import QtQuick 2.13 import QtQuick.Controls 2.3 import utils 1.0 import shared 1.0 import shared.views 1.0 import shared.panels 1.0 import shared.popups 1.0 import 1.0 import "../controls" import "../panels" //TODO remove or make view? import "../views" import StatusQ.Controls 0.1 as StatusQControls // TODO: replace with StatusMOdal ModalPopup { id: popup property var store property var messageStore property var pinnedMessagesModel //this doesn't belong to the messageStore, it is a part of the ChatContentStore, but we didn't introduce it yet. property string messageToPin property string messageToUnpin property var emojiReactionsModel header: Item { height: childrenRect.height width: parent.width StyledText { id: title //% "Pin limit reached" text: !!popup.messageToPin ? qsTrId("pin-limit-reached") : //% "Pinned messages" qsTrId("pinned-messages") anchors.left: parent.left font.bold: true font.pixelSize: 17 } StyledText { property int nbMessages: pinnedMessageListView.count id: nbPinnedMessages text: { if (!!popup.messageToPin) { //% "Unpin a previous message first" return qsTrId("unpin-a-previous-message-first") } //% "%1 messages" return nbMessages > 1 ? qsTrId("-1-messages").arg(nbMessages) : //% "%1 message" qsTrId("-1-message").arg(nbMessages) } anchors.left: parent.left title.bottom anchors.topMargin: 2 font.pixelSize: 15 color: Style.current.secondaryText } Separator { nbPinnedMessages.bottom anchors.topMargin: Style.current.padding anchors.left: parent.left anchors.leftMargin: -Style.current.padding anchors.right: parent.right anchors.rightMargin: -Style.current.padding } } Item { anchors.fill: parent StyledText { visible: pinnedMessageListView.count === 0 //% "Pinned messages will appear here." text: qsTrId("pinned-messages-will-appear-here-") anchors.centerIn: parent color: Style.current.secondaryText } ButtonGroup { id: pinButtonGroup } ListView { id: pinnedMessageListView model: popup.pinnedMessagesModel height: parent.height anchors.left: parent.left anchors.leftMargin: -Style.current.padding anchors.right: parent.right anchors.rightMargin: -Style.current.padding topMargin: Style.current.halfPadding anchors.topMargin: -Style.current.halfPadding clip: true delegate: Item { id: messageDelegate property var listView: ListView.view width: parent.width height: messageItem.height MessageView { id: messageItem messageStore: popup.messageStore messageContextMenu: msgContextMenu messageId: responseToMessageWithId: model.responseToMessageWithId senderId: model.senderId senderDisplayName: model.senderDisplayName senderLocalName: model.senderLocalName senderIcon: model.senderIcon isSenderIconIdenticon: model.isSenderIconIdenticon amISender: model.amISender message: model.messageText messageImage: model.messageImage messageTimestamp: model.timestamp messageOutgoingStatus: model.outgoingStatus messageContentType: model.contentType pinnedMessage: model.pinned messagePinnedBy: model.pinnedBy reactionsModel: model.reactions linkUrls: model.links // This is possible since we have all data loaded before we load qml. // When we fetch messages to fulfill a gap we have to set them at once. prevMessageIndex: index - 1 prevMessageAsJsonObj: popup.messageStore? popup.messageStore.getMessageByIndexAsJson(index - 1) : {} nextMessageIndex: index + 1 nextMessageAsJsonObj: popup.messageStore? popup.messageStore.getMessageByIndexAsJson(index + 1) : {} // Additional params forceHoverHandler: !popup.messageToPin } MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent enabled: !!popup.messageToPin cursorShape: Qt.PointingHandCursor z: 55 onClicked: radio.toggle() } StatusQControls.StatusRadioButton { id: radio visible: !!popup.messageToPin anchors.right: parent.right anchors.rightMargin: 18 anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter pinButtonGroup function toggle() { radio.checked = !radio.checked if (radio.checked) { popup.messageToUnpin = } } } } } MessageContextMenuView { id: msgContextMenu reactionModel: popup.emojiReactionsModel store: pinnedPopup: true pinnedMessage: true onShouldCloseParentPopup: { popup.close() } onPinMessage: { popup.messageStore.pinMessage(messageId) } onUnpinMessage: { popup.messageStore.unpinMessage(messageId) } onToggleReaction: { popup.messageStore.toggleReaction(messageId, emojiId) } onOpenProfileClicked: { Global.openProfilePopup(publicKey) } } } footer: Item { width: parent.width height: btnUnpin.height StatusQControls.StatusButton { id: btnUnpin visible: !!popup.messageToPin enabled: !!popup.messageToUnpin //% "Unpin" text: qsTrId("unpin") type: StatusQControls.StatusBaseButton.Type.Danger anchors.right: parent.right onClicked: { popup.messageStore.unpinMessage(popup.messageToUnpin) popup.messageToUnpin = "" popup.messageToPin = "" popup.close() } } } }