import QtQuick 2.14 import QtQuick.Controls 2.14 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.14 import StatusQ.Core 0.1 import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1 import StatusQ.Controls 0.1 import StatusQ.Popups 0.1 import StatusQ.Components 0.1 import StatusQ.Core.Utils 0.1 import StatusQ.Controls.Validators 0.1 import utils 1.0 import "../stores" ColumnLayout { id: advancedSection property alias privateKey: privateKey.text property int addAccountType: AdvancedAddAccountView.AddAccountType.GenerateNew property string mnemonicText: getSeedPhraseString() property string errorString: "" property bool isValid: addAccountType === AdvancedAddAccountView.AddAccountType.ImportSeedPhrase ? grid.isValid : addAccountType === AdvancedAddAccountView.AddAccountType.ImportPrivateKey ? (privateKey.text !== "" && privateKey.valid) : true enum AddAccountType { GenerateNew, ImportSeedPhrase, ImportPrivateKey } function reset() { mnemonicText = "" errorString = "" select.currentIndex = 0 addAccountType = AdvancedAddAccountView.AddAccountType.GenerateNew privateKey.text = "" privateKey.reset() for(var i = 0; i < grid.model; i++) { if(grid.itemAtIndex(i)) { grid.itemAtIndex(i).textEdit.text = "" grid.itemAtIndex(i).textEdit.reset() } } } function validate() { errorString = ""; if(addAccountType == AdvancedAddAccountView.AddAccountType.ImportSeedPhrase) { mnemonicText = getSeedPhraseString() if (!Utils.isMnemonic(mnemonicText)) { //% "Invalid seed phrase" errorString = qsTrId("custom-seed-phrase") } else { errorString = onboardingModule.validateMnemonic(mnemonicText) const regex = new RegExp('word [a-z]+ not found in the dictionary', 'i'); if (regex.test(errorString)) { //% "Invalid seed phrase" errorString = qsTrId("custom-seed-phrase") + '. ' + //% "This seed phrase doesn't match our supported dictionary. Check for misspelled words." qsTrId("custom-seed-phrase-text-1") } } return errorString === "" } else if(addAccountType == AdvancedAddAccountView.AddAccountType.ImportPrivateKey) { if (privateKey.text === "") { //% "You need to enter a private key" errorString = qsTrId("you-need-to-enter-a-private-key") } else if (!Utils.isPrivateKey(privateKey.text)) { //% "Enter a valid private key (64 characters hexadecimal string)" errorString = qsTrId("enter-a-valid-private-key-(64-characters-hexadecimal-string)") } else { errorString = "" } return errorString === "" } return true } function getSeedPhraseString() { var seedPhrase = "" for(var i = 0; i < grid.model; i++) { seedPhrase += grid.itemAtIndex(i).text + " " } return seedPhrase } QtObject { id: _internal property int seedPhraseInputHeight: 44 property int seedPhraseInputWidth: 220 } spacing: Style.current.padding StatusSelect { id: select //% "Origin" label: qsTr("Origin") Layout.margins: Style.current.padding property int currentIndex: 0 selectedItemComponent: StatusListItem { id: selectedItem icon.background.color: "transparent" border.width: 1 border.color: Theme.palette.baseColor2 tagsDelegate: StatusListItemTag { color: model.color height: Style.current.bigPadding radius: 6 closeButtonVisible: false icon.emoji: model.emoji icon.emojiSize: Emoji.size.verySmall icon.isLetterIdenticon: true title: titleText.font.pixelSize: 12 titleText.color: Theme.palette.indirectColor1 } } model: ListModel { Component.onCompleted: { //% "Default" append({"name": qsTr("Default"), "iconName": "status", "accountsModel": RootStore.generatedAccounts, "enabled": true}) //% "Add new" append({"name": qsTr("Add new"), "iconName": "", "enabled": false}) //% "Import new Seed Phrase" append({"name": qsTr("Import new Seed Phrase"), "iconName": "seed-phrase", "enabled": true}) //% "Import new Private Key" append({"name": qsTr("Import new Private Key"), "iconName": "password", "enabled": true}) selectedItem.title = Qt.binding(function() {return get(select.currentIndex).name}) = Qt.binding(function() {return get(select.currentIndex).iconName}) selectedItem.tagsModel = Qt.binding(function() {return get(select.currentIndex).accountsModel}) } } selectMenu.delegate: StatusListItem { id: defaultListItem title: model.iconName tagsModel : model.accountsModel enabled: model.enabled icon.background.color: "transparent" icon.color: model.accountsModel ? Theme.palette.primaryColor1 : Theme.palette.directColor5 tagsDelegate: StatusListItemTag { color: model.color height: 24 radius: 6 closeButtonVisible: false icon.emoji: model.emoji icon.emojiSize: Emoji.size.verySmall icon.isLetterIdenticon: true title: titleText.font.pixelSize: 12 titleText.color: Theme.palette.indirectColor1 } onClicked: { advancedSection.addAccountType = (index === 2) ? AdvancedAddAccountView.AddAccountType.ImportSeedPhrase : (index === 3) ? AdvancedAddAccountView.AddAccountType.ImportPrivateKey : AdvancedAddAccountView.AddAccountType.GenerateNew select.currentIndex = index select.selectMenu.close() } } } StatusInput { id: privateKey //% "Private key" label: qsTrId("private-key") charLimit: 66 input.multiline: true input.minimumHeight: 80 input.maximumHeight: 108 //% "Paste the contents of your private key" input.placeholderText: qsTrId("paste-the-contents-of-your-private-key") visible: