#****************************************************************************** # Status.im #*****************************************************************************/ #/** # * \file test.feature # * # * \test Status Desktop - Community Chat Flows # * \date July 2022 # ** # *****************************************************************************/ Feature: Status Desktop community messages As a user I want to send messages and interact with channels in a community The feature start sequence is the following (setup on its own `bdd_hooks`): ** given A first time user lands on the status desktop and generates new key ** when user signs up with username "tester123" and password "TesTEr16843/!@00" ** and the user lands on the signed in app Background: Given the user opens the community portal section And the user lands on the community portal section And the user creates a community named "test_community", with description "Community description", intro "community intro" and outro "commmunity outro" Then the user lands on the community named "test_community" @mayfail # TODO: Verification is broken. Scenario: The user sends a test image When the user sends a test image in the current channel Then the last chat message contains the test image @mayfail # TODO: Verification is broken. Scenario: The user sends a test image with a message When the user sends a test image in the current channel with message "Message" with an image Then the test image is displayed just before the last message And the last chat message contains "Message" @mayfail # TODO: Verification is broken. Scenario: The user sends multiple test images with a message When the user sends multiple test images in the current channel with message "Message" with an image again Then the test images are displayed just before the last message And the last chat message contains "Message" @mayfail # TODO: It is unstable. Needs to be checked. Scenario: The user pins and unpins messages # This one wont work until #6554 is fixed # And the amount of pinned messages is 0 Given the user sends a chat message "Message 1" When the user pins the message at index 0 Then the amount of pinned messages is 1 Given the user sends a chat message "Message 2" When the user pins the message at index 0 Then the amount of pinned messages is 2 When the user unpins the message at index 0 Then the amount of pinned messages is 1 Scenario Outline: The user can reply to own message Given the user sends a chat message "" When the user replies to community chat message at index 0 with "" Then the chat message "" is displayed as a reply of this user's "" Examples: | message | reply | | Community chat message | This is a reply | Scenario Outline: The user can edit a message Given the user sends a chat message "Edit me" # Checking that message can be edited several times When the user edits the message at index 0 and changes it to "first edition" Then the chat message "first edition" is displayed as an edited one When the user edits the message at index 0 and changes it to "" Then the chat message "" is displayed as an edited one Examples: | edited | | Edited by me | Scenario Outline: The user can delete his/her own message Given the user sends a chat message "" When the user deletes the message at index 0 Then the last message displayed is not "" Examples: | message | | random chat message | Scenario: The user can clear chat history Given the user sends a chat message "Hi hi" And the user sends a chat message "testing chat" And the user sends a chat message "history" When the user clears chat history Then the chat is cleared Scenario: The user can send a GIF Given the user opens app settings screen And the user opens the messaging settings When the user activates the link preview if it is deactivated And the user activates tenor GIFs preview And the user opens the community named "test_community" Then the user lands on the community named "test_community" When the user sends a GIF message Then the GIF message is displayed @mayfail # Test fails at finding the link. Issue #9380 Scenario Outline: The user can activate image unfurling Given the user sends a chat message "" And the image "" is not unfurled in the chat And the user opens app settings screen And the user opens the messaging settings When the user activates the link preview if it is deactivated And the user activates image unfurling And the user opens the community named "test_community" Then the user lands on the community named "test_community" When the user switches to "general" chat Then the image "" is unfurled in the chat Examples: | image_url | | https://github.com/status-im/status-desktop/raw/master/test/ui-test/fixtures/images/doggo.jpeg | Scenario: The user is able to use emoji suggestions Given the user types "hello :thumbs" And the user selects the emoji in the suggestion's list When the user presses enter Then the last chat message contains "👍"