Please choose an imageImage files (*.jpg *.jpeg *.png)Your message is too long.Please make your message shorter. We have set the limit to 2000 characters to be courteous of others.Type a message...Scrivi un messaggio...Join chatDecline invitationRifiuta l'invitoSentInviatoSending...InviandoPublic chatChat pubblicaContactÈ nella lista contattiNot a contactNon è nella lista contatti%1 members1 memberClear historyCancellare la cronologiaDelete ChatElimina chatAre you sure you want to delete this chat?Sei sicuro di voler eliminare questa chat?Are you sure you want to leave this chat?Leave chatLeave ChatLascia la chatGroup InformationLeave GroupAbbandona gruppoChatChatAdminAmministratore(You)New group chatNuova chat di gruppo%1 / 10 membersGroup nameYou don’t have any contacts yet. Invite your friends to start chatting.Create Group ChatCrea chat di gruppoAdd membersAggiungi partecipantiAll your contacts are already in the groupTutti i tuoi contatti sono già nel gruppoMembersPartecipantiMake AdminRendi amministratoreRemove From GroupAdd selectedUser not foundUtente non trovatoNew chatNuova chatEnter ENS username or chat keyInserisci il nome utente ENS o la chiave chatENS usernameNome ENSChat keyChiave chatShare Profile URLNoneNessunoSend messageSend MessageInvia messaggioBlock UserConnectedConnessoDisconnectedChat offlineRemove ContactAre you sure you want to remove this contact?Add to contactsAggiungi ai contattiStart new chatInizia una nuova chatStart group chatInizia chat di gruppoJoin public chatEntra in una chat pubblicaA public chat is where you get to hang out with others, make friends and talk about subjects of your chatStart chatSaveSalvaYou don't have any stickers yetRecently used stickers will appear hereGli adesivi utilizzati di recente appariranno quiGet StickersScarica adesiviType json-rpc message... e.g {"method": "eth_accounts"}ENS usernamesNomi utente ENSUsername addedNome utente aggiunto%1 is now connected with your chat key and can be used in Status.Ok, got itOk capitoContactsContattiPrivacy and securityPrivacy e sicurezzaDevicesDispositiviSync settingsImpostazioni di sincronizzazioneLanguage settingsLanguageLinguaAdvanced settingsImpostazioni avanzateNeed help?Hai bisogno di aiuto?AboutA proposito diSign outEsciAbout the appStatus DesktopVersion: beta.5Node Version: %1This software is licensed under under the %1.Source code is available on %1.Thanks for trying Status Desktop! Please note that this is an alpha release and we advise you that using this app should be done for testing purposes only and you assume the full responsibility for all risks concerning your data and funds. Status makes no claims of security or integrity of funds in these builds.Appearance settingTheme (Light - Dark)Chat Compact ModeWallet TabNOT RECOMMENDED - Use at your own riskBrowser Tabexperimental (web3 not supported yet)UI ComponentsDeveloper settingNode Management Tabunder developmentDisplay images in chat automaticallyEnable testnet (Ropsten)
Current network: %1Under development
NOTE: You will be logged out and all installed
sticker packs will be removed and will
need to be reinstalled. Purchased sticker
packs will not need to be re-purchased.Write down your seed phraseWith this 12 words you can always get your key back. Write it down. Keep it safe, offline, and separate from this device.NicknameSoprannomeNicknames help you identify others in Status. Only you can see the nicknames you’ve addedYour nickname is too longDoneFattoPlease set a name for your device.Si prega di impostare un nome per il dispositivo.Specify a nameSpecifica un nomeContinueContinuaFrom accountPreviewTransaction previewYou need to request the recipient’s address first.
