## This script runs the app in a loop for `TOTAL_NUM_OF_TRIES` times and closes it ## after each successful run. If all runs go well, script will place a success message, ## otherwise you will get an error and an info in which run an error occurred. ## ## Tested on MacOs! ## ## You need to build the app before running this script. TOTAL_NUM_OF_TRIES=100 COUNTER=0 RES=1 PID=-1 function checkSuccess { if [ "$RES" -eq "0" ]; then printf "\x1B[1;32m$1\x1B[0m\n"; else printf "\x1B[1;31m$2\x1B[0m\n"; exit 1 fi } while [ $COUNTER -lt $TOTAL_NUM_OF_TRIES ] do echo "------------------------------------" ((COUNTER=COUNTER+1)) echo "Running the app..." export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=vendor/status-lib/vendor/status-go/build/bin/libstatus.so & ./bin/nim_status_client & PID=$! sleep 4 output=$(ps -p "$PID") RES=$? checkSuccess "App successfully started in PID{$PID} for the $COUNTER. time" "An error starting the app occurred in $COUNTER. try" echo "Closing the app..." kill -9 $PID sleep 3 echo "------------------------------------" done printf "\x1B[1;32m ALL $TOTAL_NUM_OF_TRIES TRIES WERE SUCCESSFUL! \x1B[0m\n";