import QtQuick 2.15 import 1.0 import 1.0 import StatusQ.Core.Utils 0.1 import shared.stores 1.0 import utils 1.0 import "types" QObject { id: root required property WalletConnectSDKBase sdk required property var walletStore required property DAppsStore store property alias requestsModel: requests function rejectSessionRequest(request, userRejected) { let error = userRejected ? false : true sdk.rejectSessionRequest(request.topic,, error) } /// Beware, it will fail if called multiple times before getting an answer function authenticate(request) { return store.authenticateUser(request.topic,, request.account.address) } signal sessionRequest(SessionRequestResolved request) signal displayToastMessage(string message, bool error) signal sessionRequestResult(/*model entry of SessionRequestResolved*/ var request, bool isSuccess) signal maxFeesUpdated(real maxFees, int maxFeesWei, bool haveEnoughFunds, string symbol) signal estimatedTimeUpdated(int minMinutes, int maxMinutes) Connections { target: sdk function onSessionRequestEvent(event) { let obj = d.resolveAsync(event) if (obj === null) { let error = true sdk.rejectSessionRequest(event.topic,, error) return } requests.enqueue(obj) } function onSessionRequestUserAnswerResult(topic, id, accept, error) { var request = requests.findRequest(topic, id) if (request === null) { console.error("Error finding event for topic", topic, "id", id) return } let methodStr = SessionRequest.methodToUserString(request.method) if (!methodStr) { console.error("Error finding user string for method", request.method) return } d.lookupSession(topic, function(session) { if (session === null) return if (error) { root.displayToastMessage(qsTr("Fail to %1 from %2").arg(methodStr).arg(session.peer.metadata.url), true) root.sessionRequestResult(request, false /*isSuccessful*/) console.error(`Error accepting session request for topic: ${topic}, id: ${id}, accept: ${accept}, error: ${error}`) return } let actionStr = accept ? qsTr("accepted") : qsTr("rejected") root.displayToastMessage("%1 %2 %3".arg(session.peer.metadata.url).arg(methodStr).arg(actionStr), false) root.sessionRequestResult(request, true /*isSuccessful*/) }) } } Connections { target: function onUserAuthenticated(topic, id, password, pin) { var request = requests.findRequest(topic, id) if (request === null) { console.error("Error finding event for topic", topic, "id", id) return } d.executeSessionRequest(request, password, pin) } function onUserAuthenticationFailed(topic, id) { var request = requests.findRequest(topic, id) let methodStr = SessionRequest.methodToUserString(request.method) if (request === null || !methodStr) { return } d.lookupSession(topic, function(session) { if (session === null) return root.displayToastMessage(qsTr("Failed to authenticate %1 from %2").arg(methodStr).arg(session.peer.metadata.url), true) }) } } QObject { id: d function resolveAsync(event) { let method = event.params.request.method let account = lookupAccountFromEvent(event, method) if(!account) { console.error("Error finding account for event", JSON.stringify(event)) return null } let network = lookupNetworkFromEvent(event, method) if(!network) { console.error("Error finding network for event", JSON.stringify(event)) return null } let data = extractMethodData(event, method) if(!data) { console.error("Error in event data lookup", JSON.stringify(event)) return null } let obj = sessionRequestComponent.createObject(null, { event, topic: event.topic, id:, method, account, network, data, maxFeesText: "?", maxFeesEthText: "?", enoughFunds: false, estimatedTimeText: "?" }) if (obj === null) { console.error("Error creating SessionRequestResolved for event") return null } // Check later to have a valid request object if (!SessionRequest.getSupportedMethods().includes(method)) { console.error("Unsupported method", method) return null } d.lookupSession(obj.topic, function(session) { if (session === null) { console.error("DAppsRequestHandler.lookupSession: error finding session for topic", obj.topic) return } obj.resolveDappInfoFromSession(session) root.sessionRequest(obj) // TODO #15192: update maxFees let gasLimit = parseFloat(parseInt(event.params.request.params[0].gasLimit, 16)); let gasPrice = parseFloat(parseInt(event.params.request.params[0].gasPrice, 16)); let maxFees = gasLimit * gasPrice