpc-usage-info Statistik penggunaan RPC rpc-usage-get-stats Segarkan rpc-usage-reset Set semula rpc-usage-filter Kaedah tapisan rpc-usage-filter-methods Kaedah tapisan rpc-usage-copy Salinan rpc-usage-total rpc-usage-filtered-total community-message-preview Jemputan untuk menyertai {{community-name}} non-contacts Bukan kenalan community Komuniti verified-community ✓ Komuniti yang disahkan community-info-not-found Maklumat komuniti tidak dijumpai community-info Maklumat komuniti not-found Tidak dijumpai activity Aktiviti reject-and-delete Tolak dan padam accept-and-add Terima dan tambah one-day Satu hari three-days Tiga hari one-week Satu minggu one-month Satu bulan my-profile Profil saya bip39-password-placeholder Kata laluan BIP39 public-channel Saluran awam default-sync-period Segerakkan sejarah untuk what-is-shared Apa yang dikongsi view-data Lihat data data-collected Data dikumpul data-collected-subtitle Jadual di bawah menunjukkan data tepat yang disimpan dan akan dihantar. Data disahkan berdasarkan peraturan awam untuk memastikan tidak ada data sensitif yang dikirim. Jangan percaya, sahkan. view-rules Lihat peraturan expand-all Kembang semua about-sharing-data Mengenai perkongsian data sharing-data-desc-1 Data disahkan berdasarkan peraturan awam untuk memastikan tidak ada data sensitif yang dikirim. Jangan percaya, sahkan. sharing-data-desc-2 Data penggunaan dihantar dari hujung ke hujung dienkripsi melalui rangkaian peer-to-peer Status sharing-data-desc-3 Daripada kekunci sembang biasa anda, kunci penggunaan sekali sahaja digunakan sharing-data-desc-4 Penggunaan data tidak akan dikaitkan dengan alamat IP anda sharing-data-desc-5 Data kumulatif semua pengguna boleh didapati secara umum view-public-dashboard Lihat papan pemuka awam sharing-data-desc-6 Data dialih keluar daripada telefon anda selepas ia dihantar allow-and-send Benarkan dan hantar no-thanks Tidak, Terima kasih help-improve-status Bantu bertambah baik Status thank-you Terima kasih current-password Kata laluan semasa reset-password Set semula kata laluan password-reset-success Kata laluan ditukar password-reset-success-message Anda perlu log masuk lagi password-reset-in-progress Menukar kata laluan ... new-password Kata laluan baru confirm-new-password Sahkan kata laluan baru password-mismatch Kata laluan dan pengesahan baru tidak sepadan terms-of-service Syarat Penggunaan accept-status-tos-prefix Saya terima Status updates-to-tos Kemas kini kepada Syarat-syarat Penggunaan updates-to-tos-desc Sebelum anda meneruskan, sila tinjau Syarat Penggunaan dan sahkan bahawa anda bertanggungjawab sepenuhnya mengenai cara anda menggunakan aplikasi ini. what-changed Apa yang berubah wc-new-tos-based-on-principles-prefix Terma Penggunaan Baru yang direka berdasarkan kami principles Prinsip wc-how-to-use-status-app Cara menggunakan aplikasi Status termasuk privasi dan keselamatan wc-brand-guide Panduan penggunaan penjenamaan seperti tanda dagangan dan logo wc-disclaimer Penafian (termasuk penyedia pihak ketiga), jaminan, dan pelepasan undang-undang wc-dispute Peruntukan penyelesaian pertikaian status-is-open-source Status adalah sumber terbuka build-yourself Untuk menggunakan aplikasi tanpa Terma Penggunaan ini, anda boleh membina versi anda sendiri accept-and-continue Terima dan teruskan empty-activity-center Pemberitahuan sembang anda akan muncul di sini pinned-messages Mesej-mesej yang dipinkan pin Pin unpin Lepaskan pin no-pinned-messages Tiada mesej yang dipinkan pinned-messages-count pinned-messages-empty Mesej-mesej yang dipinkan akan muncul di sini. Untuk mengepin mesej, tekan dan tahannya dan ketik 'Pin' pinned-by Dipinkan oleh pin-limit-reached Had pin tercapai. Lepas pin mesej sebelumnya terlebih dahulu. max-fee Bayaran maksimum max-priority-fee Bayaran keutamaan maksimum miners-higher-fee Pelombong mungkin akan memasukkan transaksi anda lebih awal jika anda bayar lebih tinggi. gas-amount-limit Had jumlah gas per-gas-tip-limit Had jumlah gas per-gas-price-limit Had harga berdasarkan gas current-base-fee Bayaran asas semasa fee-explanation Harga keseluruhan maksimum untuk transaksi. Sekiranya bayaran asas blok melebihi ini, ia akan dimasukkan ke dalam blok berikut dengan yuran asas yang lebih rendah. slow Perlahan optimal Optimum fast Cepat see-suggestions Lihat cadangan maximum-fee Bayaran maksimum low-tip tip terlalu rendah lower-than-average-tip tip rendah daripada purata below-base-fee bayaran maksimum di bawah bayaran asas reduced-tip tip keutamaan akan dikurangkan are-you-sure Adakah anda pasti? bad-fees-description Bayaran keutamaan anda adalah di bawah parameter yang kami cadangkan. change-tip Tukar tip current-minimum-tip Tip minimum semasa current-average-tip Tip purata semasa your-tip-limit Had tip anda your-price-limit Had harga anda suggested-min-tip Cadangan tip minima suggested-price-limit Had harga yang dicadangkan include Termasuk category Kategori edit-chats Sunting perbualan edit-categories hide Sembunyi account-is-used Akaun sedang digunakan dengan Dapps dalam pelayar. normal Biasa never fee-options Pilihan yuran yang dicadangkan fee-cap Had yuran tip-cap Had petua collectibles-leak-metadata display-collectibles disable-later-in-settings use-as-profile-picture view-on-opensea profile-picture-updated status-automatic status-automatic-subtitle status-dnd status-dnd-subtitle status-always-online status-inactive status-inactive-subtitle two-minutes swap select-token-to-swap select-token-to-receive minimum-received powered-by-paraswap priority switch-to-simple-interface transaction-fee swap-details slippage price-impact total-gas token approve-limit approve-token approve-token-contract-desc unlimited approve limit last-transaction price-impact-desc safe-estimate current-average current-base maximum-fee-desc insufficient-balance-to-cover-fee wallet-connect-proposal-title wallet-connect-proposal-description wallet-connect-app-connected wallet-connect-go-back wallet-connect-2.0 wallet-connect reject manage-connections wallet-manage-app-connections connection-request disconnect new-ui send-contact-request-message contact-request say-hi accepted declined contact-request-header contact-request-declined contact-request-accepted contact-request-pending removed-from-contacts mutual-contact-requests negative positive Please enter a URL This fields needs to be a valid URL Please enter a Name Favorite added Edit Add favorite URL Paste URL Name Name the website Remove Done Add '%1' would like to connect to Allowing authorizes this DApp to retrieve your wallet address and enable Web3 Granting access authorizes this DApp to retrieve your chat key Deny Allow Enter URL Error sending the transaction Error signing message Transaction pending... Wrong password Start Page New Tab Downloads Page Server's certificate not trusted Do you wish to continue? If you wish so, you may continue with an unverified certificate. Accepting an unverified certificate means you may not be connected with the host you tried to connect to. Do you wish to override the security check and continue? Exit Incognito mode Go Incognito Zoom In Zoom Out Find Compatibility mode Developer Tools Settings Mainnet Ropsten Unknown Disconnect Assets History Show All Cancelled Paused Open Show in folder Pause Resume Cancel Downloaded files will appear here. Open in new Tab Ok Signature request From Data Message Reject Sign Sign with password Contact request pending Connected Disconnected This user has been blocked. Type a message. 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Once enabled, links posted in the chat may share your metadata with their owners Enable in Settings Don't ask me again Resend Transaction request ↑ Outgoing transaction ↓ Incoming transaction Something has gone wrong Accept and share address Accept and send Decline Select account Choose accountSelect account to share and receive assets Confirm and share address Sign and send Pending Confirmed Unknown token Address requested Waiting to accept Address shared Address received Transaction declined failure Unknown state Group Information Clear history Leave group Are you sure you want to leave this chat? Remove contact Are you sure you want to remove this contact? Communities Search for communities or topics 1 member Import a community Create a community Public community Invitation only community On request community Unknown community - ENS only Chats Join ‘%1’ Request to join ‘%1’ Error joining the community No search results in Communities Members Create category Invite People Membership requests Edit category Delete category Delete %1 category Are you sure you want to delete %1 category? Channels inside the category won’t be deleted. Error deleting the category View Profile Roles Kick Ban Transfer ownership Invite successfully sent Share community Notifications Edit community Export community Create channel Leave community Delete Welcome to your community! Add members Manage community You need to enter a name Please restrict your name to letters, numbers, dashes and spaces Your name needs to be 100 characters or shorter New channel Edit #%1 channel name channel decription Channel name Describe the channel Pinned messages A cool name channel description What your channel is about The description cannot exceed %1 characters Private channel By making a channel private, only members with selected permission will be able to access it category name New category Category title Channels Create Error editing the category Error creating the category Error creating the community You need to select an image You need to enter a color This field needs to be an hexadecimal color (eg: #4360DF) New community Name your community A catchy name Give it a short description What your community is about The description cannot exceed 140 characters community name community decription Thumbnail image Please choose an image Image files (*.jpg *.jpeg *.png) Upload Community colour Pick a color Please choose a color Membership requirement Require invite from another member Require approval No requirement You can require new members to meet certain criteria before they can join. This can be changed at any time Save Private community Only members with an invite link will be able to join your community. Private communities are not listed inside Status Your community will be public for anyone to join. Public communities are listed inside Status for easy discovery You need to enter a key Access existing community Community private key Entering a community key will grant you the ownership of that community. Please be responsible with it and don’t share the key with people you don’t trust. 