import QtQuick 2.13 import QtQuick.Controls 2.13 import QtQml.Models 2.13 import QtGraphicalEffects 1.13 import StatusQ.Core 0.1 import StatusQ.Controls 0.1 import shared 1.0 import shared.popups 1.0 import 1.0 import utils 1.0 import "../views" import "../panels" Popup { id: root enum ActivityCategory { All, Admin, Mentions, Replies, ContactRequests, IdentityVerification, Transactions, Membership, System } property int currentActivityCategory: ActivityCenterPopup.ActivityCategory.All property bool hasMentions: false property bool hasReplies: false // property bool hasContactRequests: false property bool hideReadNotifications: false property var store property var chatSectionModule property var messageContextMenu: MessageContextMenuView { store: reactionModel: } readonly property int unreadNotificationsCount : modal: false closePolicy: Popup.CloseOnEscape | Popup.CloseOnPressOutside parent: Overlay.overlay dim: true Overlay.modeless: MouseArea { onClicked: activityCenter.close() } width: 560 background: Rectangle { color: Style.current.background radius: Style.current.radius layer.enabled: true layer.effect: DropShadow { verticalOffset: 3 radius: Style.current.radius samples: 15 fast: true cached: true color: Style.current.dropShadow } } x: Global.applicationWindow.width - root.width - Style.current.halfPadding onOpened: { Global.popupOpened = true } onClosed: { Global.popupOpened = false } padding: 0 ActivityCenterPopupTopBarPanel { id: activityCenterTopBar width: parent.width hasReplies: root.hasReplies hasMentions: root.hasMentions hideReadNotifications: root.hideReadNotifications currentActivityCategory: root.currentActivityCategory onCategoryTriggered: { root.currentActivityCategory = category; } onMarkAllReadClicked: { errorText = } } StatusScrollView { id: scrollView anchors.left: parent.left anchors.right: parent.right activityCenterTopBar.bottom anchors.topMargin: 13 anchors.bottom: parent.bottom anchors.bottomMargin: Style.current.smallPadding width: parent.width ScrollBar.horizontal.policy: ScrollBar.AlwaysOff Column { id: notificationsContainer width: scrollView.availableWidth spacing: 0 // TODO remove this once it is handled by the activity center // Repeater { // id: contactList // model: // delegate: ContactRequest { // visible: !hideReadNotifications && // (root.currentActivityCategory === ActivityCenter.ActivityCategory.All || // root.currentActivityCategory === ActivityCenter.ActivityCategory.ContactRequests) // name: Utils.removeStatusEns( // address: model.address // localNickname: model.localNickname // identicon: model.thumbnailImage || model.identicon // // TODO set to transparent bg if the notif is read // color: Utils.setColorAlpha(, 0.1) // radius: 0 // profileClick: function (showFooter, userName, fromAuthor, identicon, textParam, nickName) { // Global.openProfilePopup(fromAuthor) // } // onBlockContactActionTriggered: { // blockContactConfirmationDialog.contactName = name // blockContactConfirmationDialog.contactAddress = address // // } // } // } Repeater { model: notifDelegateList } DelegateModelGeneralized { id: notifDelegateList lessThan: [ function(left, right) { return left.timestamp > right.timestamp } ] model: delegate: Item { id: notificationDelegate width: parent.availableWidth height: ? childrenRect.height : 0 property int idx: DelegateModel.itemsIndex Component.onCompleted: { switch (model.notificationType) { case Constants.activityCenterNotificationTypeMention: if (!hasMentions) { hasMentions = true } break case Constants.activityCenterNotificationTypeReply: if (!hasReplies) { hasReplies = true } break } } Loader { property int previousNotificationIndex: { if (notificationDelegate.idx === 0) { return 0 } // This is used in order to have access to the previous message and determine the timestamp // we can't rely on the index because the sequence of messages is not ordered on the nim side if (notificationDelegate.idx < notifDelegateList.items.count - 1) { return notifDelegateList.items.get(notificationDelegate.idx - 1).model.index } return -1; } readonly property string previousNotificationTimestamp: notificationDelegate.idx === 0 ? "" :, "timestamp") onPreviousNotificationTimestampChanged: { = previousNotificationTimestamp; } id: notifLoader active: !!sourceComponent width: parent.width sourceComponent: { switch (model.notificationType) { case Constants.activityCenterNotificationTypeOneToOne: case Constants.activityCenterNotificationTypeMention: case Constants.activityCenterNotificationTypeReply: return messageNotificationComponent case Constants.activityCenterNotificationTypeGroupRequest: return groupRequestNotificationComponent default: return null } } onLoaded: { if (model.notificationType === Constants.activityCenterNotificationTypeReply || model.notificationType === Constants.activityCenterNotificationTypeGroupRequest) { item.previousNotificationIndex = Qt.binding(() => notifLoader.previousNotificationIndex); item.previousNotificationTimestamp = Qt.binding(() => notifLoader.previousNotificationTimestamp); } } } Component { id: messageNotificationComponent ActivityCenterMessageComponentView { id: activityCenterMessageView store: acCurrentActivityCategory: root.currentActivityCategory chatSectionModule: root.chatSectionModule messageContextMenu: root.messageContextMenu hideReadNotifications: root.hideReadNotifications Connections { target: root onOpened: activityCenterMessageView.reevaluateItemBadge() } onActivityCenterClose: { root.close(); } Component.onCompleted: { activityCenterMessageView.reevaluateItemBadge() } } } Component { id: groupRequestNotificationComponent ActivityCenterGroupRequest { store: hideReadNotifications: root.hideReadNotifications acCurrentActivityCategoryAll: root.currentActivityCategory === ActivityCenter.ActivityCategory.All } } } } Item { visible: width: parent.width height: visible ? showMoreBtn.height + showMoreBtn.anchors.topMargin : 0 StatusButton { id: showMoreBtn text: qsTr("Show more") anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter anchors.topMargin: Style.current.smallPadding onClicked: } } } } }