import QtQuick 2.15 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.14 import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0 import StatusQ 0.1 import StatusQ.Core 0.1 import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1 import StatusQ.Controls 0.1 import StatusQ.Components 0.1 import StatusQ.Core.Utils 0.1 as StatusQUtils import utils 1.0 import shared.panels 1.0 import AppLayouts.Communities.helpers 1.0 import AppLayouts.Communities.panels 1.0 import SortFilterProxyModel 0.2 StatusScrollView { id: root property int viewWidth: 560 // by design property bool preview: false property bool isOwnerTokenItem: false // /* required */ property TokenObject token /* required */ property string feeText /* required */ property string feeErrorText /* required */ property bool isFeeLoading readonly property bool isAssetView: token.type === Constants.TokenType.ERC20 readonly property string name: readonly property string description: token.description readonly property string symbol: token.symbol readonly property int supply: readonly property url artworkSource: token.artworkSource readonly property rect artworkCropRect: token.artworkCropRect readonly property bool infiniteSupply: token.infiniteSupply readonly property int remainingTokens: root.preview ? : token.remainingTokens readonly property int deployState: token.deployState readonly property string accountName: token.accountName readonly property string chainName: token.chainName readonly property string chainId: token.chainId readonly property string accountAddress: token.accountAddress readonly property bool remotelyDestruct: token.remotelyDestruct readonly property int remotelyDestructState: token.remotelyDestructState readonly property bool transferable: token.transferable readonly property string chainIcon: token.chainIcon readonly property int decimals: token.decimals readonly property int multiplierIndex: token.multiplierIndex readonly property bool deploymentCompleted: deployState === Constants.ContractTransactionStatus.Completed readonly property string feeLabel: isAssetView ? qsTr("Mint asset on %1").arg(token.chainName) : qsTr("Mint collectible on %1").arg(token.chainName) // Models: property var tokenOwnersModel property var membersModel // Required for preview mode: property var accounts signal mintClicked() signal airdropRequested(string address) signal generalAirdropRequested signal viewProfileRequested(string contactId) signal viewMessagesRequested(string contactId) signal remoteDestructRequested(string name, string address) signal kickRequested(string name, string contactId, string address) signal banRequested(string name, string contactId, string address) QtObject { id: d readonly property int iconSize: 20 readonly property var renamedTokenOwnersModel: RolesRenamingModel { sourceModel: root.tokenOwnersModel mapping: [ RoleRename { from: "contactId" to: "pubKey" } ] } readonly property LeftJoinModel joinModel: LeftJoinModel { leftModel: root.membersModel rightModel: d.renamedTokenOwnersModel joinRole: "pubKey" } } padding: 0 contentWidth: mainLayout.width contentHeight: mainLayout.height ColumnLayout { id: mainLayout width: root.viewWidth spacing: Style.current.padding RowLayout { visible: !root.preview && !root.deploymentCompleted spacing: Style.current.halfPadding StatusDotsLoadingIndicator { visible: (root.deployState === Constants.ContractTransactionStatus.InProgress) } StatusIcon { visible: (root.deployState === Constants.ContractTransactionStatus.Failed) icon: "warning" color: Theme.palette.dangerColor1 } StatusBaseText { elide: Text.ElideRight font.pixelSize: Theme.primaryTextFontSize text: (root.deployState === Constants.ContractTransactionStatus.InProgress) ? (root.isAssetView ? qsTr("Asset is being minted") : qsTr("Collectible is being minted")) : (root.deployState === Constants.ContractTransactionStatus.Failed) ? (root.isAssetView ? qsTr("Asset minting failed") : qsTr("Collectible minting failed")) : "" color: (root.deployState === Constants.ContractTransactionStatus.Failed) ? Theme.palette.dangerColor1 : Theme.palette.directColor1 } } TokenInfoPanel { Layout.fillWidth: true token: root.token } RowLayout { visible: root.preview Layout.fillWidth: true StatusIcon { Layout.preferredWidth: d.iconSize Layout.preferredHeight: d.iconSize Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignTop color: Theme.palette.baseColor1 icon: "info" } StatusBaseText { Layout.fillWidth: true wrapMode: Text.Wrap font.pixelSize: Style.current.primaryTextFontSize color: Theme.palette.baseColor1 text: qsTr("Review token details before minting it as they can’t be edited later") } } FeesBox { id: feesBox Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.topMargin: Style.current.padding implicitWidth: 0 visible: root.preview accountErrorText: root.feeErrorText model: QtObject { readonly property string title: root.feeLabel readonly property string feeText: root.isFeeLoading ? "" : root.feeText readonly property bool error: root.feeErrorText !== "" } accountsSelector.model: root.accounts || null Component.onCompleted: { const initIndex = StatusQUtils.ModelUtils.indexOf( accountsSelector.model, "name", token.accountName) accountsSelector.currentIndex = (initIndex !== -1) ? initIndex : 0 accountsSelector.currentIndexChanged.connect(() => { if (accountsSelector.currentIndex < 0) return const item = StatusQUtils.ModelUtils.get( accountsSelector.model, accountsSelector.currentIndex) token.accountAddress = item.address token.accountName = }) } } StatusButton { Layout.preferredHeight: 44 Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.topMargin: Style.current.halfPadding visible: root.preview enabled: !root.isFeeLoading && root.feeErrorText === "" text: qsTr("Mint") onClicked: root.mintClicked() } Loader { id: tokenHolderLoader visible: !root.preview && root.deploymentCompleted sourceComponent: isOwnerTokenItem ? tokenHolderContact : sortableTokenHolderPanel } Component { id: sortableTokenHolderPanel SortableTokenHoldersPanel { model: root.tokenOwnersModel tokenName: showRemotelyDestructMenuItem: !root.isAssetView && root.remotelyDestruct isAirdropEnabled: root.deploymentCompleted && (token.infiniteSupply || token.remainingTokens > 0) multiplierIndex: root.multiplierIndex Layout.topMargin: Style.current.padding Layout.fillWidth: true onViewProfileRequested: root.viewProfileRequested(contactId) onViewMessagesRequested: root.viewMessagesRequested(contactId) onAirdropRequested: root.airdropRequested(address) onGeneralAirdropRequested: root.generalAirdropRequested() onRemoteDestructRequested: root.remoteDestructRequested(name, address) onKickRequested: root.kickRequested(name, contactId, address) onBanRequested: root.banRequested(name, contactId, address) } } Component { id: tokenHolderContact ColumnLayout { Layout.topMargin: Style.current.padding Layout.fillWidth: true StatusBaseText { Layout.fillWidth: true wrapMode: Text.Wrap font.pixelSize: Style.current.primaryTextFontSize color: Theme.palette.baseColor1 text: qsTr("%1 token hodler").arg( } StatusInfoBoxPanel { id: infoBoxPanel Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.topMargin: Style.current.padding enabled: root.deploymentCompleted && (token.infiniteSupply || token.remainingTokens > 0) visible: d.joinModel.rowCount() === 0 title: qsTr("No hodlers just yet") text: qsTr("You can Airdrop tokens to deserving Community members or to give individuals token-based permissions.") buttonText: qsTr("Airdrop") onClicked: root.generalAirdropRequested() } StatusListView { id: tokenOwnerList objectName: "tokenOwnerList" clip: false Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.fillHeight: true anchors.bottomMargin: Style.current.bigPadding displayMarginEnd: anchors.bottomMargin model: d.joinModel delegate: StatusMemberListItem { color: "transparent" leftPadding: 0 rightPadding: 0 sensor.enabled: false nickName: model.localNickname userName: ProfileUtils.displayName("", model.ensName, model.displayName, model.alias) pubKey: model.isEnsVerified ? "" : Utils.getCompressedPk(model.pubKey) isContact: model.isContact isVerified: model.verificationStatus === Constants.verificationStatus.verified isUntrustworthy: model.trustStatus === Constants.trustStatus.untrustworthy status: model.onlineStatus model.icon asset.isImage: ( !== "") asset.isLetterIdenticon: ( === "") asset.color: Utils.colorForPubkey(model.pubKey) ringSettings.ringSpecModel: Utils.getColorHashAsJson(model.pubKey) } } } } } }