0x... Import Error importing the community Invite friends Invite Contacts Chat Community imported Importing community is in progress Community %1 imported Importing community %1 is in progress Start new chat Start group chat Join public chat No messages No search results Your chats will appear here. To start new chats press the  button at the top Chat and transact privately with your friends Follow your interests in one of the many Public Chats. View Group Share Chat Test WakuV2 - requestAllHistoricMessages Unmute chat Mute chat Edit Channel Mark as Read Delete chat Leave chat Choose browser Open in Status Open in my default browser Remember my choice. To override it, go to settings. Admin Last 24 hours Last 2 days Last 3 days Last 7 days (You) You need to enter a channel name The channel name can only contain lowercase letters, numbers and dashes New group chat %1 / 10 members Group name Create Group Chat All your contacts are already in the group Make Admin Remove From Group Add selected Get Status at https://status.im Download Status link Unpin Pin Copy link Edit message Send message Reply to Jump to Delete message Confirm deleting this message Are you sure you want to delete this message? Be aware that other clients are not guaranteed to delete the message as well. Nickname Nicknames help you identify others in Status. Only you can see the nicknames you’ve added Your nickname is too long You don’t have any contacts yet. Invite your friends to start chatting. Enter a valid chat key or ENS usernameEnter a valid chat key or ENS username Can't chat with yourself New chat My Profile Enter ENS username or chat key Non contacts No profile found ENS username Chat key Share Profile URL Chat settings None Unblock User Block User Add to contacts A public chat is where you get to hang out with others, make friends and talk about subjects of your interest. Start chat Pinned by %1 Type json-rpc message... e.g {"method": "eth_accounts"} Profile App version Version: %1 Node version Privacy Policy Network Fleet Minimize on close Experimental features Wallet Dapp Browser Activity Center Online users Broadcast user status Bloom filter level The account will be logged out. When you login again, the selected mode will be enabled Light Node Full Node GIF Widget Waku Bloom Mode Node Management Blockchains will drop search costs, causing a kind of decomposition that allows you to have markets of entities that are horizontally segregated and vertically segregated. Size Change font size XS S This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "S" because the title above is "Seed Phrase" M This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "M" because the title above is "Mailserver" L XL XXL Light Chat mode Normal Compact Appearance Dark System Back up seed phrase Step %1 of 3 If you lose your seed phrase you lose your data and funds If you lose access, for example by losing your phone, you can only access your keys with your seed phrase. No one, but you has your seed phrase. Write it down. Keep it safe Check your seed phrase Word #%1 Enter word In order to check if you have backed up your seed phrase correctly, enter the word #%1 above Are you sure? You will not be able to see the whole seed phrase again With this 12 words you can always get your key back. Write it down. Keep it safe, offline, and separate from this device. Okay, continue Wrong word General Default Show favorites bar Search engine used in the address bar Ethereum explorer used in the address bar Open an ethereum explorer after a transaction hash or an address is entered Privacy Set DApp access permissions Profile picture Crop your image (optional) Finish Chat link previews Websites Enable all Previewing links from these websites may share your metadata with their owners. Add new contact Blocked contacts Add contact You can't add yourself User not found You don’t have any contacts yet Devices Please set a name for your device. Specify a name Advertise device Pair your devices to sync contacts and chats between them Learn more Paired devices Syncing... Sync all devices ENS usernames Username added %1 is now connected with your chat key and can be used in Status. Ok, got it %1 will be connected once the transaction is complete. You can follow the progress in the Transaction History section of your wallet. Wallet address Key Back Primary username Your messages are displayed to others with this username: Once you select a username, you won’t be able to disable it afterwards. You will only be able choose a different username to display. Nice! You own %1.stateofus.eth once the transaction is complete. Hey (pending) Add username Your usernames Primary Username None selected You’re displaying your ENS username in chats At least 4 characters. Latin letters, numbers, and lowercase only. Letters and numbers only. Type the entire username including the custom domain like username.domain.eth Your username ✓ Username available! Continuing will connect this username with your chat key. Username doesn’t belong to you :( Username already taken :( (edited) Username is already connected with your chat key and can be used inside Status. This user name is owned by you and connected with your chat key. Continue to set `Show my ENS username in chats`. Continuing will require a transaction to connect the username with your current chat key. Custom domain I want a stateofus.eth domain I own a name on another domain Connect username with your pubkey Terms of name registration Funds are deposited for 1 year. Your SNT will be locked, but not spent. After 1 year, you can release the name and get your deposit back, or take no action to keep the name. If terms of the contract change — e.g. Status makes contract upgrades — user has the right to release the username regardless of time held. The contract controller cannot access your deposited funds. They can only be moved back to the address that sent them. Your address(es) will be publicly associated with your ENS name. Usernames are created as subdomain nodes of stateofus.eth and are subject to the ENS smart contract terms. You authorize the contract to transfer SNT on your behalf. This can only occur when you approve a transaction to authorize the transfer. These terms are guaranteed by the smart contract logic at addresses: %1 (Status UsernameRegistrar). <a href='%1%2'>Look up on Etherscan</a> %1 (ENS Registry). Agree to <a href="#">Terms of name registration.</a> I understand that my wallet address will be publicly connected to my username. 10 SNT Deposit Not enough SNT Register Get a universal username ENS names transform those crazy-long addresses into unique usernames. Customize your chat name An ENS name can replace your random 3-word name in chat. Be @yourname instead of %1. Simplify your ETH address You can receive funds to your easy-to-share ENS name rather than your hexadecimal hash (0x...). Receive transactions in chat Others can send you funds via chat in one simple step. 10 SNT to register Register once to keep the name forever. After 1 year you can release the name and get your SNT back. Already own a username? You can verify and add any usernames you own in the next steps. Powered by Ethereum Name Services Start Only available on Mainnet ENS Registration failed ENS Registration completed Updating ENS pubkey failed Updating ENS pubkey completed Warning! Change fleet to %1 Glossary Account A This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "A" because the title above is "Account" Your Status account, accessed by the seed phrase that you create or import during onboarding. A Status account can hold more than one Ethereum address, in addition to the one created during onboarding. We refer to these as additional accounts within the wallet Chat Key C This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "C" because the title above is "Chat Key" Messages on the Status chat protocol are sent and received using encryption keys. The public chat key is a string of characters you share with others so they can send you messages in Status. Chat Name Three random words, derived algorithmically from your chat key and used as your default alias in chat. Chat names are completely unique; no other user can have the same three words. ENS Name E This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "E" because the title above is "ENS Name" Custom alias for your chat key that you can register using the Ethereum Name Service. ENS names are decentralized usernames. Mailserver A node in the Status network that routes and stores messages, for up to 30 days. Peer P