import QtQuick 2.15 import QtQuick.Controls 2.15 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15 import QtQml 2.15 import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1 import StatusQ.Controls 0.1 import StatusQ.Core.Utils 0.1 as SQUtils import AppLayouts.Communities.controls 1.0 import AppLayouts.Communities.helpers 1.0 import AppLayouts.Communities.layouts 1.0 import AppLayouts.Communities.popups 1.0 import AppLayouts.Communities.views 1.0 import shared.controls 1.0 import utils 1.0 import shared.popups 1.0 import SortFilterProxyModel 0.2 StackView { id: root // General properties: property int viewWidth: 560 // by design property string previousPageName: depth > 1 ? qsTr("Back") : "" required property string communityName required property string communityLogo required property color communityColor // User profile props: required property bool isOwner required property bool isTokenMasterOwner required property bool isAdmin readonly property bool isAdminOnly: root.isAdmin && !root.isPrivilegedTokenOwnerProfile readonly property bool isPrivilegedTokenOwnerProfile: root.isOwner || root.isTokenMasterOwner // Owner and TMaster token related properties: readonly property bool arePrivilegedTokensDeployed: root.isOwnerTokenDeployed && root.isTMasterTokenDeployed property bool isOwnerTokenDeployed: false property bool isTMasterTokenDeployed: false property bool anyPrivilegedTokenFailed: false // It will monitorize if Owner and/or TMaster token items are included in the `tokensModel` despite the deployment state property bool ownerOrTMasterTokenItemsExist: false // Models: property var tokensModel property var tokensModelWallet property var accounts // Expected roles: address, name, color, emoji, walletType // Transaction related properties: property string feeText property string feeErrorText property bool isFeeLoading: true // Network related properties: property var layer1Networks property var layer2Networks property var enabledNetworks property var allNetworks signal mintCollectible(var collectibleItem) signal mintAsset(var assetItem) signal mintOwnerToken(var ownerToken, var tMasterToken) signal deployFeesRequested(int chainId, string accountAddress, int tokenType) signal signRemoteDestructTransactionOpened(var remotelyDestructTokensList, // [key , amount] string tokenKey) signal remotelyDestructCollectibles(var remotelyDestructTokensList, // [key , amount] string tokenKey) signal signBurnTransactionOpened(string tokenKey, int amount) signal burnToken(string tokenKey, int amount) signal airdropToken(string tokenKey, int type, var addresses) signal deleteToken(string tokenKey) function setFeeLoading() { root.isFeeLoading = true root.feeText = "" root.feeErrorText = "" } function navigateBack() { pop(StackView.Immediate) } function resetNavigation() { pop(initialItem, StackView.Immediate) } // This method will be called from the outsite from a different section like Airdrop or Permissions function openNewTokenForm(isAssetView) { resetNavigation() if(root.isAdminOnly) { // Admins can only see the initial tokens page. They cannot mint. Initial view. return } if(root.arePrivilegedTokensDeployed) { // Regular minting flow for Owner and TMaster owner, selecting the specific tab const properties = { isAssetView } root.push(newTokenViewComponent, properties, StackView.Immediate) return } if(root.ownerOrTMasterTokenItemsExist) { // Owner and TMaster tokens deployment action has been started at least ones but still without success. Initial view. return } if(root.isOwner) { // Owner and TMaster tokens to be deployed. Never tried. root.push(ownerTokenViewComponent, StackView.Immediate) return } } QtObject { id: d // Owner or TMaster token retry navigation function retryPrivilegedToken(key, chainId, accountName, accountAddress) { var properties = { key: key, chainId: chainId, accountName: accountName, accountAddress: