import QtQuick 2.14 import QtQuick.Controls 2.13 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.14 import QtGraphicalEffects 1.13 import utils 1.0 import shared.panels 1.0 import StatusQ.Core 0.1 import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1 /*! /brief Image icon and upload text hints for banner and logo */ Control { id: root /*! \qmlproperty alias NoImageUploadedPanel::uploadText. This property holds the main image upload text value. */ property alias uploadText: uploadText.text /*! \qmlproperty alias NoImageUploadedPanel::additionalText. This property holds an additional text value. */ property alias additionalText: additionalText.text /*! \qmlproperty alias NoImageUploadedPanel::showAdditionalInfo. This property holds if the additional text is shown or not. */ property alias showAdditionalInfo: additionalText.visible /*! \qmlproperty alias NoImageUploadedPanel::additionalTextPixelSize. This property holds the additional text font pixel size value. */ property alias additionalTextPixelSize: additionalText.font.pixelSize /*! \qmlproperty color NoImageUploadedPanel::uploadTextColor. This property sets the upload text color. */ property color uploadTextColor: Theme.palette.baseColor1 /*! \qmlproperty color NoImageUploadedPanel::imgColor. This property sets the image color. */ property color imgColor: Theme.palette.baseColor1 /*! \qmlproperty alias NoImageUploadedPanel::contentSpacing. This property sets the content spacing. */ property alias contentSpacing: content.spacing /*! \qmlproperty alias NoImageUploadedPanel::iconWidth. This property sets the content icon width. */ property alias iconWidth: imageImg.width /*! \qmlproperty alias NoImageUploadedPanel::iconHeight. This property sets the content icon height. */ property alias iconHeight: imageImg.height QtObject { id: d readonly property int imageSelectorPadding: 75 } contentItem: ColumnLayout { id: content Image { id: imageImg source: Style.svg("images_icon") width: 20 height: 18 sourceSize.width: width || undefined sourceSize.height: height || undefined fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignHCenter layer.enabled: !Qt.colorEqual(root.imgColor, Theme.palette.baseColor1) layer.effect: ColorOverlay { color: root.imgColor } } StatusBaseText { id: uploadText text: qsTr("Upload") Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignHCenter Layout.preferredWidth: root.width - 2 * d.imageSelectorPadding font.pixelSize: Theme.primaryTextFontSize color: root.uploadTextColor wrapMode: Text.WordWrap lineHeight: 1.2 horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter } StatusBaseText { id: additionalText text: qsTr("Wide aspect ratio is optimal") Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignHCenter visible: false font.pixelSize: Theme.primaryTextFontSize color: Theme.palette.baseColor1 } } }