Assets won’t be sent yet.NextProssimoAdvertise deviceAssocia questo dispositivoPair your devices to sync contacts and chats between themAssocia i tuoi dispositivi per sincronizzare contatti e chat tra di loroLearn morePer saperne di piùPaired devicesDispositivi associatiSyncing...Sincronizzazione...Sync all devicesSincronizza tutti i dispositiviSecuritySicurezzaBackup Seed PhrasePrivacyPrivacySign out controlsLogoutExitStatus account settingsYou need to enter an account nameEnter an account name...Account nameNome utenteAccount colorColore dell'accountTypeTipoWatch-onlysola letturaOff Status treeFuori StatusOn Status treeIn StatusWallet addressIndirizzo del portafoglioKeyChiaveDerivation pathPercorso di derivazioneStorageArchivioThis deviceQuesto dispositivoDelete accountElimina accountAre you sure?Sei sicuro?A deleted account cannot be retrieved later. Only press yes if you backed up your key/seed or don't care about this account anymoreSave changesAdd custom tokenAggiungi token personalizzatoEnter contract address...Contract addressIndirizzo del ContractThe name of your token...NameNomeABCSymbolSimboloDecimalsDecimaliAddAggiungiWalletPortafoglioTotal valueValore complessivoSendInviaAuthorize %1 %2BackIndietroTransaction pending...Transazione in attesa...Could not buy StickerpackStickerpack bought successfullyAdd/Remove TokensAccount SettingsImpostazioni accountSet CurrencyImposta la valuta predefinitaGenerate an accountGenera un nuovo accountAdd a watch-only addressAggiungi un indirizzo di sola letturaEnter a seed phraseInserisci la tua frase di recuperoEnter a private keyInserisci una chiave privataAdd account from private keyAggiungi un account usando la tua chiave privataYou need to enter a passwordPassword needs to be 4 characters or moreYou need to enter a private keyEnter a valid private key (64 characters hexadecimal string)Enter your password…PasswordPasswordPaste the contents of your private keyPrivate keyChiave privataLoading...Caricamento in corso...Add account >Aggiungi accountYou need to enter a seed phraseEnter a valid mnemonicAdd account with a seed phraseAggiungi account usando la tua frase mnemonicaEnter your seed phrase, separate words with commas or spaces...Seed phraseFrase di recuperoAdd a watch-only accountAggiungi un account di sola letturaYou need to enter an addressThis needs to be a valid address (starting with 0x)Enter address...Account addressIndirizzo dell'accountInsufficient balanceMust be greater than 0This needs to be a numberPlease enter an amountBalance: Asset & AmountError sending the transactionWrong passwordPassword errataError estimating gas: %1Sign with passwordFirma con passwordSend %1 %2AssetAssetAmountImportoRecipientDestinatarioEnter PasswordInserisci la passwordTransaction DetailsDettagli della transazione9999 ConfirmationsWhen the transaction has 12 confirmations you can consider it settled.Quando la transazione ha 12 conferme si può considerare conclusa.BlockBloccoHashHashFromDaToAGas limitLimite di gasGas pricePrezzo del gasGas usedGas utilizzatoNonceNonceQuitYou need to repeat your passwordBoth passwords must matchCreate a passwordCrea una passwordNew password...Confirm password…At least 6 characters. You will use this password to unlock status on this device & sign transactions.Create passwordError importing accountAn error occurred while importing your account: Login failedLogin failed. Please re-enter your password and try again.Enter 12, 15, 18, 21 or 24 words.
Seperate words by a single space.Choose a chat nameScegli un nome per la chatTruly private communicationComunicazione veramente privataChat over a peer-to-peer, encrypted network
where messages can't be censored or hackedSecure crypto walletProteggi il tuo portafoglio cryptoSend and receive digital assets anywhere in the
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where you alone own your dataI understandStatus does not collect, share or sell any personal data. By continuing you agree with the privacy policy.Invalid seed phraseFrase di recupero errataBuy for %1 SNTUninstallInstallInstallaFreeGratisPending...CancelAnnullaUpdateAggiornaGet your keysOttieni le tue chiaviA set of keys controls your account. Your keys live on your device, so only you can use them.I'm new, generate keysAccess existing keyEnter passwordInserire la passwordGenerate new keysEnter seed phraseInserisci la tua frase di recuperoSearchRicercaView ProfileView profileVisualizza profiloReply toNo messagesNessun messaggioTodayYesterdayJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberImageNo messagesImageImmagineStickerSundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdayYour chats will appear here. To start new chats press the button at the topChat and transact privately with your friendsInvite friendsInvita amiciFollow your interests in one of the many Public Chats.Get Status at https://status.imDownload Status linkAssetsMoneteCollectiblesCollezionabiliHistoryCronologiaSend