accountAddress, } root.push(ownerTokenEditViewComponent, properties, StackView.Immediate) } } initialItem: SettingsPage { implicitWidth: 0 title: qsTr("Tokens") buttons: [ // TO BE REMOVED when Owner and TMaster backend is integrated. This is just to keep the minting flow available somehow StatusButton { text: qsTr("TEMP Mint token") onClicked: root.push(newTokenViewComponent, StackView.Immediate) StatusToolTip { visible: parent.hovered text: "TO BE REMOVED when Owner and TMaster backend is integrated. This is just to keep the airdrop flow available somehow" orientation: StatusToolTip.Orientation.Bottom y: parent.height + 12 maxWidth: 300 } }, DisabledTooltipButton { readonly property bool buttonEnabled: root.isPrivilegedTokenOwnerProfile && root.arePrivilegedTokensDeployed buttonType: DisabledTooltipButton.Normal aliasedObjectName: "addNewItemButton" text: qsTr("Mint token") enabled: root.isAdminOnly || buttonEnabled interactive: buttonEnabled onClicked: root.push(newTokenViewComponent, StackView.Immediate) tooltipText: qsTr("In order to mint, you must hodl the TokenMaster token for %1").arg(root.communityName) } ] contentItem: MintedTokensView { model: SortFilterProxyModel { sourceModel: root.tokensModel proxyRoles: ExpressionRole { name: "color" expression: root.communityColor } } isOwner: root.isOwner isAdmin: root.isAdmin communityName: root.communityName anyPrivilegedTokenFailed: root.anyPrivilegedTokenFailed onItemClicked: root.push(tokenViewComponent, { tokenKey }, StackView.Immediate) onMintOwnerTokenClicked: root.push(ownerTokenViewComponent, StackView.Immediate) onRetryOwnerTokenClicked: d.retryPrivilegedToken(tokenKey, chainId, accountName, accountAddress) } } Component { id: tokenObjectComponent TokenObject {} } // Mint tokens possible view contents: Component { id: ownerTokenViewComponent SettingsPage { id: ownerTokenPage title: qsTr("Mint Owner token") contentItem: OwnerTokenWelcomeView { viewWidth: root.viewWidth communityLogo: root.communityLogo communityColor: root.communityColor communityName: root.communityName onNextClicked: root.push(ownerTokenEditViewComponent, StackView.Immediate) } } } Component { id: ownerTokenEditViewComponent SettingsPage { id: ownerTokenPage property int chainId property string accountName property string accountAddress title: qsTr("Mint Owner token") contentItem: EditOwnerTokenView { id: editOwnerTokenView function signMintTransaction() { root.mintOwnerToken(ownerToken, tMasterToken) root.resetNavigation() } viewWidth: root.viewWidth communityLogo: root.communityLogo communityColor: root.communityColor communityName: root.communityName ownerToken.chainId: ownerTokenPage.chainId ownerToken.accountName: ownerTokenPage.accountName ownerToken.accountAddress: ownerTokenPage.accountAddress tMasterToken.chainId: ownerTokenPage.chainId tMasterToken.accountName: ownerTokenPage.accountName tMasterToken.accountAddress: ownerTokenPage.accountAddress layer1Networks: root.layer1Networks layer2Networks: root.layer2Networks enabledNetworks: root.enabledNetworks allNetworks: root.allNetworks accounts: root.accounts onMintClicked: onDeployFeesRequested: root.deployFeesRequested( ownerToken.chainId, ownerToken.accountAddress, Constants.TokenType.ERC721) feeText: root.feeText feeErrorText: root.feeErrorText isFeeLoading: root.isFeeLoading SignMultiTokenTransactionsPopup { id: signMintPopup title: qsTr("Sign transaction - Mint %1 tokens").arg( editOwnerTokenView.communityName) totalFeeText: root.isFeeLoading ? "" : root.feeText accountName: editOwnerTokenView.ownerToken.accountName model: QtObject { readonly property string title: editOwnerTokenView.feeLabel readonly property string feeText: signMintPopup.totalFeeText readonly property bool error: root.feeErrorText !