advancedSection.addAccountType === AdvancedAddAccountView.AddAccountType.ImportPrivateKey && advancedSection.visible errorMessage: advancedSection.errorString validators: [ StatusMinLengthValidator { minLength: 1 //% "You need to enter a private key" errorMessage: qsTrId("you-need-to-enter-a-private-key") }, StatusValidator { property var validate: function (value) { return Utils.isPrivateKey(value) } //% "Enter a valid private key (64 characters hexadecimal string)" errorMessage: qsTrId("enter-a-valid-private-key-(64-characters-hexadecimal-string)") } ] onVisibleChanged: { if(visible) privateKey.input.edit.forceActiveFocus(); } } GridView { id: grid Layout.preferredWidth: parent.width Layout.preferredHeight: visible ? (cellHeight * model/2) + footerItem.height: 0 Layout.leftMargin: Style.current.padding Layout.rightMargin: Style.current.padding visible: advancedSection.addAccountType === AdvancedAddAccountView.AddAccountType.ImportSeedPhrase && advancedSection.visible cellHeight: _internal.seedPhraseInputHeight + Style.current.halfPadding cellWidth: _internal.seedPhraseInputWidth + Style.current.halfPadding model: 12 interactive: false property bool isValid: checkIsValid() function checkIsValid() { var valid = model > 0 ? true: false for(var i = 0; i < model; i++) { if(grid.itemAtIndex(i)) valid &= grid.itemAtIndex(i).isValid } return valid } onVisibleChanged: { if(visible) grid.itemAtIndex(0).textEdit.input.edit.forceActiveFocus(); } // To-do Alex has introduced a model for bip39 dictonary, need to use it once its available // delegate: StatusSeedPhraseInput { id: statusSeedInput width: _internal.seedPhraseInputWidth height: _internal.seedPhraseInputHeight textEdit.errorMessageCmp.visible: false textEdit.input.anchors.topMargin: 11 leftComponentText: index + 1 property bool isValid: !!text onIsValidChanged: { grid.isValid = grid.checkIsValid() } onTextChanged: { if (text !== "") { grid.currentIndex = index; } } // To-do Alex has introduced a model for bip39 dictonary, need to use it once its available // // onDoneInsertingWord: { // advancedSection.mnemonicText += (index === 0) ? word : (" " + word); // for (var i = !grid.atXBeginning ? 12 : 0; i < grid.count; i++) { // if (parseInt(grid.itemAtIndex(i).leftComponentText) === (parseInt(leftComponentText)+1)) { // grid.itemAtIndex(i).textEdit.input.edit.forceActiveFocus(); // } // } // } onEditClicked: { grid.currentIndex = index; grid.itemAtIndex(index).textEdit.input.edit.forceActiveFocus(); } onKeyPressed: { if (event.key === Qt.Key_Tab || event.key === Qt.Key_Right) { for (var i = !grid.atXBeginning ? 12 : 0; i < grid.count; i++) { if (parseInt(grid.itemAtIndex(i).leftComponentText) === ((parseInt(leftComponentText)+1) <= grid.count ? (parseInt(leftComponentText)+1) : grid.count)) { grid.itemAtIndex(i).textEdit.input.edit.forceActiveFocus(); textEdit.input.tabNavItem = grid.itemAtIndex(i).textEdit.input.edit; } } } else if (event.key === Qt.Key_Left) { for (var i = !grid.atXBeginning ? 12 : 0; i < grid.count; i++) { if (parseInt(grid.itemAtIndex(i).leftComponentText) === ((parseInt(leftComponentText)-1) >= 0 ? (parseInt(leftComponentText)-1) : 0)) { grid.itemAtIndex(i).textEdit.input.edit.forceActiveFocus(); } } } else if (event.key === Qt.Key_Down) { grid.itemAtIndex((index+1 < grid.count) ? (index+1) : (grid.count-1)).textEdit.input.edit.forceActiveFocus(); } else if (event.key === Qt.Key_Up) { grid.itemAtIndex((index-1 >= 0) ? (index-1) : 0).textEdit.input.edit.forceActiveFocus(); } } textEdit.validators: [ StatusMinLengthValidator { errorMessage: qsTr("Enter a valid word") minLength: 3 } ] } footer: Item { width: grid.width - Style.current.padding height: button.height + errorMessage.height + 16*2 StatusBaseText { id: errorMessage anchors.left: parent.left anchors.right: parent.right anchors.topMargin: Style.current.padding height: visible ? implicitHeight : 0 visible: !!text text: errorString font.pixelSize: 12 color: Theme.palette.dangerColor1 horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter wrapMode: Text.WordWrap } StatusButton { id: button visible: false errorMessage.bottom anchors.topMargin: Style.current.padding anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter //% "Use 24 word seed phrase" text: grid.model === 12 ? qsTr("Use 24 word seed phrase"): qsTr("Use 12 word seed phrase") onClicked: grid.model = grid.model === 12 ? 24 : 12 } } } RowLayout { Layout.margins: Style.current.padding Layout.preferredWidth: parent.width spacing: Style.current.bigPadding StatusSelect { Layout.preferredWidth: 213 //% "Origin" label: qsTr("Derivation Path") selectedItemComponent: StatusListItem { width: parent.width icon.background.color: "transparent" border.width: 1 border.color: Theme.palette.baseColor2 title: "Default" subTitle: "m/44’/61’/0’/1" enabled: false } enabled: false } StatusSelect { Layout.preferredWidth: 213 //% "Origin" label: qsTr("Account") width: parent.width enabled: false selectedItemComponent: StatusListItem { icon.background.color: "transparent" border.width: 1 border.color: Theme.palette.baseColor2 title: "0x1234...abcd" subTitle: "No activity" enabled: false } } } }