This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "P" because the title above is "Peer" A device connected to the Status chat network. Each user can represent one or more peers, depending on their number of devices Seed Phrase A 64 character hex address based on the Ethereum standard and beginning with 0x. Public-facing, your wallet key is shared with others when you want to receive funds. Also referred to as an “Ethereum address” or “wallet address. Frequently asked questions Submit a bug Request a feature Language settings Language Muted chats Unmute The account will be logged out. When you unlock it again, the selected network will be used Add network You need to enter the RPC endpoint URL Invalid URL You need to enter the network id Should be a number Invalid network id RPC URL Specify a RPC URL Network chain Ropsten test network Rinkeby test network Custom Network Id Specify the network id Main networks Test networks Custom Networks Under development NOTE: You will be logged out and all installed sticker packs will be removed and will need to be reinstalled. Purchased sticker packs will not need to be re-purchased. Notification preferences All messages Just @mentions Nothing Play a sound when receiving a notification Use your operating system's notifications Setting this to false will instead use Status' notification style as seen below Message preview Anonymous Name only Name & Message Hi there! Yes, no problem, let me know if I can help. No preview or Advanced? Go to Notification Center Contacts & Users Notify on new requests Receive notifications from non-contacts Muted users Muted contacts Muted contacts will appear here Muted chats will appear here You can limit what gets shown in notifications Reset notification settings Restore default notification settings and unmute all chats and users Open links with... My default browser Security Backup Seed Phrase Display all profile pictures (not only contacts) Display images in chat automatically All images (links that contain an image extension) will be downloaded and displayed, regardless of the whitelist settings below Allow new contact requests Sign out controls LogoutExit Sounds settings Sound volume Sync settings Add mailserver You need to enter the enode address History node address enode://{enode-id}:{password}@{ip-address}:{port-number} Automatic mailserver selection ... Share what's on your mind and stay updated with your contacts Status account settings You need to enter an account name Enter an account name... Account name Type Watch-only Off Status tree On Status tree Derivation path Storage This device Delete account A deleted account cannot be retrieved later. Only press yes if you backed up your key/seed or don't care about this account anymore Save changes Add custom token This needs to be a valid address Invalid ERC20 address Enter contract address... Contract address The name of your token... ABC Symbol Decimals Collectibles will appear here To From At Status Desktop is connected to a non-archival node. Transaction history may be incomplete. No transactions found Load More Total value Receive Back up your seed phrase Recipient Transaction completed Transaction failed Set Currency Signing phrase This is your signing phrase You should see these 3 words before signing each transaction If you see a different combination, cancel the transaction and sign out Remind me later Manage Assets Account Settings Collectibles Generate an account Add a watch-only address Enter a seed phrase Enter a private key Add account from private key You need to enter a password Password needs to be 6 characters or more You need to enter a private key Enter a valid private key (64 characters hexadecimal string) Enter your password… Password Paste the contents of your private key Private key Loading... Add account You need to enter a seed phrase Enter a valid mnemonic Add account with a seed phrase Enter your seed phrase, separate words with commas or spaces... Seed phrase Add a watch-only account You need to enter an address This needs to be a valid address (starting with 0x) Enter address... Account address Token details Remove token Transaction Details 9999 Confirmations When the transaction has 12 confirmations you can consider it settled. Block Hash Gas limit Gas price Gas used Nonce Something went wrong Reload Maximum number of collectibles to display reached View Unnamed ID Description US Dollars Euros United Arab Emirates dirham Afghan afghani Argentine peso Australian dollar Barbadian dollar Bangladeshi taka Bulgarian lev Bahraini dinar Brunei dollar Bolivian boliviano Brazillian real Bhutanese ngultrum Canadian dollar Swiss franc Chilean peso Chinese yuan Colombian peso Costa Rican colón Czech koruna Danish krone Dominican peso Egyptian pound Ethiopian birr British Pound Georgian lari Ghanaian cedi Hong Kong dollar Croatian kuna Hungarian forint Indonesian rupiah Israeli new shekel Indian rupee Icelandic króna Jamaican dollar Japanese yen Kenyan shilling South Korean won Kuwaiti dinar Kazakhstani tenge Sri Lankan rupee Moroccan dirham Moldovan leu Mauritian rupee Malawian kwacha Mexican peso Malaysian ringgit Mozambican metical Namibian dollar Nigerian naira Norwegian krone Nepalese rupee New Zealand dollar Omani rial Peruvian sol Papua New Guinean kina Philippine peso Pakistani rupee Polish złoty Paraguayan guaraní Qatari riyal Romanian leu Serbian dinar Russian ruble Saudi riyal Swedish krona Singapore dollar Thai baht Trinidad and Tobago dollar New Taiwan dollar Tanzanian shilling Turkish lira Ukrainian hryvnia Ugandan shilling Uruguayan peso Venezuelan bolívar Vietnamese đồng South African rand View Community Browser Timeline Contact request accepted New contact request You can now chat with %1 %1 requests to become contacts Where do you want to go? Status Desktop Open Status Quit Create a password New password... Confirm password… At least 6 characters. You will use this password to unlock status on this device & sign transactions. Create password Error importing account An error occurred while importing your account: Login failed Login failed. Please re-enter your password and try again. Enter seed phrase This seed phrase doesn't match our supported dictionary. Check for misspelled words. Start with the first word Enter 12, 15, 18, 21 or 24 words. Seperate words by a single space. Invalid seed phrase Choose a chat name Truly private communication Chat over a peer-to-peer, encrypted network where messages can't be censored or hacked Secure crypto wallet Send and receive digital assets anywhere in the world--no bank account required Decentralized apps Explore games, exchanges and social networks where you alone own your data Thanks for trying Status Desktop! Please note that this is an alpha release and we advise you that using this app should be done for testing purposes only and you assume the full responsibility for all risks concerning your data and funds. Status makes no claims of security or integrity of funds in these builds. I understand Status does not collect, share or sell any personal data. By continuing you agree with the privacy policy. I'm new, generate keys Access existing key Enter password Connecting... Login failed: %1 Generate new keys Your keys Add another existing key Your keys have been successfully recovered You will have to create a new code or password to re-encrypt your keys Re-encrypt your keys Cannot find asset '%1'. Ensure this asset has been added to the token list. ENS Username not found eg. 0x1234 or ENS Paste You need to request the recipient’s address first. Assets won’t be sent yet. Invalid source Insufficient balance Must be greater than 0 Priority Use suggestions Use custom Low High Gas amount limit Per-gas overall limit Maximum overall price for the transaction. If the block base fee exceeds this, it will be included in a following block with a lower base fee. Must be greater than or equal to 0 This needs to be a number Please enter an amount The amount is 0. Proceed only if this is desired. Balance: Asset & Amount Blocking will remove any messages you received from %1 and stop new messages from reaching you. Account color Confirm your action Confirm Are you sure you want to this? Do not show this again Please select a contact Select a contact Contact does not have an ENS address. Please send a transaction in chat. No contact selected Copied! Slow Optimal Fast Reset Advanced Custom Network Fee Gwei Apply Not enough ETH for gas Copied Pasted Copy Invalid ethereum address Address My account Contact Search In: Messages Tokens will be sent directly to a contract address, which may result in a loss of funds. To transfer ERC-20 tokens, ensure the recipient address is the address of the destination wallet. View on Etherscan <a href='%1' style='color:%2;text-decoration:none;'>%3</a> Asset Amount Data field Signing phrase is a 3 word combination that displayed when you entered the wallet on this device for the first time. Enter the password you use to unlock this device Unblocking will allow new messages you received from %1 to reach you. Send transaction Request transaction Public chat Not a contact Image files (%1) Your message is too long. Please make your message shorter. We have set the limit to 2000 characters to be courteous of others. Type a message Bold Italic Strikethrough Code No recent emojis Buy for %1 SNT Uninstall Install Free Pending... Update Could not buy Stickerpack Stickerpack bought successfully You don't have any stickers yet Recently used stickers will appear here Get Stickers Ethereum explorer Custom... Search engine Dapp permissions Revoke access Revoke all access Show more %1 invited you to join the group All Mentions Replies Contact requests Mark all as Read Show read notifications Hide read notifications Notification settings You need to be mutual contacts with this person for them to receive your messages Waiting for %1 to accept your request Just click this button to add them as contact. They will receive a notification. Once they accept the request, you'll be able to chat Back up community key Back up Member name Community members will appear here No contacts found Your community is free to join, but new members are required to be approved by the community creator first Your community can only be joined by an invitation from existing community members Your community is free for anyone to join You should keep it safe and only share it with people you trust to take ownership of your community You can also use this key to import your community on another device Decline and block Decline all contacts Are you sure you want to decline all these contact requests Accept all contacts Are you sure you want to accept all these contact requests Decline all Accept all Pin limit reached Unpin a previous message first %1 messages %1 message Pinned messages will appear here. I accept Format not supported. Upload %1 only You can only upload %1 images at a time Max image size is %1 MB TODO NOW %1M %1H %1D Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Jan Feb Mar Apr Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Start a 1-on-1 chat with %1 Join the %1 community Join the %1 group chat Join the %1 public channel words Mainnet with upstream RPC POA Network xDai Chain Goerli with upstream RPC Rinkeby with upstream RPC Ropsten with upstream RPC You need to repeat your password Passwords don't match You need to enter a %1 The %1 cannot exceed %2 characters Must be an hexadecimal color (eg: #4360DF) Use only lowercase letters (a to z), numbers & dashes (-). Do not use chat keys. community-image-delete public Awam AboutView Status Desktop Privacy Policy Check for updates Current Version Release Notes Our Principles Status desktop’s GitHub Repositories Status Go StatusQ go-waku Legal & Privacy Documents Terms of Use Software License AcceptRejectOptionsButtonsPanel View Profile Decline and block AccessExistingCommunityPopup You need to enter a key Import Error importing the community AccountView Type Storage Watch-Only Account Generated by your Status seed phrase profile Imported Account On Device Derivation Path Remove from your profile Confirm %1 Removal You will not be able to restore viewing access to this account in the future unless you enter this account’s address again. Remove Account ActivityCenterMessageComponentView Mark as Read Mark as Unread AddAccountModal Advanced Generate an account Wrong password You need to enter a password Password needs to be 6 characters or more Enter your password… Password Enter an account name... Account name You need to enter an account name color Loading... Add account AddEditSavedAddressPopup Name Address Save Edit saved address Add saved address Enter a name Name must not be blank This is not a valid account name Enter ENS Name or Ethereum Address Please enter a valid ENS name OR Ethereum Address Add address AddFavoriteModal URL Paste URL Paste Pasted Name Favorite added Edit Add favorite Please enter a valid URL Name of the website Please enter a name Remove Done Add Add Favorite AdvancedContainer Online users AdvancedView disable nyahdayakan enable Aktifkan Fleet Minimize on close Application Logs Experimental features Wallet WalletSettingsLineButton Dapp Browser Community History Archive Protocol Node Management Keycard Bloom filter level Warning! The account will be logged out. When you login again, the selected mode will be enabled Light Node Normal Full Node WakuV2 mode Developer features Full developer mode Download messages Telemetry Debug Auto message Are you sure you want to enable all the develoer features? The app will be restarted. Are you sure you want to enable telemetry? This will reduce your privacy level while using Status. You need to restart the app for this change to take effect. Are you sure you want to enable auto message? You need to restart the app for this change to take effect. Are you sure you want to %1 debug mode? You need to restart the app for this change to take effect. This feature is experimental and is meant for testing purposes by core contributors and the community. It's not meant for real use and makes no claims of security or integrity of funds or data. Use at your own risk. I understand AllowNotificationsView Ok, got it Allow notifications Status will notify you about new messages. You can edit your notification preferences later in settings. AppMain Where do you want to go? Profile Picture Make this my Profile Pic Invite People View Community Leave Community A new version of Status (%1) is available Download Your version is up to date Close Can not connect to mailserver The mailserver you're connecting to is unavailable. Pick another Retry AppearanceView XS S M L XL XXL Preview Blockchains will drop search costs, causing a kind of decomposition that allows you to have markets of entities that are horizontally segregated and vertically segregated. Size Change font size Change Zoom (requires restart) 50% 100% 150% 200% Appearance Light Dark System BackupSeedModal Back up your seed phrase Continue Not Now Confirm Seed Phrase Complete & Delete My Seed Phrase Confirm word #%1 of your seed phrase BackupSeedStepBase Enter word Wrong word Word #%1 BeforeGetStartedModal Privacy Policy Before you get started I acknowledge that status desktop is in beta and by using it I take the full responsibility for all risks concerning my data and funds Before you get started... Get Started I acknowledge that Status Desktop is in Beta and by using it I take the full responsibility for all risks concerning my data and funds. I accept Status Terms of Use Terms of service Get started BrowserLayout Transaction pending... Error sending the transaction Error signing message View on etherscan Server's certificate not trusted Do you wish to continue? If you wish so, you may continue with an unverified certificate. Accepting an unverified certificate means you may not be connected with the host you tried to connect to. Do you wish to override the security check and continue? ChatContextMenuView Leave group Save Delete Are you sure you want to leave this chat? View Members Add / remove from group Test WakuV2 - requestAllHistoricMessages Edit name Mark as Read Clear history Edit Channel Download Delete Channel Delete chat Leave chat Download messages Delete #%1 Are you sure you want to delete #%1 channel? Are you sure you want to delete this chat? ChatView Members Remove contact Are you sure you want to remove this contact? CollectibleDetailsHeader Send CollectibleModal description Penerangan unnamed id View in Opensea CollectiblesStore Collectibles CollectiblesView Collectibles will appear here CommunitiesListPanel Cancel Leave community Leave %1 Are you sure you want to leave? Once you leave, you will have to request to rejoin if you change your mind. CommunitiesPopup Communities 1 member %1 members Create a community Search for communities or topics Access existing community CommunitiesPortalLayout Search Find community Import Community Create New Community Featured Popular CommunityColorPicker Community colour CommunityColumnView Create channel Create category 1 Member %1 Members Start chat Membership requests Invite people Unmute category Mute category Edit Category Delete Category Delete %1 category Are you sure you want to delete %1 category? Channels inside the category won’t be deleted. Create channel or category Error deleting the category CommunityDescriptionInput Description What your community is about community description CommunityDetailPopup Join ‘%1’ Pending Unknown community Public community Invitation only community On request community - ENS only %1 members Channels You need to be invited Request to join ‘%1’ Error joining the community CommunityEditSettingsPanel A catchy name community name Description What your community is about Pick a color CommunityHeaderButton 1 member %1 members CommunityMembersSettingsPanel Members Member name Ban Kick Membership requests Community members will appear here No contacts found You CommunityNameInput A catchy name community name Community name CommunityProfilePopup Members Transfer ownership Public community Invitation only community On request community Unknown community Invite friends Invite CommunityProfilePopupInviteFriendsPanel Copied! Contacts Share community CommunityProfilePopupMembersListPanel Member name CommunityProfilePopupOverviewPanel Copied! Share community Transfer ownership Leave community CommunitySettingsView Members Notifications Settings Overview Open legacy popup (to be removed) Back to community Error editing the community CommunityUserList Members ConfirmPasswordView Passwords don't match Have you written down your password? You will never be able to recover your password if you lose it. If you need to, write it using pen and paper and keep in a safe place. If you lose your password you will lose access to your Status profile. Confirm your password (again) Confirm you password (again) Finalise Status Password Creation Keys for this account already exist Keys for this account already exist and can't be added again. If you've lost your password, passcode or Keycard, uninstall the app, reinstall and access your keys by entering your seed phrase Login failed Login failed. Please re-enter your password and try