transactionInvia transazioneRequest AddressRequest transactionRichiedi transazioneRequestRichiediError loading the imageLoading image...Nessun messaggioResendInvia di nuovoYouTuView GroupShare ChatCondividi chatUnmute chatMute chatMark as Read15 minutes1 hour8 hours24 hoursUntil I turn it back onMark as ReadFetch Messages↓ Recupera messaggiLast 24 hoursLast 2 daysLast 3 daysLast 7 daysNo recent emojisProfileProfiloAdd new contactAggiungi nuovo contattoBlocked contactsAdd contactAggiungi ai contattiYou don’t have any contacts yetSounds settingsSound volumeNessun messaggioCollectibles will appear hereReceiveRiceviSettingsImpostazioniSomething went wrongQualcosa è andato stortoReloadViewUnnamedIDDescriptionDescrizioneChoose accountENS Username not foundeg. 0x1234 or ENSPasteIncollaConfirm your actionConfirmConfermaAre you sure you want to this?Select a contactPlease select a contactNetwork feeCommissione di reteSlowOptimalFastResetAdvancedAvanzateCustom Network FeeGweiGweiApplyApplicaCopyCopiaCopiedCopiatoInvalid ethereum addressAddressIndirizzoMy accountContactMy accountNo recipient selectedSigning phraseFrase di firmaSigning phrase is a 3 word combination that displayed when you entered the wallet on this device for the first time.Enter the password you use to unlock this deviceUS DollarsEurosUnited Arab Emirates dirhamAfghan afghaniArgentine pesoAustralian dollarBarbadian dollarBangladeshi takaBulgarian levBahraini dinarBrunei dollarBolivian bolivianoBrazillian realBhutanese ngultrumCanadian dollarSwiss francChilean pesoChinese yuanColombian pesoCosta Rican colónCzech korunaDanish kroneDominican pesoEgyptian poundEthiopian birrBritish PoundGeorgian lariGhanaian cediHong Kong dollarCroatian kunaHungarian forintIndonesian rupiahIsraeli new shekelIndian rupeeIcelandic krónaJamaican dollarJapanese yenKenyan shillingSouth Korean wonKuwaiti dinarKazakhstani tengeSri Lankan rupeeMoroccan dirhamMoldovan leuMauritian rupeeMalawian kwachaMexican pesoMalaysian ringgitMozambican meticalNamibian dollarNigerian nairaNorwegian kroneNepalese rupeeNew Zealand dollarOmani rialPeruvian solPapua New Guinean kinaPhilippine pesoPakistani rupeePolish złotyParaguayan guaraníQatari riyalRomanian leuSerbian dinarRussian rubleSaudi riyalSwedish kronaSingapore dollarThai bahtTrinidad and Tobago dollarNew Taiwan dollarTanzanian shillingTurkish liraUkrainian hryvniaUgandan shillingUruguayan pesoVenezuelan bolívarVietnamese đồngSouth African rand↓ Fetch more messages↓ Recuperare altri messaggibefore %1↑ Outgoing transaction↑ Outgoing transaction↓ Incoming transaction↓ Incoming transactionNessun messaggioUnblock UserToken detailsDettagli tokenRemove tokenRimuovi tokenCustomPersonalizzatoDefaultPredefinitoCannot find asset '%1'. Ensure this asset has been added to the token list.Not enough ETH for gasETH non sufficiente per il gasView on Etherscan%1 will be connected once the transaction is complete.You can follow the progress in the Transaction History section of your wallet.Puoi seguire i progressi nella sezione Cronologia transazioni del tuo portafoglio.Primary usernameNome utente principaleYour messages are displayed to others with this username:Once you select a username, you won’t be able to disable it afterwards. You will only be able choose a different username to display.Nice! You own %1.stateofus.eth once the transaction is complete.HeyHey(pending)Add usernameAggiungi nome utenteYour usernamesI tuoi nomi utenteChat settingsChat SettingsImpostazioni chatPrimary UsernameNone selectedYou’re displaying your ENS username in chatsAt least 4 characters. Latin letters, numbers, and lowercase only.Almeno 4 caratteri. Solo lettere latine, numeri e lettere minuscole.Letters and numbers only.Solo lettere e numeri.Type the entire username including the custom domain like username.domain.ethDigita l'intero nome utente incluso il dominio personalizzato come nomeutente.dominio.ethOkOKYour usernameIl tuo nome utente✓ Username available!✓ Nome utente disponibile!Continuing will connect this username with your chat key.Continuando assocerai questo nome utente alla tua chiave di chat.Username doesn’t belong to you :(Il nome utente non ti appartiene :(Username already taken :(Nome utente già preso :(Username is already connected with your chat key and can be used inside Status.Il nome utente è già collegato alla tua chiave di chat e può essere utilizzato all'interno di Status.This user name is owned by you and connected with your chat key. Continue to set `Show my ENS username in chats`.Continuing will require a transaction to connect the username with your current chat key.Per continuare sarà necessaria una transazione per collegare il nome utente con la tua chiave di chat.Custom domainDominio personalizzatoI want a stateofus.eth domainVoglio un dominio stateofus.ethI own a name on another domainPossiedo un nome su un altro dominioTerms of name registrationTermini di registrazione del nomeFunds are deposited for 1 