import QtQuick 2.13 import QtQuick.Controls 2.13 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.13 import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.3 import "../../../../../imports" import "../../../../../shared" ModalPopup { id: root readonly property var asset: {"name": "Ethereum", "symbol": "ETH"} property string ensUsername: "" //% "Connect username with your pubkey" title: qsTrId("connect-username-with-your-pubkey") property MessageDialog sendingError: MessageDialog { id: sendingError //% "Error sending the transaction" title: qsTrId("error-sending-the-transaction") icon: StandardIcon.Critical standardButtons: StandardButton.Ok } onClosed: { stack.reset() } function sendTransaction() { try { let responseStr = profileModel.ens.setPubKey(root.ensUsername, selectFromAccount.selectedAccount.address, gasSelector.selectedGasLimit, gasSelector.selectedGasPrice, transactionSigner.enteredPassword) let response = JSON.parse(responseStr) if (!response.success) { if (response.error.message.includes("could not decrypt key with given password")){ //% "Wrong password" transactionSigner.validationError = qsTrId("wrong-password") return } sendingError.text = response.error.message return } usernameUpdated(root.ensUsername); } catch (e) { console.error('Error sending the transaction', e) sendingError.text = "Error sending the transaction: " + e.message; return } } TransactionStackView { id: stack height: parent.height anchors.fill: parent anchors.leftMargin: Style.current.padding anchors.rightMargin: Style.current.padding onGroupActivated: { root.title = group.headerText btnNext.label = group.footerText } TransactionFormGroup { id: group1 //% "Connect username with your pubkey" headerText: qsTrId("connect-username-with-your-pubkey") //% "Continue" footerText: qsTrId("continue") AccountSelector { id: selectFromAccount accounts: walletModel.accounts selectedAccount: walletModel.currentAccount currency: walletModel.defaultCurrency width: stack.width //% "Choose account" label: qsTrId("choose-account") showBalanceForAssetSymbol: "ETH" minRequiredAssetBalance: 0 reset: function() { accounts = Qt.binding(function() { return walletModel.accounts }) selectedAccount = Qt.binding(function() { return walletModel.currentAccount }) showBalanceForAssetSymbol = Qt.binding(function() { return "ETH" }) minRequiredAssetBalance = Qt.binding(function() { return 0 }) } onSelectedAccountChanged: if (isValid) { gasSelector.estimateGas() } } RecipientSelector { id: selectRecipient visible: false accounts: walletModel.accounts contacts: profileModel.addedContacts selectedRecipient: { "address": utilsModel.ensRegisterAddress, "type": RecipientSelector.Type.Address } readOnly: true onSelectedRecipientChanged: if (isValid) { gasSelector.estimateGas() } } GasSelector { id: gasSelector visible: false slowestGasPrice: parseFloat(walletModel.safeLowGasPrice) fastestGasPrice: parseFloat(walletModel.fastestGasPrice) getGasEthValue: walletModel.getGasEthValue getFiatValue: walletModel.getFiatValue defaultCurrency: walletModel.defaultCurrency reset: function() { slowestGasPrice = Qt.binding(function(){ return parseFloat(walletModel.safeLowGasPrice) }) fastestGasPrice = Qt.binding(function(){ return parseFloat(walletModel.fastestGasPrice) }) } property var estimateGas: Backpressure.debounce(gasSelector, 600, function() { if (!(root.ensUsername !== "" && selectFromAccount.selectedAccount)) { selectedGasLimit = 80000; return; } selectedGasLimit = profileModel.ens.setPubKeyGasEstimate(root.ensUsername, selectFromAccount.selectedAccount.address) }) } GasValidator { id: gasValidator anchors.bottom: parent.bottom anchors.bottomMargin: 8 selectedAccount: selectFromAccount.selectedAccount selectedAsset: root.asset selectedAmount: 0 selectedGasEthValue: gasSelector.selectedGasEthValue reset: function() { selectedAccount = Qt.binding(function() { return selectFromAccount.selectedAccount }) selectedAsset = Qt.binding(function() { return root.asset }) selectedAmount = Qt.binding(function() { return 0 }) selectedGasEthValue = Qt.binding(function() { return gasSelector.selectedGasEthValue }) } } } TransactionFormGroup { id: group3 //% "Connect username with your pubkey" headerText: qsTrId("connect-username-with-your-pubkey") //% "Sign with password" footerText: qsTrId("sign-with-password") TransactionPreview { id: pvwTransaction width: stack.width fromAccount: selectFromAccount.selectedAccount gas: { "value": gasSelector.selectedGasEthValue, "symbol": "ETH", "fiatValue": gasSelector.selectedGasFiatValue } toAccount: selectRecipient.selectedRecipient asset: root.asset currency: walletModel.defaultCurrency amount: { const fiatValue = walletModel.getFiatValue(0, root.asset.symbol, currency) return { "value": 0, "fiatValue": fiatValue } } reset: function() { fromAccount = Qt.binding(function() { return selectFromAccount.selectedAccount }) toAccount = Qt.binding(function() { return selectRecipient.selectedRecipient }) asset = Qt.binding(function() { return root.asset }) amount = Qt.binding(function() { return { "value": 0, "fiatValue": walletModel.getFiatValue(0, root.asset.symbol, currency) } }) gas = Qt.binding(function() { return { "value": gasSelector.selectedGasEthValue, "symbol": "ETH", "fiatValue": gasSelector.selectedGasFiatValue } }) } } } TransactionFormGroup { id: group4 //% "Connect username with your pubkey" headerText: qsTrId("connect-username-with-your-pubkey") //% "Sign with password" footerText: qsTrId("sign-with-password") TransactionSigner { id: transactionSigner width: stack.width signingPhrase: walletModel.signingPhrase reset: function() { signingPhrase = Qt.binding(function() { return walletModel.signingPhrase }) } } } } footer: Item { anchors.left: parent.left anchors.right: parent.right StyledButton { id: btnNext anchors.right: parent.right //% "Next" label: qsTrId("next") disabled: !stack.currentGroup.isValid onClicked: { const validity = stack.currentGroup.validate() if (validity.isValid && !validity.isPending) { if (stack.isLastGroup) { return root.sendTransaction() } } } } } } /*##^## Designer { D{i:0;autoSize:true;height:480;width:640} } ##^##*/