again. ConfirmationDialog Confirm Reject Cancel Confirm your action Do not show this again Are you sure you want to do this? ContactPanel View Profile Send message Respond to ID Request See ID Request Rename ContactsColumnView Start chat Chat Search Join public chats Contact requests Community imported Importing community is in progress ContactsView Contacts Send contact request to chat key Search by a display name or chat key Pending Requests Blocked Identity Verified Contacts You don’t have any contacts yet Received Sent Remove contact Are you sure you want to remove this contact? Controls XS S M L XL XXL 50% 100% 150% 200% CreateCategoryPopup Category title category name Edit category New category Name the category Channels Delete category Delete %1 category Are you sure you want to delete %1 category? Channels inside the category won’t be deleted. Save Create Error editing the category Error creating the category CreateChannelPopup Channel name channel name Description Describe the channel channel description New channel Edit #%1 Name the channel Channel colour Pick a color Save Create Error creating the community CreateChatView Contacts To: USER LIMIT REACHED You can only send direct messages to your Contacts. Send a contact request to the person you would like to chat with, you will be able to chat with them once they have accepted your contact request. You can only send direct messages to your Contacts. Send a contact request to the person you would like to chat with, you will be able to chat with them once they have accepted your contact request. You can only send direct messages to your Contacts. Send a contact request to the person you would like to chat with, you will be able to chat with them once they have accepted your contact request. Confirm CreateCommunityPopup You need to enter a color This field needs to be an hexadecimal color (eg: #4360DF) Community color Pick a color Please choose a color Next Error creating the community Name your community A catchy name Give it a short description What your community is about Community colour Create New Community Create Community CreatePasswordView Create password DemoApp Invite People View Community Edit Community Leave Community DerivationPathsPanel Reset Derivation Path DerivedAddressesPanel Pending Account No activity Invalid path Has Activity No Activity DisplayNamePopup Edit Ok Display Name OK EnsDetailsView Wallet address Key Connect username with your pubkey Copied to clipboard! Release username Username locked. You won't be able to release it until %1 Back EnsSearchView Connect username with your pubkey At least 4 characters. Latin letters, numbers, and lowercase only. Letters and numbers only. Type the entire username including the custom domain like username.domain.eth Custom domain I want a stateofus.eth domain I own a name on another domain EnsView Transaction pending... View on etherscan ENS Registration failed ENS Registration completed Updating ENS pubkey failed Updating ENS pubkey completed ExemptionNotificationsModal Done %1 exemption Mute all messages Personal @ Mentions Global @ Mentions Other Messages Clear Exemptions GasSelector Priority Low High Must be greater than 0 This needs to be a number Please enter an amount Min 21000 units Not enough gas Miners will currently not process transactions with a tip below %1 Gwei, the average is %2 Gwei The average miner tip is %1 Gwei Gas Price Current base fee: %1 %2 Use suggestions Use custom Optimal Gas amount limit Per-gas tip limit Gwei Per-gas overall limit Maximum priority fee: %1 ETH Maximum overall price for the transaction. If the block base fee exceeds this, it will be included in a following block with a lower base fee. GroupInfoPopup %1/%2 members Add members %1 members 1 member Search All your contacts are already in the group Pinned messages Admin Make Admin Remove From Group Add selected ImageCropperModal Crop your image (optional) Finish ImportPrivateKeyPanel Pending You need to enter a private key Enter a valid private key (64 characters hexadecimal string) Private key Paste the contents of your private key Public address Account already added Has Activity No Activity InsertCard Cancel Please insert your Keycard to proceed or press the cancel button to cancel the operation InsertDetailsView Next Profile picture Your profile Longer and unusual names are better as they are less likely to be used by someone else. Display name Chatkey: Choose an image for profile picture Make this my profile picture Your emojihash and identicon ring This set of emojis and coloured ring around your avatar are unique and represent your chat key, so your friends can easily distinguish you from potential impersonators. InvitationBubbleView Unsupported state Membership requires an ENS username You need to be invited Pending View Request Access Join Verified community invitation Community invitation %1 members Error joining the community KeysMainView Enter a seed phrase Generate new keys intro-wizard-title1 a-set-of-keys-controls-your-account.-your-keys-live-on-your-device,-so-only-you-can-use-them. Connect your keys Use your existing Status keys to login to this device. Get your keys A set of keys controls your account. Your keys live on your device, so only you can use them. Import a seed phrase Seed phrases are used to back up and restore your keys. Only use this option if you already have a seed phrase. LanguageView Language Set Display Currency Search Currencies Search Languages Date Format DD/MM/YY MM/DD/YY Time Format 24-Hour Time 12-Hour Time Change language Display language has been changed. You must restart the application for changes to take effect. Close the app now Layout Invite People View Community To: USER LIMIT REACHED Edit Community Leave Community LeftTabView Settings Sign out Make sure you have your account password and seed phrase stored. Without them you can lock yourself out of your account and lose funds. Sign out & Quit Wallet Total value Add account Saved addresses LoginView Ok Welcome back Add new user Add existing Status user Connecting... Password Enter password Login failed: %1 Password incorrect MenuPanel Settings Apps About & Help MessageContextMenuView Jump to Copy image Download image Block User Unblock User Rename Reply to Edit message Copy Message Id Unpin Pin Delete message Please choose a directory Confirm deleting this message Are you sure you want to delete this message? Be aware that other clients are not guaranteed to delete the message as well. MessagingView Contacts Allow new contact requests Show My Profile Picture To Everyone No One See Profile Pictures From Open Message Links With Status Browser System Default Browser Contacts, Requests, and Blocked Users Display Message Link Previews Fine tune which sites to allow link previews Image unfurling All images (links that contain an image extension) will be downloaded and displayed Message syncing Waku nodes For security reasons, private chat history won't be synced. MyProfileView ENS username Chat key Share Profile URL Change Password Edit Preview NicknamePopup Nickname Nicknames help you identify others in Status. Only you can see the nicknames you’ve added Done NoImageUploadedPanel Upload Wide aspect ratio is optimal NotificationsView Messages You have a new message Anonymous Community 1:1 Chat Group Chat Muted Off Quiet Personal @ Mentions %1 Global @ Mentions %1 Alerts Other Messages %1 Multiple Exemptions Enable Notifications in macOS Settings To receive Status notifications, make sure you've enabled them in your computer's settings under <b>System Preferences > Notifications</b> Sync your devices to share notifications preferences Syncing > Allow Notifications 1:1 Chats Group Chats Personal @ Mentions Messages containing @%1 Global @ Mentions Messages containing @here and @channel All Messages Others Contact Requests Identity Verification Requests Notification Content Show Name and Message Hi there! So EIP-1559 will defini... Name Only Play a Sound When Receiving a Notification Volume Send a Test Notification Exemptions Search Communities, Group Chats and 1:1 Chats Most recent PasswordView Create a password Passwords don't match Create a password to unlock Status on this device & sign transactions. You will not be able to recover this password if it is lost. Minimum %1 characters. To strengthen your password consider including: This password has been pwned and shouldn't be used This password is a common word and shouldn't be used Password must be at least %1 characters long Current password New password Very weak Weak So-so Good Great Lower case Upper case Numbers Symbols Confirm password PermissionsListView Disconnect Disconnect All PinnedMessagesPopup Unpin Pin limit reached Pinned messages Unpin a previous message first %1 messages %1 message Pinned messages will appear here. ProfileLayout Contacts Testnet mode is enabled. All balances, transactions and dApp interactions will be on testnets. Secure your seed phrase Back up now ProfilePopup ENS username Chat key Share Profile URL Chat settings Nickname None Remove contact Are you sure you want to remove this contact? Unblock User Block User Add to contacts 's Profile Send Contact Request to Verify %1's Identity My Profile %1's Profile Send Contact Request to %1 Cancel verification Remove Contact Send Contact Request Mark Untrustworthy Remove 'Identity Verified' status No Yes Remove Untrustworthy Mark Verify Identity Verify Identity pending... Send verification request Verification request sent Confirm Identity Rename Close ProfileSectionStore Profile ENS usernames Wallet Browser Communities Appearance Back