#****************************************************************************** # Status.im #*****************************************************************************/ #/** # * \file test.feature # * # * \test Status Desktop - Community Member Flows # * \date August 2022 # ** # *****************************************************************************/ Feature: Status Desktop community members As a user I want to interact with members in a community Background: Given the user starts the application with a specific data folder "../../../fixtures/mutual_contacts" When the user "tester123" logs in with password "TesTEr16843/!@00" Then the user lands on the signed in app Given the user opens the community portal section And the user lands on the community portal section And the user creates a community named "test_community", with description "Community description", intro "community intro" and outro "commmunity outro" Then the user lands on the community named "test_community" Scenario: User invites a mutual contact When the admin invites the user named Athletic to the community with message You are invited to my community And the user opens the chat section And the user switches to "Athletic" chat Then the last chat message contains "You are invited to my community"