import QtQuick 2.14 import QtQuick.Controls 2.14 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.14 import AppLayouts.Communities.panels 1.0 import AppLayouts.Chat.stores 1.0 import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1 import SortFilterProxyModel 0.2 import Storybook 1.0 import Models 1.0 SplitView { orientation: Qt.Vertical SplitView.fillWidth: true Logs { id: logs } ListModel { id: emptyModel } Button { text: "Back" onClicked: panel.navigateBack() } Timer { id: feesTimer interval: 1000 onTriggered: { panel.isFeeLoading = false panel.feeText = "0,0002 ETH (123,15 USD)" } } Rectangle { SplitView.fillWidth: true SplitView.fillHeight: true color: Theme.palette.statusAppLayout.rightPanelBackgroundColor MintTokensSettingsPanel { id: panel MintedTokensModel { id: mintedTokensModel } SortFilterProxyModel { id: privilegedTokensModel sourceModel: mintedTokensModel filters: ValueFilter { roleName: "isPrivilegedToken" value: true } } anchors.fill: parent anchors.topMargin: 50 // General: communityLogo: ModelsData.collectibles.doodles communityColor: "#FFC4E9" communityName: "Doodles" // It cannot be changed since owner token and tMaster token in tokenModel used are related to the `Doodles` community // Profile type: isAdmin: adminChecked.checked isOwner: ownerChecked.checked isTokenMasterOwner: masterTokenOwnerChecked.checked // Owner and TMaster related props: isOwnerTokenDeployed: deployCheck.checked isTMasterTokenDeployed: deployCheck.checked // Models: tokensModel: editorModelChecked.checked ? emptyModel : privilegedModelChecked.checked ? privilegedTokensModel : mintedTokensModel layer1Networks: NetworksModel.layer1Networks layer2Networks: NetworksModel.layer2Networks enabledNetworks: NetworksModel.enabledNetworks allNetworks: enabledNetworks accounts: WalletAccountsModel {} tokensModelWallet: ListModel { ListElement { symbol: "MAI" } } onMintCollectible: logs.logEvent("CommunityMintTokensSettingsPanel::mintCollectible") onMintAsset: logs.logEvent("CommunityMintTokensSettingsPanel::mintAssets") onDeleteToken: logs.logEvent("CommunityMintTokensSettingsPanel::deleteToken: " + tokenKey) onDeployFeesRequested: { feeText = "" feeErrorText = "" isFeeLoading = true feesTimer.restart() } } } LogsAndControlsPanel { id: logsAndControlsPanel SplitView.minimumHeight: 100 SplitView.preferredHeight: 300 logsView.logText: logs.logText ColumnLayout { CheckBox { id: ownerChecked checked: true text: "Is Owner? [Owner will be able to create an OWNER and TOKEN MASTER token]" } CheckBox { id: masterTokenOwnerChecked checked: true text: "Is TMaster token owner? [TMaster token owner will be able to mint / airdrop tokens once the TMaster is already created]" } CheckBox { id: adminChecked checked: true text: "Is admin? [Admis will be able to see token views, but NOT manage them, like creating new artwork or asset]" } RowLayout { RadioButton { id: editorModelChecked checked: true text: "No tokens minted yet" } RadioButton { id: privilegedModelChecked text: "Owner token and TMaster token only" } RadioButton { id: completeModelChecked text: "Minted tokens list" } } RowLayout { RadioButton { text: "Set all to 'In progress'" onClicked: mintedTokensModel.changeAllMintingStates(1) } RadioButton { text: "Set all to 'Error'" onClicked: mintedTokensModel.changeAllMintingStates(0) } RadioButton { id: deployCheck text: "Set all to 'Deployed'" onClicked: mintedTokensModel.changeAllMintingStates(2) } } } } } // category: Panels