up seed phrase Advanced Messaging Notifications & Sounds Language & Currency Devices settings About Sign out & Quit RateView Upload Bandwidth Kb/s Download ReceiveModal Copy Receive Legacy Multichain Your Address RootStore You Start a 1-on-1 chat with %1 Join the %1 community Join the %1 group chat SavedAddressesView Cancel Delete Saved addresses Add new address Edit Are you sure you want to remove '%1' from your saved addresses? Are you sure? No saved addresses SeedPhraseInputView Enter seed phrase Next Import Keys for this account already exist Keys for this account already exist and can't be added again. If you've lost your password, passcode or Keycard, uninstall the app, reinstall and access your keys by entering your seed phrase Error importing seed %1 words %1SeedButton Invalid seed Restore Status Profile SendContactRequestModal Paste Send Contact Request to chat key Enter chat key here Say who you are / why you want to become a contact... who are you Send Contact Request SendModal Transaction pending... Error sending the transaction Send Max: No balances active Please enter a valid amount To Enter an ENS name or address Error estimating gas: %1 Wrong password View on etherscan SendModalFooter Unknown Estimated Time: Max Fees: Send SendModalHeader To SettingsPageLayout Cancel Save changes SignTransactionModal Send Continue Error estimating gas: %1 Transaction pending... Error sending the transaction Choose account Network fee Transaction preview Sign with password Send %1 %2 Next Wrong password View on etherscan StatusAppCommunityView Members StatusChatInput Send Message Please choose an image Image files (%1) Your message is too long. Please make your message shorter. We have set the limit to 2000 characters to be courteous of others. Bold Italic Strikethrough Code Unblock StatusChatListAndCategories More Add channel inside category StatusChatListCategoryItem More Add channel inside category StatusChatListItem Unmute StatusChatToolBar Search Members More StatusColorDialog Preview This is not a valid color Standart colours Select Colour StatusExpandableSettingsItemPage Back up seed phrase Not Implemented StatusListPicker Search StatusMacNotification Open My latest message with a return StatusStickerMarket This feature is experimental and is meant for testing purposes by core contributors and the community. It's not meant for real use and makes no claims of security or integrity of funds or data. Use at your own risk. I understand StatusTokenInlineSelector or Hold to post StatusWalletColorSelect Account color TabNetworkAndFees Advanced Custom Slow TransactionSettingsConfirmationPopup Are you sure? Your priority fee is below our suggested parameters. Current base fee %1 Gwei Current minimum tip Current average tip Your tip limit Suggested minimum tip Your price limit Suggested minimum price limit Change Limit Continue anyway TransferOwnershipPopup Transfer ownership Community private key Copy Copied You should keep it safe and only share it with people you trust to take ownership of your community You can also use this key to import your community on another device UploadProfilePicModal Profile picture Remove Upload Done Upload profile picture Choose an image for profile picture Make this my profile picture UserList Members UsernameLabel You Utils Password needs to be 6 characters or more You need to enter a %1 now Sekarang Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Yesterday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday NOW %1M %1H %1D words You need to enter a password You need to repeat your password Passwords don't match You need to enter a PIN The PIN must contain only digits The PIN must be exactly 6 digits You need to repeat your PIN PIN don't match The %1 cannot exceed %2 characters Must be an hexadecimal color (eg: #4360DF) Use only lowercase letters (a to z), numbers & dashes (-). Do not use chat keys. Value has to be at least %1 characters long Unknown < 1 min < 3 mins < 5 mins > 5 mins years ago year ago months ago month ago weeks ago week ago days ago day ago hours ago hour ago mins ago min ago secs ago sec ago WalletView Wallet Networks DApp Permissions Testnet Mode AcceptTransactionView Accept and share address Accept and send Decline Acknowledgements Secure Your Assets and Funds Your seed phrase is a 12-word passcode to your funds. Your seed phrase cannot be recovered if lost. Therefore, you <b>must</b> back it up. The simplest way is to <b>write it down offline and store it somewhere secure.</b> I have a pen and paper I am ready to write down my seed phrase I know where I’ll store it You can only complete this process once. Status will not store your seed phrase and can never help you recover it. ActivityCenterPopup Show more ActivityCenterPopupTopBarPanel All Mentions Replies Mark all as Read Show read notifications Hide read notifications Notification settings AddShowTokenModal Add custom token This needs to be a valid address Invalid ERC20 address Enter contract address... Contract address The name of your token... Name ABC Symbol Decimals Changing settings failed Add AddWakuNodeModal Waku nodes Name Specify a name You need to enter a name History node address You need to enter the enode address The format must be: enode://{enode-id}:{password}@{ip-address}:{port} Save AddressInput ENS Username not found AddressRequiredValidator You need to request the recipient’s address first. Assets won’t be sent yet. AddressSourceSelector Invalid source AdvancedAddAccountView Enter address... Account address This needs to be a valid address (starting with 0x) You need to enter an address AppSearch No results Anywhere AssetAndAmountInput Insufficient balance Must be greater than or equal to 0 This needs to be a number Please enter an amount Balance: Asset & Amount The amount is 0. Proceed only if this is desired. BackUpCommuntyBannerPanel Back up community key Back up BalanceExceeded Balance exceeded No networks available BalanceValidator Insufficient balance BlockContactConfirmationDialog Block User Blocking will stop new messages from reaching you from %1. BloomSelectorButton TODO BrowserConnectionModal '%1' would like to connect to Allowing authorizes this DApp to retrieve your wallet address and enable Web3 Granting access authorizes this DApp to retrieve your chat key Deny Allow BrowserHeader Enter URL BrowserSettingsMenu New Tab Exit Incognito mode Go Incognito Zoom In Zoom Out Find Compatibility mode Developer Tools Settings BrowserTabStyle Start Page BrowserTabView Start Page New Tab Downloads Page BrowserView Search engine used in the address bar None Show Favorites Bar Connected DApps No connected dApps Connecting a dApp grants it permission to view your address and balances, and to send you transaction requests BrowserWalletMenu Mainnet Ropsten Unknown Disconnect Assets History BrowserWebEngineView Add Favorite ChangePasswordModal Change password Change password used to unlock Status on this device & sign transactions. Change Password ChangePasswordSuccessModal <b>Password changed</b> You need to sign in again using the new password. Sign out & Quit ChangeProfilePicModal Profile picture Remove Upload Please choose an image Image files (*.jpg *.jpeg *.png) ChannelIdentifierView Welcome to the beginning of the <span style='color: %1'>%2</span> group! Any messages you send here are encrypted and can only be read by you and <span style='color: %1'>%2</span> ChatButtonsPanel Add reaction Reply Edit Unpin Pin Delete Confirm deleting this message Are you sure you want to delete this message? Be aware that other clients are not guaranteed to delete the message as well. ChatColumnView Send Request Address Request ChatCommandModal Continue Receive on account From account Address request required From To Preview Transaction preview Next ChatCommandsPopup Send transaction Request transaction ChatContentView Contact Not a contact Public chat %1 members 1 member Connected Disconnected Blocked This user has been blocked. ChatMessagesView Loading... Failed to send message. ChatRequestMessagePanel You need to be mutual contacts with this person for them to receive your messages Just click this button to add them as contact. They will receive a notification. Once they accept the request, you'll be able to chat Add to contacts ChooseBrowserPopup Choose browser Open in Status Open in my default browser Remember my choice. To override it, go to settings. ClosedEmptyPanel Your chats will appear here. To start new chats press the  button at the top CollectibleCollectionView No collectibles available CollectibleDetailView Properties Levels Stats CollectiblesContent Something went wrong Reload CollectiblesHeader Maximum number of collectibles to display reached CollectiblesModal View Unnamed CollectiblesModalContent ID Description CommunitiesView Import community Communities you've joined CommunityBannerPicker Community banner Choose an image for banner Make this my Community banner CommunityChannelsAndCategoriesBannerPanel Expand your community by adding more channels and categories Add channels Add categories CommunityColorPanel Community Colour Select Community Colour This is not a valid colour White text should be legable on top of this colour Standard colours CommunityDelegate Admin Member CommunityIntroDialog Welcome to %1 Join %1 Community <b>%1</b> has no intro message... I agree with the above CommunityIntroMessageInput Community introduction and rules What new members will read before joining (eg. community rules, welcome message, etc.). Members will need to tick a check box agreeing to these rules before they are allowed to join your