import QtQuick 2.13 import Qt.labs.platform 1.1 import QtQuick.Controls 2.13 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.13 import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0 import Qt.labs.qmlmodels 1.0 import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1 import StatusQ.Components 0.1 import StatusQ.Controls 0.1 import utils 1.0 import shared 1.0 import shared.popups 1.0 import shared.status 1.0 import shared.controls 1.0 import 1.0 import "../helpers" import "../controls" import "../popups" import "../panels" import "../../Wallet" Item { id: root anchors.fill: parent // Important: we have parent module in this context only cause qml components // don't follow struct we have on the backend. property var parentModule property var rootStore property var contactsStore property var chatSectionModule property Component pinnedMessagesPopupComponent // Not Refactored Yet //property int chatGroupsListViewCount: 0 property bool isReply: false property bool isImage: false property bool isExtendedInput: isReply || isImage property bool isConnected: false property string contactToRemove: "" property string activeChatId: parentModule && property string activeSubItemId: parentModule && property string activeChatType: parentModule && parentModule.activeItem.type property string currentNotificationChatId property string currentNotificationCommunityId property var currentTime: 0 property var idMap: ({}) property bool stickersLoaded: false property Timer timer: Timer { } property var userList property var contactDetails: Utils.getContactDetailsAsJson(root.activeChatId) property bool isBlocked: root.contactDetails.isBlocked property bool isContact: root.contactDetails.isContact property bool contactRequestReceived: root.contactDetails.requestReceived signal openAppSearch() signal openStickerPackPopup(string stickerPackId) // Not Refactored Yet // function hideChatInputExtendedArea () { // if(stackLayoutChatMessages.currentIndex >= 0 && stackLayoutChatMessages.currentIndex < stackLayoutChatMessages.children.length) // stackLayoutChatMessages.children[stackLayoutChatMessages.currentIndex].chatInput.hideExtendedArea() // } function showReplyArea() { isReply = true; isImage = false; // Not Refactored Yet // let replyMessageIndex = root.rootStore.chatsModelInst.messageView.messageList.getMessageIndex(SelectedMessage.messageId); // if (replyMessageIndex === -1) return; // let userName = root.rootStore.chatsModelInst.messageView.messageList.getMessageData(replyMessageIndex, "userName") // let message = root.rootStore.chatsModelInst.messageView.messageList.getMessageData(replyMessageIndex, "message") // let identicon = root.rootStore.chatsModelInst.messageView.messageList.getMessageData(replyMessageIndex, "identicon") // let image = root.rootStore.chatsModelInst.messageView.messageList.getMessageData(replyMessageIndex, "image") // let sticker = root.rootStore.chatsModelInst.messageView.messageList.getMessageData(replyMessageIndex, "sticker") // let contentType = root.rootStore.chatsModelInst.messageView.messageList.getMessageData(replyMessageIndex, "contentType") // Not Refactored Yet // if(stackLayoutChatMessages.currentIndex >= 0 && stackLayoutChatMessages.currentIndex < stackLayoutChatMessages.children.length) // stackLayoutChatMessages.children[stackLayoutChatMessages.currentIndex].chatInput.showReplyArea(userName, message, identicon, contentType, image, sticker) } function requestAddressForTransaction(address, amount, tokenAddress, tokenDecimals = 18) { amount = globalUtils.eth2Wei(amount.toString(), tokenDecimals) parentModule.prepareChatContentModuleForChatId(activeChatId) let chatContentModule = parentModule.getChatContentModule() chatContentModule.inputAreaModule.requestAddress(address, amount, tokenAddress) txModalLoader.close() } function requestTransaction(address, amount, tokenAddress, tokenDecimals = 18) { amount = globalUtils.eth2Wei(amount.toString(), tokenDecimals) parentModule.prepareChatContentModuleForChatId(activeChatId) let chatContentModule = parentModule.getChatContentModule() chatContentModule.inputAreaModule.request(address, amount, tokenAddress) } function clickOnNotification() { // So far we're just showing this app as the top most window. Once we decide about the way // how to notify the app what channle should be displayed within the app when user clicks // notificaiton bubble this part should be updated accordingly. // // I removed part of this function which caused app