# StatusQ > An emerging reusable QML UI component library for Status applications. ## Usage StatusQ introduces a module namespace that semantically groups components so they can be easily imported. These modules are: - [StatusQ.Core](https://github.com/status-im/StatusQ/blob/master/src/StatusQ/Core/qmldir) - [StatusQ.Core.Theme](https://github.com/status-im/StatusQ/blob/master/src/StatusQ/Core/Theme/qmldir) - [StatusQ.Core.Utils](https://github.com/status-im/StatusQ/blob/master/src/StatusQ/Core/Utils/qmldir) - [StatusQ.Components](https://github.com/status-im/StatusQ/blob/master/src/StatusQ/Controls/qmldir) - [StatusQ.Controls](https://github.com/status-im/StatusQ/blob/master/src/StatusQ/Components/qmldir) - [StatusQ.Layout](https://github.com/status-im/StatusQ/blob/master/src/StatusQ/Layout/qmldir) - [StatusQ.Platform](https://github.com/status-im/StatusQ/blob/master/src/StatusQ/Platform/qmldir) - [StatusQ.Popups](https://github.com/status-im/StatusQ/blob/master/src/StatusQ/Popups/qmldir) Provided components can be viewed and tested in the [sandbox application](#viewing-and-testing-components) that comes with this repository. Other than that, modules and components can be used as expected. Example: ``` import Status.Core 0.1 import Status.Controls 0.1 StatusInput { ... } ``` ## Viewing and testing components To make viewing and testing components easy, we've added a sandbox application to this repository in which StatusQ components are being build. This is the first place where components see the light of the world and can be run in a proper application environment. ### Using Qt Creator The easiest way to run the sandbox application is to simply open the provided `sandbox.pro` file using Qt Creator. ### Using command line interface To run the sandbox from within a command line interface, run the following commands: ``` $ git clone https://github.com/status-im/StatusQ $ cd StatusQ/sandbox $ ./scripts/build ``` Once that is done, the sandbox can be started with the generated executable: ``` $ ./bin/sandbox ``` More Documentation available on the [wiki](https://hackmd.io/@status-desktop/B1naRjxh_/%2FwFtiXvOiQqCdw2lk6gbOLA)