import QtQuick 2.15 import 1.0 import StatusQ.Core.Utils 0.1 QtObject { id: root readonly property bool isOwner: false property var mintingModuleInst: mintingModule ?? null property var permissionsModel: ListModel {} // Backend permissions list object model assignment. Please check the current expected data in qml defined in `createPermissions` method property var permissionConflict: QtObject { // Backend conflicts object model assignment. Now mocked data. property bool exists: false property string holdings: qsTr("1 ETH") property string permissions: qsTr("View and Post") property string channels: qsTr("#general") } // TODO: Replace to real data, now dummy model property var assetsModel: ListModel { Component.onCompleted: { append([ { key: "socks", iconSource: "qrc:imports/assets/png/tokens/SOCKS.png", name: "Unisocks", shortName: "SOCKS", category: TokenCategories.Category.Community }, { key: "zrx", iconSource: "qrc:imports/assets/png/tokens/ZRX.png", name: "Ox", shortName: "ZRX", category: TokenCategories.Category.Own }, { key: "1inch", iconSource: "qrc:imports/assets/png/tokens/CUSTOM-TOKEN.png", name: "1inch", shortName: "ZRX", category: TokenCategories.Category.Own }, { key: "Aave", iconSource: "qrc:imports/assets/png/tokens/CUSTOM-TOKEN.png", name: "Aave", shortName: "AAVE", category: TokenCategories.Category.Own }, { key: "Amp", iconSource: "qrc:imports/assets/png/tokens/CUSTOM-TOKEN.png", name: "Amp", shortName: "AMP", category: TokenCategories.Category.Own } ]) } } // TODO: Replace to real data, now dummy model property var collectiblesModel: ListModel { Component.onCompleted: { append([ { key: "Anniversary", iconSource: "qrc:imports/assets/png/collectibles/Anniversary.png", name: "Anniversary", category: TokenCategories.Category.Community }, { key: "CryptoKitties", iconSource: "qrc:imports/assets/png/collectibles/CryptoKitties.png", name: "CryptoKitties", category: TokenCategories.Category.Own, subItems: [ { key: "Kitty1", iconSource: "qrc:imports/assets/png/collectibles/Furbeard.png", imageSource: "qrc:imports/assets/png/collectibles/FurbeardBig.png", name: "Furbeard" }, { key: "Kitty2", iconSource: "qrc:imports/assets/png/collectibles/Magicat.png", imageSource: "qrc:imports/assets/png/collectibles/MagicatBig.png", name: "Magicat" }, { key: "Kitty3", iconSource: "qrc:imports/assets/png/collectibles/HappyMeow.png", imageSource: "qrc:imports/assets/png/collectibles/HappyMeowBig.png", name: "Happy Meow" }, { key: "Kitty4", iconSource: "qrc:imports/assets/png/collectibles/Furbeard.png", imageSource: "qrc:imports/assets/png/collectibles/FurbeardBig.png", name: "Furbeard-2" }, { key: "Kitty5", iconSource: "qrc:imports/assets/png/collectibles/Magicat.png", imageSource: "qrc:imports/assets/png/collectibles/MagicatBig.png", name: "Magicat-3" } ] }, { key: "SuperRare", iconSource: "qrc:imports/assets/png/collectibles/SuperRare.png", name: "SuperRare", category: TokenCategories.Category.Own }, { key: "Custom", iconSource: "qrc:imports/assets/png/collectibles/SNT.png", name: "Custom Collectible", category: TokenCategories.Category.General } ]) } } // TODO: Replace to real data, now dummy model property var channelsModel: ListModel { ListElement { key: "welcome"; iconSource: "qrc:imports/assets/png/tokens/CUSTOM-TOKEN.png"; name: "#welcome"} ListElement { key: "general"; iconSource: "qrc:imports/assets/png/tokens/CUSTOM-TOKEN.png"; name: "#general"} } readonly property QtObject _d: QtObject { id: d property int keyCounter: 0 function createPermissionEntry(holdings, permissionType, isPrivate, channels) { const permission = { holdingsListModel: holdings, channelsListModel: channels, permissionType, isPrivate } return permission } } function createPermission(holdings, permissionType, isPrivate, channels, index = null) { // TO BE REPLACED: It shold just be a call to the backend sharing // `holdings`, `permissions`, `channels` and `isPrivate` properties. const permissionEntry = d.createPermissionEntry( holdings, permissionType, isPrivate, channels) permissionEntry.key = "" + d.keyCounter++ root.permissionsModel.append(permissionEntry) } function editPermission(key, holdings, permissionType, channels, isPrivate) { // TO BE REPLACED: Call to backend const permissionEntry = d.createPermissionEntry( holdings, permissionType, isPrivate, channels) const index = ModelUtils.indexOf(root.permissionsModel, "key", key) root.permissionsModel.set(index, permissionEntry) } function removePermission(key) { const index = ModelUtils.indexOf(root.permissionsModel, "key", key) root.permissionsModel.remove(index) } // Minting tokens: property var mintTokensModel: mintingModuleInst ? mintingModuleInst.tokensModel : null function mintCollectible(address, name, symbol, description, supply, infiniteSupply, transferable, selfDestruct, network) { mintingModuleInst.mintCollectible(address, name, symbol, description, supply, infiniteSupply, transferable, selfDestruct, network) } }