import QtQuick 2.13 import QtQuick.Controls 2.13 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.13 import "../../../../imports" import "../../../../shared" import "../../../../shared/status" ModalPopup { id: popup //% "Network" title: qsTrId("network") property string newNetwork: ""; ScrollView { id: svNetworks width: parent.width height: 300 clip: true ScrollBar.horizontal.policy: ScrollBar.AlwaysOff ScrollBar.vertical.policy: ScrollBar.AlwaysOn Column { id: column spacing: Style.current.padding width: parent.width ButtonGroup { id: networkSettings } Item { id: addNetwork width: parent.width height: addButton.height StatusRoundButton { id: addButton "plusSign" size: "medium" type: "secondary" anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter } StyledText { id: usernameText //% "Add network" text: qsTrId("add-network") color: anchors.left: addButton.right anchors.leftMargin: Style.current.padding anchors.verticalCenter: addButton.verticalCenter font.pixelSize: 15 } MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent cursorShape: Qt.PointingHandCursor onClicked: } ModalPopup { id: addNetworkPopup //% "Add network" title: qsTrId("add-network") height: 650 property string nameValidationError: "" property string rpcValidationError: "" property string networkValidationError: "" property int networkId: 1; property string networkType: Constants.networkMainnet function validate() { nameValidationError = "" rpcValidationError = "" networkValidationError = ""; if (nameInput.text === "") { //% "You need to enter a name" nameValidationError = qsTrId("you-need-to-enter-a-name") } if (rpcInput.text === "") { //% "You need to enter the RPC endpoint URL" rpcValidationError = qsTrId("you-need-to-enter-the-rpc-endpoint-url") } else if(!Utils.isURL(rpcInput.text)) { //% "Invalid URL" rpcValidationError = qsTrId("invalid-url") } if (customRadioBtn.checked) { if (networkInput.text === "") { //% "You need to enter the network id" networkValidationError = qsTrId("you-need-to-enter-the-network-id") } else if (isNaN(networkInput.text)){ //% "Should be a number" networkValidationError = qsTrId("should-be-a-number"); } else if (parseInt(networkInput.text, 10) <= 4){ //% "Invalid network id" networkValidationError = qsTrId("invalid-network-id"); } } return !nameValidationError && !rpcValidationError && !networkValidationError } onOpened: { nameInput.text = ""; rpcInput.text = ""; networkInput.text = ""; mainnetRadioBtn.checked = true; addNetworkPopup.networkId = 1; addNetworkPopup.networkType = Constants.networkMainnet; nameValidationError = ""; rpcValidationError = ""; networkValidationError = ""; } footer: StatusButton { anchors.right: parent.right anchors.rightMargin: Style.current.smallPadding //% "Save" text: qsTrId("save") anchors.bottom: parent.bottom enabled: nameInput.text !== "" && rpcInput.text !== "" onClicked: { if (!addNetworkPopup.validate()) { return; } if (customRadioBtn.checked){ addNetworkPopup.networkId = parseInt(networkInput.text, 10); }, rpcInput.text, addNetworkPopup.networkId, addNetworkPopup.networkType); addNetworkPopup.close() } } Input { id: nameInput //% "Name" label: qsTrId("name") //% "Specify a name" placeholderText: qsTrId("specify-name") validationError: addNetworkPopup.nameValidationError } Input { id: rpcInput //% "RPC URL" label: qsTrId("rpc-url") //% "Specify a RPC URL" placeholderText: qsTrId("specify-rpc-url") validationError: addNetworkPopup.rpcValidationError nameInput.bottom anchors.topMargin: Style.current.bigPadding } StatusSectionHeadline { id: networkChainHeadline //% "Network chain" text: qsTrId("network-chain") rpcInput.bottom anchors.topMargin: Style.current.bigPadding } Column { spacing: Style.current.padding networkChainHeadline.bottom anchors.topMargin: Style.current.smallPadding anchors.left: parent.left anchors.right: parent.right anchors.rightMargin: Style.current.padding anchors.leftMargin: Style.current.padding ButtonGroup { id: networkChainGroup } StatusRadioButtonRow { id: mainnetRadioBtn text: qsTr("Main network") buttonGroup: networkChainGroup checked: true onRadioCheckedChanged: { if (checked) { addNetworkPopup.networkId = 1; addNetworkPopup.networkType = Constants.networkMainnet; } } } StatusRadioButtonRow { text: qsTr("Ropsten test network") buttonGroup: networkChainGroup onRadioCheckedChanged: { if (checked) { addNetworkPopup.networkId = 3; addNetworkPopup.networkType = Constants.networkRopsten; } } } StatusRadioButtonRow { text: qsTr("Rinkeby test network") buttonGroup: networkChainGroup onRadioCheckedChanged: { if (checked) { addNetworkPopup.networkId = 4; addNetworkPopup.networkType = Constants.networkRinkeby; } } } StatusRadioButtonRow { id: customRadioBtn text: qsTr("Custom") buttonGroup: networkChainGroup onRadioCheckedChanged: { if (checked) { addNetworkPopup.networkType = ""; } } } Input { id: networkInput visible: customRadioBtn.checked //% "Network Id" label: qsTrId("network-id") //% "Specify the network id" placeholderText: qsTrId("specify-the-network-id") validationError: addNetworkPopup.networkValidationError } } } } Column { spacing: Style.current.smallPadding anchors.left: parent.left anchors.right: parent.right anchors.leftMargin: Style.current.padding anchors.rightMargin: Style.current.padding StatusSectionHeadline { //% "Main networks" text: qsTrId("main-networks") } NetworkRadioSelector { network: Constants.networkMainnet } NetworkRadioSelector { network: Constants.networkPOA } NetworkRadioSelector { network: Constants.networkXDai } StatusSectionHeadline { //% "Test networks" text: qsTrId("test-networks") anchors.leftMargin: -Style.current.padding anchors.rightMargin: -Style.current.padding } NetworkRadioSelector { network: Constants.networkGoerli } NetworkRadioSelector { network: Constants.networkRinkeby } NetworkRadioSelector { network: Constants.networkRopsten } StatusSectionHeadline { //% "Custom Networks" text: qsTrId("custom-networks") anchors.leftMargin: -Style.current.padding anchors.rightMargin: -Style.current.padding } Repeater { model: delegate: NetworkRadioSelector { networkName: name network: customNetworkId } } } } } StyledText { svNetworks.bottom anchors.topMargin: Style.current.padding //% "Under development\nNOTE: You will be logged out and all installed\nsticker packs will be removed and will\nneed to be reinstalled. Purchased sticker\npacks will not need to be re-purchased." text: qsTrId("under-development-nnote--you-will-be-logged-out-and-all-installed-nsticker-packs-will-be-removed-and-will-nneed-to-be-reinstalled--purchased-sticker-npacks-will-not-need-to-be-re-purchased-") } }