year. Your SNT will be locked, but not spent.I fondi vengono depositati per 1 anno. Il tuo SNT sarà bloccato, ma non speso.After 1 year, you can release the name and get your deposit back, or take no action to keep the name.Dopo 1 anno, puoi rilasciare il nome e riavere il tuo deposito oppure non agire per mantenerlo.If terms of the contract change — e.g. Status makes contract upgrades — user has the right to release the username regardless of time held.Se i termini del contratto cambiano - ad es. Status effettua aggiornamenti del contratto - l'utente ha il diritto di rilasciare il nome utente indipendentemente dal tempo trascorso.The contract controller cannot access your deposited funds. They can only be moved back to the address that sent them.Il controllore del contract non può accedere ai fondi depositati. Possono solo essere spostati indietro all'indirizzo che li ha inviati.Your address(es) will be publicly associated with your ENS name.I tuoi indirizzi saranno associati pubblicamente al tuo nome ENS.Usernames are created as subdomain nodes of stateofus.eth and are subject to the ENS smart contract terms.I nomi utente vengono creati come nodi sottodominio di stateofus.eth e sono soggetti ai termini dello Smart Contract ENS.You authorize the contract to transfer SNT on your behalf. This can only occur when you approve a transaction to authorize the transfer.Autorizzi il contract a trasferire SNT per tuo conto. Ciò può verificarsi solo quando si approva una transazione per autorizzare il trasferimento.These terms are guaranteed by the smart contract logic at addresses:Questi termini sono garantiti dalla logica dello Smart Contract agli indirizzi:%1 (Status UsernameRegistrar).%1 (ENS Registry).Agree to <a href="#">Terms of name registration.</a> I understand that my wallet address will be publicly connected to my username.10 SNT10 SNTDepositDepositaNot enough SNTNon hai abbastanza Token SNTRegisterRegistratiGet a universal usernameOttieni un nome utente universaleENS names transform those crazy-long addresses into unique usernames.I nomi ENS trasformano quei lunghi e folli indirizzi in nomi utente unici.Customize your chat namePersonalizza il tuo nome in chatAn ENS name can replace your random 3-word name in chat. Be @yourname instead of %1.Simplify your ETH addressSemplifica il tuo indirizzo ETHYou can receive funds to your easy-to-share ENS name rather than your hexadecimal hash (0x...).Puoi ricevere fondi tramite il tuo nome ENS invece di dover condividere il tuo indirizzo esadecimale (0x...).Receive transactions in chatRicevi transazioni in chatOthers can send you funds via chat in one simple step.In un semplice passaggio, altri utenti possono inviarti dei fondi via chat.10 SNT to register10 SNT per la registrazioneRegister once to keep the name forever. After 1 year you can release the name and get your SNT back.Registra il nome una sola volta per tenerlo per sempre. Dopo un anno puoi rilasciarlo e riavere indietro i tuoi SNT.Already own a username?Possiedi già un nome utente?You can verify and add any usernames you own in the next steps.Puoi verificare e aggiungere qualsiasi nome utente che già possiedi.Powered by Ethereum Name ServicesOfferto da Ethereum Name ServicesStartOnly available on MainnetDisponibile solo su MainnetENS Registration failedPer registrare il nome utente, per favore prova di nuovo.ENS Registration completedUpdating ENS pubkey failedUpdating ENS pubkey completedGlossaryGlossarioAccountAccountAThis letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "A" because the title above is "Account"Your Status account, accessed by the seed phrase that you create or import during onboarding. A Status account can hold more than one Ethereum address, in addition to the one created during onboarding. We refer to these as additional accounts within the walletChat KeyChiave di chatCThis letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "C" because the title above is "Chat Key"Messages on the Status chat protocol are sent and received using encryption keys. The public chat key is a string of characters you share with others so they can send you messages in Status.I messaggi sul protocollo Status vengono inviati e ricevuti tramite chiavi di cifratura. La chiave di chat pubblica è una stringa di caratteri che condividete con gli altri in modo che possano inviarvi messaggi.Chat NameNome della chatThree random words, derived algorithmically from your chat key and used as your default alias in chat. Chat names are completely unique; no other user can have the same three words.Tre parole casuali, derivate algoritmicamente dalla chiave della chat e utilizzate come alias predefinito nella chat. I nomi delle chat sono unici; nessun altro utente può avere le stesse tre parole.ENS NameNome ENSEThis letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "E" because the title above is "ENS Name"Custom alias for your chat key that you can register using the Ethereum