import QtQuick 2.14 import QtQuick.Controls 2.14 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.14 import StatusQ.Core 0.1 import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1 import StatusQ.Components 0.1 import StatusQ.Controls 0.1 import AppLayouts.Chat.helpers 1.0 import 1.0 import SortFilterProxyModel 0.2 Control { id: root property bool joinCommunity: true // Otherwise it means join channel action property bool requirementsMet: false property bool requiresRequest: false property bool isInvitationPending: false property bool isJoinRequestRejected: false property string communityName property var communityHoldings property string channelName property var viewOnlyHoldings property var viewAndPostHoldings property var moderateHoldings signal revealAddressClicked signal invitationPendingClicked QtObject { id: d readonly property string communityRequirementsNotMetText: qsTr("Membership requirements not met") readonly property string communityRevealAddressText: qsTr("Reveal your address to join") readonly property string communityRevealAddressWithRequestText: qsTr("Reveal your address and request to join") readonly property string communityMembershipRequestPendingText: qsTr("Membership Request Pending...") readonly property string channelRequirementsNotMetText: qsTr("Channel requirements not met") readonly property string channelRevealAddressText: qsTr("Reveal your address to enter") readonly property string channelMembershipRequestPendingText: qsTr("Channel Membership Request Pending...") readonly property string memberchipRequestRejectedText: qsTr("Membership Request Rejected") function holdingsTextFormat(name, amount) { return CommunityPermissionsHelpers.setHoldingsTextFormat(HoldingTypes.Type.Asset, name, amount) } function getInvitationPendingText() { return root.joinCommunity ? d.communityMembershipRequestPendingText : d.channelMembershipRequestPendingText } function getRevealAddressText() { return root.joinCommunity ? (root.requiresRequest ? d.communityRevealAddressWithRequestText : d.communityRevealAddressText) : d.channelRevealAddressText } } padding: 35 // default by design spacing: 32 // default by design contentItem: ColumnLayout { id: column spacing: root.spacing HoldingsListPanel { Layout.fillWidth: true spacing: root.spacing visible: root.joinCommunity && root.communityHoldings introText: qsTr("To join %1 you need to prove that you hold").arg(root.communityName) model: root.communityHoldings } HoldingsListPanel { Layout.fillWidth: true spacing: root.spacing visible: !root.joinCommunity && !!root.viewOnlyHoldings introText: qsTr("To only view the %1 channel you need to hold").arg(root.channelName) model: root.viewOnlyHoldings } HoldingsListPanel { Layout.fillWidth: true spacing: root.spacing visible: !root.joinCommunity && !!root.viewAndPostHoldings introText: qsTr("To view and post in the %1 channel you need to hold").arg(root.channelName) model: root.viewAndPostHoldings } HoldingsListPanel { Layout.fillWidth: true spacing: root.spacing visible: !root.joinCommunity && !!root.moderateHoldings introText: qsTr("To moderate in the %1 channel you need to hold").arg(root.channelName) model: root.moderateHoldings } StatusButton { Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter visible: !root.isJoinRequestRejected text: root.isInvitationPending ? d.getInvitationPendingText() : d.getRevealAddressText() font.pixelSize: 13 enabled: root.requirementsMet onClicked: root.isInvitationPending ? root.invitationPendingClicked() : root.revealAddressClicked() } StatusBaseText { Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter visible: root.isJoinRequestRejected || !root.requirementsMet text: root.isJoinRequestRejected ? d.memberchipRequestRejectedText : (root.joinCommunity ? d.communityRequirementsNotMetText : d.channelRequirementsNotMetText) color: Theme.palette.dangerColor1 } } }