import NimQml import app/application/applicationView import app/chat/core as chat import app/wallet/core as wallet import app/node/core as node import state import status/core as status # import status/chat as status_chat import status/test as status_test import status/types proc mainProc() = # From QT docs: # For any GUI application using Qt, there is precisely one QApplication object, # no matter whether the application has 0, 1, 2 or more windows at any given time. # For non-QWidget based Qt applications, use QGuiApplication instead, as it does # not depend on the QtWidgets library. Use QCoreApplication for non GUI apps var app = newQApplication() defer: app.delete() # Defer will run this just before mainProc() function ends var engine = newQQmlApplicationEngine() defer: engine.delete() var appState = state.newAppState() echo appState.title status.init(appState) status_test.setupNewAccount() discard status_test.addPeer("enode://2c8de3cbb27a3d30cbb5b3e003bc722b126f5aef82e2052aaef032ca94e0c7ad219e533ba88c70585ebd802de206693255335b100307645ab5170e88620d2a81@") echo status.callPrivateRPC("{\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\", \"method\":\"wakuext_requestMessages\", \"params\":[{\"topics\": [\"0x7998f3c8\"]}], \"id\": 1}") let applicationView = newApplicationView(app) defer: applicationView.delete status.startMessenger() var wallet = wallet.newController() wallet.init() engine.setRootContextProperty("assetsModel", wallet.variant) var chat = chat.newController() chat.init() engine.setRootContextProperty("chatsModel", chat.variant) var node = node.newController() node.init() engine.setRootContextProperty("nodeModel", node.variant) engine.load("../ui/main.qml") appState.subscribe(proc () = # chatsModel.names = @[] for channel in appState.channels: echo # chatsModel.addNameTolist( chat.join( ) appState.addChannel("test") appState.addChannel("test2") # EXAMPLE: this will be triggered once a message is received appState.onSignal(SignalType.Message, proc(myMessage: string): void = echo "I received a message: ", myMessage ); # Handle signals as part of the state var signalWorker: Thread[AppState] signalWorker.createThread(proc(s:AppState) = s.processSignals, appState) defer: signalWorker.joinThread() # Qt main event loop is entered here # The termination of the loop will be performed when exit() or quit() is called app.exec() when isMainModule: mainProc() GC_fullcollect()