import QtQuick 2.12 import QtQuick.Controls 2.3 import QtGraphicalEffects 1.13 import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.3 import "../../../../imports" import "../../../../shared" import "../../../../shared/status" ModalPopup { property string communityId readonly property int maxDescChars: 140 property string nameValidationError: "" id: popup height: 600 onOpened: { nameInput.text = ""; nameInput.forceActiveFocus(Qt.MouseFocusReason) } function validate() { nameValidationError = "" if (nameInput.text === "") { nameValidationError = qsTr("You need to enter a name") } else if (!(/^[a-z0-9\-\ ]+$/i.test(nameInput.text))) { nameValidationError = qsTr("Please restrict your name to letters, numbers, dashes and spaces") } else if (nameInput.text.length > 100) { nameValidationError = qsTr("Your name needs to be 100 characters or shorter") } return !nameValidationError && !descriptionTextArea.validationError } title: qsTr("New channel") ScrollView { property ScrollBar vScrollBar: ScrollBar.vertical id: scrollView anchors.fill: parent rightPadding: Style.current.padding anchors.rightMargin: - Style.current.halfPadding contentHeight: content.height ScrollBar.horizontal.policy: ScrollBar.AlwaysOff clip: true function scrollBackUp() { vScrollBar.setPosition(0) } Item { id: content height: childrenRect.height width: parent.width Input { id: nameInput label: qsTr("Channel name") placeholderText: qsTr("A cool name") validationError: popup.nameValidationError } StyledTextArea { id: descriptionTextArea label: qsTr("Channel description") placeholderText: qsTr("What your channel is about") validationError: descriptionTextArea.text.length > maxDescChars ? qsTr("The description cannot exceed %1 characters").arg(maxDescChars) : "" nameInput.bottom anchors.topMargin: Style.current.bigPadding customHeight: 88 } StyledText { id: charLimit text: `${descriptionTextArea.text.length}/${maxDescChars}` descriptionTextArea.bottom anchors.topMargin: !descriptionTextArea.validationError ? 5 : - Style.current.smallPadding anchors.right: descriptionTextArea.right font.pixelSize: 12 color: !descriptionTextArea.validationError ? Style.current.textColor : Style.current.danger } Separator { id: separator1 charLimit.bottom anchors.topMargin: Style.current.bigPadding } Item { id: privateSwitcher height: privateSwitch.height width: parent.width separator1.bottom anchors.topMargin: Style.current.smallPadding * 2 StyledText { text: qsTr("Private channel") anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter } StatusSwitch { id: privateSwitch anchors.right: parent.right } } StyledText { id: privateExplanation privateSwitcher.bottom wrapMode: Text.WordWrap anchors.topMargin: Style.current.smallPadding * 2 width: parent.width text: qsTr("By making a channel private, only members with selected permission will be able to access it") } } } footer: StatusButton { text: qsTr("Create") anchors.right: parent.right onClicked: { if (!validate()) { scrollView.scrollBackUp() return } const error = chatsModel.createCommunityChannel(communityId, Utils.filterXSS(nameInput.text), Utils.filterXSS(descriptionTextArea.text)) if (error) { creatingError.text = error return } // TODO Open the community once we have designs for it popup.close() } MessageDialog { id: creatingError title: qsTr("Error creating the community") icon: StandardIcon.Critical standardButtons: StandardButton.Ok } } }