import QtQuick 2.13 import QtQuick.Controls 2.13 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.13 import Qt.labs.platform 1.1 import utils 1.0 import StatusQ.Popups 0.1 import shared.popups 1.0 import "../popups" import "../popups/community" StatusPopupMenu { id: root property string currentFleet: "" property bool isCommunityChat: false property bool amIChatAdmin: false property string chatId: "" property string chatName: "" property string chatDescription: "" property string chatIcon: "" property int chatType: -1 property bool chatMuted: false signal displayProfilePopup(string publicKey) signal displayGroupInfoPopup(string chatId) signal requestAllHistoricMessages(string chatId) signal unmuteChat(string chatId) signal muteChat(string chatId) signal markAllMessagesRead(string chatId) signal clearChatHistory(string chatId) signal downloadMessages(string file) signal deleteChat(string chatId) signal leaveChat(string chatId) signal openPinnedMessagesList(string chatId) signal createCommunityChannel(string chatId, string newName, string newDescription) signal editCommunityChannel(string chatId, string newName, string newDescription) StatusMenuItem { id: viewProfileMenuItem text: { switch (root.chatType) { case Constants.chatType.oneToOne: //% "View Profile" return qsTrId("view-profile") case Constants.chatType.privateGroupChat: //% "View Group" return qsTrId("view-group") default: return "" } } "group-chat" enabled: root.chatType === Constants.chatType.oneToOne || root.chatType === Constants.chatType.privateGroupChat onTriggered: { if (root.chatType === Constants.chatType.oneToOne) { root.displayProfilePopup(root.chatId) } if (root.chatType === Constants.chatType.privateGroupChat) { root.displayGroupInfoPopup(root.chatId) } } } StatusMenuSeparator { visible: viewProfileMenuItem.enabled } Action { enabled: root.currentFleet == Constants.waku_prod || root.currentFleet === Constants.waku_test //% "Test WakuV2 - requestAllHistoricMessages" text: qsTrId("test-wakuv2---requestallhistoricmessages") onTriggered: { root.requestAllHistoricMessages(root.chatId) } } StatusMenuItem { text: root.chatMuted ? //% "Unmute chat" qsTrId("unmute-chat") : //% "Mute chat" qsTrId("mute-chat") "notification" enabled: root.chatType !== Constants.chatType.privateGroupChat onTriggered: { if(root.chatMuted) root.unmuteChat(root.chatId) else root.muteChat(root.chatId) } } StatusMenuItem { //% "Mark as Read" text: qsTrId("mark-as-read") "checkmark-circle" enabled: root.chatType !== Constants.chatType.privateGroupChat onTriggered: { root.markAllMessagesRead(root.chatId) } } StatusMenuItem { //% "Clear history" text: qsTrId("clear-history") "close-circle" onTriggered: { root.clearChatHistory(root.chatId) } } StatusMenuItem { //% "Edit Channel" text: qsTrId("edit-channel") "edit" enabled: root.isCommunityChat && root.amIChatAdmin onTriggered: { Global.openPopup(editChannelPopup, { isEdit: true, channelName: root.chatName, channelDescription: root.chatDescription }); } } Component { id: editChannelPopup CreateChannelPopup { anchors.centerIn: parent isEdit: true onCreateCommunityChannel: { root.createCommunityChannel(root.chatId, chName, chDescription); } onEditCommunityChannel: { root.editCommunityChannel(root.chatId, chName, chDescription); } onOpenPinnedMessagesPopup: { root.openPinnedMessagesList(root.chatId, chName, chDescription); } onClosed: { destroy() } } } StatusMenuItem { text: qsTr("Download") enabled: localAccountSensitiveSettings.downloadChannelMessagesEnabled "download" onTriggered: } StatusMenuSeparator { visible: deleteOrLeaveMenuItem.enabled } StatusMenuItem { id: deleteOrLeaveMenuItem text: { if (root.isCommunityChat) { return qsTr("Delete Channel") } return root.chatType === Constants.chatType.oneToOne ? //% "Delete chat" qsTrId("delete-chat") : //% "Leave chat" qsTrId("leave-chat") } root.chatType === Constants.chatType.oneToOne || root.isCommunityChat ? "delete" : "arrow-right" icon.width: root.chatType === Constants.chatType.oneToOne || root.isCommunityChat ? 18 : 14 iconRotation: root.chatType === Constants.chatType.oneToOne || root.isCommunityChat ? 0 : 180 type: StatusMenuItem.Type.Danger onTriggered: { Global.openPopup(deleteChatConfirmationDialogComponent) } enabled: !root.isCommunityChat || root.amIChatAdmin } FileDialog { id: downdloadDialog acceptLabel: qsTr("Save") fileMode: FileDialog.SaveFile title: qsTr("Download messages") currentFile: StandardPaths.writableLocation(StandardPaths.DocumentsLocation) + "/messages.json" defaultSuffix: "json" onAccepted: { root.downloadMessages(downdloadDialog.currentFile) } } Component { id: deleteChatConfirmationDialogComponent ConfirmationDialog { btnType: "warn" header.title: root.isCommunityChat ? qsTr("Delete #%1").arg(root.chatName) : root.chatType === Constants.chatType.oneToOne ? //% "Delete chat" qsTrId("delete-chat") : //% "Leave chat" qsTrId("leave-chat") confirmButtonLabel: root.isCommunityChat ? qsTr("Delete") : header.title confirmationText: root.isCommunityChat ? qsTr("Are you sure you want to delete #%1 channel?").arg(root.chatName) : root.chatType === Constants.chatType.oneToOne ? qsTr("Are you sure you want to delete this chat?"): qsTr("Are you sure you want to leave this chat?") showCancelButton: root.isCommunityChat onClosed: { destroy() } onCancelButtonClicked: { close() } onConfirmButtonClicked: { if(root.isCommunityChat || root.chatType === Constants.chatType.oneToOne) root.deleteChat(root.chatId) else root.leaveChat(root.chatId) close() } } } }