community. community intro message CommunityLogoPicker Community logo Choose an image as logo Make this my Community logo CommunityOptions Community history service Request to join required Any member can pin a message CommunityOutroMessageInput Leaving community message The message a member will see when they leave your community community intro message CommunityOverviewSettingsPanel Overview Edit Community This node is the Community Owner Node. For your Community to function correctly try to keep this computer with Status running and onlinie as much as possible. Welcome to your community! Invite new people Try an airdrop to reward your community for engagement! Airdrop Tokens Back up community key Back up CommunityTagsPanel Community Tags Confirm Community Tags Select tags that will fit your Community Search tags Selected tags CommunityTagsPicker Tags CommunityWelcomeBannerPanel Welcome to your community! Add members Manage community CompactMessageView Pinned by %1 Cancel Save ConfirmAddExistingKeyModal Enter seed phrase Do you want to add another existing key? Add another existing key ConfirmAppRestartModal Application Restart Please restart the application to apply the changes. Restart ConfirmSeedPhrasePanel Write down your 12-word seed phrase to keep offline Reveal seed phrase The next screen contains your seed phrase. <b>Anyone</b> who sees it can use it to access to your funds. ConfirmStoringSeedPhrasePanel Complete back up Store Your Phrase Offline and Complete Your Back Up By completing this process, you will remove your seed phrase from this application’s storage. This makes your funds more secure. You will remain logged in, and your seed phrase will be entirely in your hands. I acknowledge that Status will not be able to show me my seed phrase again. I aknowledge that Status will not be able to show me my seed phrase again. Constants Username must be at least 5 characters Only letters, numbers, underscores and hyphens allowed 24 character username limit Usernames ending with '-eth' are not allowed Usernames ending with '_eth' are not allowed Usernames ending with '.eth' are not allowed Sorry, the name you have chosen is not allowed, try picking another username (edited) Username already taken :( Username doesn’t belong to you :( Continuing will connect this username with your chat key. ✓ Username available! Username is already connected with your chat key and can be used inside Status. This user name is owned by you and connected with your chat key. Continue to set `Show my ENS username in chats`. Continuing will require a transaction to connect the username with your current chat key. Contact Admin ContactRequestsPopup Contact requests Decline all contacts Are you sure you want to decline all these contact requests Accept all contacts Are you sure you want to accept all these contact requests Decline all Accept all ContactSelector Please select a contact Select a contact Contact does not have an ENS address. Please send a transaction in chat. No contact selected You don’t have any contacts yet ContactVerificationRequestPopup %1 is asking you to verify your identity %1 would like to verify your identity. Answer the question to prove your identity to %2 Provide answer to verification request from this contact. Your answer has been sent to %1. Refuse Verification Send Answer Change answer Close ContactsListAndSearch Enter a valid chat key or ENS username Can't chat with yourself Enter ENS username or chat key ContactsListPanel Contact Request Sent Contact Request Rejected CopyToClipBoardButton Copied! CreatePasswordModal Store password Create a password Current password... New password... Confirm password… At least 6 characters. You will use this password to unlock status on this device & sign transactions. Create password Error importing account An error occurred while importing your account: Login failed Login failed. Please re-enter your password and try again. Incorrect password CryptoServicesModal Buy / Sell crypto Choose a service you'd like to use to buy crypto CurrenciesStore US Dollars British Pound Euros Russian ruble South Korean won Ethereum Tokens Bitcoin Status Network Token Dai United Arab Emirates dirham Other Fiat Afghan afghani Argentine peso Australian dollar Barbadian dollar Bangladeshi taka Bulgarian lev Bahraini dinar Brunei dollar Bolivian boliviano Brazillian real Bhutanese ngultrum Canadian dollar Swiss franc Chilean peso Chinese yuan Colombian peso Costa Rican colón Czech koruna Danish krone Dominican peso Egyptian pound Ethiopian birr Georgian lari Ghanaian cedi Hong Kong dollar Croatian kuna Hungarian forint Indonesian rupiah Israeli new shekel Indian rupee Icelandic króna Jamaican dollar Japanese yen Kenyan shilling Kuwaiti dinar Kazakhstani tenge Sri Lankan rupee Moroccan dirham Moldovan leu Mauritian rupee Malawian kwacha Mexican peso Malaysian ringgit Mozambican metical Namibian dollar Nigerian naira Norwegian krone Nepalese rupee New Zealand dollar Omani rial Peruvian sol Papua New Guinean kina Philippine peso Pakistani rupee Polish złoty Paraguayan guaraní Qatari riyal Romanian leu Serbian dinar Saudi riyal Swedish krona Singapore dollar Thai baht Trinidad and Tobago dollar New Taiwan dollar Tanzanian shilling Turkish lira Ukrainian hryvnia Ugandan shilling Uruguayan peso Venezuelan bolívar Vietnamese đồng South African rand DateGroup Today Yesterday January February March April May June July August September October November December DefaultDAppExplorerView Default DApp explorer none DevicesView Please set a name for your device. Specify a name Continue Advertise device Pair your devices to sync contacts and chats between them Learn more Paired devices Syncing... Sync all devices DownloadBar Cancelled Paused Show All DownloadMenu Open Show in folder Pause Resume Cancel DownloadPage Thanks for using Status You're curently using version %1 of Status. There's new version available to download. Get Status %1 DownloadView Cancelled Paused Downloaded files will appear here. ENSPopup Primary username Your messages are displayed to others with this username: Once you select a username, you won’t be able to disable it afterwards. You will only be able choose a different username to display. EmojiReactionsPanel Add reaction EmptyChatPanel Share your chat key or invite friends to start messaging in Status EnsAddedView ENS usernames Username added %1 is now connected with your chat key and can be used in Status. Ok, got it EnsConnectedView ENS usernames Username added %1 will be connected once the transaction is complete. You can follow the progress in the Transaction History section of your wallet. Ok, got it EnsListView Hey (pending) ENS usernames Add username Your usernames Chat settings Primary Username None selected You’re displaying your ENS username in chats EnsRegisteredView ENS usernames Username added Nice! You own %1.stateofus.eth once the transaction is complete. You can follow the progress in the Transaction History section of your wallet. Ok, got it EnsReleasedView ENS usernames Username removed The username %1 will be removed and your deposit will be returned once the transaction is mined You can follow the progress in the Transaction History section of your wallet. Ok, got it EnsTermsAndConditionsView ENS usernames Terms of name registration Funds are deposited for 1 year. Your SNT will be locked, but not spent. After 1 year, you can release the name and get your deposit back, or take no action to keep the name. If terms of the contract change — e.g. Status makes contract upgrades — user has the right to release the username regardless of time held. The contract controller cannot access your deposited funds. They can only be moved back to the address that sent them. Your address(es) will be publicly associated with your ENS name. Usernames are created as subdomain nodes of stateofus.eth and are subject to the ENS smart contract terms. You authorize the contract to transfer SNT on your behalf. This can only occur when you approve a transaction to authorize the transfer. These terms are guaranteed by the smart contract logic at addresses: %1 (Status UsernameRegistrar). <a href='%1%2'>Look up on Etherscan</a> %1 (ENS Registry). Wallet address Copied to clipboard! Key Agree to <a href="#">Terms of name registration.