Name Service. ENS names are decentralized usernames.Alias personalizzato per la tua chiave di chat che puoi registrare usando Ethereum Name Service. I nomi ENS sono nomi utente decentralizzati.MThis letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "M" because the title above is "Mailserver"MailserverMailserverA node in the Status network that routes and stores messages, for up to 30 days.Un nodo nella rete Status che instrada e archivia i messaggi, per un massimo di 30 giorni.PeerPeerPThis letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "P" because the title above is "Peer"A device connected to the Status chat network. Each user can represent one or more peers, depending on their number of devicesSeed PhraseFrase di recuperoSThis letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "S" because the title above is "Seed Phrase"A 64 character hex address based on the Ethereum standard and beginning with 0x. Public-facing, your wallet key is shared with others when you want to receive funds. Also referred to as an “Ethereum address” or “wallet address.<a href=''>Frequently asked questions</a><a href=''>Submit a bug</a><a href=''>Request a feature</a>To From Load MoreTransaction completedTransaction failedTransazione fallitaNotification preferencesPreferenze sulle notificheAll messagesJust @mentionsNothingSound & AppearancePlay a sound when receiving a notificationMessage previewAnonymousName onlyName & MessageNo preview or Advanced? Go to Notification CenterContacts & UsersReceive notifications from non-contactsMuted usersMuted chatsYou can limit what gets shown in notificationsReset notification settingsRestore default notification settings and unmute all chats and usersConnect username with your pubkeyAccept and share addressAccept and sendDeclineSign and sendPendingConfirmedUnknown tokenAddress requestedWaiting to acceptAddress sharedAddress receivedNessun messaggioTransaction declinedFailureUnknown state<a href="shareKey" style="color:${};text-decoration:none;">Share your chat key</a> or <a href="invite" style="color:${};text-decoration:none">invite</a> friends to start messaging in Status<a href=Only translate the test inside the anchors and outside them (aka "Share your chat key", "or", "invite", etc.). You can move the anchors around if it makes the sentence work, but do not change the style or the href of teh anchors. If you don't know how HTML work, don't hesitate to ask someone from the team in #status-desktopNessun messaggioShare your chat keyorinvitefriends to start messaging in StatusAppearanceContainerSystemLightDarkBlockContactConfirmationDialogBlocking will remove any messages you received from %1 and stop new messages from reaching you.BrowserConnectionModal"%1" woudl like to connect toAllowing authorizes this DApp to retrieve your wallet address and enable Web3Granting access authorizes this DApp to retrieve your chat keyDenyAllowBrowserContainerBrowser SettingsAutoload imagesJavaScript OnError Page OnPlugins OnIcons OnTouch Icons OnWebRTC Public Interfaces OnlyPDF viewer enabledBrowserHeaderEnter URLBrowserLayoutError signing messageStart PageNew TabServer's certificate not trustedDo you wish to continue?If you wish so, you may continue with an unverified certificate. Accepting an unverified certificate means you may not be connected with the host you tried to connect to.
Do you wish to override the security check and continue?BrowserSettingsMenuNew TabExit Incognito modeGo IncognitoZoom InZoom OutFindCompatibility modeDeveloper ToolsSettingsImpostazioniBrowserTabStyleStart PageBrowserWalletMenuMainnetRopstenUnknownDisconnectChannelListNo search resultsChatCommandModalContinueContinuaRecipientDestinatarioChatCommandsPopupSendInviaChatTextRead lessRead moreCollectiblesHeaderMaximum number of collectibles to display reachedContactsContainerEnter ENS username or chat keyInserisci il nome utente ENS o la chiave chatDownloadViewNo active downloads.OKEnterSeedPhraseModalEnter seed phraseInserisci la tua frase di recuperoStart with the first wordExistingKeyInvalid seed phraseFrase di recupero errataGasSelectorApplyApplicaLoginLogin failedLogin failed. Please re-enter your password and try again.MnemonicRecoverySuccessModalYour keys have been successfully recoveredYou will have to create a new code or password to re-encrypt your keysRe-encrypt your keysPrivacyContainerSet DApp access permissionsPrivateChatPopupCan't chat with yourselfRecipientSelectorContactÈ nella lista contattiRegisterENSModalNextProssimoSelectAnotherAccountModalYour keysAdd another existing keySendModalSendInviaContinueContinuaRecipientDestinatarioSendToContractWarningTokens will be sent directly to a contract address, which may result in a loss of funds. To transfer ERC-20 tokens, ensure the recipient address is the address of the destination wallet.SignMessageModalSigning a messageSignSignTransactionModalSendInviaStatusChatInputType a messageStickerPackPurchaseModalContinueContinua