import QtQuick 2.15 import AppLayouts.Wallet.popups.swap 1.0 import AppLayouts.stores 1.0 as AppLayoutStores import AppLayouts.Wallet.stores 1.0 as WalletStores import shared.stores 1.0 import utils 1.0 QtObject { id: root required property var popupParent required property CurrenciesStore currencyStore required property AppLayoutStores.RootStore rootStore required property WalletStores.WalletAssetsStore walletAssetsStore required property NetworksStore networksStore Component.onCompleted: { // TODO update opening logic to be similar to send Global.openSwapModalRequested.connect(openSendModal) } function openSendModal(params = {}, callback = null) { d.swapInputParams = params let swapModalInst = swapModalComponent.createObject(popupParent) if (callback) callback(swapModalInst) } readonly property QtObject _d: QtObject { id: d function addMetricsEvent(subEvent) { Global.addCentralizedMetricIfEnabled("swap", {subEvent: subEvent}) } readonly property WalletStores.SwapStore swapStore: WalletStores.SwapStore { onTransactionSent: (returnedUuid, chainId, approvalTx, txHash, error) => { if(returnedUuid !== d.lastUuid || approvalTx) { return } if (!!error) { d.addMetricsEvent("transaction error") } else { d.addMetricsEvent("transaction successful") } } } property string lastUuid property var swapInputParams } readonly property Component swapModalComponent: Component { SwapModal { swapAdaptor: SwapModalAdaptor { swapStore: d.swapStore walletAssetsStore: root.walletAssetsStore currencyStore: root.currencyStore networksStore: root.networksStore swapFormData: d.swapInputParams swapOutputData: SwapOutputData{} onUuidChanged: { if (!!uuid) d.lastUuid = uuid } } swapInputParamsForm: d.swapInputParams loginType: root.rootStore.loginType onAddMetricsEvent: (subEvent) => d.addMetricsEvent(subEvent) onClosed: { destroy() swapInputParamsForm.resetFormData() } } } }