</a> I understand that my wallet address will be publicly connected to my username. Back 10 SNT Deposit Not enough SNT Register EnsWelcomeView Get a universal username ENS names transform those crazy-long addresses into unique usernames. Customize your chat name An ENS name can replace your random 3-word name in chat. Be @yourname instead of %1. Simplify your ETH address You can receive funds to your easy-to-share ENS name rather than your hexadecimal hash (0x...). Receive transactions in chat Others can send you funds via chat in one simple step. 10 SNT to register Register once to keep the name forever. After 1 year you can release the name and get your SNT back. Already own a username? You can verify and add any usernames you own in the next steps. Powered by Ethereum Name Services Start Only available on Mainnet FavoriteMenu Open in new Tab Edit Remove FetchMoreMessagesButton ↓ Fetch more messages Before %1 before--%1 FleetRadioSelector Warning! Change fleet to %1 FleetsModal Fleet GapComponent fetch-messages between--1-and--2 Fetch messages Between %1 and %2 GasSelectorButton Low GasValidator Not enough ETH for gas GroupChatPanel To: USER LIMIT REACHED Confirm HistoryView Status Desktop is connected to a non-archival node. Transaction history may be incomplete. No transactions found Load More HomePageView homepage System default Other Example: duckduckgo.com ImageCropWorkflow Supported image formats (%1) ImportCommunityPopup Import Community Entering a community key will grant you the ownership of that community. Please be responsible with it and don’t share the key with people you don’t trust. Community private key Import ImportSeedPhrasePanel Invalid seed phrase This seed phrase doesn't match our supported dictionary. Check for misspelled words. %1 words Input Copied Pasted Copy Paste InviteFriendsPopup Get Status at https://status.im Download Status link Copy to clipboard InviteFriendsToCommunityPopup Invite friends Invite successfully sent Invite JSDialogWindow Ok Cancel KeycardCreatePINModal Create PIN New PIN Confirm PIN Create a 6 digit long PIN LanguageStore Beta Languages LinksMessageView Enable automatic image unfurling Enable link previews in chat? Once enabled, links posted in the chat may share your metadata with their owners Enable in Settings Don't ask me again MailserverConnectionDialog Can not connect to mailserver The mailserver you're connecting to is unavailable. Pick another Retry MainView DApp Permissions Networks Accounts Generated from Your Seed Phrase Imported Watch-Only MembershipRequestsPopup Membership requests MessageStore and %1 more reacted with You MuteChatMenuItem Mute chat Unmute chat MutedChatsModal Muted chats Unmute MyProfileSettingsView Display name Display Name Biometric login and transaction authentication Communities Accounts You haven't joined any communities yet You don't have any wallet accounts yet NetworkCardsComponent Your Balances No Balance No Gas BALANCE: Disabled NetworkFilter All networks %n network(s) NetworkSelectPopup Layer 2 NetworkSelector Networks Choose a network to use for the transaction No networks available Simple Advanced Custom NetworksAdvancedCustomRoutingView Networks Show Unpreferred Networks The networks where the receipient will receive tokens. Amounts calculated automatically for the lowest cost. NetworksSimpleRoutingView Networks Choose a network to use for the transaction NetworksView Layer 2 Add Custom Network NoFriendsRectangle You don’t have any contacts yet. Invite your friends to start chatting. Invite friends NodeLayout Bloom Filter Usage Type json-rpc message... e.g {"method": "eth_accounts"} NotificationSelect Send Alerts Deliver Quietly Turn Off NotificationWindow Everything is connected PINModal Authenticate PIN PIN Insert your 6-digit PIN Authenticate PairingModal Insert pairing code Pairing code Insert the Keycard pairing code Pair PrivateChatPopup New chat My Profile ProfileHeader Chatkey:%1... ProfileView Blocked Send Request Receive Response Confirm Identity You have confirmed %1's identity. From now on this verification emblem will always be displayed alongside %1's nickname. You have marked %1 as Untrustworthy. From now on this Untrustworthy emblem will always be displayed alongside %1's nickname. ENS username Username Ask a question that only the real %1 will be able to answer e.g. a question about a shared experience, or ask Mark to enter a code or phrase you have sent to them via a different communication channel (phone, post, etc...). Waiting for %1's response... Copied to clipboard Chat key Share Profile URL Chat settings Nickname None Remove contact Are you sure you want to remove this contact? PublicChatPopup You need to enter a channel name The channel name can only contain lowercase letters, numbers and dashes Join public chat A public chat is where you get to hang out with others, make friends and talk about subjects of your interest. chat-name Start chat RecipientSelector Invalid ethereum address Address My account Contact Recipient RenameAccontModal Rename %1 Enter an account name... You need to enter an account name This is not a valid account name color Change Name Changing settings failed RenameGroupPopup Group name Save Retry Resend RightTabView Assets Collectibles Activity History SearchBox Search SearchEngineModal Search engine None SearchResults Non contacts No profile found SeedPhraseBackupWarning Back up your seed phrase Back up SeedPhraseTextArea Invalid seed phrase This seed phrase doesn't match our supported dictionary. Check for misspelled words. Start with the first word SelectAccountModal Select account Select account to share and receive assets Confirm and share address SelectAnotherAccountModal Your keys Add another existing key SelectGeneratedAccount Import new Seed Phrase Generate from Private key Add a watch-only address Imported Add new Origin SendContactRequestMenuItem Send Contact Request SendMessageMenuItem Send message SendToContractWarning Tokens will be sent directly to a contract address, which may result in a loss of funds. To transfer ERC-20 tokens, ensure the recipient address is the address of the destination wallet. SendTransactionButton Sign and send SettingsDirtyToastMessage Changes detected Cancel Save changes SignMessageModal Signature request From Data Message Reject Sign Sign with password SignPhraseModal Signing phrase This is your signing phrase You should see these 3 words before signing each transaction If you see a different combination, cancel the transaction and sign out Ok, got it Remind me later StateBubble Pending Confirmed Unknown token Address requested Waiting to accept Address shared Address received Transaction declined failure Unknown state StatusActivityCenterButton Activity StatusAddressOrEnsValidator Please enter a valid address or ENS name. StatusAddressValidator Please enter a valid address. StatusAppChatView Join public chats Start chat StatusAppCommunitiesPortalView Find community Featured Popular StatusAsyncEnsValidator ENS name could not be resolved in to an address StatusAsyncValidator invalid input StatusBadge 99+ StatusChatImageExtensionValidator Format not supported. Upload %1 only StatusChatImageLoader Error loading the image Loading image... StatusChatImageQtyValidator You can only upload %1 images at a time StatusChatImageSizeValidator Max image size is %1 MB StatusColorSpacePage Thickness Min saturate: Max saturate: Min value: Max value: Color StatusCommunityTagsPage Select tags that will fit your Community Search tags Selected tags StatusDialog Close Abort Cancel No to all No Open Save Save all Retry Ignore Ok Yes to all Yes Apply StatusETHTransactionModal Contract interaction Wrong password Error sending the transaction Continue Choose account Sign with password Next StatusEmojiSection No recent emojis StatusFloatValidator Please enter a valid numeric value. StatusGifColumn Remove from favorites Add to favorites StatusGifPopup Search Tenor TRENDING FAVORITES RECENT Enable Tenor GIFs? Once enabled, GIFs posted in the chat may share your metadata with Tenor. Enable Favorite GIFs will appear here Recent GIFs will appear here Error while contacting Tenor API, please retry. Retry StatusIntValidator Please enter a valid numeric value. StatusItemSelector and or StatusListPickerPage Search Languages Search Currencies StatusNotification Open StatusPasswordStrengthIndicator Very weak Weak So-so Good Great StatusSNTTransactionModal Authorize %1 %2 Error sending the transaction Wrong password Continue Choose account Sign with password Send %1 %2 Next StatusSearchListPopup Search... StatusSearchLocationMenu Anywhere StatusSearchPopup No results Anywhere Search In: In StatusSpellcheckingMenuItems Add to dictionary Disable Spellchecking StatusStackModal StackModal Next Finish StatusStickerButton Buy for %1 SNT Uninstall Install Free Pending... Cancel Update StatusStickersPopup You don't have any stickers yet Recently used stickers will appear here Get Stickers StatusTagSelectorPage To: USER LIMIT REACHED StatusUrlValidator Please enter a valid URL StatusValidator invalid input StatusWindowsTitleBar Status SubheaderTabBar Step %1 of %2 TabAddressSelectorView Saved My Accounts Recent Search for saved address No Saved Address No Recents ToastMessage View on Etherscan Transaction pending... TokenSettingsModal Manage Assets Add custom token TokenSettingsModalContent Token details Remove token Custom Default TouchIDAuthView Biometrics Would you like to use Touch ID to login to Status? Yes, use Touch ID I prefer to use my password TransactionBubbleView Transaction request ↑ Outgoing transaction ↓ Incoming transaction Token not found on your current network TransactionDelegate From To At TransactionModal Transaction Details confirmation(s) When the transaction has 12 confirmations you can consider it settled. Block Hash From To Gas limit Gas price Gas used Nonce TransactionPreview From Recipient Unknown Asset Amount Network fee Data Data field TransactionSigner You need to enter a password Password needs to be 6 characters or more Signing phrase Signing phrase is a 3 word combination that displayed when you entered the wallet on this device for the first time. Enter the password you use to unlock this device Password Enter password UnblockContactConfirmationDialog Unblock User Unblocking will allow new messages you received from %1 to reach you. UserListPanel Offline Online Inactive Do not disturb Idle UserStatusContextMenu View My Profile Always online Inactive Set status automatically Online Offline ViewProfileMenuItem View Profile WakuNodesModal Waku nodes Use Waku nodes Select node automatically Waku Nodes Node %1 Add a new node WalletFooter Send Receive Buy / Sell WelcomeView Welcome to Status Your fully decentralized gateway to Ethereum and Web3. Crypto wallet, privacy first group chat, and dApp browser. I am new to Status I already use Status main StatusQ Documentation App Status Desktop Open Status Quit