root.maxFeesUpdated(maxFees/1000000000, maxFees, true, "Gwei") // TODO #15192: update estimatedTime root.estimatedTimeUpdated(1, 12) }) return obj } /// Returns null if the account is not found function lookupAccountFromEvent(event, method) { var address = "" if (method === { if (event.params.request.params.length < 2) { return null } address = event.params.request.params[1] } else if(method === { if (event.params.request.params.length < 2) { return null } address = event.params.request.params[0] } else if (method === || method === { if (event.params.request.params.length == 0) { return null } address = event.params.request.params[0].from } return ModelUtils.getFirstModelEntryIf(walletStore.ownAccounts, (account) => { return account.address.toLowerCase() === address.toLowerCase() }) } /// Returns null if the network is not found function lookupNetworkFromEvent(event, method) { if (SessionRequest.getSupportedMethods().includes(method) === false) { return null } let chainId = Helpers.chainIdFromEip155(event.params.chainId) for (let i = 0; i < walletStore.flatNetworks.count; i++) { let network = ModelUtils.get(walletStore.flatNetworks, i) if (network.chainId === chainId) { return network } } return null } function extractMethodData(event, method) { if (method === { if (event.params.request.params.length == 0) { return null } var message = "" let messageParam = event.params.request.params[0] // There is no standard on how data is encoded. Therefore we support hex or utf8 if (Helpers.isHex(messageParam)) { message = Helpers.hexToString(messageParam) } else { message = messageParam } return SessionRequest.methods.personalSign.buildDataObject(message) } else if (method === { if (event.params.request.params.length < 2) { return null } let jsonMessage = event.params.request.params[1] return SessionRequest.methods.signTypedData_v4.buildDataObject(jsonMessage) } else if (method === { if (event.params.request.params.length == 0) { return null } let tx = event.params.request.params[0] return SessionRequest.methods.signTransaction.buildDataObject(tx) } else if (method === { if (event.params.request.params.length == 0) { return null } let tx = event.params.request.params[0] return SessionRequest.methods.sendTransaction.buildDataObject(tx) } else { return null } } function lookupSession(topicToLookup, callback) { sdk.getActiveSessions((res) => { Object.keys(res).forEach((topic) => { if (topic === topicToLookup) { let session = res[topic] callback(session) } }) }) } function executeSessionRequest(request, password, pin) { if (!SessionRequest.getSupportedMethods().includes(request.method)) { console.error("Unsupported method to execute: ", request.method) return } if (password !== "") { var actionResult = "" if (request.method === { // TODO #14756: clarify why prefixing the message fails the test app //let finalMessage = "\x19Ethereum Signed Message:\n" + originalMessage.length + originalMessage actionResult = store.signMessage(request.topic,, request.account.address, password, SessionRequest.methods.personalSign.getMessageFromData( } else if (request.method === { actionResult = store.signTypedDataV4(request.topic,, request.account.address, password, SessionRequest.methods.signTypedData_v4.getMessageFromData( } else if (request.method === { let txObj = SessionRequest.methods.signTransaction.getTxObjFromData( actionResult = store.signTransaction(request.topic,, request.account.address,, password, txObj) } else if (request.method === { let txObj = SessionRequest.methods.sendTransaction.getTxObjFromData( actionResult = store.sendTransaction(request.topic,, request.account.address,, password, txObj) } let isSuccessful = (actionResult != "") if (isSuccessful) { // acceptSessionRequest will trigger an sdk.sessionRequestUserAnswerResult signal sdk.acceptSessionRequest(request.topic,, actionResult) } else { root.sessionRequestResult(request, isSuccessful) } } else if (pin !== "") { console.debug("TODO #15097 sign message using keycard: ", } else { console.error("No password or pin provided to sign message") } } } /// The queue is used to ensure that the events are processed in the order they are received but they could be /// processed handled randomly on user intervention through activity center SessionRequestsModel { id: requests } Component { id: sessionRequestComponent SessionRequestResolved { } } }