== "" } onSignTransactionClicked: editOwnerTokenView.signMintTransaction() } } } } Component { id: newTokenViewComponent SettingsPage { id: newTokenPage property TokenObject asset: TokenObject{ type: Constants.TokenType.ERC20 } property TokenObject collectible: TokenObject { type: Constants.TokenType.ERC721 } property bool isAssetView: false property int validationMode: StatusInput.ValidationMode.OnlyWhenDirty property string referenceName: "" property string referenceSymbol: "" title: optionsTab.currentItem === assetsTab ? qsTr("Mint asset") : qsTr("Mint collectible") contentItem: ColumnLayout { width: root.viewWidth spacing: Style.current.padding StatusSwitchTabBar { id: optionsTab Layout.preferredWidth: root.viewWidth currentIndex: newTokenPage.isAssetView ? 1 : 0 StatusSwitchTabButton { id: collectiblesTab text: qsTr("Collectibles") } StatusSwitchTabButton { id: assetsTab text: qsTr("Assets") } } StackLayout { Layout.preferredWidth: root.viewWidth Layout.fillHeight: true currentIndex: optionsTab.currentItem === collectiblesTab ? 0 : 1 CustomEditCommunityTokenView { id: newCollectibleView isAssetView: false validationMode: !newTokenPage.isAssetView ? newTokenPage.validationMode : StatusInput.ValidationMode.OnlyWhenDirty collectible: newTokenPage.collectible } CustomEditCommunityTokenView { id: newAssetView isAssetView: true validationMode: newTokenPage.isAssetView ? newTokenPage.validationMode : StatusInput.ValidationMode.OnlyWhenDirty asset: newTokenPage.asset } component CustomEditCommunityTokenView: EditCommunityTokenView { viewWidth: root.viewWidth layer1Networks: root.layer1Networks layer2Networks: root.layer2Networks enabledNetworks: root.enabledNetworks allNetworks: root.allNetworks accounts: root.accounts tokensModel: root.tokensModel tokensModelWallet: root.tokensModelWallet referenceName: newTokenPage.referenceName referenceSymbol: newTokenPage.referenceSymbol feeText: root.feeText feeErrorText: root.feeErrorText isFeeLoading: root.isFeeLoading onPreviewClicked: { const properties = { token: isAssetView ? asset : collectible } root.push(previewTokenViewComponent, properties, StackView.Immediate) } onDeployFeesRequested: { if (isAssetView) root.deployFeesRequested(asset.chainId, asset.accountAddress, Constants.TokenType.ERC20) else root.deployFeesRequested(collectible.chainId, collectible.accountAddress, Constants.TokenType.ERC721) } } } } } } Component { id: previewTokenViewComponent SettingsPage { id: tokenPreviewPage property alias token: preview.token title: subtitle: token.symbol contentItem: CommunityTokenView { id: preview viewWidth: root.viewWidth preview: true feeText: root.feeText feeErrorText: root.feeErrorText isFeeLoading: root.isFeeLoading accounts: root.accounts onDeployFeesRequested: root.deployFeesRequested( token.chainId, token.accountAddress, token.type) onMintClicked: function signMintTransaction() { root.setFeeLoading() if(preview.isAssetView) root.mintAsset(token) else root.mintCollectible(token) root.resetNavigation() } SignMultiTokenTransactionsPopup { id: signMintPopup title: qsTr("Sign transaction - Mint %1 token").arg( totalFeeText: root.isFeeLoading ? "" : root.feeText accountName: preview.token.accountName model: QtObject { readonly property string title: preview.feeLabel readonly property string feeText: signMintPopup.totalFeeText readonly property bool error: root.feeErrorText !== "" } onSignTransactionClicked: preview.signMintTransaction() } } } } component TokenViewPage: SettingsPage { id: tokenViewPage readonly property alias token: view.token readonly property bool deploymentFailed: view.deployState === Constants.ContractTransactionStatus.Failed property alias tokenOwnersModel: view.tokenOwnersModel property alias airdropKey: view.airdropKey // Owner and TMaster related props readonly property bool isPrivilegedTokenItem: token.isPrivilegedToken readonly property bool isOwnerTokenItem: token.isPrivilegedToken && token.isOwner readonly property bool isTMasterTokenItem: token.isPrivilegedToken && !token.isOwner title: subtitle: view.symbol buttons: [ StatusButton { text: qsTr("Delete") type: StatusBaseButton.Type.Danger visible: (!tokenViewPage.isPrivilegedTokenItem) && !root.isAdminOnly && tokenViewPage.deploymentFailed onClicked: }, StatusButton { function retryAssetOrCollectible() { // var isAssetView = tokenViewPage.token.type === Constants.TokenType.ERC20 // Copy TokenObject var tokenObject = tokenObjectComponent.createObject(null, view.token) // Then move on to the new token view, but token pre-filled: var properties = { isAssetView, referenceName:, referenceSymbol: tokenObject.symbol, validationMode: StatusInput.ValidationMode.Always, [isAssetView ? "asset" : "collectible"]: tokenObject } var tokenView = root.push(newTokenViewComponent, properties, StackView.Immediate) // Cleanup dynamically created TokenObject tokenView.Component.destruction.connect(() => tokenObject.destroy()) } text: qsTr("Retry mint") visible: (tokenViewPage.isPrivilegedTokenItem && root.isOwner && tokenViewPage.deploymentFailed) || (!tokenViewPage.isPrivilegedTokenItem && !root.isAdminOnly && tokenViewPage.deploymentFailed) onClicked: { if(tokenViewPage.isPrivilegedTokenItem) { d.retryPrivilegedToken(view.token.key, view.token.chainId, view.token.accountName, view.token.accountAddress) } else { retryAssetOrCollectible() } } } ] contentItem: CommunityTokenView { id: view property string airdropKey // TO REMOVE: Temporal property until airdrop backend is not ready to use token key instead of symbol viewWidth: root.viewWidth token: TokenObject {} onGeneralAirdropRequested: { root.airdropToken(view.airdropKey, view.token.type, []) // tokenKey instead when backend airdrop ready to use key instead of symbol } onAirdropRequested: { root.airdropToken(view.airdropKey, view.token.type, [address]) // tokenKey instead when backend airdrop ready to use key instead of symbol } onRemoteDestructRequested: { if (token.isPrivilegedToken) { tokenMasterActionPopup.openPopup( TokenMasterActionPopup.ActionType.RemotelyDestruct, name) } else { // TODO: set the address selected in the popup's list } } onBanRequested: { tokenMasterActionPopup.openPopup( TokenMasterActionPopup.ActionType.Ban, name) } onKickRequested: { tokenMasterActionPopup.openPopup( TokenMasterActionPopup.ActionType.Kick, name) } TokenMasterActionPopup { id: tokenMasterActionPopup communityName: root.communityName networkName: view.token.chainName accountsModel: SortFilterProxyModel { sourceModel: root.accounts proxyRoles: [ ExpressionRole { name: "color" function getColor(colorId) { return Utils.getColorForId(colorId) } // Direct call for singleton function is not handled properly by // SortFilterProxyModel that's why helper function is used instead. expression: { return getColor(model.colorId) } } ] filters: ValueFilter { roleName: "walletType" value: Constants.watchWalletType inverted: true } } function openPopup(type, userName) { tokenMasterActionPopup.actionType = type tokenMasterActionPopup.userName = userName open() } } } footer: MintTokensFooterPanel { id: footer readonly property TokenObject token: view.token readonly property bool isAssetView: view.isAssetView readonly property bool deployStateCompleted: token.deployState === Constants.ContractTransactionStatus.Completed function closePopups() { remotelyDestructPopup.close() alertPopup.close() signTransactionPopup.close() burnTokensPopup.close() } visible: { if(tokenViewPage.isOwnerTokenItem) // Always hidden return false if(tokenViewPage.isTMasterTokenItem) // Only footer if owner profile return root.isOwner // Always present return true } airdropEnabled: deployStateCompleted && (token.infiniteSupply || token.remainingTokens > 0) remotelyDestructEnabled: deployStateCompleted && !!view.tokenOwnersModel && view.tokenOwnersModel.count > 0 burnEnabled: deployStateCompleted remotelyDestructVisible: token.remotelyDestruct burnVisible: !token.infiniteSupply onAirdropClicked: root.airdropToken(view.airdropKey, // tokenKey instead when backend airdrop ready to use key instead of symbol view.token.type, []) onRemotelyDestructClicked: onBurnClicked: // helper properties to pass data through popups property var remotelyDestructTokensList property int burnAmount RemotelyDestructPopup { id: remotelyDestructPopup collectibleName: model: view.tokenOwnersModel || null onRemotelyDestructClicked: { remotelyDestructPopup.close() footer.remotelyDestructTokensList = remotelyDestructTokensList alertPopup.tokenCount = tokenCount } } AlertPopup { id: alertPopup property int tokenCount title: qsTr("Remotely destruct %n token(s)", "", tokenCount) acceptBtnText: qsTr("Remotely destruct") alertText: qsTr("Continuing will destroy tokens held by members and revoke any permissions they are given. To undo you will have to issue them new tokens.") onAcceptClicked: { signTransactionPopup.isRemotelyDestructTransaction = true } } SignTokenTransactionsPopup { id: signTransactionPopup property bool isRemotelyDestructTransaction readonly property string tokenKey: tokenViewPage.token.key function signTransaction() { root.setFeeLoading() if(signTransactionPopup.isRemotelyDestructTransaction) root.remotelyDestructCollectibles( footer.remotelyDestructTokensList, tokenKey) else root.burnToken(tokenKey, footer.burnAmount) footerPanel.closePopups() } title: signTransactionPopup.isRemotelyDestructTransaction ? qsTr("Sign transaction - Self-destruct %1 tokens").arg(tokenName) : qsTr("Sign transaction - Burn %1 tokens").arg(tokenName) tokenName: accountName: footer.token.accountName networkName: footer.token.chainName feeText: root.feeText isFeeLoading: root.isFeeLoading errorText: root.feeErrorText onOpened: { root.setFeeLoading() signTransactionPopup.isRemotelyDestructTransaction ? root.signRemoteDestructTransactionOpened(footer.remotelyDestructTokensList, tokenKey) : root.signBurnTransactionOpened(tokenKey, footer.burnAmount) } onSignTransactionClicked: signTransaction() } BurnTokensPopup { id: burnTokensPopup communityName: root.communityName tokenName: remainingTokens: footer.token.remainingTokens tokenSource: footer.token.artworkSource onBurnClicked: { burnTokensPopup.close() footer.burnAmount = burnAmount signTransactionPopup.isRemotelyDestructTransaction = false } } } AlertPopup { id: deleteTokenAlertPopup readonly property alias tokenName: width: 521 title: qsTr("Delete %1").arg(tokenName) acceptBtnText: qsTr("Delete %1 token").arg(tokenName) alertText: qsTr("%1 is not yet minted, are you sure you want to delete it? All data associated with this token including its icon and description will be permanently deleted.").arg(tokenName) onAcceptClicked: { root.deleteToken(tokenViewPage.token.key) root.navigateBack() } } } Component { id: tokenViewComponent Item { id: tokenViewPageWrapper property string tokenKey Repeater { model: SortFilterProxyModel { sourceModel: root.tokensModel filters: ValueFilter { roleName: "contractUniqueKey" value: tokenViewPageWrapper.tokenKey } } delegate: TokenViewPage { implicitWidth: 0 anchors.fill: parent tokenOwnersModel: model.tokenOwnersModel airdropKey: model.symbol // TO BE REMOVED: When airdrop backend is ready to use token key instead of symbol token.isPrivilegedToken: model.isPrivilegedToken token.isOwner: model.isOwner token.color: root.communityColor token.accountName: model.accountName token.artworkSource: model.image token.chainIcon: model.chainIcon token.chainId: model.chainId token.chainName: model.chainName token.decimals: model.decimals token.deployState: model.deployState token.description: model.description token.infiniteSupply: model.infiniteSupply token.key: model.contractUniqueKey token.remainingTokens: model.remainingSupply token.remotelyDestruct: model.remoteSelfDestruct token.symbol: model.symbol token.transferable: model.transferable token.type: model.tokenType token.burnState: model.burnState token.remotelyDestructState: model.remotelyDestructState // TODO: Backend //token.accountAddress: model.accountAddress } onCountChanged: { if (count === 0) root.navigateBack() } } } } }