crash. Global.applicationWindow.raise() Global.applicationWindow.requestActivate() } Timer { interval: 60000; // 1 min running: true repeat: true triggeredOnStart: true onTriggered: { root.currentTime = } } MessageContextMenuView { id: contextmenu store: root.rootStore reactionModel: root.rootStore.emojiReactionsModel } EmptyChatPanel { anchors.fill: parent visible: root.activeChatId === "" rootStore: root.rootStore onShareChatKeyClicked: Global.openProfilePopup(userProfile.pubKey); } // This is kind of a solution for applying backend refactored changes with the minimal qml changes. // The best would be if we made qml to follow the struct we have on the backend side. Repeater { model: parentModule && parentModule.model delegate: delegateChooser DelegateChooser { id: delegateChooser role: "type" DelegateChoice { // In case of category roleValue: Constants.chatType.unknown delegate: Repeater { model: { if (!subItems) { console.error("We got a category with no subitems. It is possible that the channel had a type unknown") } return subItems } delegate: ChatContentView { width: parent.width clip: true height: { // dynamically calculate the height of the view, if the active one is the current one // then set the height to parent otherwise set it to 0 if(!chatContentModule) return 0 let myChatId = chatContentModule.getMyChatId() if(myChatId === root.activeChatId || myChatId === root.activeSubItemId) return parent.height return 0 } rootStore: root.rootStore contactsStore: root.contactsStore sendTransactionNoEnsModal: cmpSendTransactionNoEns receiveTransactionModal: cmpReceiveTransaction sendTransactionWithEnsModal: cmpSendTransactionWithEns stickersLoaded: root.stickersLoaded Component.onCompleted: { parentModule.prepareChatContentModuleForChatId(model.itemId) chatContentModule = parentModule.getChatContentModule() } } } } DelegateChoice { // In all other cases delegate: ChatContentView { width: parent.width clip: true height: { // dynamically calculate the height of the view, if the active one is the current one // then set the height to parent otherwise set it to 0 if(!chatContentModule) return 0 let myChatId = chatContentModule.getMyChatId() if(myChatId === root.activeChatId || myChatId === root.activeSubItemId) return parent.height return 0 } rootStore: root.rootStore contactsStore: root.contactsStore sendTransactionNoEnsModal: cmpSendTransactionNoEns receiveTransactionModal: cmpReceiveTransaction sendTransactionWithEnsModal: cmpSendTransactionWithEns stickersLoaded: root.stickersLoaded Component.onCompleted: { parentModule.prepareChatContentModuleForChatId(itemId) chatContentModule = parentModule.getChatContentModule() } } } } } ChatRequestMessagePanel { Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter | Qt.AlignBottom Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.bottomMargin: Style.current.bigPadding isContact: root.isContact visible: root.activeChatType === Constants.chatType.oneToOne && (!root.isContact /*|| !contactRequestReceived*/) onAddContactClicked: { root.rootStore.addContact(root.activeChatId); } } Component { id: cmpSendTransactionNoEns ChatCommandModal { id: sendTransactionNoEns store: root.rootStore contactsStore: root.contactsStore isContact: root.isContact onClosed: { destroy() } sendChatCommand: root.requestAddressForTransaction isRequested: false //% "Send" commandTitle: qsTrId("command-button-send") header.title: commandTitle //% "Request Address" finalButtonLabel: qsTrId("request-address") selectRecipient.selectedRecipient: { parentModule.prepareChatContentModuleForChatId(activeChatId) let chatContentModule = parentModule.getChatContentModule() return { address: Constants.zeroAddress, // Setting as zero address since we don't have the address yet alias:, // Do we need the alias for real or name works? identicon: chatContentModule.chatDetails.icon, name:, type: RecipientSelector.Type.Contact } } selectRecipient.selectedType: RecipientSelector.Type.Contact selectRecipient.readOnly: true } } Component { id: cmpReceiveTransaction ChatCommandModal { id: receiveTransaction store: root.rootStore contactsStore: root.contactsStore isContact: root.isContact onClosed: { destroy() } sendChatCommand: root.requestTransaction isRequested: true //% "Request" commandTitle: qsTrId("wallet-request") header.title: commandTitle //% "Request" finalButtonLabel: qsTrId("wallet-request") selectRecipient.selectedRecipient: { parentModule.prepareChatContentModuleForChatId(activeChatId) let chatContentModule = parentModule.getChatContentModule() return { address: Constants.zeroAddress, // Setting as zero address since we don't have the address yet alias:, // Do we need the alias for real or name works? identicon: chatContentModule.chatDetails.icon, name:, type: RecipientSelector.Type.Contact } } selectRecipient.selectedType: RecipientSelector.Type.Contact selectRecipient.readOnly: true } } Component { id: cmpSendTransactionWithEns SendModal { id: sendTransactionWithEns store: root.rootStore contactsStore: root.contactsStore onOpened: { // Not Refactored Yet // root.rootStore.walletModelInst.gasView.getGasPrice() } onClosed: { destroy() } isContact: root.isContact selectRecipient.readOnly: true selectRecipient.selectedRecipient: { parentModule.prepareChatContentModuleForChatId(activeChatId) let chatContentModule = parentModule.getChatContentModule() return { address: "", alias:, // Do we need the alias for real or name works? identicon: chatContentModule.chatDetails.icon, name:, type: RecipientSelector.Type.Contact, ensVerified: true } } selectRecipient.selectedType: RecipientSelector.Type.Contact } } ActivityCenterPopup { id: activityCenter height: root.height - 56 * 2 // TODO get screen size // Taken from old code top bar height was fixed there to 56 y: 56 store: root.rootStore chatSectionModule: root.chatSectionModule messageContextMenu: contextmenu } Connections { target: systemTray onMessageClicked: function () { clickOnNotification() } } // Not Refactored Yet // Connections { // target: root.rootStore.chatsModelInst.messageView // onMessageNotificationPushed: function(messageId, communityId, chatId, msg, contentType, chatType, timestamp, identicon, username, hasMention, isAddedContact, channelName) { // if (localAccountSensitiveSettings.notificationSetting == Constants.notifyAllMessages || // (localAccountSensitiveSettings.notificationSetting == Constants.notifyJustMentions && hasMention)) { // if (chatId === && === true) { // // Do not show the notif if we are in the channel already and the window is active and focused // return // } // root.currentNotificationChatId = chatId // root.currentNotificationCommunityId = null // let name; // if (localAccountSensitiveSettings.notificationMessagePreviewSetting === Constants.notificationPreviewAnonymous) { // name = "Status" // } else if (chatType === Constants.chatType.publicChat) { // name = chatId // } else { // name = chatType === Constants.chatType.privateGroupChat ? Utils.filterXSS(channelName) : Utils.removeStatusEns(username) // } // let message; // if (localAccountSensitiveSettings.notificationMessagePreviewSetting > Constants.notificationPreviewNameOnly) { // switch(contentType){ // //% "Image" // case Constants.messageContentType.imageType: message = qsTrId("image"); break // //% "Sticker" // case Constants.messageContentType.stickerType: message = qsTrId("sticker"); break // default: message = msg // don't parse emojis here as it emits HTML // } // } else { // //% "You have a new message" // message = qsTrId("you-have-a-new-message") // } // currentlyHasANotification = true // if (Qt.platform.os === "linux") { // // Linux Notifications are not implemented in Nim/C++ yet // return systemTray.showMessage(name, message, systemTray.icon.source, 4000) // } // // Note: // // Show notification should be moved to the nim side. // // Left here only cause we don't have a way to deal with translations on the nim side. // root.rootStore.chatsModelInst.showOSNotification(name, // message, // Constants.osNotificationType.newMessage, // communityId, // chatId, // messageId, // localAccountSensitiveSettings.useOSNotifications) // } // } // } // Not Refactored Yet // Connections { // target: root.rootStore.chatsModelInst.stickers // onTransactionWasSent: { // //% "Transaction pending..." // toastMessage.title = qsTr("Transaction pending...") // toastMessage.source = Style.svg("loading") // toastMessage.iconColor = Style.current.primary // toastMessage.iconRotates = true // = `${walletModel.utilsView.etherscanLink}/${txResult}` // // } // onTransactionCompleted: { // toastMessage.title = !success ? // //% "Could not buy Stickerpack" // qsTrId("could-not-buy-stickerpack") // : // //% "Stickerpack bought successfully" // qsTrId("stickerpack-bought-successfully"); // if (success) { // toastMessage.source = Style.svg("check-circle") // toastMessage.iconColor = Style.current.success // } else { // toastMessage.source = Style.svg("block-icon") // toastMessage.iconColor = Style.current.danger // } // = `${walletModel.utilsView.etherscanLink}/${txHash}` // // } // } }