import time from collections import namedtuple import allure import driver.mouse from gui.components.base_popup import BasePopup from gui.elements.button import Button from gui.elements.object import QObject from gui.elements.slider import Slider from gui.objects_map import names shift_image = namedtuple('Shift', ['left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom']) class PictureEditPopup(BasePopup): def __init__(self): super(PictureEditPopup, self).__init__() self._zoom_slider = Slider(names.o_StatusSlider) self._view = QObject(names.cropSpaceItem_Item) self._make_picture_button = Button(names.make_picture_StatusButton) self._slider_handler = QObject(names.o_DropShadow) @allure.step('Set zoom shift for picture and make picture') def set_zoom_shift_for_picture( self, zoom: int = None, shift: shift_image = None ): if zoom is not None: self._zoom_slider.value = zoom # The slider changed value, but image updates only after click on slider time.sleep(1) if shift is not None: if shift.left: driver.mouse.press_and_move(self._view.object, 1, 1, shift.left, 1) time.sleep(1) if shift.right: driver.mouse.press_and_move( self._view.object, self._view.width, 1, self._view.width - shift.right, 1) time.sleep(1) if driver.mouse.press_and_move(self._view.object, 1, 1, 1,, step=1) time.sleep(1) if shift.bottom: driver.mouse.press_and_move( self._view.object, 1, self._view.height, 1, self._view.height - shift.bottom, step=1) time.sleep(1) self.make_picture() @allure.step('Make picture') def make_picture(self, attempts: int = 2): try: self._make_picture_button.wait_until_hidden() except AssertionError as err: if attempts: self.make_picture(attempts - 1) else: raise err